TERRIFYING Drone Rescue at 120 Feet

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oh my god man usually i'm confident that they say how far up do i have to go say four levels uh [Applause] so keith here hey keith hey he was meeting me out here in nashville tennessee we were gonna film a completely different video today and while i was waiting for him to show up i was flying fpv i was doing great and then uh something happened and i crashed up on the on the roof of this thing now this is very tall and i've never climbed up there before but it looks like i might have to but before we do that can you send the trusty phantom up to do some good idea surveillance let's do some recon uh i hope it's on the lower roof and not the upper roof yeah okay it's not on this side could it have fallen off the roof and landed on the ground we didn't bother looking on the ground did we oh yeah maybe we should have done that take a look over there there it is you see it yep where is it that's you right there isn't it a little closer no that's a puddle scanning scanning won't be that far out okay there you are is the battery off of it there you are damn that's i'm so glad it's not near the edge i don't know how we're gonna get you there though this is gonna suck is that your battery that's your battery oh it's separate it's separated that's why there's your battery there's your claw keith uh give you a hundred dollars to climb up and get that what do you say ken's poor quad and there it shall stay unless i go get it i've always wanted to climb up this building but never had the motivation until today first part's easy it's actual stairs but then stairs give way to ladder keith i'm seeing a lot of wasps in here there's one or two i don't know if i can hang onto a ladder for me it's stunned thousands of times what other options do we have climb up or rig something on the phantom i know that's what a lot of people are going to say why don't you just put a coat hanger on the fan and try to fish it off why don't we do that found some copper wire believe it or not in this building that was no doubt stripped by the copper pirates if i mess your drone up i will give you one of mine you all heard that the plan is to put this on here somehow get up there and kind of drag it off the roof this won't mess up the compass wrapping it with copper will it me this is the first time that i've ever tried to rescue a drone on a roof with another drone thank goodness it's not my drone i would never do this with mine he's really building my confidence yeah oh yeah i'm gonna patent this thing what could go wrong all right let it hover for a minute see if it's stable looks pretty good huh come around in just a second there we go i don't want to see the screen anyway oh my god that's 120 feet i don't know if i could have climbed that i'm close it's like a really expensive arcade game yeah yeah yeah yeah i moved it i moved it okay even the train guy's excited right train guy see down back no my hands how are you doing turn the camera on you i'm i'm great getting good at this enough oh yeah nope i think i flipped it that time yep i did oh that's actually good that's actually a good thing all the drama how will it end ah i think the session's broken i think my session five is broken yeah get it i didn't see i'm inching it towards the edge it's so close so close so close so close so close you got it you got it oh yeah there it goes there it is yes oh that's a tough video game come here you lovely thing oh yes love the phantom [Music] hello lovely yeah the battery came off but unfortunately i killed another session five got a little bit of an antenna issue other than that hey we put another battery on it fly again this if you're curious is the skyliner by ladrib i have crashed this thing many many times and it is fine i did bend a few of the stands but replace that and it'll be straight again i lost a strap too i don't know how many of these rotor riot has in stock but i will put a link in the description and now the moment of truth [Music] do the second part here's a little helpful uh tip for you fpv guys i'm sure most of you know this but if your power connector doesn't make the six very well like it'll slip out slip out then you can tighten her up by taking your smallest hex tool and putting it inside here and just kind of giving it a whirly glurg like that to spread out the connectors a little bit see how the other one is smushed in and this one's spread out spread out and then it should fit nicely got video got motors all right now i'm just gonna do a quick flight just to prove that it lived after all that yeah yeah all right do a little fly i only have one strap so i'm not going to get fancy okay see if i can see my 22 sitting up there yeah there's the battery all right that's enough that's enough this thing is missing a couple screws it's a little bent but hey not much different than me well that's it from the nation silo in nashville tennessee not the video we intended to film today but always an adventure with ken and thank you phantom for being so awesome man this is such a utilitarian drone if we had accidentally brought the mini or the mavic or the air 2s or something couldn't have done it or an inspire or an inspire well we could have just blown this thing off the roof of the inspire anyway thank you keith thank you guys for watching i hope you got some entertainment out of that maybe some information until next time buh and bye before i go i wanted to let you guys know that i tried to get the sd card out of that destroyed hero session 5 for about 20 minutes because when my area and its power is disconnected you're not gonna record the crash so that's why i wanted to get the 4k footage off of the gopro well it hit the cement on the roof so hard that it tweaked the entire thing into a parallelogram instead of a square like it should be and that made it really difficult to get the sd card out without damaging it so i had to go in there and tear away the plastic and move things around and when i finally got it to pop out i was overjoyed [Music] unfortunately the computer wouldn't read it because there was a minute crack in the sd card and it just wasn't readable so i tried here's some barbed wire hey you know the history of barbed wire it was invented by a woman named barbara not really i'm lying [Music] you
Channel: Ken Heron
Views: 83,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rone rescue, drone to drone, TERRIFYING Drone Rescue at 120 Feet, ken heron, new BTS, drone crash, drone crashes, amazing drone, comedy, funny, hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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