Terri Clark Reveals How She Really Feels About Shania Twain

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I remember hearing Redneck Woman for the first time and I went oh she tried to park the thing in there the ass end of this truck is hanging right out in the middle of the road can you give me any Blake's stories from got a great early Blake yeah oh yeah oh early Blake mullet Blake my best Blake story was a CMA Fest then fanf fair at the fairgrounds and it's more of a a story that he should tell because it's pretty funny but he was getting out of a uh a car and getting into a golf cart to go sign and there were a bunch of fans behind him all they could see was behind him mullet and they're going Terry hey Terry I'm like this is really bad for me and really bad for him like seriously people saw me as like I look like a football player with a mullet what the hell man what is wrong with this that's hilar then he immediately cut his hair really that's you that's the reason he tells the story like that might be one of the reasons why he cut his hair wow that's I want to be mistaken for a chck man so that that one moment essentially changed country music cuz I mean the mullet when he lost the mullet was a big deal I I take it as a compliment he has a better ass than me um what about do you tour with Toby oh God yeah I did a the whole uh Throwdown tour in uh 200000 gosh what year was it 2003 I think 2004 and and we just had so much the reason I'm blanking is because we also drank a lot we uh Toby had some epic parties on his bus after shows and uh Brian o Connell are our promoter for those shows at the time who's still a very good friend uh would DJ with his computer he'd have all the tunes going and that bus was just up and wow rocking you know and uh uh Toby and I spent a lot of time together on that tour just hanging out after shows and and chewing the fat talking um I got advice from him uh we had some funny very funny moments we shared a few dips and a few whiskies and uh no I I absolutely love the man I appreciated his uh just his his sense of individuality and who he was and his authenticity and his songwriting I mean gosh you know there there are a lot of good singers out there and to Toby was a good singer and a great singer but uh not everybody can write a song like that that just appeals to the masses and he he like got into his audience's head and knew what they wanted to hear and I think he just wrote from his heart and when you do that we all have a heart we all can relate and I just I you know he's so missed and um it makes me really sad I'm not ever going to see him again in this lifetime but I think we'll all see each other again at some yeah that'll be a hell of a band yeah right he's already up there rocking no I know it um you were surrounded by a lot of there was it was a lot of guys in country music then now there's a lot of women and a lot of camaraderie within the women were there was there any camaraderie with the women that were around when you were I think there was camaraderie but it I think it it felt almost like I'm sure there's competitiveness going on today it with a new you know a sense of of competing with yourself more than anything but I I find there's because there was such a stale point at radio for women in country music for a long time there there and it's still not even by any sense I think there's a more of a we got to stick togetherness now than there was in the 90s when everybody was getting airpl I mean all the women who were making great records were getting airpl and and uh there just doesn't seem to be as much room for every woman now and for whatever reason I think that has actually brought brought everybody closer together like I sense I sense a real Sisterhood of women supporting women now that um not that we didn't have that then but it feels much stronger now well was there anyone that looking back on your career was there anyone that you were like man I was I was too overly competitive I I know you mentioned the Blake Shelton Austin thing but like uh female wise was there anyone that you were like I was just too overly competitive with Shania and I shouldn't have done that are we allowed to swear on this show yeah go ahead oh yeah no I it you know shenai and I were so it was apples and oranges we were on the same label if anything she probably helped my career because they were probably a able to leverage her to help me get some stuff but um shenai shenai was Canadian she was on the same label um the the place where I felt her the most was probably at a Canadian award shows okay I was like oh my god of course she's got to be Canadian and Paul Brandt comes up to me when dayny goes I'm so sorry Terry it's like if G Brooks were Canadian I'd screwed so I'm like yeah I know i' I'm I'm going up up against the 800 lb gorilla who happens to be Canadian but no I'm so proud of her success and and she's just she's on another Stratosphere she's like a Taylor Swift type of Fame you know you can't compare with that um but yeah I to be really honest it was like I kind of felt like I was just doing my own thing for the longest time we all compete for for radio AirPlay at that time you know we all competing I just worked so much I I I think my age in it William Morris told me one time he said you you are probably the hardest working girl on our roster and they have a big roster and I worked a lot of dates for a lot of years I opened a lot of Tours I was definitely the opening act for a lot of really great tours which helped me get in front of big audiences and home you know entertaining people but I remember hearing Redneck Woman for the first time and I went oh here we go that one kind of got me a little bit I'm like damn Dam it yeah yeah a what a hit though I love Gretch really happy for her but yeah that was that was kind of a woo wow I better strap on my seat Bel here she comes interesting you also work with Laney do you see like a young Terry Clark and Laney like she's she's just her own person and and absolutely like she she's you know when I when I came out in 1995 I looked at all the women and what they were doing and I just did something completely else different I'm like I'm going to do what I see what everybody's doing right now so I'm G I'm going to do the opposite and the guys were all wearing cowboy hats and starch Wranglers and I was comfortable in that just being from Alberta and selling Western apparel for a living and Lany you know grew up farming and ranching and all of that stuff I didn't but uh I love I love that she's just created her own brand and image from the get-go and uh you know I I see a lot of women wearing cowboy hats now so you know if I was coming out now I probably wouldn't just because everybody else okay well it's interesting cuz that's what she said she thinks uh is part of her success is that she just did exactly what you said she studied what all the women were doing and then did the opposite yeah yeah and Bell Bottom's uh you know she's got a couple things going on she doesn't wear you know the same hat all the time it's not always like a Cattleman's crease cowboy hat or Texas style hat but she definitely uh has her own thing going on and is so successful and I got to tell you when she pulled up to do this session she showed up without a manager without an Entourage she pulled up in the biggest highest pickup truck I've ever seen and she tried to park the thing in there the ass end of this truck is hanging right out in the middle of the road we're directing her to get as close as possible to the to the curb she needed a ladder to get out of the thing but she she was she was so genuinely sweet just pulled up by herself all right let's go to work wow and uh yeah I I just knew she was the real deal right off the bat [Music]
Channel: Taste of Country
Views: 167,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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