Terrence Howard's Love Life is a Hot STANKIN' Mess — STD Tea 👀 (New Adlibs + Karaoke)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back in March 2020 we posted a video about Terrence Howard's love life to our surprise the video went viral and has now surpassed 1.5 million views on YouTube thank you besties SK since the video was created with our classier format we decided to give it a little update complete with Messy ad libs and karaoke sessions to go right along with this Tom fool uh-oh girl let me get ready of course if you prefer our previous format then you're more than welcome to watch the old video which we've Linked In Our description box but for the rest of y'all are you ready to jump into this hot stanking mess we cardi B forgive offset do chitling stank hell yeah I'm ready well before we jump into it don't forget to head on over to rrg snacks.com our online concession stand that has an assortment of beef and bacon jerky blue raspberry licorish rrg coffee mugs and butter toffee peanuts me some of them peanuts girl to understand his views on relationships we have to take you all the way back to 1968 16-year-old Anita Howard found out she was expecting her second child with her husband 18-year-old Tyrone Howard Anita decided she wasn't ready for another baby so her brother agreed to take her to an abortion clinic they stopped at a red light and Anita had a change of heart she told her brother no this would not be happening if he wasn't meant to be here she gave birth to Terrence Deshawn Howard on March 11th 1969 in Chicago a damn Pisces I knew it I knew it he told Rolling Stone magazine that his skin was so yellow when he was born yellow bone that's what he won't doctors thought he had jaundice so they took him to a dark room and left him there for 3 Days Terrence believes that this is where things went wrong for him he said no contact with Mom inside an incubator inside a dark room room the first 3 days of my life the hell he talking about there's a 0% chance Terence even remembers being in an incubator after he was born but anyway moving right along in 1971 2-year-old Terence and his family were at a department store to see Santa Claus a 36-year-old man named Jack Fitzpatrick was also there with his four children and his pregnant wife according to page six an argument broke out between terrence's dad and the other man about who was next in line the New York Times wrote in a 1971 article Mr Howard began to curse using the obscenities that are part of the language of the ghetto the ghetto words still inexcusable to an older man with his children and the white told the black not to use such language before the children terence's mom told investigators he tried to kill my husband he kicked my husband several times in the gro he had murder in his eyes terence's dad who was 21 at the time was accused of stabbing the man ultimately taking his life the man's body fluids were left splattered on terrence's jacket according to the New York Times the weapon was never found terence's parents were arrested but his mom was later released and his dad was charged with second deegree murder he insisted he acted in self-defense and was ultimately found guilty of manslaughter he spent 11 months behind bars NPR revealed the Howard family fell into poverty after his dad was locked up and when he returned home teren said his dad was a completely different person his dad began telling him the importance of standing up for himself his dad used to tell him never take the vertebrae out of your back or the base out of your throat I ain't raising sheep I raised men stay a man his parents got divorced and his mom moved to LA to try to make it as an actress Terence split his time between LA with his mom and in Cleveland with his dad now looking back at the formative years of his life there's a lot to unpack Terrence was born to teenage parents he witnessed his dad take another man's life wife his dad was sent to prison his dad completely changed once he returned home and his parents got divorced someone call a psychiatrist expeditiously he told the New York Times his dad and uncles were pimps and he learned a lot from them he said they taught me to open women up but I leave scars huh he later clarified to El magazine that they were quote pimps in the figurative since he said the men in his family also taught him the most important advice Whoever has the least interest in the relationship holds all the power I know that's right in an interview with rolling stone Teran said that in school he was teased for his skin color and for being a pretty boy and things at home weren't any better according to the New York Times he emancipated himself from his family at the age of 16 2 years later he moved to New York and landed a role on The Cosby Show Terrence told the New York Times ion the casting lady to let me audition and she gave me the part but they cut me out of the show I was angry that's what he he didn't have to con women in the dating World though however some people believe his superiority complex ruined his chances of having a healthy relationship an anonymous source told the New York Post he thinks he is truly God's gift to women and he expects subservience how about you expect this foot up your ass Terence how about that at the age of 21 he married a woman named Lori mcus they had three children and in 1995 they moved to Los Angeles so Terrence could land more acting gigs eventually they separated because Terrence was having a hard time keeping his yellow dangl Lang in his pants he told Rolling Stone he went to see a therapist and was eventually diagnosed with intimacy addiction child please if you a cheater just say you a cheater if you a hoe say you a hoe H oh as his marriage fell apart he told the New York Times he was ready to quit the entertainment business and even contemplated ending his life the one thing that saved him was when he landed his breakout role in the 1999 film The Best Man girl let me add that to my holiday playlist that's a good ass movie girl his career was finally headed in the right direction but his marriage to Lori was a hot stanking nightmare in 2001 she hung up on him during a heated telephone conversation in response Terrence went to her house broke the front door ran through the screen door grabbed her arm and reportedly hit her in the face twice he sound crazy as hell he and Lori divorced in 2003 they got married in 2005 five only to divorce again in 2007 after Lori said I got to put me first Lucius she reconnected with her high school sweetheart and left Terrence in the dust bye ashy Terren was back on the market perhaps he wasn't looking for love but he was open to meeting new people he told Essence magazine he tried to spit game to Hal Barry and Gabrielle Union but neither of them called him back they probably saw the red flags for the ladies who gave him the time of day teren had some very strict requirements he told El magazine he liked women who looked like him and shared his physical features now say what now girl I'm confused so this ninja in love with himself he also claimed that intimacy had been detrimental to him in the past so he was abstaining from all boot knocking activities he said his new rule allowed him to date three or four women at a time without getting too attached however some of the women would push him to take things further he said afterward I would feel clean like I'd compromised my own values ninja what values got no damn values another strict requirement had to do with personal hygiene he told El magazine he expected to see baby wipes in every woman's bathroom he added and if she doesn't make the adjustment to baby wipes I'll know she's not completely clean ninja like we know you not completely sane okay his dating life had to take a backseat in 2008 when his mom was diagnosed with colon cancer she passed away that same year at the age of 56 and he told the entertainment industry Foundation you never really know how important somebody is until they're not there anymore on an unknown date Terrence began dating a woman named Michelle gent the New York daily news reported that in 2009 he told Michelle he wanted to end his life and he pretended to swallow a handful of Val Trex a medication used to treat herpes now say what teren recall the event and said he only did it because he wanted to break up with Michelle okay but we going to circle back around to the prescription or no we ain't going to talk about it okay girl nonetheless they eventually got engaged Terrence admitted he cheated on her with multiple women throughout their engagement because he didn't think he and Michelle were compatible in the bedroom does that make him crazy does that make him crazy does that make him crazy posibly this ninja deep down inside Terrence wanted to become a better man did he know according to the New York daily news he was a Jehovah's Witness at the time and being monogamous and applying the principles of the Bible were extremely important to him so he and Michelle secretly got married in January 2010 Michelle said A week after tying the knot Terrence laid hands on her this ninja but that's not all Terrence later admitted he and Michelle experimented with different substances because being under the influence was the only time they were ever happy a year after they got married they separated and in February 2011 she filed for divorce Michelle threatened to leak damaging info about Terren to the public in response the Chicago Tribune reported that Terrence paid her $40,000 in hush money in addition to espousal support settlement L this is Ming in December 2011 E news reported that Michelle was granted a restraining order after she claimed Terrence threatened to take her life Weeks Later Terrence filed a restraining order of his own claiming Michelle didn't like black people and he accused her of still trying to extort him with the juicy information she was in possession of how much information did Michelle have well like 21 Savage said a lot according to People magazine Michelle had phone recordings of Terren having naughty conversations with other women she also had text messages and emails from Terren that exposed his alleged substance issue infidelity their three-way action and a video of him dancing in his birthday suit don't nobody want to see that mess the final bombshell was teren admitting he paid Michelle the $40,000 in hush money to keep her from exposing his herpes diagnosis to the public look like she owe him a refund in when Michelle's lawyer asked Terrence if he gave Michelle the STD Terrence answered yes I did or or she gave it to me well which one is it Terrence a judge later ruled in terrence's favor and reversed the divorce settlement Michelle kept him in and out of court for years and in a later hearing the actor was ordered to pay her $1.3 million in past du spousal support got him he and Michelle attempted to reconcile in July 2013 by taking a trip to Costa Rica but while there Terence allegedly put his hands on her inside their vacation home Michelle pepper sprayed him in defense I know that's right girl she was ready for his black ass this time and Upon returning to Los Angeles she was granted yet another restraining order toxic as hell Terence was back on the prow after appearing in the 2013 movie The Butler he discussed his love scene with his co-star Oprah Winfrey by saying to be able to make out with Oprah to have to have love scenes with her and those tickle Bitties I mean um in late 2013 he went to an LA restaurant and spotted a woman having lunch with a man Terrence walked up to the man and said I don't know if she's your wife or girlfriend but she's absolutely stunning the woman was Miranda pack and the man was her old boss Miranda told Terrence he was very bold to approach them and Terrence responded well only a tiger can approach a tiger what in the jungle fever according to Rolling Stone they got married 3 weeks later this going to be m ain't it he must have a dangle of [Music] [Laughter] gold unfortunately for Miranda Terrence was still stuck in the past the New York daily news reported he was still in contact with his ex-wife Michelle gent the lady that had the restraining order against and he told Michelle he was ready to dump Miranda if Michelle would take him back this ninja in mid 2014 he and Miranda separated and she filed for a divorce in 2015 citing irreconcilable differences they kissed and made up around the time Terrence landed his role on the show Empire secure the bag girl secure the bag in June 2015 he and Miranda welcomed their first son Miranda told Rolling Stone they had an amazing connection but she knew Terren wasn't perfect she said he didn't cook didn't do dishes and he didn't lift a finger around the house honey that's a child not a husband she called him selfish before jokingly saying I probably leave him 30 times a month make it 31 girl if that didn't raise enough eyebrows Miranda said that after 2 years of marriage they had only gone out to restaurants about two or three times I know you mother lying they never went grocery shopping together never went to the movies and she never even received a gift from him oh hell no in addition she said teren spent all of his free time creating plastic shapes and three Di dimensional building blocks tied together by a copper wire oh yeah that's right he trying to open the flower to life y'all remember that Terrence confirmed they worked on the pieces together for about 17 hours every day girl if you don't get your ass about that marriage even though he was making a decent paycheck on Empire he told Rolling Stone his checks were garnished by his ex-wife Michelle to cover her spousal support payments Terrence revealed Miranda was the one paying the rent on their Chicago apartment but they had plans to buy a house in the San Fernando Valley after he got his spousal support situation squared away mhm like they say they going to pay you back when they tax return come in now this is what happens when securing the bag goes terribly wrong according to People magazine he and Miranda quietly divorced in July 2015 good for you Miranda however the friendly ex's walked the red carpet at the Emy just 2 months after the divorce was finalized oh hell no baby Miranda decided to spend a block and got pregnant with their second son who was born in August 2016 making Terren a father of five and then in December 2018 Terren repr proposed to her with a s karat diamond engagement ring and she said yes girl take that diamond and run honey this will be the second time Terrence has remarried an ex-wife we're unsure if they've taken their second walk down the aisle as of this video if after listening to this hot stanking mess you think Terrence might be a little cray cray he would probably agree with you he told Rolling Stone the sooner people declare me insane the sooner I'll be free okay ninja your wish is I command if you enjoyed this video let us know your thoughts down below and thanks for watching rrg
Channel: RRG
Views: 169,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: realrealitygossip, real reality gossip, rrg, Terrence Howard, Lori McCommas, Michelle Ghent, Anita Howard, Anita Williams, Tyrone Howard, Miranda Pak, Terrence Howard’s wife, Terrence Howard’s ex-wife, Terrence Howard’s ex-girlfriend, Terrence Howard divorce, Terrence Howard’s wedding, Empire, Hustle and Flow
Id: T-KBnP4y824
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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