The MESSY Life of Pastor Creflo Dollar

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah glory to God I'm trying to get myself together here cuz God been good to me you understand after launching our mega church messiness series several besties asked us to look into the life of Pastor crlo dollar who and well whenever our besties want something we do our best to make it happen love y'all after doing extensive research we understand why he was highly requested Pastor doar has been at the center of several controversies love this is going to be messy ain't it what's Pastor Dollar's Prosperity Gospel really all about what is it all about it's about feeding him it's about him eating I'm going to tell you whatever I need to tell you to get you to put money in my pocket try and distort Jesus to try to justify your new jet plane or your new Rolls Royers is to me an abomination before the holier than thou crew tells us we're going to hell for discussing this man of God we got to give y'all a little reminder my snacks are awesome fill me up when I'm hungry these goodies taste so yumy forever they be buing now turn to your neighbor and say neighbor scoop me up something to munch on at R RG our online concession stand that has tons of five-star goodies like beef and bacon jerky sour peach rings and butter toffee peanuts for you to enjoy while watching our videos oo honey I love me some Sour peach rings I put them in my margarita mhm yes girl all that tequila get sopped up get sopped up in them sour peach rings y'all need to try it C Augustus Dollar Jr Augustus was born on January 28th 1962 an aquarius I know it girl his dad Klo senior worked as a policeman and his mom Emma was a school cafeteria worker he was born and raised in College Park Georgia and attended West Georgia College he had dreams of becoming a professional football player but he got injured while healing from his injury he led Bible studies among his fellow students words spread around campus about the skill SK and charismatic leader and one day a girl named Taffy Bolton decided to attend one of his Bible studies Taffy had spent the majority of her teenage years popping pills drinking liquor and fornicating bust down thaana bust down but once she enrolled in college she decided to change her life she threw away her freom dress and started wearing modest clothing in her free time she devoted every minute to reading the Bible in her book which we've Linked In the description box Taffy stated that that she took one look at cffo and thought to herself I want to marry a man like that one day she had a boyfriend and cffo had a girlfriend so they started out as friends about a year later they were both single and they started dating cffo started hinting that he wanted to get married but Taffy told him that wasn't about to happen because he still lived at home with his mama oh yes son I'm talking to you after 2 years of dating crlo got his act together and they got married he worked as an education therapist at a mental health hospital and Taffy worked at a FedEx call center they lived in a small apartment in Riverdale Georgia with cr's white son Gregory wait a minute hold up now pump the brakes you just going to slide that in and not explain I'mma explain girl Gregory Campbell was out of control hurting and had been mistreated for most of his young life according to Christian Post website he drifted toward a life of substances as he battled depression and thoughts of taking his own life while undergoing treatment at the psychiatric Institute where cffo worked Gregory and cffo developed a deep bond cffo told precious Times magazine that God told him he needed to take the appropriate steps to adopt Gregory Klo said when God told me to do it I told him I do not want to do it however I wanted to be obedient so I did what God told me to do mhm oh how about you just wanted to get your hands on some of them Georgia state adoption assistance checks that sound about right last name is dollar according to Taffy's book cffo already had custody of Gregory when they got married and Greg was 13 at the time when 24-year-old cffo and Taffy tied the knot in December 1986 this don't seem strange to y'all a 24-year-old man adopting a 13-year-old boy that don't seem strange oh okay Gregory immediately started calling Taffy mom but despite having parental figures in his life Gregory continued to struggle according to Christian post Gregory went to prison kept experimenting with substances and premarital boot knocking and got caught up in exotic male dancing Fix It Jesus Gregory had plans to write a book about his life but we were unable to find it online however we do know that as of today he works as a digital Network programmer at C's Church sometime after they got married cffo and Taffy adopted another son named Jeremy another one the hell wrong with y'all they also went on to have three daughters making them a family of seven I don't like that Dynamic that made me a little nervous by 1986 krylo had determined that he wasn't meant to be a therapist he and Taffy became co-pastors at their non-denominational church called World Changers Ministry Christian Center eight people attended the service that was held in an elementary school cafeteria later on they changed the name to World Changers Church International in her book Taffy explained that they had major issues to deal with stemming from their respective upbringings crlo came from a long line of womanizers and ta watched as her father broke her mother's heart over and over again in addition to that crlo was Gone with the Wind during the early days of their marriage including during the duration of her entire first pregnancy oh hell no negro you got to come home okay she knew that it was God's will for crlo to teach and Minister but she didn't realize that meant she would be home alone with their kids and essentially living life as a single mom eventually she turned to a higher power and said Okay God I dedicate my husband to you he's yours first and mine second I accept that girl stop lying girl side not do you remember that time Klo was preaching to his married parishioners about intimate acts and he made the comment that before he and Taffy got down Taffy would have to take a bath you remember that like she wasn't going to take a bath like his balls ain't musty is you going to take a bath is you going to dip them balls in some soap and water you know what I'm saying just a nerve he just G he just GH as their membership grew they moved the church to the world Dome according to let us crlo stated he paid $18 million in cash for the 8500 seat venue Chad I would have put 20% down and put the rest in the bank baby you don't just drop $18 million what they do that just cuz you got it don't mean you financially Savvy then again his last name is dollar okay the facility is equipped with plush theater style seats so members can be comfortable while listening to the pastor's lengthy sermon the AJC reported that huge white plastic containers were conveniently positioned at the end of each row for members to drop them dollar dollar bills as of this video the church has more than 30,000 active members they also reach countless people worldwide through Tel evangelism and their YouTube channel the pastor is able to spread the gospel through his books and through their own record label like many of the pastors featured in our mega church messing series crlo preaches the Prosperity Gospel a deeply held religious belief that states that God blesses those he favors with material wealth and health while many believe dollar is a fake last name that he created to align with his ministry he told Nightline Dollar's my real name my father was a dollar my grandfather was a dollar all I can say is God had a sense of humor to call me into Ministry and name me Dollar at the same time okay critics of the Prosperity Gospel believe it puts the relationship with Jesus on the back burner while Financial abundance is made the focal point Pastor Al Mohler Jr wrote on his website Prosperity theology is a false gospel the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers salvation from sin not a platform for Earthly Prosperity but according to kflo's church the Prosperity Gospel is grounded in scripture and cffo has reportedly reaped the benefits of this religious Doctrine let us reported that cffo was the proud owner of not just one but two rolls-royces well damn it was a gift that my local church gave to me you don't turn down a gift that somebody gives you the second one was included in the purchase of a massive 2.4 million apartment the dollars purchased in New York City he routinely flies around the world in a private jet and according to curved website the dollar family owns two adjoining Parcels of land in fville Georgia that make up the 182 acre compound the main home is reportedly a little over 177,000 Square ft since so many people are aware that the pastor got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m in his bank account yeah in his bank account it's no surprise that Klo was often accompanied by bodyguards while out in public one former member of the congregation told the African diaspora News Channel that about four security guards also flank the pastor during church services as well what his scary ass the former member added he's Untouchable my personal opinion is that he doesn't want to deal with common folk the former member said that the pastor told the congregation that his schedule didn't permit him to do regular things like take commercial flights or Shake every parishioner's hand but ain't that your damn job Pastor make time make time negro despite the barrier that existed between him and his congregation his members have no problem opening up their pocketbooks the church's overall cash Revenue was once estimated to be close to $69 million in the late '90s people really started to side eye the past it took that long Lord here we go in March 1999 professional boxer Evander Holyfield filed for divorce from his second wife after he admitted to fing multiple children with multiple women outside of his marriage with his freaky self his ex-wife's lawyer started digging into his finances and discovered Evander had given $43,000 to kflo's church in 1998 and a $3.9 million donation just 60 days before he filed for divorce was the pastor helping Evander hide funds so his ex-wife couldn't get her hands on it some people believed so evander's ex-wife's lawyer told the court we believe that Mr Holyfield and Pastor dollar have a financial Arrangement that is very suspicious they hit crlo with a subpoena and he filed papers with the Supreme Court stating that if he was forced to turn over evidence it would destroy the relationship of trust between pastors and parishioners the court rejected K's appeal and he was found in contempt of court baby this court it ain't Church okay you don't run over here Klo risked going to jail and being fined simply because he didn't want to open up the church's books and explain the Hefty donations th and steeming honey thankfully for him Evander and his ex-wife reached a settlement which meant cffo was able to escape punishment in October 1999 two traffic tickets cffo had on file with Fulton County were downgraded to warning a month later he gave $1,000 checks to 100 Fulton County police officers wait a minute now wait a minute now hold up Klo set the gesture was simply a way for him to recognize the officers for their service but did he have ulterior motives was he buying protection and the police Force's loyalty hell yeah alleged PR out here moving like a whole Christian Kingpin honey mobster for the Lord the County's ethics board sold at the officers for accepting the money and many of them eventually gave the money back by 2008 the church had offices on several continents a daily TV show that reached billions of households worldwide and an empire built on C's message God doesn't want you to be pooru if you don't know better you'll stay in the ghetto all your life damn Hallelujah be on man Hallelujah am man p hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord sit your ass down pastor but were the pastor and his family the only ones who were benefiting from the Prosperity Gospel were the members of his congregation also driving rolls-royces and living in multi-million dollar homes one church member Mary Jones she rides the bus 20 mil every Sunday to Dollar's church one parishioner told ABC News I have prospered under his ministry you can't stay up under the word of God and not Prosper softly and tenderly shut your lying ass up just shut your ass up girl in ABC News affiliate decided to dig a little deeper into the pastor's lavish lifestyle they questioned him about the multiple private jets he used to travel to speaking engagements across the globe crlo responded that the ministry own the planes he added like a carpenter has to have a hammer to do his job I've got to have a plane to fly around this world and be back here to Pastor two churches one here and one in New York boy if you don't get your ass on Spirit Airlines like the rest of us in 2006 an investigation revealed that crlo formed two offshore entities in the Bahamas whose purpose and assets were never disclosed I told y'all King Pin activity honey the following year Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa opened an investigation against the dollars and other pastors who were accused of using tax-free donations from their followers to fund their lifestyles rolls-royces uh corporate Jets uh $23,000 commodes crlo refused to hand over his financial records citing the Privacy rights of the church he also denied any Financial improprieties by stating what I have I get through my businesses and Investments that I have separately that I keep separate from the church sit your ass down crap although he preached that Health was the automatic divine right of all Bible believing Christians KLA was diagnosed with Pro estate cancer in 2012 during an appearance on the Ricky Smiley Morning Show he credited his belief in God and the power of prayer for helping him overcome his cancer but 2012 would continue to bring more challenges during a Wednesday morning prayer service Floyd Palmer who was the church's former maintenance worker walked into the church and fatally shot 39-year-old worship leader Greg McDow kryo wasn't at the church at the time of the crime and none of the 20 members of the congregation in attendance were injured Floyd was late found guilty but mentally ill and then the same year of the shooting all hell broke loose at the dollar residence kflo's daughter who was 15 at the time asked if she could go to a party when crlo told her no an argument ensued according to his daughter cffo laid hands on her and started hitting her with her shoe she called the police and they documented a scratch on her neck not the man of God beaten the brakes off of his daughter where they do that at crlo denied the allegations but he was arrested and charged with with simple assault ain't nothing simple about getting beat with a shoe honey nothing anything you want to say to your congregation uh no sir the charges were later dismissed he was put on probation and to enroll in anger management and pay a little over $1,000 in court fees $11,000 is chump Chang for a multi-millionaire like cffo but despite ricking in so much money through his business ventures in a March 2015 YouTube video he had the audacity to ask his friends from around the world to give him 65 $5 million I know you mothering lying crlo explained that he and his staff had been flying commercial because his Rusty 1984 private jet had experienced a mechanical failure that caused it to Skid Off The Runway in London while his wife and three daughters were on board he stated he needed $65 million to buy a new state-of-the-art Gulf Stream G650 private jet no ninja you need to get that old ass jet fixed just like we get our old ass car fixed you better find you a shade tree mechanic that work on planes take him a sixpack and a case of cigarettes he figured he just needed 200,000 people to chip in a few hundred each and he said the new plane would be used to reach more than 3 million of the church's supporters worldwide you mean the same ones that he couldn't take the time to shake their hands and greet face to face reach these nuts ninja you reach these nuts ninja the campaign received major backlash from those who felt that the pastor was out of his mind for making such an outlandish request but his parishioners were ready to hand over as much as he needed what they stupid asses probably don't have emergency savings don't invest in their retirement accounts and are not even homeowners giving this ninja all their money a former member of his congregation said I am not giving it to him I'm giving it to the ministry because he does do good things around the world for other people after the news of his campaign hit the press the former member said crlo showed up to the next church service and gave away two flat screen TVs child you can get a flat screen for $300 don't nobody want no damn flat screen TV this ninja need to be giving away cars and houses honey not no damn flat screen TVs hell I'm going to do with a flat screen TV the former member said she was surprised because she had never seen him give anything away he never even had a church raffle mhm guilty as hell the former member also revealed it wasn't the first time the pastor begged his congregation to fund an extravagant purchase she claimed the pastor once talked about his dream to purchase Madison Square Gard Garden which at the time was valued at about $4.5 billion how about I Square my foot up your ass Pastor he also reportedly tried to raise $81 million to build a church in Queens New York this ninja sit your ass down somewhere if you televis world why why you got to go so much you don't need no jet no car no nothing sit your ass in that pull pit and shake your parishioner's hands after the backlash reached a level that they could no longer contain a spokesperson for his ministries told the Christian post that the campaign no longer existed see you in Spirit Airlines Pastor it is called Spirit you can't bring but one bag though they going to charge you extra for them bags and the pillow and your seat belt although he initially defended his decision to beg his congregation for money cryo had a change of heart in regard to tithing in July 2022 the teachings that I've shared in times past on the subject of tithing were not correct and if it's one subject that the church church has used to keep people in fear and guilt it is in that subject of tithing a tithe is described as 10% of a parishioner's income that they give to their Church many are taught that those who do not tithe are robbing from God during a church service he admitted he misled congregants on tithing teachings despite writing multiple books about it krylo said I will say I have no shame at all at saying to you throw away every book every tape and every video I ever did on the subject of tithing let's hear the new scam that Mr dollar has Abraham gave 10% he could have gave 20 we say Jewish people gave 10% Jewish people gave they had almost 14 different ties to give throughout the year they gave way more than 10% we the only one going around talking about I'm going give I'm going give God his 10 and the rest of it is mine don't you ask me for nothing else Lord so you see the guilt Is Now by faith and what God has done to give more than 10% y'all didn't think that he was going to let you off with just just giving 10% um because this $65 million plane that I got that need some new tires if y'all think if y'all think that gas prices are high now y'all should look at how much jet fuel is an online Source encouraged crlo to give refunds to those who funded his exuberant lifestyle period poo that what I'm talking about as of this video we're unsure if the pastor has given any money back to his parishioners during the pandemic the pastor's Health failed him once again when he was diagnosed with covid and blood clots around his lungs he said God healed him but shortly thereafter he was diagnosed with shingles which damaged his nerves and then three tumors were found in his body and he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer as of 2023 the pastor has revealed that he is cancer-free while some have gone as far as to call cffo a false prophet nothing can make his congregation turn its back on him the backlash and controversies don't phase them and his MERS ship numbers continue to increase year after year if you enjoyed this video let us know down below and thank you I want to say thank you thank you for watching G thank you [Music] amen am
Channel: RRG
Views: 864,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: realrealitygossip, real reality gossip, rrg, Creflo dollar, pastor creflo dollar, taffi dollar, gregory dollar, jeremy dollar, world changers church, prosperity gospel, megachurch messiness, false prophet, black pastors, chuck grassley, al mohler, evander holyfield, janice holyfield, tithing, creflo dollar’s wife, how did creflo dollar meet taffi, creflo dollar’s real name
Id: qF0NX3Krdgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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