Terrence Howard: "This is The Best Kept SECRET in The ENTIRE WORLD!"

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[Music] Terrence Howard has been risking his entire career and possibly his life he discovered something that may revolutionize our entire existence I don't care what happens I'm here to bring the truth at whatever cost that comes with it and they don't want you to know that because then you will know and this is going to make them angry I'm at the point now where I'm ready to war so I challenge any chemist any physicist any astrophysicist any cosmologist any biologist anyone within the fields of science to come and challenge me these are proofs this isn't theories anymore theories are written out and need to be proven these are geometric roofs before we delve deeper into the concept he's explaining let me share something very interesting that truly caught my attention after making all the information public Teran face significant criticism and ridicule in the mainstream media interestingly a typical pattern is observed first is ridicule platonic solids right aren't you getting a star rebuilding Universe you're getting a star initially the person's ideas or statements are mocked making it challenging for them to be taken seriously by others second event opposition but if you go by your logic and if you define beforehand that something like it logically it makes the most sense that one time one and then that's where the mathematical convention comes in and that's like most like large part of math is convention it's how it has been defined it's a matter of definition with that thing that I showed you did you look at the square root of two do you think that that's a loop that's that's a natural thing with the square root of two did you believe that it's the same P there like more ma no no no it's not the same though it's not the same with pi what we just did we multiplied we cubed the number and then we divided it by two and we cubed it again and divided it by two and we did that a number of times and that number still remained the same as exact number which we know cannot happen the third one is acceptance there's a potential final stage where the Public's perception begins to shift the ideas or the person that once ridiculed and oppos might start to see some level of acceptance Terence Howard uh the guy who interviewed me for Rolling Stone told me that Terence Howard is like a legitimate genius like he's like talk to the guy the guy is absolutely brilliant besides what Joe Rogan said Terrence has recently garnered a lot of attention and numerous views on YouTube 3 million views here 2.8 million there 1.4 million 1.3 million and many more this says a lot perhaps he's right and we haven't realized it yet let's analyze the entire concept please pay close attention and Rewind if you feel you didn't keep up with the information all of our math is based upon approximation unrealistic things and that's why they're angry at me because I'm upsetting their card but in order for us to advance to a level one Society a level one civilization we have to abandon abandon the lie no matter how attached to it we are no matter how much if you find out that the foundation of your house is about to crack and you've got many many stories of Generations on top of it you've pulled all those people out and you fixed that Foundation they don't want to do that with our man they would rather let us die I'm here I don't care what happens I'm here to bring the truth at whatever cost that comes with it but the truth is here that's why I put the book out for free and book which you can find at tcot tlc.com on the first page he mentions something shocking about our math system allow me to Enlighten you if 4 / 2 is the inverse operation of 2 * 2 equaling 4 then it would naturally follow that 2 ided by 1 is the inverse operation of 1 * 1 equaling 2 what does your common sense tell you about these two scenarios what do they have in common and what are their differences division the number four is divided by two twice and the truth is the number two is divid dived by 1 twice addition 2 + 2 = 4 and 1 + 1 = 2 subtraction 4 - 2 = 2 and 2 - 1 = 1 multiplication 2 * 2 = 4 and 1 * 1 = 1 can you see where the mistake has occurred do you know how I figured it out what's 1 * 1 1 * 1 is 1 to multiply means to do what to make more right yes increase in number yes multiply yes how can 1 * 1 equaling one be part of the multiplication table it to satisfy the term multiply it doesn't multiply teren explains that multiplication involves making more or increasing in number when one object exerts a force on another the second object also exerts a force in return on the first object similarly if one object applies pressure to another the second object responds with pressure exerted back onto the first object for example take a calculator and input the number two followed by finding its square root the result will be approx o imately 1.414 213 562 37395 now perform two different actions with this result multiplied by two and raise it to the power of three both actions yield the same value 2828 4271 2174 6190 now divide the result by two and Cube it again and you will get the same value again it shows how different mathematical operations on the same number can yield unexpected yet consistent results you see that Loop yeah that's saying X Cub is equal to 2x which is equal to X Plus X that's an unnatural equation that's a mathematical fallacy that's the beginning of your math someone programm that lie in there and lie to you and you and everyone and all your fundamentals are off and then everybody said I was crazy well am I crazy or is the calculator broke another as aspect that Terrence explains is that in a delicate equilibrium chemicals are essentially nothing more than the motion of either electricity or magnetism matter is just motion that originates from two fundamental motions electricity a manifestation of centripetal force a proceeding motion and magnetism which arises from centrifugal motion or moving away from the center these phenomena are not tangible entities but rather effects of specific motions everything in the universe is spinning through the right or left Contracting or expanding with each element preceded and succeeded by noble gas every element has a noble gas that precedes before it and after it and there are three steps to folding an element and an element is just a pressure condition it's just a periodic pressure condition and we say periodic because it repeats itself something predictable when you get this kind of pressure condition this is the element that will show or this is the crystallization that will occur if you get this pressure condition the crystallization is even tighter you get this pressure condition the crystallization is Tighter and we call each of those crystallizations a different element but it should substance under different motion and pressure conditions he gave the example of hydrogen concerning other elements shares similarities with carbon silicon Cobalt and rodium regarding their tonal conditions there is a pattern where certain elements have three elements preceding them and three elements exceeding them in the periodic table if a is is equal to B and B is equal to C then a should be equal to C so how is it that hydrogen doesn't have three elements that proceede before it and also three elements that proceed after it before you get to helium it's an entire octave within itself our perception of Elemental relationships might be influenced by our cognitive and physiological processes such as how we perceive motion human perception is minimal when understanding higher states of matter or more dense conditions the differences hinder our ability to perceive these states into temporal Dimensions between us and these State hydrogen is the first element we can perceive but 21 other elements occur before it these elements are described not as permanent entities but as conditions or conditional facts it implies that altering the conditions under which an element exists can result in a different manifestation for instance changing the pressure condition of carbon can transform it into nitrogen and oxygen despite these changes the fundamental nature of the element Remains the Same for a better understanding consider that a lab gr diamond is a fascinating example of transforming carbon from one form into another more structured form specifically into a diamond to make a diamond in a lab scientists start with a Tiny Seed of diamond and a form of carbon like graphite they put these into a machine that creates a very hot and pressurized environment much like deep inside the Earth where natural diamonds form this intense heat and pressure make the carbon atoms rearrange themselves and grow layer by layer onto the D diamond seed after a few weeks the carbon turns into a sparkling lap Crown Diamond it's just like a natural diamond but made by humans in reality we only perceive less than 1 half of 1% of the total Spectrum yet we base our judgments on this limited perception so human perception is limited in understanding the electromagnetic spectrum including visible light and other forms of radiation we are cosmically blind on a conscious and Cosmic level there's no death on Mars there's no death on any Planet everything is alive and just in a different state of distance based on the motion and pressure conditions but there is no death death is the comparable to sleeping where life is being awake Terren continued to explain that we must acknowledge the Eternal cycle of existence where all things participate in the processes of inhaling and exhaling the exchange of gases in living organisms and the cycling of matter and energy in ecosystems and universe at large it challenges the conventional understanding of electric charge particularly the idea of being solely negatively charged when an entity loses its electric charge it discharges its electricity and this loss occurs when it seeks a high pressure condition where centri Fugal Force dominates on the other hand magnetism acts to push away from this high pressure condition these behaviors are attributed to the motion of a fluidlike substance possibly referring to the ether which spins either to the right or the left Newton's Third law of motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction it is a dynamic interplay between electric charge and magnetism in the context of pressure conditions and the motion of a fluid-like substance these forces interact in predictable ways influencing the behavior of matter in the universe light doesn't travel light reproduces itself with each octave with each wave it has a full life cycle of birth growing up maturing mating and then reprod ucing into the next octave every wave of life is an entire of light itself is an entire family another intriguing concept that Terrence Howard is explaining is the Flower of Life symbol the Flower of Life symbol featuring overlapping circles in a flower pattern is found worldwide but often overlooked in history books keeping it relatively unknown this symbol seen in ancient ruins and on megalithic pillars at the temple ofos irus is depicted in red and has sparked debates about its age due to nearby Greek graffiti suggesting a later addition by ancient Greeks possibly influenced by Pythagoras unveiled by drv valo mlisc its presence pans from a 2,600 year old Assyrian Stone in Iraq to Leonardo da Vinci's drawings and from Roman mosaics in Turkey to a statue in beijing's Forbidden City reflecting its significance across various cultures and eras despite its ancient root the Flower of Life continues to Fascinate marking sacred sites and historical artifacts around the globe the oldest images that we have from Antiquity and found on every continent is this image where 64 circles are overlapped and it's called The Flower of Life and on every continent was found in whatever language it was always called The Flower of Life well 6,000 years ago or however long ago someone had the clever idea of saying you know what why don't I draw straight lines where circles over them this old interpretation talks about finding an average in the spaces where circles come together one of these circles you have to see as a magnetic field that's how magnetism behaves everything expands from this a shape called a tetrahedron comes out showing us that real life doesn't have perfectly straight lines 6,000 years ago they began to average the space where the circles overlap so that tetrahedr that we see this comes from the idea that all energy moves all movement creates waves and all waves Bend so making a straight line is impossible because every action has a reaction that balances it out this Bend we see is just everything balancing itself within a system greater the resistance and the greater that curvature this curvature is the equinity of all the interactions within a particular system it all balances out these perfect spheres which are magnetic fields around each other which is a discharging aspect and and where these magnetic fields interact this is where electricity begins where they overlap their Force to create spin but 6,000 years ago they said they're going to average the spin and they generated straight lines and now you can clearly see that even the cube where we get Pythagorean theorem from a S Plus B squal c^2 is an average it's an approximation but most of our math is our algebra our calculus all of those things are generated through this circumstance which also led into why 1 Time 1 you know could not possibly equal one because what if you made each side of those lengths one then you couldn't get the proper hypotenuse the problem starts when we try to make all shapes follow the same rules like when we can't get the right length for the longest side of a triangle this issue is a big deal in the study of shapes because it shows us that even the most perfect shapes are really just average forms uid was an oldtime GRE math expert who was good at studying shapes and thinking logically he went to Egypt and wrote down important rules about shapes which was a big step forward for math but over time some people changed his ideas or said he did things he didn't even with these mixups uclid smart thoughts like a study of a shape with 12 sides called the DOA hedron have lusted a long time this shows how strong and important his way of thinking about shape still is in math talks today in the following minutes Terence will explain the entire concept using the app he created pay attention so what I decided to do what I was instructed to do was to take the same flower so me go to my app this right here this is what they'll find and what he has there uh there's an icon going from left to right is what happens when four bubbles meet I took the actual curved triangular pieces and I put four of them together based on universal ratios and this is what it generated what you're looking at right here if you'll rotate it this is the point four bubbles meet this is the negative space that they cannot compress this is what we would call Dark Matter this is the proton the geometry of hydrogen itself it has eight poles it has four contractive poles and that's where concaves in and it has electricity seeking a higher pressure condition would cause a cavity and magnetism unable to maintain its electrical potential ends up spinning off of the vortices full bubbles describe the presence of false fears occupying this specific space the negative space we observe is the area that remains between these false fears as they converge together according to terence's explanation the Flower of Life concept represents fundamental principles communicated by Advanced civilizations thousands of years ago these principles highlight the essential nature of expansion and contraction in the universe that these would be the fundamentals because everything expands as a sphere everything in the universe expands in spherical form and contracts in geometric pattern patters these contractions occur due to the impact of expanding waves reaching the edge of the universe and rebounding back this process is described as periodic forming structures such as hydrogen and the proton now this is what happens when eight bubbles meet this is the negative space where eight bubbles have met a tetrahedron shape forms when eight bubbles converge creating a negative space for instance if we look at this image it has eight contracted poles if you rotate it you'll see four around one side and another four on the opposite side that totals eight contracted electric poles however there are only six magnetic poles indicated by points where discharge occurs only six points where it's discharging when you talk about the six you're talking about these six points here right 1 two three yep each vorticy is a magnetic pole it's a discharging pole this structure has undergone a significant change the central component has attracted two smaller components resembling a photon the distinct swipes we six bubbles or fast moving bub are occurring each of these large swipes represents a combination of elements this structure functions as a Step up Transformer transitioning from three sides to a higher electrical potential indicated by the patreons of the ends from there it steps back down to a lower potential the electrical Transformers installed on power lines are responsible for stepping up and down energy this principle applies universally but what happens when 12 bubbles meet here we have another stable structure emerging however four electrical potentials remain unaccounted ful during the hunting despite this the structure remains stable while attracting other components that's their unaccounted electrical potential and it has four of them so this thing still is attracting but it's a stable structure these structures are built based on robust mathematical principles and all their electrical potential has been allocated this phenomenon resembles the concept of a Bose Einstein condensate where an object becomes virtually indistinguishable from the fabric of the universe this state of indistinguishability poses significant challenge ES
Channel: Be Inspired
Views: 2,830,545
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Keywords: be inspired, be inspired channel, be inspired video, terrence howard, terrence howard math, terrence howard secret
Id: So5zO7DL17I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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