TERRAIN DEATHMATCH - vs. Dark Matter Workshop - Crafting Necromunda Territories! 40k Kill Team

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hi guys welcome back to Eric's hobby workshop in this episode I go head-to-head with dark matter workshop and their terrain and death match Dark Matter workshop is one of my personal favorite YouTube channels parrot makes great terrain and educational tutorials that are also super entertaining so I thought I'd be fun if I reached out to her and said you know let's do something together I'm a big fan of your channel I think it'd be really cool and a great way for us to showcase our skills and anyways I'll show you the video I sent him kind of speaks for itself hey hair I'm calling you out dude I challenge you to a high stakes high impact high octane showdown a terrain deathmatch the rules are as follows you must build one piece of terrain inspired by one of the territories in the Necromonger rule books any one of them in exists both the judgment and the original rule book whatever and just to make it interesting let's add some stakes to the winner ghosts ultimate glory and to the loser the loser must watch one whole season of young Sheldon and make a review of it to prove he watched it do you have what it takes can you handle this challenge I'm coming for you did okay watching that back the tone is a little bit more hardcore than I remember because this was a few weeks ago anyways here's Hertz response Oh challenge accepted a man a few words I like it let's do this okay so for the basis of this project I wanted to use this Barbie stage this is the rock and Royals set I guess there's like rock and roll Barbie and a princess Barbie and they got sent to the wrong summer camps and two worlds collide I got this in a thrift shop for a few bucks and it is kind of dirty just got this dusty sticky residue on it so let's give this thing a nice wash before we mess around with it any further into the sink we go a little bit of soap a little bit of water not bad dry that thing off and I realized there's all these kind of nooks and crannies in the underside and I probably need to disassemble it all the way so I used my trusty screwdriver pulled off that bottom panel and look at all these nice and yearsand bits down there beautiful but there is also this weird white grease and I guess this keeps it moving smoothly but I don't want anything to do with this stuff so I'm gonna take all of these pieces out separate them and give them a nice wash and I'm left with this as you can see these pieces on the right are really promising but these pink pieces are obviously no good like this one here with the stars this one's cool though it could be a little servo arm or something but these are the interesting pieces basically I have this T shape and this L shape but it does have this giant guitar on it which I'll have to cover up but let's see what kind of shape I could make out of this that'll be interesting so I played around with different orientations of these pieces and nothing really seemed to work very well I don't know just so I decided you know what I'm not going to use this piece so you're probably wondering why I kept this whole segment didn't about the Barbie thing when I didn't end up using it and there's a really simple reason for that I get more messages than you could imagine or somebody has a piece of you know packing styrofoam or something they got at a thrift store and they say you know a piece is so cool I know I can build something really cool out of this watch the ill I need ideas and I get trapped in this same trap and it's okay to just not use the piece like it's more than okay don't force your creativity into a box where you have to use a certain piece if it's not working for you stop working just put it in the bits box and you'll maybe use those pieces eventually don't let the materials dictate how your project goes that's backwards so it's back to the bits box and back to the drawing board right now I'm just pulling out anything that inspires me a little bit seeing if I can get some ideas from all my bits it gets a bit messy but this is how I do it and look at this I found something interesting this is the top of the gatorade bottle with a pickle jar lid and that's kind of a cool industrial looking shape so I'll use that with this little Christmas tin and I'm starting to feel the formation of an idea here this could be a pool of toxic waste so in preparation for this I took a gander through some of my own Ephram under Rule books and my eye caught on the synth sill for two reasons one I'm currently working on the venom babes an extra gang that my wife is going to play too if you're familiar at all with the rules of necro Munda you know that if you get shot and you're close to an edge there's a chance that you're gonna fall off that edge and I always wanted to have a big pool of toxic waste or is that you can fall into if you fall off an edge so this build was kind of designed around maximizing the probability that you can fall into a of toxic waste and that's pretty cool so I take some cardboard from a cereal box and I make some 1-inch strips and some half inch strips these are going to be used to detail my tank once I cut them out with a pair of scissors should be left with some nice strips like these and then using a hot glue gun I attach these to my tank and sort of a pattern that just gives it a more interesting shape put a thick one on the bottom thin one on the top thin one on top of the thick one I'm just making it up as I go I had this cool idea that this label maker might be good for making rivets I set it to the period and then I just punch out a bunch of periods and when that's done I get this long strip of embossed rivet texture that there's some really tiny rivets I cut that strip thinner so it's a symmetrical sort of strip peel off the backing and attach that to the tank this is kind of a promising idea I think this has some potential it's not the most prominent texture I've ever seen so we'll see how it holds up after paint next I cut some pieces out of a 1 inch XPS foam these pieces are going to be a structure kind of like a pump house I imagined made out of concrete in behind my pool so I use hot glue glue those together and I made a more interesting shape than just a box because I thought it would be more interesting next I use my glue gun to glue all these construct pieces together this construct sir a toy from the 80s that you can get a big bag of for pretty cheap on eBay these might have a fun place in some of your childhoods anyways I'm gluing this on to my piece of chipboard another thing I should mention as I cut these little dabs off the constructs piece is that I've restricted myself to an eight-and-a-half by 11 piece of chipboard and I glue everything down on there and as you can see I'm already right to the edges but this is just so my project doesn't sprawl indefinitely I'd glue a piece of chipboard to the top there and then I used some of those mini Pepsi cans trace out some circles on a piece of chipboard cut them out and glue them to the ends of my miniature Pepsi cans this is going to create a more of a tank shape and less of a distinct Popkin shape and the same I blew a chipboard circle to my little boiler thing and then I glue my Pepsi cans on right above this toxic waste pool next I'm going to use a cardboard tube and cardboard tubes have this distinctive spiral pattern and I don't want that so I'm going to cover it in white glue and attach a piece of paper and do my best to smooth it with my thumbs and cut it into length but the end result still a little bit wrinkly but you know what it's it's not as distinctive as that spiral shape so I'm still happy with that so I slap that bad boy on with a bit of hot glue next I'm gonna be used some more constructs to build a frame for the upper portion I'm using a ton of constructs in this build but it's because I'm really enjoying just building with them in the nice regular shapes can create really fastly and easily fastly I say fast I make quickly so I add my little industrial oiler looking thing in there and I'm starting to figure out where this is gonna go a piece of chipboard on the top and then I cut some stairs into the block of foam having a little piece of styrene stairs I'll put a link for these in the description if they're awesome next I take some of these pieces of ruminate toy which is a big bag I got at the thrift store but I'll still link the toys in the description below and I sand them and glue them together to make a nice long platform with a little bit of a diving board thing you see me rubbing it against the table to make sure it doesn't stick as it sets then I add glue to that lots of glue so make sure you're breathing too much in I smooth that down and add a little bit of baking soda which adds a nice gritty texture and helps the glue set which allows you to grab onto the mesh better as you can see I made a couple other platforms as well [Music] next I glue those platforms all in some hot glue all right make sure you use a miniature to test that everything's looking good essential part of the process [Music] huh glue the upper platform on as well and then it's time to add a smokestack and for this I'm using PVC pipe as you can tell I'm not using the pieces that slot into each other because in my opinion they're less realistic as a large-scale pipe because the difference in the gauge and the gauge of the joints is not something you see in larger pipes so I use tricky diameters that match up and a cardboard tubes to hide the gaps and then I get a nice uniform shaped pipe next I use my Clippers to clip some of the constructs pegs off and add a panel to the side I use chipboard I beams to add some support structures underneath little details like this I find go a really long way and one on the side as well next I'm adding some hot glue and I'm gluing down my tank nice [Music] I used some of these plastic pipes I've used these in a ton of videos sent a link them in the description below they're super cheap super versatile and are just absolutely awesome for these industrial boats I had a piece to support one on the side and then add this piece which I found inside the pump for an old bottle of hand soap these pieces are absolutely awesome I got this idea from a channel called scratch bashing I think this is like a steam vent or something on this pipe blew another lid to my boiler slash steel piece and then glue that inside my structure the next pipe I'm adding here is going to be connecting the pipe to the steel structure and I'm no scientist but I imagine that you could boil something off in the little steel thing have it condense in this pipe and then have it come down into those tanks it helps to think about how the actual item functions when you're building it because it just ties things in with realism a little bit I had another smokestack to this column this helps the overall silhouette quite a lot I think next I used some hardware cloth and I just pushed the tines of it into the foam to make a ladder later I'll seal this on with some Mod Podge but right now I didn't have a perfect glue for gluing this in if you guys have some suggestions for glue for using there I would like to hear them the rest of them I'll just glue on the top lid this ladder is made from a toy plastic tennis racket which I've showed in previous videos how to do I also had a pipe coming from my cans into the tank great time to add some glue and once the glue is down on the base it's time to add some sand I think crafting is a form of self-expression is a great way to grow as a person and you'll find that as your project grows you've grown to only more beautiful once your sand is down clean up the rest of it and put it back in your sand tin or don't if you prefer more of a beach vibe to your craft space next I'm gonna brush on some Mod Podge to all the exposed paper products and foam and before we paint this thing let's talk a little bit more about the competition rules so the way we're gonna decide this deathmatch is you guys are gonna vote make sure you're subscribed to both me and hurt and then vote down in the comments if you aren't subscribed to both of us your vote doesn't count and you can actually vote twice you can vote once in the comments below and you can vote once in the comments over on dark matter workshops channel so if you want if you want to vote for me just say I prefer Derek's motley workshop and if you want to vote for hurt just say I prefer to Eric's hobby workshop and we'll understand what you meant by that and when we're tallying the votes I'm sure there'll be no confusion it'll be fine so yeah just go over to Hertz video and comments I think Erik won because I really don't want to watch this young Shelby show okay back to it first I'm gonna hit this with a coat of krylon black paint that's really my favorite part I've said this before but it unifies all the colors and I love it next I had a few mists from above of an acrylic silver paint this was actually a bad idea later because if you miss the paint sometimes it dries on the way there and this gave me some sparkling dust all over geez I also get hit it in a few places with this acrylic brown paint and that helps to add a bit of a rustiness and some speckled cool texture I thought this was kind of fun it's a little bit different from what I normally do but I like how it turned out next I paint the concrete and a light gray color stippling it to give it a nice pattern without too many obvious brushstrokes and then I dry brush certain pieces up writer silver to make them stand out more this is the first coat that I give to the boiler piece I also hit some of the walkways and other places where I wanted the detail to pop out so at some point during this project I watched the movie accurate up for the first time and it has a really cool cyberpunk vibe with lots of pastel colors and bright lights so I started to be influenced by this and added this sort of avocado a green color which is normally way outside my comfort zone I tried to give it a bit of a gradient from one side to the other with it being darker in one corner and lighter in the other so I think that makes it look a lot more interesting I painted my still piece the boiler thing gold by adding a little bit of gold and dry brushing it on and then I decided to go for a pop of color on these tanks as well and made them this vibrant lilac sort of color again this was inspired by the cyberpunk vibe in Acura and it also matches my wife's gang which also features bright colors in their dyed Mohawks and ponytails added a gradient to this as well to make them lighter at the bottom next I gave the gold thing a nice wash of a grex earth shade this really makes it a much more interesting looking gold color with the dark wash I had some streaks to my concrete areas and I also generously apply the wash to a lot of the metal areas and other tanks to add some contrast and grimy detail I add it to the color panels as well just to ground them a little bit and make them look a little bit less poppy I used some watered-down brown and orange paint to add some rust effects to these tanks in my opinion this is not my most successful rust effect but I didn't want them to look totally beat up and lose all that color I apply a really watery orange wash on top of the brown rust effects to give the sense of rusty water flowing over these things over the time next I use a look at ooh thrush to spray on some brighter orange rust this part looks pretty good and then I do something similar where metal meets the concrete time for some resin effects I'm using two-part casting epoxy made by EZ cast and this stuff's awesome but what I have learned from experience is you've got to place these bad boys in a warm bath of water when you take the bottles out of this that should be warm to the touch this is super important to not get a bunch of million bubbles and I've learned this the hard way so I measure out two equal portions you should really use plastic cups but I didn't have any so I had to use this measuring cup which is not ideal you stir that for two minutes transfer it into another container stir it for an additional minute and then right at the end I added a little bit of green paint and this gave it a nice toxic look I pour that in there this made me realize how long it's been since I've had a mountain to do [Music] there we go nice resin effect no bubbles at all next I'm going to take some tea lights and pop the bottoms off them and pull them out of their carriages to get these bare pieces I'm going to apply to the LED a little bit of latex masking fluid and I'm gonna take a bunch of bits outside and spray paint them black I didn't use all of these but I'm gonna use some of them for detailing phase now even those tea lights get a coat of black spray paint as you can see I'm mixing in some Games Workshop bits in here as well normally I avoid that my builds since it's a competition I'll throw a couple in there so I'm dry brushing heavily with some bolt gunmetal here and then for the screen of this little terminal I'm going to paint it black and then I'm going to add some green to the bottom left corner and successfully highlight that up and then add some tiny little white words this gives the impression of a functional computer screen with a sort of old analog technology which I really like I'll glue that on to my boiler and that adds some really cool detail next I'll peel the latex off of that LED we've got a nice clean light bulb looking thing underneath make sure it still works it still does kinda and then I use some gel superglue to superglue a few of these painted lights onto my structure and just like that a really quick and easy light fixture it involves no wiring no soldering and that a nice easy light source I continued adding details to the piece like barrels is diamond plate flooring and some railings from the dark uprising set as well as some railings that I made I would have hardware cloth [Music] these barrels will pile up in the corner here these are probably full of some toxin produced by this little factorial and then I add some wire this wire is one piece of guitar string and two pieces of floral wire guitar string has a cool texture but it has a lot of bounce the floral wire holds it in place and I'm gonna wire some of these wires from my lights and to various pieces machinery around the piece to give a more realistic feel and add a little bit more visual interest next I'm adding some graffiti as I mentioned my wife's gang is called the venom babes so I'm gonna write venom here up on the tank but I'll add a few little pieces around the project as well more graffiti can be added over the course of a campaign and that way each piece of graffiti has a story behind it whether it's a memorable victory or whatever and we're done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so there it is there's my entry I hope you guys liked it please vote down below and head on over to dark matter workshops channel subscribe and vote there as well and we will see I guess which one of us has to watch young Sheldon and I so don't want to watch you guys please please please vote for me yeah that's about it as usual if you want to support the channel I've got associate links down below for Amazon if you want to use some of the materials I used in this video and also I've got a link to my patreon where we've got discord server and are building a nice little tutoring community over there where we can share our work in progress shots etc and it's really cool so I hope to see you guys over there and that's about it for me today you guys we'll see you next time on Erickson workshop
Channel: Eric's Hobby Workshop
Views: 70,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, 40k terrain, Necromunda, Necromunda terrain, Warhammer
Id: QGuIHEp38sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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