Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition - Gameplay with @BoardGameCo

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all right okay you're ready to go yeah we can try here generally oh you're the worst so board game co has fixed aries expedition i saw them four times he can't use that as a title how are you the worst or keeping that around you can keep that it cannot be the title and in no way in no way have i fixed aries expedition so for context let's give a bit of a backdrop uh we put out a review a play this is not that out of carefully mars two terraformers are very successful middling basically we had three people who loved terra foreign mars and who were okay with aeros expedition and okay is great it just we didn't see the need to keep this yep i followed it up with a video where i said this is leaving my collection but in between that video and well now i had an idea about the three main complaints that i have in every six mission those three main gaps from terrifying mars are going to be the lack of area control the lack of drafting and the lack of the tension of whether you keep a card or not in terms of your mars has to pay to keep every card in every exhibition you could you could discard cards for three money but you can do that later and so we found that we were collecting piles of cards or playing our draw cards action just as a way to generate income yeah and without the concern or the tension of whether to keep a card and so the area control is honestly the part that i am most fine trading off in terms of saving game time for area control sure i'm cool with that the drafting i'll miss it and i don't see a way to get that back in because of the nature of the way you draw cars in every expedition maybe i'll think about it later for right now i just don't see a good way around it it could yeah whatever we'll talk later you're already like well there's some ideas i have yeah we'll get to it later uh the one part that i can fix for ourselves oh no no no for ourselves fix is going to be the fact that i implemented a house rule which i have now done once so far in a solo game there'll be a video on my channel but i had a house rule idea where you can sell cards in areas expedition for three months same way standard but you can only do so when you first acquire the card including your opening hand if you want to sell it later you back to terraformars regular rules it's only one money each so in other words i'm already intrigued and excited to play i don't know that this will be a permanent edition still even there but i can say this you have indicated to me that you might have fixed it enough for yourself oh i'm keeping this game that you've made yourself a liar on your games i'm getting rid of the video absolutely my channel believe it i sir would like a public apology that will be to your audience how dare you so again you're not there yet you always have to think of the titles you put out there like terrifying if i fix terrifying mars that is not a good book at all versus terrifying martial's position a public apology i might go with that that's actually good that might be a good title you you want to get people in with the title but you don't i'll i'm okay with the brand ruining the board game code just fixed terraforming margins okay every video from now on it's titled quack lope is wrong so you're gonna go start getting less and less views they already know that so so basically that's the change the changes we have to including our opening hand we have to choose whether to sell a card for three money and it's a spot already more frustrating so opening hands we have our corporations i can choose between inventories and credit core basically either having cheaper expensive cards or inventories which i'm actually going to go with a counter to what i normally like and ventrix allows me to basically first of all get three free card draws and then additionally i can always adjust the auction at a temperature one higher or lower than what the requirements are i usually don't care about the flexibility but i want to try it so i'm going to try it interesting what do you have yeah i had the interplanetary cinematics oh nice or helion which one i'm going with helium helium theoretically this is the wrong decision because my hand does not fit what i just played at all but i'm gonna get a lot of money early on and this ability is going to allow me to pay heat as money and you can start by bumping up heat production by three i absolutely can well i'm gonna move this up here so i have a little more space to play with on things and then i'm going to start with my three car draws which i will immediately have to then decide for my 11 cars which ones i want to sell how much money how much resource did you start with so i start with 32 money okay yep 30 money we're going to be treating these kids generating yeah we're going to be treating these uh silver cubes as tens because my copy doesn't have tens so we have tens and ones which is also funny the irony is i just drew cars that would have been great for your engine you're doing tens and ones oh intriguing i like that card have some of those nope nope nope nope but i think i will totally be uh getting rid of these so here's the thing i i'm for sure selling steel works it's too much heat expense yeah i'm selling this although i'm going to be generating heats maybe i keep it and this no it's too much heat expense okay uh i think i'm keeping this one here i'm not gonna go the micro organisms like i normally do i'm trying to play a little bit of a different game yeah same here i normally go straight microorganisms okay i am going to go ahead and keep these cards over here which means i am selling four cards and taking 12 money and i have to decide now what's being sold and what if you want the full free money that's so frustrating much much better for us not for you for us i mean for the viewer it's just they're just sitting there watching yes try to play a game and i've never been good at playing games you know all right for a long time you had a great run against me on camera like on camera you did better oh i think we finally got past that which is nice oh and i'm just having more fun yeah i'm selling a total of four cards right so 12 money as well yep okay so we've now done that and now we start with the general classic play of terror matters position where we're going to go ahead and start playing the various cards that we like and i'm starting this is interesting two player two because i can pretty much assume you're not going to be playing the same card as mean oh you can't assume that especially early game i mean early game the obvious right move is playing research yeah that's not what i meant construction so to start with construction phase you can play a blue or red card i can play a blue and a red card well i can play two cards um or i can say yeah so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to start with a research outpost which is a great starting game card when i play cards i pay 1mc less okay it's gonna cost me six so i'm doing earth catapult okay ooh nice when you play a card you play two mc less that's pretty pretty good that's pretty good i don't like the fact that you got the better discount but mine was cheaper okay and then i'm going to follow it up with the second card which is going to be uh i'm going to go with i could do that that's greater late game i want to get some i can play a blue card um i think i'm actually going to go do i want to try that there's an interesting approach to the start the game i think i actually like the idea of it i'm going to go with this card over here i'm going to play 15 for farming co-ops where i can discard a card for three plants so i'm paying 15. for three plants yes interesting as an action yeah doing the action phase i don't hate that though it gives you a different way to trade it does i and it actually lets you cycle cards for value now that you've implemented this rule that you can't sell them initially yeah all right convenient all right uh over here all players draw two cards and keep one okay i'm gonna draw three cards and keep an additional card so you keep two of those cards and i draw two and keep one all right yes we absolutely need this what else do we have here ooh you are so expensive but i would love to have you i'm keeping this card oh interesting that actually doesn't help because i already have that ability um keeping these two all right and this one goes and i have to decide now if i'm selling one of them exactly i think i'm keeping i think i'm keeping both of them what does this indicate here oh that's gonna be one point in the game okay that's all right you ready yeah ready i think so okay let's rotate the card that's how to play and i think i am going to go ahead with uh this action over here yep the obvious second action construction research that's what i said [Laughter] okay so you get to play two of yours i get to play one of mine interesting um i think i'm gonna go with this one it's gonna cost me 14 which i don't love but i think it's the right move so i'm playing a comet a convoy from europe but not common i don't know i said that i'm going to draw a card and then flip an ocean tile that's going to cost me 14. so i'm down to 10 money which i don't love but i'm going to flip an ocean tile which i do love that's going to give me a plant and two money it's also going to uh up my terraform rating by one and then i'm going to draw a car which i have to decide whether to keep or not and i will oh that's intriguing nope don't like it i'm playing around geothermal power during the production phase this produces two heat now do i get the heat immediately or not yet um which one which one yeah yeah not yet just bump up it just up and then you don't actually generate that heat now i could play down a second card if i had the value for it or you could draw a card but i don't so i'm going to draw a card yep and that's keeper keep or don't keep two ocean tiles to be flipped during the production phase produces 2mc you already flipped one of the ocean tiles i did pretty cheap to start working in that direction you know i think i'll hold on to this one for excellent although i have no money that seems reasonable too all right okay here's your two cards keep one let's research face and i'm gonna draw five cards and keep two ooh you're so powerful mm-hmm i hear you sorry i was talking about large convoy i think i'm going to keep this one and then one sec what was that card that one was i'm wanting to sell cards out of my hand you know why i think they didn't do this change because it's much more frustrating um i need to choose on the other card to keep it it scales it to like a mid-weight game yes instead of it i mean not like this card i like this you see what i'm saying oh i haven't i've been paying i haven't been paying one less for these cards i should have two money back i've been forgetting to do that oh have you been doing the same problem well i only played one extra card oh that is a cool card i need that card any other card in the other card i'll let you tell the audience no i'm gonna i'm not gonna tell honestly that involves telling you now from these three cards hang your hand i have to choose two of them to keep um [Music] i think oh my gosh it's so hard i think i'm going to go ahead and keep this one fine i'm keeping this one okay excellent two cards uh no i'm not ready to go does it look like i'm ready to go oh sorry i was waiting you know what sir i don't appreciate you waiting i mean i appreciate you waiting i do appreciate you waiting let's be honest okay that's gonna be that and that that's going to be that i can do that let's go ahead and do it let's do it do it do it where's my cards where's my oh here so i did a giveaway on a video recently yeah that i think you'll be entertained by yeah uh it's an oath gameplay we have coming out soon and the amount of hemming and hawing that jan was doing i asked someone to supercut it and i'd send them a game that's cute ready yup construction again construction again yes indeed do i go first you go first uh we we go first we're both doing construction and i know it's frustrating though because i wanted production before a construction card but i'm gonna go ahead and pay for both of these it's gonna cost me two money less for them so there's gonna be a total of 10 down to eight so i'm paying in my eight doing these yeah and that's going to be there i can play a single card so i am going to go ahead and do this rad suits uh oh it requires two to currently be flipped yeah did you make a mistake i didn't make a statement i wanted i wanted this to be out earlier is there anything else i can do or just not play a card uh just not play a card might be the option if you don't have any cards to play yeah okay there's no upside for you although it's annoying now we do uh construction i mean production uh i'm gonna get four six money bonus you have you have money production well you get five from this ah okay okay so i'm gonna be six from that and then i don't think i have anything else i just have that six so five from that and i'm actually going to be generating five heat as well which is really where my value is going to start paying off i hope yeah okay it's a turn you just tell your mother oh you should tell who that was that's not good that's not good what do you mean i'm not gonna go why wasn't it a good joke i made a really funny joke except for the fact that your mother passed away oh i feel bad on camera did she i think so okay okay otherwise you're really that person could you tell funny jokes that aren't funny okay that's gonna be i the construction debate if i keep that one in or not she really so like again i was i was much younger about 12 i think a lot of people know this if they watch the channel 12 11 years old my mother passed away from stage 4 breast cancer it's what the peacock and the little breast cancer ribbon here for um but the fact that you yeah the fact that you caught yourself is the thing that i'm entertained by as soon as i said it it's not not good okay um and i have this that i want to do and i have that i want to drive so many things i want to do right now okay well i could do that let's go ahead and start with that i guess all right i'm ready when you are i'm not ready i hear you i'm not ready oh i couldn't have done this development card i hear that too i'm going to go ahead and play this because i should have been allowed to do the development card and i'm playing the development card because it was blue only oh interesting okay cool so i'm playing this for development it's going to be easier to play a green project card and then h3 mc less for yours i am going to go ahead and build cool imports which i probably need a new place for these over here because i'm already running a space on this spot over here so since we both played one do you mind if i yeah i shouldn't have been able to generate that heat though okay and then this cool imports i need the symbols visible i need all the stuff visible here i'm gonna take two of my heat back okay as a sacrament and then uh i'm gonna up my heat by three over there and then i'm going to sacrifice this to pay five less so five less plus three less plus one less than twelve nine less i only pay four for that card okay uh i'm putting down surface mines for a total of thirteen uh minus 2 so for a total of 11 5 4 11. and when i play a development card you pay 2mc less for it when you play a black star you pay 3mc less for it and i have one production on here correct and one over here alright you ready uh and this is just indicating that track right yes that's all that's doing yep every time you every time you look at your main boards just be a replication of your cards yep in theory you can cover all the cards except for the symbols in theory all right ready yup oh no not ready i'll consider it though i didn't even see what you were playing didn't even see what you were playing man that's my seagull i really need this again okay as we got like to do reverse production first so i'm going to get 460 6mc for me i'm gaining heat don't forget to take your tariff bonus again to five terraforming bonuses another three five feet five yep uh that's going to be it because these don't actually generate generators they're just uh cost change then car generation so you're gonna go ahead and have two cars to pick from and i will have five do i want either of you tr2 temperature one oh nice okay i'm keeping that one like you but you're not great for me not keeping that one i'm not keeping that one you know it might be worth keeping i'm gonna sell for three but that one could be usually song three yep okay i think i am going to keep this card and likely this card i don't love the uh situation here but i'm keeping them both running out of money running out of money money money running out of money money money there we are it's just like regulatory foreign everything okay ready to go i'm not ready to go no nope okay and now i am ready to go construction construction ooh okay so i'm gonna go ahead each player may play one blue car one red card and an additional one or draw a card or draw i'm playing regolith eaters you're paying two less for every card right i'm paying two less for every card plus actually three less for this one so i'm paying five less for this card so nine for this card regular eaters i can play it because it requires red temperature but we don't need to because of my bonus i can play this a little earlier so i'm gonna play that over here like so yeah i keep looking for the camera to see just how far outside the realm i am yeah you were like let's keep this tight we should just do it we can just do this oh oh the focus is going to be off oh you're focusing on your no no zoom out feel free now that you're messing with stuff we just might as well commit to it well i don't know how to focus yeah no i just turn the knob and it's all good okay great um and then yeah don't worry about it it's on my channel exactly uh that's gonna be this one over here and then the second card i'm playing is gonna cost me six which is gonna be this one over here that's gonna cost me six to play i'm down to no money but i do get to draw a card which is nice okay i'm paying a total of 12 for this because this is going to cost me three less this is going to cost me two less so that means the total value of the card is 17. uh then i want to i want you to i want you to follow this flip an ocean tile draw two cards it seems like it please flip an ocean kyle you get two plants and draw me two cards you also get to raise your tr by one because we did that and you draw two cards okay and i'm sorry these are fours i got two plants you understand where to keep this car because at this point i can use some money oh you might be great for me i think i should keep this car both of these might be great for me i should keep this car yeah i'm keeping your rate i'm keeping this one um i should not keep this card discarding this one i'm not giving this card any money and from your effect i don't know if you played two cards i played two you played two so let me decide if i'm gonna play another one or if i'm this would be the only one i could play it'd be 12 for me to do it 5 10. i don't have that although yep no it'd be 11 for me to do it i still don't think i have that four i do actually have that so let's do this okay let's do this so i'm playing this and once again you pick my cards back i'm just choosing the next card no you're still playing good yeah i'm playing off of response of yours uh what do you mean playing off somebody oh wait so i can do you can do a total of two i can do yours and yours nothing no not mine this the phase only happens once pretend i played a different car oh really yeah because we neutralize each other so i'm playing two cards okay so this one here let me make sure i've done the math right uh this reduces the cost of it by two then this reduces the additional cost of it by two which brings it down to eleven which means i have just enough between that and heat to pay for that heat that's right uh when you play a star including this one draw a card okay i hear ya i hear ya i hear ya hear you oh no no we're selling this sell away for three please local heat trapping they're converting the heat into plants why would i want that to happen gain four plants oh yeah it's one time thing all right cool but why would i want that to happen i don't know the answer because you want plants or microbes peat's valuable to me though yeah ready no i'm ready come on yeah okay i'm playing action playing production so in the action phase i'm going to go ahead and do to a few things first i'm going to discard a card for three i've been forgetting to do that that's a shame i'm gonna go ahead and discard a card for three plants so i think i'm going to discard this card for three plants okay that's gonna be that uh three plants not money i don't have any action then that's that's potentially possible don't get you always the basic actions at the bottom but you don't have money for them then i'm going to use this card to add a mic up to this card i'm going to use this card to add a microphone to this card so we have two macros on that card hmm you're going over specifics i'm trying uh that's gonna be the action phase oh and i can activate the action additional time so i'm gonna activate ooh i'm gonna activate this one to go ahead and raise oxygen by one so i'm raising oxygen by one which raises my tr by one as well okay i just resolved my production phase okay production phase time i have seven uh seven gonna be that's gonna be seven one two three four five six seven okay and i have three heat and that's it all right okay i'm so glad you fixed this game yeah it's the best i hate you it's actually not i mean i mean actually enjoying the play more yeah i like that i like the tension that has i i mean i don't think i fixed anything but i think that for myself i did make it a better game it it's but it's not a department store lightweight yeah it adds a little degree of extraneous i still want the drafting i hope there's expansions that's what i'm hoping for drafting expansion whatever expansions they need to do do i want to play this card that's the question it could be good it's not the worst i guess i do want to play it okay great so i'm going to go ahead and do this ready say my development yeah each player may play one green project card pay three 3mc less for the card you play the space what are you playing i'm playing natural preserves natural preserve not natural preserves a natural preserve is going to cost me four or less because of my three discount on my one discount so i'm gonna pay eight for that card that's gonna be a full eight over there actually though i'm gonna discount it by five so i only play three for that card okay so i'm gonna be where i can give up a plant when i play a card for a discount of five so i'm literally just trying to generate plants in order to spend them on cars so i'm doing satellite farms which is going to be a total cost of 12 because it's two less for my card it is one or three less for the steel that i already have and nope nothing else okay during this production phase this production this produces one heat per steel i have including this one and i can either take heat or yep so what does this mean i can either take heat or oh during the specific piece of one heat no when he purr you get a heat so whenever how many tags do you have these you have a tag on your starting base yeah one and you have two over here three three so at bump your heat up by three okay and additionally every time you play a titanium tag you're gonna bump your heat up i'll continue bumping it that's what that's meaning okay that's the one the difference between this one in the original way you can always keep tracking it as you go ready i'm ready i have to pay 5 10 12. okay i'm not ready that just came back in my hand okay so i'm gonna produce tragedy tip over here you're gonna want to start building up actions because right now i about i benefit from this phase and you don't it means i'm incentivized to play this every single turn until you get actions in play you know what i'm saying i hear what you're saying you showing the camera i really i really hear what you're saying i'm saying draw some cards i'm just telling you strategically if i can benefit from my face that you're not i'm going to play that phase more often than others that's because you're a mean person sender well and that's something to evaluate personally in your own time probably shouldn't own the mean person after the last joke i made um okay so i'm going to go ahead and show you the action phase i'm going to discard a card for three plants which i will do i don't want to do it though but i will do it you're 100 right your ability to just zero a whole action for me it's killer and then i'm going to go ahead and trigger my actions i'm going to trigger this to put in a microbe this tubular microbe and then to get this to go ahead and bump up the oxygen so i'm just slowly bumping up the oxygen every time that happens i mean i am generating it oh you're doing production now i am generating a ton of space okay so i have eight plus two is ten so i can get ten back and i get three heat okay did you have eight heat before the production huh did you have eight heat before production no what do you mean okay well do one of the actions you can take is you can turn eight heat into no i just got i just got enough yeah and you gotta remember that it's still worth actually money for me i understand and so my thought right now is i'm generating a pretty powerful like little economic economic engine listen so play this mid to end game instead of triggering these i can just start playing supernovas i play the solo i had a huge economic engine i actually played solo with helion okay i managed to get this close to winning the game very close but it was just sadly didn't make it couldn't do it couldn't do it couldn't do it just to the finish line and then not far enough okay who you're probably fine i'm gonna do anything good all right give me five i don't benefit from that but okay five for you one two three four five five for me one two three four five if you're wondering why we have four decks instead of one it's because one deck on camera looks like this and four decks looks prettier oh that is brutal oh i'm keeping that okay this game is broken what it's not broken but the combination of cards i have is broken you'll see oh i like that too i like that a lot i'm keeping two cards i don't like this as much but it's not the worst not as much that one no that one no all right no so which one do i want to go with i kept mine i hear you i hear you i hear it are you dwelling this i'm gonna go grab myself i'm gonna keep this car i'm keeping it all right so i kept two cards i'm ready when you are coming back it's right over there it's not a big deal so we both did our faces over there which means now we move to the next phase i just have one of those annoying tickles in your throats that you don't want to clear because then you have to take a picture yeah editing is the worst you sing that song to me when you took me to bed that's not a it's not our focus oh to share publicly yeah okay bad luck for us all right i'm ready when you are but i'm not action construction stop i i now i'm for this card over here that's the broken one i'm going to pay four for that card that's not the frustrating part this card lets me find a plant to draw a card this listens to a plant draw three cards sorry drop one card to three plants this basically net neutralizes itself and giving me two more plants in the process yeah yeah it's cool so you're just rotating your engine yes you can actually only do it once per action card so it does help but the good part is i'll be doing that action in a second oh i'm a what did you do wrong do you mean to play something else you can switch it no but then i can't play this why can't you because you i only played it because you played the uh the right card so i got my four back it's not good i can play other stuff it's all good um i think i'm just actually i got overly excited but all i have are green that is funny um i think i'm gonna go ahead and play callisto pinot lines i'm gonna get a discount of six on that so let's pay 14 we're going to give up a plant to in order to uh reduce the cost by five which means it costs 14. so i'm going to pay that 14 like so and then put callisto pinot lines in play that's going to give me a car draw every single time we produce i'm putting down this this is going to cost me a total of 2 2 4 5 6 7 13 to spend but it's going to start generating 3 heat and i get to draw two cards and discard them nice oh just oh then discard a card i'm going to [Music] sell okay let's see three money and i'm gonna go to action phase where i'm going to go ahead and trigger my usual bonuses i'm gonna discard a card can i discard a card i want my cards though i kind of want my cars now i don't want to discard a card but it helps me fight no i should pay three less for the card i play i'm gonna go ahead and discard a car to get uh three what's it called um three plants i think it's the right move uh then i'm going to go ahead and trigger this again so one two and three and bump the oxygen oh yeah oh you can play a card now we've entered into another age another agent d ready for the next batch of cards possibly possibly possibly possibly possibly what you're doing what you're doing i played it face up oh production production yeah okay i get nine plus four plus two is going to be uh 15 for plus six and then i get the card draw which i'll take after i get twenty heat and then i'm going to go ahead and take a card draw do i want this card draws the question i think i'll keep it i think i'll keep this card draw it looks fun okay i'm ready when you are yeah fine development cool i'm going to go ahead and i still i still haven't drawn anything to utilize your little you need to you need to start paying research i'm going to go ahead and pay give up a plan to get a discount of five five dollars kind of one means i'm paying nine for this card so i'll pay in ten and get back one and i require three sign symbols which i have and that's going to be on camera minus four so i'm paying two for this card and it is going to start producing me two additional heat nice additional money nice actually i've got my money up it's all about the money money money and we're not quite towards end game yet i mean we're both getting our system up and running it'll go faster but i'm saying like i am getting a little gen a generator here yeah it all accelerates you are as well you ready go to the action phase same idea as usual i'm going to discard i don't want to start a car right now so i'm not going to start a car this time but i will do these three times which is again going to bump that up by one and that up by one i'm also gonna trade in eight heat this time so i'm trading in eight heat to go ahead and bump up this by one and this by one so we start we just move the temperature temperature moves jesse it moved production ooh nice so we're going to produce right away again that was quick so i have 11 plus 4 is 15. pulling 6 plus four where's my four fifteen ten then i'm pulling one just for my quality there i'm doing ten plus four which should be another four three heat and i have to choose to keep this card or not i will keep this card hmm cheating i'll keep your card i wish i had a card draw i wish you the card draw too then we're going to go ahead and do card draw now you have cards just yes you get two cards you get to keep one of them no bottom actions oh wow it's a whole host of whole host of stuff here that's not gonna help me at all that one is useful ish i think it's usefulish i like the idea of that car i'm going to keep that card and i will keep they're all kind of cool why is that one better that one's better because of that [Music] i don't love any of these cars honestly they're all okay i'm gonna keep this one well none of those cards really love you either that's fair okay see now the problem every joke i want to make i just ready to go don't make it instead okay i'm not ready to go i haven't decided at all oh i have decided i'm ready okay research action okay again trigger my bonus stop kind of return i told you i'm gonna do it i literally said i'm gonna return i'm gonna give this card up and then get uh three plants then i've i've actually i've been doing something else for a few times i've been forgetting so i got three plants and i'm gonna do this three times so again this bumps up one and i bump up one okay and then i could i don't want to i don't have enough heat so i'm not gonna do anything there oh wait i've got plans to do that interesting i am going to go ahead and spend eight plants i'm doing a little force i'm gonna do a little forest little double of forests oh i'm gonna put that in my little plant box i'm gonna bump me up by one term rating and bump this up by one two okay okay then we go to car drive yeah please give me five yes indeed sir one two three four five now these are amazing two i'm gonna sell the heck out of them interesting yep just what i think interesting i guess i'll keep that one oh there is an action here maybe i keep that maybe i keep that yeah i think i do okay so i'm selling one keeping uh selling one keeping one generating three okay sounds good ready for the next map ready for the next round production construction so your construction happens first yes it does i'm gonna go ahead and build both of these so that's gonna cost me a four well it cost me eight so i'm going to pay don't want to do discounts no i don't i'm gonna pay the full eight so i get back change of two and then i'm going to play both of these it's going to be an event which lets me draws two cards and gives me two signed symbols for the future as well as this one's going to be that part that i liked over there where i can start doing stuff guess who's getting a bottom row ability as well my friend i'd gain a card when i play that i'm going to you why'd you get a car replaced because of this card oh nice okay because so this is going to be sold for three i then uh no we're not doing it yet well no i have to pay uh what is it two two is the only negative i have on it so seven [Music] oh that's interesting card that's an interesting card that's not that interesting card okay i don't love that one at all i could keep either both of these the money from them is helpful ish i'm going to just discard both these oh you know what actually i like to have some cards managed i'm going to keep both these cards okay now we're generating resource yes we are so i'm at 12 13 13 4 17 and then i get a car draw which i'll look at in a second and three heat okay and then i look at the car draw and it's ooh that is useful ish do i care enough about it yeah i think i'm gonna keep it all right cool ready and no i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm just a little unwell i know right now ready construction nice so what can i build what can i build i don't want that one i don't want that one i kind of want that one to find okay 11 to pay for this card um i'm gonna pay the full 11 actually um you know no i'm gonna discount it by five so i'm gonna pay that's another kind of one so i pay only five for it okay senator i think you're gonna be entertained by this uh-oh certainly hope so we're going to start with a giant ice asteroid for 36 minus five because of my card and because of this uh so 31 and why am i entertained by it we'll watch so that's the first action 31 uh raise the temperature two steps one two flip two oceans into two one two there's gonna be two plants for you yep and four money two plants four money and then i get a second build action yes you do where i'm going to drop a demise down raise the temperature three steps whoa gain seven money whoa you just caught up to me on points i'm crashing things into the planet you paid for those cars right uh this one i have to pay again five less so total of 25 points you pay five less for events what do you pay less steel costs less and playing a card costs less nice and it's gonna raise my heat level by two because each of these relate directly to heat nice solid i like it not too bad right not too shabby not too shabby i just need to know how many more of these destroy the planet cards are there as many as we possibly can uh then we're gonna go to the action phase where i'm going to go ahead and discard a card for three plants that's gonna give me three plants then i'm going to pay a plant to draw a card with that ridiculous little engine there what are you doing all right i'm paying a coin to draw a card i feel bad i kind of want to give you this card what's it do when you play i kind of want not terrible yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna keep it for now selling this for three okay but then i'm going to continue with what am i doing and i'm going to do this over here where i generate those three to go ahead and bump this up one and bump that up one okay i'm ready i'm not crazy i'm just a little unwell i know right now you can't tell and soon enough you're gonna look at me and how it looks to be no no no no okay okay no no okay i thought you said you were ready i lied ready i like the contrast of telling the truth um i am going to go ahead and pay nine to build a food factory the food factory is going to go ahead and give me actually give up two plants sadly to do that which is unfortunate but i'm gonna have to pay for five i've just got a four so i'm going to pay five for that and then i am now gonna have an extra four income one two three four okay i'm playing down methane from titan which is going to again cost me five less so i'm paying two and again bump your heat up i want three six nine ten and then bump your heat up by another one but plus another two more wait two more do you do yeah there you go doo doo doo doo how much heat are you pleasing everyone i'm producing right now 19. 19 heat that's insanity uh i love it requires red oxygen or higher during the production phase this produces two plants and two heat i love just how much heat you're generating it's insanity what i decided to try to do wow one two three four five six seven eight nine wow i love it cool let's keep going yep great that's development card which means i am going to go ahead and do a little known trick called research action i have to double down it you have you have your engine i have my engine hang a coin to draw a card for your action card i'm going to discard a card to generate three plants then i'm going to give up a plant to draw a card as you might imagine i will keep this card yeah i'll keep this card sure why not okay um then i am going to go ahead and trigger these actions over here to once again go up one and up one okay all players draw two keep one i'm going to draw three and keep an additional can i please have five cards one two three four five thank you so much i have two why don't any of these destroy the planet because rules are a thing there's only one action i can trigger when you do your blue card yeah so it doesn't matter at this point this is another cool car for you six more discounts on every one of those it's not bad ganymede shipyard so here's what i'm thinking yes thinking i keep this one because that'll be nice ah do i do this dude i do i hold on to this as well do i do what have i invested in so far i'm selling another one for three do i do this right now do i do this okay and next time yeah next time draw back that draw back that right ready production thought you might i thought you might building green all right all i can really build is this little green which is gonna cost me two less of course two oceans should be flipped during the production phase produces so i'm paying five minus three minus one is gonna be minus nine so i pay ten for this card but i got my income by one two three four and put one more over here okay okay now we got abduction i'm doing production where i get uh 13 plus 15 is 28. i'm getting 19 heat 28 i'm getting heat not quite your level much money here 13 let's pay five feet for that car for 17 kind of draw a card uh 18 19 20. okay i think that's right and we're back into the cycle intriguing i like the idea of this card but i don't think i keep this well i need some cards to keep for that i'll go ahead and keep this card ah what are you doing okay yeah well uh did i do everything i think i mostly did okay cool okay now which one do i have just i just had a production down okay i thought you were doing that same thing i thought you were doing that sender this i hope ruins your day wait can i play it yet temperature temperature oh the temperature isn't it's not cold enough why is yellow temperature oh yeah some sort of air do you still need to construction so you have to change that i'm so sad about that that is pretty sad dude just look at the card though okay i was feeling very good and eight heat to raise your tr by one yeah that's pretty cool it's actually not that cool it's a little it's not that cool it's it's cool because if you keep no she's just a thing this is only good late game because mid game you can spend eight heat to raise your temperature and thus your tr anyway here but if you keep just doing the production generator it's a good card it lets me know well right no no it literally doesn't help you in all right now you would inherently want to raise the heat before there's no point of it yet i want to beat you all right you should want to be this is what i'm going to put down then okay flip it over research so i'm going to go ahead and do this again i will once again give up a card for three plants i was too excited about that card that's what happened then i'm gonna go ahead and spend a plant to draw a card is that still on the camera probably is yeah i'm going to coin i mean the top part of it doesn't even matter um then i'm gonna go ahead and do this over here to bump that up by one again and bump that up by one i paid a coin to draw a card i'm gonna spend eight heat to raise the temperature so i'm spending eight heat raising the temperature and that's my tr again um anything else i can do over there i could do no raise at all yeah i'm done selling this for three which i really rather not do and then i'm going to research five cards please okay five cards for you two for me one two three four five and two for me come on what is this nonsense i'm looking for one thing i'm looking for one set of things i'm just not getting any of them that's not bad i like that card i can only keep one of these i'm gonna keep that one it's an intriguing aspect i like the idea of this card okay okay keeping one selling the rest all right ready i am not thrilled about i'm ready to go i know i'm not crazy i'm just i know right now you can't tell but soon enough you're gonna look at me and how i came to be me you've gotta be playing one of those talking to myself in public dodging lancers on the train development development yeah i figured you figured we're going to be doing biothermal power gaining forced vp and raise oxygen one step during this production phase this produces one heat so i'm spending five uh that's going to cost me my cards still on screen where's my finger oh let's drop this like the last card i can fit okay um i currently have a discount of five plus three plus one i'm going to pay two for this card it's going to be minus by five something it's going to increase my card draw every production phase by one and then we go to production right paying 13 and i gain a forced vp just one of these so i get 17 plus 13 is 30. i'll move into production phase okay uh 30. pulling 20 just from here plus three your heat production is insanity and then i've got 10 13 six plus four pulling 20 for money as well oh i like it i'm keeping this one okay you got a card drawn production um i did get a card yeah i got two cards in production it's annoying you know okay i think it's not the worst i'll keep both of these okay i'm ready um so am i got these back to this one's gonna be there that's gonna go there this one's there and ready construction i thought you were going yeah i know you did you got mixed things up occasionally well i think i built both of these i'm going to play 29 for these well 29 less 2 is 27 less 10 for my plant per agent is 17. so i'm paying 17 two eight so i'm paying eight for the iron works two ironworks is going to let me convert heat to uh biome so heat to oxygen okay i'm just running out of space at this point so i'm going to start playing more cards up here let's see like this this will come down i'm going to rearrange my board but we'll stack the two lines on top of each other now i'm going to put these up here like so if you stack no no no no i got it i got it okay and these are going to go down here giving me more actions i have two more actions to play now that's why i did it okay that kind of works got my stuff all laid out then we have these cards over here and i'm ready to move on to the next face okay if anyone paying attention i can play the birds because i have that technology otherwise i won't be able to ready yeah research actions figure okay so first of all i'm going to discard i only get one action for this right yes i'm going to discard a card any implants perfect i'm going to discard a plant to draw a card so is it is it any so can i activate both of these actions yes all okay about one time each you can do any number of standard actions in each of those ones i spend this to draw a card and then i'm spending four i'll keep this card because why not you raise this then i'm gonna do one two here i'm gonna put two on here i don't know if i'm going to activate it right away this time though i did that i'm going to pay 10 money to put a plant on the board to put a uh uh to flip an ocean tile so i'm playing tennis flip an ocean tile which raises my tr by one and thus gives me a card draw and a um plant let's see the card draw is going to be that not gonna i'm gonna get rid of that for three money okay uh then i'm going to go ahead and put a token on this card which is worth one victory point for every amoled card that's very cool i like that a lot okay and i'm not done i'm not done i'm doing standard actions now so because i have a bunch of money over here so i think i am going to go ahead and pay for that won't help me that would help me i could do heat i may as well do heat i'm going to pay 28 to generate some heat i think i think this might move you're just going to do it twice yeah i can do 30 and take two change and generate heat twice but the money could be so useful and you're about to do that i don't think i will i think i'm going to hold on to the money i'll do 14 right now i'm going to do this one again and then bump that up by one and this up by one i'll do eight to bump this up again and i go up by two okay i'm ready i'm ready ready to go oh i could also do the flipping ocean tile i think i will this flips an ocean yep nice jaw card and i go up again i don't like you catching up with me three money three three money give me money when you play a card you made this card a card oh that's cool i like that card just doesn't fit into mine i know it fits into mine not yours all right card draw you get five cards yeah one two three four five and i get two and i keep one why am i getting no red meteors crash into the planet cards at all pulling that it's kind of nice i don't love this card i think i'll keep this card ready for my engine okay keeping these two all right i just heard my wife come home with like the tiniest bit of door like she's being really sensitive we have like a red light that she was filming thanks sweetie she might call back now um okay ready next phase effective sneak though i assume she was sleuthing it was very sleepy i barely heard it okay i think i want to do that again i think it's right here i'm gonna i'm i'm messing with some stuff ready ready ready ready ready ready you know the noises that make it's weird i think you're gonna mess me up big time go construction development ooh development i need to think now okay well i guess i'll go ahead and play that because why not that's gonna cost me nine uh but i will go ahead and discard this so it doesn't cost me nine then it cost me minus five minus one is minus six so i pay three for that card i could do oh i can do better i still can't do that one okay i'm doing asteroid mining when you play a you pay 6mc less for it this will cost me 20 it's gonna cost me minus five yep so 23 23 plus you'll up your heat by one again i'll up my heat by one and then your titanium by two titanium by two nice starting to keep under my board there yeah yep i'll meet you you're good you're good for now crunch yeah and titanium is just a reduction of cost on plus his two points that's a big deal okay now to construction i get to play two cards i'm gonna pay 11 for these cards okay so this is going to be um i'll just discount this by five so it's gonna be five plus one is six i play five for that card and that's gonna give me two more actions during the action phase i'm going for heavy heavy action phase yeah sadly i cannot play any cards this time yeah which is really disappointing okay let's give me some more fun actions to do doing the action phase we'll go ahead and line these up okay ready i certainly think so you're doing an action phase maybe it's not like i have a giant row of actions i have never had this many actions in like any game of terrifying mars by the way all right right actions absolutely so uh actions i'm gonna do a bunch of things i'm gonna discard a card okay can i sell this card i'm going to start a card to get three plants i'm going to leave one plant behind so i can further draw a card i will keep this yeah i'll keep it why not mine okay uh then i'm going to go ahead and activate this little sequence again so that's going to be uh this is going to go oh interesting i don't want to do that anymore i'm going to activate that twice so it's going to go over here i did that i'm going to pay 10 money to flip an ocean tile that's going to be this one over here let's go to the center over there it's going to raise my tr by one it's going to give me a card draw and a money it's a card draw um i don't feel the need for this one it's late in the game i'm going to take free money we're getting late in the game it's late in the game i'm going to go ahead and put i'm going to activate this one twice which is my privilege as somebody who played the that card then i'm going to go ahead and get paid one money for three heat okay that's gonna be there and then finally i'm going to lower my tr by one to draw three cards and keep them all yeah it's pretty cool well i can do it with them i give them a knot yeah uh that one's gonna be useless useful arguably um i don't know if i love any of these i think i'm gonna discard all of them for nine money okay but we're not done we're not done because now we're getting laid enough in the game that i kind of want to start driving home so i think i would like to get some heat raising i'm gonna pay three of these take two change that's gonna be two heat raising one two and i go up one two it's my turn is that it yeah all right let's keep it going research five cards please oh research okay you get five i got two one two three four five i'm gonna move this giant stack of discards over here i am not i i am not getting any of like what what the actions i'm looking for actually at this point you don't at this point you double down on production your production is insane no i but i want i wanted more of these oh i hear you i wanted more of the like destroy the planet as you you know i'm not going to keep either of these cards i think i'm just going to go ahead and trade it in for 3 money frustrating i hear i respect the frustration all right i'll discard one for one money yeah or three money okay okay uh this one what i do action's gonna be left behind i have to choose between something else over here i think i'm gonna go with this ready direction i'm going with research so i'm gonna produce first so i have 21 plus um 13 is 34. 34. plus i dropped two cards [Music] and i dropped two cards which i could decide if i want to keep them or not i will get rid of both of them for another six money okay excellent i'm good to go and you are okay great and we do research where we go ahead and i get to draw two cards well you guys draw two cards i get two i get five come on nope neither of these are worth anything three all right oh intriguing whoa one second i'm keeping one car that's insane cars i'm keeping one card okay what are these other and then i'm discarding the rest which means for the rest oh do i need a cape one no the rest is gonna give me three money for when i discard it okay okay i'm ready are you though are you i'm ready card's played good to go knew it awesome of course glad for you we're gonna be doing this and this down because remember i go first don't you know what i think it's going to do i have a car dropped on us that happened forgetting to take so this one's going to cost minus i mean this was is this one free uh what might be this guy that's free straight up three okay and this one is going to cost minus five so it's gonna be 13. 35 i'd pay 29. that was an expensive card okay okay now action phase right action phase indeed spending one i'm gonna give up a card to draw three plants then i'm going to only take two plants because i use the other ones to draw a card spending four heat that cards are gonna take three money for uh then i'm going to go here i'm going to trap trade raise this nice i'm going to trade that as well for one and go up one as well to raise this yeah okay flipping put the top part of this deck it is a green so it gets discarded for me to get a coin i'm paying 10 money to flip an ocean coming over here i'm paying 14 in order to push this again coming up right next to you paying another eight in order to push this once more right next to you love it okay then i'm going to go ahead and double my point action on that one playing that one there i am going to go ahead and try this there's been at least two times where i haven't generated green just because i haven't paid attention can i cycle okay that means you're gonna raise this to max that's done okay okay i'm not done yet either though but i have that and that i'm gonna go ahead and trade in eight heat for another would you have technically got to take your activations no no no what matter no won't matter okay one you finish these off in the same round yeah okay so meaning you can keep going in the same round basically so i'm going to bump that up by one bumping me up by one over there come on yep i'm not done i'm not done we have four over there we have five over there i'm keeping these pretty decently i know i'm not thrilled with it we have that i've done that what else am i missing basic action that's what i'm missing okay so basic actions is i could flip the last water which might be helpful because it denies you that action and then i think we're done okay so i'm gonna go ahead and pay 15 one two three four five one two three four five and one two three four five we're gonna flip the last water tile that's gonna give me a card draw okay and i go up one higher so water's done auxin is done we're down to just the last three heat i get a card draw which i will keep okay enough i will keep that one okay and now i need to figure out what you're doing in what order oh that's really annoying oh that's really annoying no i agree i also find you bothersome no i'm not happy with that okay well we'll see we shall see okay and then no we need to do that and that and i need that i really want discount there i already did that one over there okay fine i'm gonna do this ready yup production okay i figured you might do okay so we're gonna produce first so i have 25 plus thirty eight twenty six thirty plus twenty one plus four i have two card draw okay interesting one second one second [Music] and that is an interesting card that might be worth keeping let's play the last round don't do it it's worth keeping okay i'll keep that one i'll discard this one let's be money okay um that was production i didn't do the i did my card draw i generated that okay cool i'm done with production okay drawing two i'm drawing five i love that at the point where i just wanted certain types of like you finally got off no i couldn't get any i couldn't get any of these things i'm just going in the mall and keeping to get money i'm keeping one oh oh wait one second my bad i draw two more cards and keep two more cards to my bonuses i'm just gonna take all money okay i'm making 12 money basically yeah i'm going to take a bearing of card up here where i forgot to look at it for the half the game so not half the game there's like three research actions right here drawing extra cards okay taking the action back and doing that and then going with ready i don't think that matters um yeah the game ends as soon as we trigger again i think i know what you're playing you don't i'm just messing with you what okay interesting well because i have some cards that i think are relevant so i'm going to be playing these cards i'm getting a discount of fascinating i have 10 plus 2 so for my 28 gallons i'm down to 16. so i'm going to pay 16 for these okay no i'm once again i'm an idiot well i'm gonna go ahead and raise my tr by two that's one of the cars i played which i thought was a cool car to play and then i'm going to go ahead and do this card which is when i play a card i gain two heat and two plants so i'll do the reverse order so i got two heat and two plants right now um do you mind if i swap by all means how about it okay because the only thing i meant to play was just this one that's worth 80. i just wanted the three points one of these cards that's all that's all i was doing for yeah i just forgot what color it was oh so i got to develop two um no i don't know i don't get to develop anything no i have no development cards minus two minus another two so [Music] what's all this talk about love this is the end game end game is happening so the only thing we can actually advance up is this but because of the way the game plays we can advance it up an infinite number of times effectively it's all simultaneous so we can advance it 15 times if we wanted to which we do um speaking of which i'm going to go ahead and spend the first eight of those let's do yours to bump that up by one okay it's gonna be one okay uh then i i'm gonna from these this doesn't matter uh that one no it won't matter i'm gonna go ahead and trade my last card in for three plants and then i'm going to go ahead and plant a tree with my eight plants that won't give me any oxygen but it will give me a point for the tree that's true uh then this one won't matter because oxygen's at max that one won't matter because i don't know what plants this one the ocean's all done i can go ahead and draw two of these because i use my extra i can do an action twice when you play this just to be clear you can do one of these cards twice uh then i'm going to go ahead i'm not going to buy the trading and terraform running for three cars because it won't help me raising heat at this point won't help me which means the last thing i can do is i can spend my 42 divided by 14 what's 14 times 3 is 42. so i'm going to go ahead and raise this three more times one two three and then go one two three and then it's your turn and you can still raise heat yeah so i'm going to i can activate the heat ones as much as i'm able to i have 23 total so 16 is going to be the only thing that i can divide into that yeah so twice please okay first designated amount i don't know it doesn't matter because these don't generate points afterwards do they okay then for money 14 so 20 oh no i can actually spend my remaining heat did you have a remaining i did have a remaining okay yeah 16 divided into twenty how much do you have uh 13 or 20. i should have had 20 would should be 10 i don't know i don't know where i put the 10 but i should have had 20 because i always generate a pile yeah no because you had that you're saying interesting i hear your point yeah see if you had if you had 23 then you had remaining so you could find the remaining which means you can go up twice there as well yeah but uh twice there yeah yeah so another two one two okay and i think that's all i can generate and then it comes down to counting up your trees how many trees do you have two two trees we each have two trees one two and one two uh and then count up your points okay points on cars and stuff no points on you one three okay i am at oh and these are worth points right uh no no they're not what are we looking at i don't know i thought these these are worth something no no no they just build things for free correct okay so to begin with i have 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 plus one point 17 points plus one point for every card played 17 plus one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five that's gonna be another six i have 23 points that's where you ended up yeah okay i go from three tonight 33 to uh 60 uh 33 plus 20. it does it doesn't matter can i just for my own knowledge yeah i need to know because mid game my strategy sure did not pan out absolutely you just wanted all the events i was looking for events and i didn't know what the distribution of events was the giant planets the killing events yes giant planet killing events are not that common they exist but they're not like that like asteroid falls yeah like look at this whole thing over here it's just not a time you're flipping ocean tile events are common the asteroids by the time i started looking for events we have towing a comet this is a cool one this would have helped you i discard that one okay so we have a nitrogen-rich asteroid so here's the thing i can confirm there was three cards that my strategy had turned into here's a bunch of these the large ones with titanium those are discarded early though i know they started early but that's the problem distribution we have another comet over here they're not a huge amount there's like everything else there's a decent chunk i really wanted i was in a position where i could have started playing every big event i came across and then by the time i started drawing that we're looking at roughly how many minutes like hour and ten minutes yeah from start to finish by the time i started by the time i went for that strategy you were already up with your production strategy yeah i had good resource generation and if i could have only triggered events i would have been able to keep because remember i caught you in a single turn yeah you got you got pretty good on the on that track i think the big thing where i got caught up on game score i had a ton of points from end games going a ton of cars are generated but even here even these would have i mean anything anything uh yes why does so it's still not they're gay it's still a threesome it's still a three for me well so that technically that's up for you it is it is yeah yeah it is up for me um but i'm not running out to buy it i don't need to own it sure you know i'm happy to play it though why does in your opinion the and i think i know why for me why does making the decision when you draw the card make a notable change in how you experience the game so i think in general in all games it comes down to decisions the more you remove decisions from from the space the less agency you actually have and that means simpler decisions are also removing decisions when you think why is drafting so much fun why is driving so much fun well because it's this puzzle and you don't know what you're gonna get you don't know what you just let off and you're trying to figure out and it's more than that it's like it's not only well i really want this card but if i give you this card you're just kind of flying back at me with this taking out my plans it's the decision and the tenseness and i think that by giving you by giving you the freedom to keep cards until you want to sell them for money as opposed to having to make the decision on the spot it removes a degree of decision space and therefore degree of tension now i'm with you by the way for me where i am with this is playing this solo i i think it's a four to five me solo meaning i would enjoy the puzzle i enjoyed the puzzle the solo anyway removes drafting solo anyway has lack of error control sure so playing the solo for me and given the game length and the accessibility in the setup time the sometimes a big one for me playing terrifying mars solo is a 90 minute to two hour experience it's a bit of a chore uh playing reg areas exposing solo was an hour start to finish with everything and it's a similar economic puzzle that already doesn't include drafting already doesn't like you said include uh what include area control now multiplayer it drifted upwards a bit it's still not a four for me it's still not a four even i i i like it a lot multiplayer but it's it still lacks a lot of the tension that that is terrible brings to the table for me it changes the way i view my hand you're talking about the the nature of drafting and why that's fun and why the crunch on decisions fun but for me it also meant the very first few games i played i was viewing my hand and card draw as just a way to generate three coins each yeah so i draw i'd keep i didn't have to really degree i didn't well yes but i didn't have to really pay attention to what i was keeping i didn't really really have to pay attention to what cards were in my hand they could always be converted into money uh in this game i was much more fixated on not only hunting for the cards i need and being purposeful about the ones i kept i played nearly everything i had in my hand but i think last time i probably discarded a third of my hand just for money draw um this time everything that stayed actually ended up on the table uh i yeah i i like it i don't know that it actually changes end game for me which is where i think this still hits a three for me yeah uh but early game i found the decision between the strategy or the network i was going down more interesting than i did it did in the initial place for me it's i think we're both up like half a point technically yeah because you were between a two or three last time i actually i think you're more towards jew for me i uh original my our original plays of aries expedition had it so that i didn't see a reason to pull it out it's shorter but it wasn't good enough compared to it it's a it's half a point up we don't do half points i don't have points in my scoring but if i did half points it's half a point up it would be a 3.5 if i did 3.5 well i mean now that you're saying it would be you probably just did a 3.5 no no i specifically don't i i well but you sort of just i know i know but i still don't oh but it's kind of no because 3.5 for board game co ultimately well when i own my own personal rating system i track things in five columns yeah it's it's still in the five column i know it would be the limitations of your system i would say i'm fine with but i still tell people about the the gaps i still tell you about where i'm drifting i'm curious i think with expansions it could become a four the expansion content that they potentially bring to the table with their expedition could potentially move it to a four i still really don't like how you just take a little tree token i really don't like that i think they need to stop focusing on how to be a proxy to turquoise and come up with a different innovative way that that system makes sense some sort of economy in the game where you get like some sort of tree and it matters maybe every like even something in some way i want to do this but the game won't be balanced even something as simple as every tree you get makes every plant card costs one less like something that matters more like right now these are just placeholder tokens they try to abstract the like the terrifying mars engine and they didn't make it interesting along the way yeah they just subtracted i mean you can even play around with every tree as a player color and only one can go on each zone yeah i don't know there's things you can play with yeah i like the i like it enough i had that i'm keeping especially with the solo play because i did enjoy tour for my solo and i think i'm only ever going to play the solo i liked it enough that i'm still not getting it it's nothing but it was better it was better it was better so you fixed it you fixed that good for you no i'm so proud of you i'm not doing that so you're a developer uh for my own just not official yeah you're a house ruler in any case you can do it oh i got it uh the printer got me see you later
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 3,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, games, tabletop, tabletopgames, player, play, gamer, quack, quackalope, kickstarter, ian, ttg, flgs, howtoplay, gameplay, game, middara, jrpg, rpg, overview, boardgamegeek, bgg, review, preview, Quackalope, right / wrong, instructional
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 54sec (4374 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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