Terraform Tutorial for Beginners | FULL COURSE in 1 Hour

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welcome to this fast-paced terraform for beginners  course this course is designed to be completed in   just over an hour but it will provide you with a  comprehensive introduction to terraform and its   capabilities by the end of this course you'll  have a solid understanding of the benefits of   infrastructure as code as well as how terraform  works you'll be able to use terraform to manage   and provision your infrastructure during  this course you'll learn about terraform's   basic syntax and usage as well as how to use it to  create and manage infrastructure on Docker and AWS   you'll also learn about best practices for using  terraform by the end of this course you'll have   the skills necessary to use terraform to create  manage and Version Control your infrastructure   in a consistent and efficient way this will  not only save you time and effort but also   help you to avoid errors and ensure that your  infrastructure is always in the desired state   so whether you're a developer system administrator  or devops engineer this course will help you to   take your infrastructure management skills to the  next level it'll also make your job easier and   more efficient finally if you find that you need  more of an in-depth course you can check out my   terraform 101 certified terraform associate course  which has more than 10 hours of video content   well that's it for now let's get started with this  course let's start with the agenda for this course what is infrastructure as code or IAC will spend  some time over that talking about the benefits   and advantages then we're going to focus on  terraform why terraform what problem does it   solve and then we're going to have a section on  the Hands-On of terraform so we're going to run   terraform in a lab we're going to have two  examples a Docker example and an AWS example   all right so what is infrastructure as code  well infrastructure as code is the process of   managing and provisioning infrastructure  with machine readable definition files   so think of it as an executable  documentation if you will   some of the advantages of infrastructure as  code it provides configuration consistency and   standardization for deployments it is simple to  learn and write as it is more like configuration   than development code it allows you to turn  manual tasks into simple automated deployments   you can create reusable modules  for easy sharing and collaboration   you can modify existing infrastructure safely  by using a dry run before applying changes you can integrate with current application  CI CD workflow pipelines for more mature   automated deployments he creates  a blueprint for your environment   it is consistent repeatable  item potent and predictable   it allows you to create or recreate an  application's infrastructure for Disaster Recovery terraform overview terraform is an immutable  and declarative provisioning language based   on hashicorps configuration language HCL  for short or optionally you can use Json   it is written in the golang programming language  you can use it for a consistent workflow to   provision and manage all your infrastructure  on-prem or in the cloud throughout its life cycle   terraform can manage low-level  components like compute storage   and networking resources as well as high level  components like DNS entries and SAS features terraform is designed to work with almost  any infrastructure that provides an API so   terraform through the API talks to AWS for example terraform is a stateful application state is a  necessary requirement for terraform to function   state is kind of a database that allows terraform  to map its configuration to the real world   terraform is a cloud agnostic tool public or  private and therefore isn't limited to a single   cloud provider such as AWS cloud formation  or Azure resource manager terraform allows   it organizations to focus on learning a single  tool for deploying its infrastructure regardless   of what platform is being deployed on so it  really is a multi-cloud deployment platform   so what are other tools out there so you've  probably seen shaft puppet ansible Powershell   scripts bash scripts however these tools work well  for configuring the operating system and preparing   that operating system to host the application  they're not really purpose built for provisioning   infrastructure in general and Cloud infrastructure  in particular and also platform services   so some native Cloud provisioning tools are  also available these are also infrastructures   code tools and each cloud has its own  yaml and or json-based provisioning tool terraform can be used across all major Cloud  providers in VM hypervisors so it's kind of a   lingua Franca if you will you learn it once  you learn the syntax once and then you can   use it with different providers all right so  let's get started with the Hands-On lab so   and we're going to start with lecture one and  talk about the basic commands in terraform   okay so you go to our GitHub repo and first thing  you want to do is run a code space so you can go   to the GitHub repo and click the code button and  from here you can create a code space on Main you   can also Fork this repo into your own repo and  do the same thing run code space on Main either   way works you don't really need full control over  the GitHub repo so just running code space should   be fine this will take a few minutes and then  you'll be ready to go I'll pause the video in   the meantime till we're ready all right so our  environment is up and running excellent so as   you can see here we have a number of folders and  each one corresponds to a lecture that we're going   to go through so you can see here from zero one  all the way to zero nine and today and for this   lecture we're going to talk about basic commands  so if you open this a folder and you look here   there is one file called main.tf and Dot TF is the  terraform configuration extension for any of its   files and if you open main.tf this is our main  file that terraform is going to use to execute   and it's broken into a number of block sections  the first one is a terraform block section where   we Define providers and as we saw before providers  are plugins into the terraform core to be able to   use it to extend or to basically talk to the  apis of the different providers out there in   this case we're going to talk to Docker so here  we have a Docker provider and this is the source   for it and the version that we're using and it's  always a good practice to pin the version just   in case in the future somebody else uses your  code it will work and it will not go and default   to the latest version and might have some and  breaking points in the code that will not work   now the next block here is called the provider  block it depends on the provider sometimes you   need to execute or put some options here but in  this case for the docker provider we don't need to   so we just leave it as is like that then we come  to a number of resource blocks in this case we   have two resource blocks and think of a resource  block as a way to create a resource or provision   a resource in this case the first element of the  resource block is the type so in this case it's   Docker underscore image and then we give it an  arbitrary name any name you'd like to name it   in this case it's engine underscore image so  here this is fixed you can't change that and   this one you can change give it whatever name you  want and then every resource has some options to   choose from in this case the name for our Docker  image is engine X colon and the tag for that image   the next resource is the docker container resource  which allows us to create a container and in   this case the arbitrary name we're giving it is  nginx underscore container and the name of this   container we're going to call it web server and  the image we're pulling is the previous image we   just pulled so the resource Docker underscore  image pulls an image into your local Docker   deployment or install and then the we call  that image using this option here image Docker   underscore image dot nginximage dot image ID so  in order notice when we're referencing some other   resource we just use the type which is the docker  image right here followed by a DOT followed by the   name which is the nginx underscore image followed  by an attribute that this particular resource has   and this attribute is the image underscore  ID all this would be shown in the actual   doc documentation which I'll show you in just a  little bit then we want to expose some parts so   the internal port for the container is Port 80.  we're going to expose it to our host machine on   Port 8080. okay so that's basically all it takes  for us to pull an image and run a Docker container   now let's run a few commands to get this all  working so first of all let's change our directory   into the basic commands directory from here our  first command to learn on the CLI is terraform   Emit and what terraform in it does it initializes  our terraform folder here and you can see it says   initializing the back end initializes provider  plugins so the cruise worker Docker I can't really   say the name very well and version is matching  3.0.1 which is right here so it's pulling that   provider into our folder here and it tells you  terraform has been successfully initialized and   notice what happens it created a DOT terraform  folder with the provider that we have here and   a bunch of code that you can see here there's the  binary for that particular provider so that won't   open up because it is a binary all right looks  great so now let's move on to our next command   and also it created this lock file which we will  look and understand a little bit more in the next   lecture now let's move on to the next command  and this one is terraform format Now telephone   format will clean up our code so I intentionally  put some Extra Spaces here uh maybe a space here   and make it look not as neat and tidy so when  you write terraformat here it's go ahead gonna   go ahead and look through the entire configuration  files within your folder and clean it up to make   it look a lot nicer so you can see the tabs and  the spaces are all fixed and looks a lot nicer   that way so that's terraform format the next one  is terraform validate so let's make a let's make   something here let's make an error somehow and say  instead of name Nam and type terraform validate and when you do that you're going to get  an error message missing required argument   argument name is required and it sometimes  even gives you a hint did you mean name with   an E here and certainly that's what we meant  so back to line 17 put in E and notice in   GitHub code spaces I don't need to hit Ctrl s  to save it automatically saves my files for me   which is really neat and let's run again terraform  validate and this time it successfully validates   our configuration so the syntax looks well  looks good let's go ahead and move to the next   next command which is careful plan and what  terraform plan does it goes through our entire   configuration and gives you a dry run of what  terraform is about to provision in this case   you can see that let's make this bigger when we  ran the command it went through the configuration   anything with a green plus sign means it's going  to create so the first thing is going to create   a Docker container nginx container and it has  a bunch of things it will create as you can   see attach Bridge command and health checks if  we had any labels ports here the ports that we   just specified and then also the image we're  pulling the docker underscore image and you   can see the name of the image as well in total  or finally as a summary it tells you the plan   will create two resources zero to change Zero  to destroy and that's it really it's a dry run   you could save this dry run into a file and  then run the next Commander from apply or   uh an easier way for us is we're just gonna run  the next command which is terraform apply and   what terraform apply does it will run a plan  ahead of the apply and it's the same plan we   saw before but then it gives you a prompt asking  you do you want to continue we say yes and that   will go ahead and create our resources our  Docker image and our Docker container for us   so we give it a second or two that gets created it  gives you apply complete resources to add it I'll   even have the port exposed already I can open  this in a browser and there we go we will see   our nginx default page show up just momentarily  and here we go successful we have been able to   we're using terraform create a Docker in order  pull a Docker image and create a container out   of it expose the proper ports everything works  very very well and if you notice after this is   done a new file gets created called terraform  State and we will discuss what this terraform   State file along with the terraform block file  in our next lecture so the final command we are   going to go through is terraform destroy and that  as the name implies it will go ahead and destroy   our infrastructure that we just created before we  destroy that let me run Docker PS for you just to   show you the container running as you can see  it's running right here with the exposed ports   and the web server is the name of the container  as we saw in the configuration if you run Docker   images you'll also see the nginx image as well  so now let's run Docker sorry terraform destroy and what it does similar to terraform apply  is going to create a plan for us and in this   plan we see that it's going to destroy two  resources the docker image here and also the   docker container as well so it will run the  plan and then ask you whether you want to go   ahead and destroy this or not you have to type yes  to do so that will destroy our environment for us   all right so that is it for this lecture and I  will see you in the next one let's now take a   look at the Lock and state files so we're back  in our repo here and we are in lecture two so   lock and state files and if you notice if you  go to main.tf it is exactly the same file that   we saw before so let's change the directory into  this particular folder and once again initialize   our folder with terraform so terraform initialized  and I'm going to show you a way to deploy this   with terraform apply and a flag called Auto  approve now this flag is pretty dangerous   and not to be used in production because it it  doesn't prompt you whether you want to deploy or   not it's just going to go ahead and auto approve  the deployment now where would you use this do   you use this in a csud pipeline and in that  pipeline you would have a peer review before   you push into production and that will go and  deploy for you but again you have to have the   review ahead of time once again this has created  our container for us and you see nginx running so   all looks good all I need to focus on in this  lecture really is two files the lock file here   and what this lock file does it locks the  version of the providers that we're working   with so remember the the provider we're working  with here is the docker provider and this is   the source of it and the version is 3.0.1 so  the purpose of the lock file is to make sure   we don't shoot ourselves in the foot later  down the road and maybe this provider has   now version 3.0.2 and we don't want to  have somebody else who's using our code   um use a newer version that might actually not  work with what we have here so that's the purpose   of the log file it will sit here in the repo with  us and there's no harm in having it here the next   one is the terraform State file now this is a  sensitive file and that's why you see it's grade   out here because in my DOT get ignore you'll see  all the state files are uh are ignored when we're   pushing into GitHub okay so that's important also  the dot terraform folder as you can see is also   um not to be pushed into into GitHub okay  so back to our state file the reason why   is that there can be sensitive information and  we'll see in just a few lectures one example of   that and as you can see here it really keeps track  of the state of our infrastructure so if we scroll   down you can see outputs we don't have any outputs  here resources we've got a couple of resources so   the First Resource is mentioned here which is the  docker container and the name of it is engine X   container as we saw and it keeps it keeps track  of a bunch of things every one of these resources   has an ID and uh and so on so you can see all  the different parameters you can see the ports   to use the external the internal ports and the  second resource is that Docker image that we   mentioned also has an ID and has some parameters  and options as well so this is important when we   are keeping track it's a terraform is a stateful  application which is amazing because now it can   keep track of what has been deployed in the real  world through the state file so you can add more   to your resources remove some and so on all right  so I just want to show you now that when I destroy   this resource or these two resources the state  file is going to get updated as well so if we run   terraform destroyed and I'm going to Cowboy  this and say Auto approve again not to be done   in production but just to speed things along this  will automatically remove our resources and as you   can see the state file also got uh got updated now  I promised in the previous lecture to show you the   actual documentation and where I got this and how  I implemented this so let's go ahead and do that   and if you type and see let's say Docker actually  just to make it easier let's look up this   provider so let's go here  and say terraform registry and paste this so the terraform registry is a  place where you can anybody can create a provider   and upload it to this public registry and other  folks can basically use those use those providers   similar to Docker Hub if you're familiar with  Docker hub okay so we are right in our Docker uh   provider here and there are some very important  things to look at the first one is how to use   this provider if you click here it will tell you  exactly how to use it so you can grab this copy   this code and put it right here and that's exactly  what we just what we have right so very simple to   start now there's also an example usage that you  can work with here one of the parameters for the   provider Docker is the uh is to use the Unix sock  here but because we're using this locally we don't   have to specify it it's fine here's an example of  pulling an image just like what we were doing and   an example of creating a container so you can  grab some of this code here the examples and   play around with them test them out to make sure  you know what you're doing now the second thing   to look at is on the left hand side you would  have something called resources and data sources   data sources we will cover in a later lecture but  resources we saw before remember the docker image   and the docker container so Docker image if you  click on it it will give you example usage Docker   image and remember this is a a keyword that  is locked you can't really make changes but   this one is the name of the resource that is  arbitrary that you can change here's a Docker   image and here is also the docker container and  you can look at the different options that are   are here the required options are the image and  the name to use the container and some optional   parameters as well that you can see here and  at the end usually of each one of those is a this is quite quite a lot of options there is  usually a command to show you how to import   this so sometimes you might have resources in  your infrastructure that have been deployed   outside of terraform and you want to import them  into terraform so this allows you to do that with   terraform import this is outside the scope of this  beginners course but you can find it of course in   my detailed terraform 101 course all right so that  is pretty much it for this lecture we covered what   the log file is what terraform State file is and  also what to look in in the documentation how to   navigate the terraform registry documentation uh  for your purposes I'll see you in the next lecture   now a very important topic in any  uh language programming language   is variables so let's tackle that in  this lecture and let's go back to our   our code here our repo and let's close up all  these files and now we're in zero three variables   so let's go in and take a look at our file  here and as you can see let's make this bigger   as you can see now we have a few blocks here  called variable blocks and these variable blocks   have the keyword variable and then a name for this  variable in this case the image underscore name   image tag internal Port external port and each  one has a type now you don't have to put a type   or description or default you can just leave it  empty you can leave it like this okay but it is a   good practice to give a type for this variable so  in this case it is a string so a bunch of letters   and numbers the description for it is also good  practice so this is the name of the docker image   a default a reasonable default that you might need  so nginx is is the default in this case it might   not it might not make sense to put an nginx as a  default image so you can remove this default line   but we'll leave it for now because I want to show  you something here the next one is the image tag   once again at the type the description and in this  case 1.23.3 the variable internal Port this is of   type number in this case it's digits basically  which is Port 80. I give it a description but   I did not give it a default and we'll see what  happens when you don't give defaults same thing   with external Port it's a typed number and I don't  have a default for it now these variables we need   to reference them right so in our actual code you  can see our resource the docker image here we're   using something called string interpolation so  if you recall in the previous lectures our main   image had the the docker image resource had  the form of nginx colon 1.23.3 now what we're   trying to do is we're trying to build that same  format but using variables so in this case I use   the keyword VAR dot the name of the variable which  is image underscore name here separate by a colon   uh and then once again the dollar sign and the  curly braces VAR dot image tag right which is this   so this all is uh surrounded by parentheses  here as you can see double quotes and these   double quotes take any kinds of variables with  anything in between like I can instead of a   colon I can put Dash dash dash for example but of  course that doesn't make sense it will give us an   error because the the container is looking  for the proper syntax which is the name of   the image followed by a colon followed by the  tack so that's string interpolation the next   part here if you don't want or if you just need  to reference a variable such as in this case we   want the internal and external ports you can  just use VAR dot internalport VAR dot external   Port we don't need to surround those with the  dollar sign and the braces or the the actual   um double quotes as well terraform will  understand this directly as you can see here   now you might not think that this is really  that important I can just write whatever I   need here the image name the tag and external  interim ports so while this is true for this   simple example but as you start to write a lot of  terraform code it makes a lot more sense to use   variables because now you can change the variable  assignment here and it will change that multiple   places in your code which is really the benefit  of having variables in any programming language   so let's see this in action and let's change our  directory to zero three variables once again we   need to terraform initialize this directory since  we are we are working in a new directory and now   let's run a terraform plan just to remind you of  what a plan does and notice when you run telephone   plan it's going to ask you for the external Port  remember here internal and external ports we did   not Define a default so terraform has no way to  figure out what port we want or what number we   want so external Port let's put 8080 and then you  get another prompt for internal Port let's put 80   and then it's going to go ahead and run the plan  for you okay so similar to what we saw before so   now if we want to run terraform apply once again  is going to ask us for the ports so external port   8080 the internal Port is 80 and do we want to  proceed yes and that will go ahead and create   the container image and the container for us as  we've seen before and run everything for us nicely   if we run Docker PS it will show us the container  once again open a container in the browser we see   welcome engine X everything is good to go now  I want to show you another way of doing this   and what we're going to do is we're going to  provide the variable assignments through the   CLI itself the way to do that you can run  terraform apply and run and use the dash   VAR keyword and in here you can surround your  external port let's say equals 8080 sorry equals   8080. let's around that with a single quote and  then Dash bar again and say internal internal Port equals 80. in this case I put 90. so what  you'll see here actually that's a good exercise   because now what we'll see it's going to want to  destroy something and recreate something so that's   the first time you've seen this so plan one and  to change nothing is to destroy one because this   forces a replacement in place this will have  to work or this will have to change now say no   because this will break our container because the  container listens on Port 80 but what we can do   instead just to show you that this will destroy  the container is let's change the external port   to 80 90 and leave the internal port at 80. now  that's another way of providing uh of providing   variables into our into terraform and now let's  just say yes to deploy that will go ahead and   deploy things for us now you can see  that we're reading Port 80 90 instead   of port 8080 and if we look here it's going  to take a second or two to get nginx to run   and there we go it's running very well and we've  got that covered so now let's go and destroy this   environment and now I'll show you a different  command to destroy the environment and this   is terraform apply with the flag destroy  so terraform apply Dash destroy it's the   same as terraform destroy and we have to run  the same thing we did before so the external   Port of 80 90. and our internal internal Port equals to 80. that will run a  plan things look good hit yes and that will   destroy our environment for us and that is  it for this electron variables in the next   lecture we will continue looking at variables as  well let's continue our discussion on variables so now we are going to go into folder zero four variables  continued so let's go and change our directory to that zero four and um before we go ahead and  initialize terraform let me show you what   this folder contains so we have our main.tf  file and here you can see the same thing we   saw earlier we have a Docker image and a Docker  container resources and we're using variables as   we saw earlier so that hasn't changed what  has changed is that we moved our variable   blocks into a new file called variables.tf if  you go into variables.tf you'll see the exact   same variable blocks that that were there in  the main.tf file now we've moved them over   and there is a new file called terraform.tfvars  and here is where we're actually assigning all the   variables so you might notice that here we have  some default values but remember image name and   image tag didn't have any defaults and earlier we  were defining them or assigning them through the   CLI command or we were getting a prompt so now  we can actually make all the assignments in a   separate file called terraform.tf bars and one  key concept about terraform is that it doesn't   matter how many files how many terraform files  you have in a folder terraform is going to merge   them all together as it runs so separating this  out to multiple files is completely fine and as   you can see here we're assigning nginx 123.3 for  the image tag the internal Port is 80 external   Port is 8080. I'm going to change this to 80  90 just to show you that this will override   the defaults that we have here for the external  Port so you can suggest some defaults but at the   same time inside of terraform.tfrs that will  override your default also if you're running   it through the CIA LI or through a prompt  that will also override the defaults as well   so let's go ahead and terraform in it this  folder to get everything set up for us and we   will quickly run terraform apply Auto approve just  to move faster and here we don't need to specify   anything through the CLI and also no prompts will  happen it will go ahead and create our container   image and also our container for us and we'll  see that it will generate this over Port 8090   as you can see here 80 90 and let's open this in  a browser and once again welcome to nginx message   comes up so everything worked very very well let's  go back and destroy our infrastructure terraform   destroy Auto approve remember Auto approve is  not to be used in production this is just for   our demos here and our course and that is it for  the selection and I'll catch you in the next one   okay let's continue our course here and focus now  on creating resources in AWS all right so we will   continue here and move to our section five and  this section we have two files the first one is   main.tf which is now you're used to it our main  terraform configuration file here we're using the   AWS provider and pinning it to a specific version  and this provider requires the region to be   specified in the provider block and it takes one  resource because we're creating an ec2 instance   we need this AWS underscore instance keyword  we're going to give web server the name for this   resource and it requires the Emi and an instance  type here we've hardcorted the Emi later we'll   see how we're going to use a data block to get a  particular Ami by searching for it and we're also   using the my instance type variable to specify  T2 micro which we'll see in just a little bit now   there's a new block here that we're introducing  called the output block and in this case it's the   public IP again this is a name that you can give  it it's arbitrary and the value is the thing that   you need to add or give the output block and in  this case we're outputting the AWS instance you   can see here that type of the resource dot the  name of the resource which is web server dot   an attribute in this case our attribute is public  underscore IP and also as a good practice to give   it a description now the other file variables.tf  has two variables region and my instance type   region we're going to give it the default Us East  one and T2 micro for my instance type so in this   case we don't need another file a terraform.tf  vars file we're just skipping that giving defaults   and we should be good to go so let's go ahead  and run terraform init I'm already inside of my inside of my folder here so that ran well now   uh you're gonna need an AWS account for this part  so if you're part of the terror to the tekkenade   subscription for technique Academy then you  can simply launch an AWS environment and that   will give you the access that you need to an  account that Tekken 8 has and it will give you   the username password the access keys that you  need so you can simply grab this which exports   the environment variables that terraform needs  to uh to run this is the way that terraform is   going to connect to aws's API to create this  ec2 instance now we can run a terraform plan   and this will again plan what we need here public  IP will show up as an output we're creating one   resource here which is the instance so we can  run terraform apply and let's Auto approve this   just to make it go faster and that will create  our instance for us so we can wait on that in   the meantime we can log into our AWS console  so let's grab this URL and grab our password   and also our username right here   so let's use this is my username and this  is the new password I have let's sign in while this signs in let's check on our resource  it's still being created oh it's done and the   output gives us the public IP of this instance  right here this has been successful now let's   see our ec2 instance let's go to ec2 and just  verify that it is there with the same IP address   and we will be done with this lecture shortly all right instance is running let's go in here all right and I can see the instance that's  running here and it's the   uh exactly what we see here so we've  created it with terraform and now we   can simply destroy everything as we're  used to terraform destroy Auto approve and that will destroy our instance for us and  again we can verify in the console that is   that it is terminating it takes a couple seconds here and during that period if you  quickly peek here and just refresh I guess we didn't do it fast enough or  if you just remove instances running   you will see that this is our instance  and it's shutting down right now   while it's still actually in fact shutting down  so you just gotta be a little bit patient and   give it a few more seconds and it will be good to  go there we go it's all done and now we're able   to create our first instance in the cloud rather  than locally on our machine with Docker now we're   using the AWS provider and we'll continue to use  it throughout the next few lectures I'll see you   in the next lecture in this lecture we're going  to talk about data blocks so let's get started now we are in lecture six data blocks so make  sure you're there let's change directory to   data blocks and now the only difference  that we made actually two things we've made   um main.tf we now have this block called Data  blocks or data block and it's called AWS Ami   and what this does it is  a get request that goes to   um for the AWS API basically and get something to  be included in a resource that we want to create   so remember resource blocks creates a resource  and a data block gets something right so here   we're going to get the AWS Ami ID and then we're  going to reference it here instead of hard coding   the Ami or passing a variable of that Ami what I  want to do here is I want to look for the Ubuntu   Ami so what happens is I am going to use this  most recent option equal to true and I'm going   to filter so I'm going to filter on the name and  in here I'm looking for Ubuntu images hvm SSD   Ubuntu focal 2004 and giving it a wild card here  also including virtualization type HF hvm with the   owner being the canonical owner and you can you  can see more details in this article but basically   what this is going to do it's going to return  a an ID for a specific Ami the latest Ami for   Ubuntu 2004 and I'm going to now reference it down  here in the AWS instance resource notice how I'm   referencing it I'm using the data keyword here dot  the name or the type awsa my DOT the name Ubuntu   dot ID to get the Emi ID which again gets passed  to the AWS instance to spin that up now the   other change that I made here is that I move the  outputs to a an output or outputs file here and as   I mentioned before in terraform it doesn't matter  you can split your configuration across multiple   files terraform is intelligent enough to merge  everything together so really nothing changed   other than moving this output into its own output  file and at a minimum usually a good practice is   to have a main.tf a variables.tf and an output or  outputs.tf file in your in your configuration you   may add more things maybe networking or storage  as your configuration grows just to kind of   split it up a bit but at minimum you have a main  variables and output so now let's go ahead and   initialized our folder here and we are going  to run terraform apply Auto approve right away and just to speed things along and this again  should work fine it will create everything we   asked it to create and it's going to reference  our Ami the data block that we used for the Emi see you can see here data.aws.ami  Ubuntu is reading right so it's   reading it's getting information and  and it will supply this information   to our instance which is right here so you can  see it grabbed this Ami ID and fed it to the   to the ec2 instance and this is complete here's  our public IP the dot 155 again if we go into the   console you'll see that it is up and running all  is good and that is really it for this lecture   go ahead and destroy your infrastructure  and I will see you in the next lecture   in this lecture we're going to see how to include  another provider in our terraform configuration   so let's get started now we are in seven another  provider folder so let's change the directory to   that folder and in here what we've done is we've  added another provider here called TLS notice we   can add as many providers as we want so really you  can add an AWS provider a gcp provider an Azure   provider really it doesn't matter in this case  we want to use the TLs provider which allows us   to create a private public key pair and then we're  going to push the public key into our ec2 instance   so we can SSH into it so so far we haven't been  sshing into the ece2 instance all we were seeing   is just that it got created in the console  that's about it but really not very useful so   um right here what we did is we've added a number  of resources uh just two to be exact first one is   the TLs private key resource and we called it my  key and this is using RSA as the algorithm and the   RSA bits is 40.96 then we are referencing it using  this resource AWS key pair so it's creating a key   pair inside of AWS and we're giving it a name here  and then we're giving it a uh the public key which   is taken from over here TLS private key.mykey Dot  Public key openssh is the attribute used to pass   the public key over and then in the AWS instance  resource we're doing a couple of extra things the   first one is the key name which is this key name  that we just created AWS key pair mykey.key name   so now we're telling the instance to use this key  that we just created in AWS and also we need to   create a security group to allow SSH inbound and  all the internet traffic outbound so you can see   here this VPC Security Group IDs is referencing  this new resource AWS Security Group dot Security   Group one dot ID right here as you can see in  Ingress of everything for SSH Port 22 protocol   TCP egress is everything from the ec2 instance  so let's go ahead and run this so terraform   in it as usual to initialize our  folder and from here we are going   to run a terraform plan just to  show you what's going to happen okay in this case we are getting two outputs  a private key and a public IP so we need this   private key to be able to SSH into the  machine public IP we've seen before and   we're actually creating four resources this  time and the ones that we just went through   a little bit ago so here this private key  is sensitive it says sensitive value and   I'll talk a little bit about what that means in  just a bit so for now let's go ahead and apply   this configuration while that happens let's take  a quick look at our output file and this output   file has our public IP from before but now it  has our private key as well and this keyword   sensitive true means that when the output comes  out it's not going to show us that private key   and the value here is tlspruitkey.mykey.private  keypem as opposed to the public key pem that we   saw up here or the public key open SSH that we  saw up here okay now you will see that once this   create gets created I'll show you that the state  file will actually still contain the private key   which is very important it's a very important  concept to understand when you're working   with terraform that sensitive and secrets will  appear in your state file so you need to have a   mechanism to secure that state file make sure it's  encrypted at rest and have some sort of role base   Access Control around it to know who exactly gets  access to that state file okay as as I mentioned   before the private key here doesn't show up  it's sensitive The Pledge public key is right   here let's hop into our state file really quickly  to show you where the private key is it's right   here if I do alt Zed you can see private key is  obviously right here we see the entire private key   um in the output also if you scroll down as  part of the resource down here you will be   able to see the public key but also the  private key as well okay so that's what   I wanted to show you as to how it's important  to secure your state file okay so now what we   want to show you what I want to show you  is that you can still even see the output   um either like if you run terraform  output you're going to see the exact same   output that we saw here but if you run terraform  output Dash raw and then you type private   key that is actually going to show you the private  key as well so once again you need to know these   things as you're working in production now we  want to test our SSH see if we can actually SSH   into the machine so let's do that so the  first thing you want to do is output this   into a file so terraform output raw private  key and let's put this in a MyKey dot pem file   so that should show up right here so now our  private key is stored here the next step is to   change the permissions on this file because right  now it has it's too permissive so we got to type   tighten it up a bit and now finally we can run  the SSH command and use the dash I flag to use the um to use the the key file that we just created  and also I'll show you how this is a trick where   you can use just typical bash to run the terraform  output Raw public IP to uh to Output this into   this command so the the um the output of this  command is going to get replaced here so you can   Ubuntu you can SSH with username Ubuntu at this IP  address of the output so with that done we can say   yes and now we are sshing into that machine and  sure enough we are in the machine here as you can   see and also if you check check the console you  can see our console here here's the so that worked as expected and  that is pretty much it for this   lecture just make sure that you exit  here and destroy the infrastructure and I will see you in the next lecture in this  lecture we're going to discuss the topic of   modules let's get started all right so we are in  the zero eight folder modules so let's make sure   we're there and I believe we are perfect and now  we're going to talk about modules and we kind of   talked about this before but we're we're gonna  dig a little bit deeper here and the concept   of modules is to basically reuse code so you  might be it devops engineer or platform engineer   responsible for creating those modules that they  can be consumed by developers or by application   teams and so on so what you want to do is kind  of create some sort of abstraction sometimes so   you can put a few resources in a module and  create specific things for your organization   specific resources that you need to provision  you can Version Control modules of course and   you can create different versions of them and so  on for today's demo we're just going to create a   module based on one resource which you typically  wouldn't do you probably would use more than one   resource in a module but just for explaining  purposes we are going to take our TLS resource   that we saw before and we're going to put it in a  new module so right here this is called the root   module where we have our main.tf outputs.tf and  variables.tf files and then there is a directory   here called modules and inside of modules we have  our TLS module or all the other modules that you   might include and inside of the module as a best  practice is to have at least five files a license   file a readme file explaining how to use this  module and a main in outputs and a variables file   as well of course you can add more if you need to  but at minimum you would have these files okay so   let's go ahead and take a look at our root module  and this root module calls on the TLs child module   and we'll see how that works in here we have  our AWS and TLS providers and we've got our data   uh block we've got some resource blocks we saw  before the AWS key pair the AWS instance Security   Group then there's a new block here called module  and here's where we're calling our child module   TLS The Source in this case is local to our folder  structure so it's calling modules TLS you may use   a source that calls upon a module in a private  module registry for example in maybe terraform   cloud or any other provider or it could be a  public module that you would reference as well in   here we're passing some variables into the module  so the algorithm is RSA and the RSA bits is 4096   so that goes into the module these variables  and these variables can be also defined at   the variables level of the root module so we can  pass a variable from here all you do is just say   algorithm equals VAR dot algorithm for example and  that will take the variable from the root module   and pass it down to the uh to the child module  now we can access outputs from module as well   and actually we're doing that right here with the  public key that we're going to use with our AWS   key pair resource and the way to do that is you  call on the module using module keyword dot the   name of the module TLS dot the actual output that  the module is giving us which we'll see shortly   furthermore in the outputs file we can output from  the module and back out to the root module in this   case we've seen public IP that's straightforward  but the private key is actually taken from the   module dot TLS dot the private key output that  comes from the module itself so the flow of of   data comes from the module the TLs module out to  the root module out to the user so now let's go   into the actual main.tf file inside of the module  TLS and you can see all we did is we've taken the   resource TLS private key and put it in here and  this algorithm RSA bits are looking for variables   algorithm RSA bits which we Define here similar  to what we do in root modules nothing has changed   really same syntax so variables are defined here  and then finally the outputs that I told you was   coming out of the module going out to the root  module we've got two of them private key out   and public key out and you can see the values  are taken directly from the resource within   the module and those are passed out to the root  module so that is uh pretty much what a module   looks like how you can create a module of course  you can consume modules from other folks in the   public registry or maybe again internally if  you have an internal private registry you can   consume those modules as well but it's helpful  to create a module yourself so you can know how   to utilize others modules okay so let's go ahead  and terraform init and we're doing terrible minute   at the root module okay and as you can see during  the initialization process terraform sees the TLs   module in modules.tls so that has registered  with terraform now let's run terraform plan make sure everything checks out looks good to me   and now let's just run terraform  apply and let's Auto approve that and once that's complete let's go ahead and uh  double check by sshing into our ec2 instance that   we just created or are creating to make sure that  the TLs resource that we put into the module is   is working and everything is good to go I'm gonna  pause the recording it might take a few seconds   here and come back to it all right it's successful  so let's go and take a look at the um the console   here so we see the dot 189 and the dot white  189 everything looks good and let's use the same   commands that I showed you in a previous  lecture so we're going to grab the output   from terraform and we're going to store  it in a new file called mikey.pemp and now   let's change the permissions on that file  and finally let's SSH into that machine all right okay looks good excellent so we're able to  SSH into the machine no problem so that is   pretty much it for uh this this lecture I hope  you uh learned something new and enjoyed it   and I will catch you in the next lecture  you've made it to the final lecture and   in this lecture we're going to put everything  together that we've learned so far to create a   web server inside of ec2 inside of an ec2  instance in AWS why don't we get started all right so now we are in folder zero  nine a web server so let's go there and here what we have is we've got our main.tf  file and I will just show you what is new here   and all that's new are these two lines the user  data and user data are placed on change and this   user data is actually referencing a file called  install underscore libraries.sh it's a shell   script and we're using the file function to call  that and if you're if you're familiar with user   data it is a way for a new machine that comes  up in AWS in most Cloud environments has that   and these Cloud environments will give you that  option to run a script on launching of their one   of their instances to run whatever you want in  that script and in this case we're going to run   the install libraries sh script which will update  apps and install tree install nginx and in nginx   we're going to put an HTML body here and just  in our index.html file that is the default that   nginx is going to render for us and we're going  to reload nginx and then we're going to see our   website up and running so really that's all that  I wanted to show you here and it's quite simple to   do with terraform just using this user data option  in the AWS instance and we've pretty much captured   everything we've seen before in the previous  lectures so the outputs we're going to see are   public IP our our variables are here as well and  um and we also included one more thing before I   forget in the security group we've now added our  uh http ports to the Ingress so that we can access   the web server on Port 80. and uh and that's it  so let's go ahead and run this terraform emits and I'll run a terraform plan everything looks good let's run terraform apply Auto approve and it's going to go ahead and deploy this for us   we'll take a couple of seconds so I will  pause the video and we'll come back after   all right so it has completed successfully  and let's go and take a look at our   new website so let's copy the public IP open  a new tab paste that in there and there we go   here's our web server nice shiny web server with  nginx running we have a picture we have a bunch   of really cool stuff going on here so that is  pretty much it for this terraform course make   sure you go and destroy the infrastructure  once you create it you don't want it to to   go on running and I hope you learned how  to use terraform and why use terraform and   the whole point of infrastructure is coding  you saw some examples we talked about Docker   in a local environment and also how to run  ec2 instance in AWS in a cloud so go ahead   test it run with it ask questions if you have  questions put them in the description of this   video let me know what you think of this video  and I will catch you in another video [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: TeKanAid
Views: 10,831
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Keywords: terraform tutorial for beginners, terraform tutorial, terraform aws, infrastructure as code, terraform course, terraform tutorial aws, terraform aws tutorial, terraform course for beginners, terraform modules, terraform course youtube, terraform tutorial for beginners aws, terraform tutorial for beginners full course, hashicorp terraform for beginners, hashicorp terraform associate exam, terraform docker, terraform tutorial for begginers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 6sec (3846 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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