Terraform Course - Automate your AWS cloud infrastructure

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What's going on guys, so I decided to make a  quick crash course on terraform. And if you   don't know what terraform is, it's another  one of those infrastructure as code tools.   And so it's really great for modeling your cloud  infrastructure through code. And so for anyone   that actually wants to get more familiarized  with terraform, or learn another automation tool,   especially with regards to the cloud, you  know, this crash course is going to be really   helpful for you guys. And I'm going to make  sure to start from the absolute beginning.   So I'm going to walk you through how to set up  an AWS account, I'm going to walk you through   how to set up and install terraform. And  that's going to be across all operating   systems. So I'll show you guys how to install  it on a Mac on a Windows and a Linux machine.   I'll even show you how to set up a text  editor like VS code, which I highly recommend,   by the way, and then you know, we'll get started  learning the core concepts of terraform. And what   it has to offer, I'll show you guys how to create  resources on AWS within terraform. We'll take a   look at how to modify them how to delete them,  I'll go over how terraform state works. And we'll   take a look at how we can kind of reference other  resources within our code. And I even have a like   a mini project where we'll get to deploy a web  server onto AWS. And you know, it sounds simple,   but there's a lot of things that actually have to  happen from a terraform perspective to get all of   that to work. So I think that'll be a great  learning tool. And I think after this course,   or by the time we finish it, you guys would have  a solid understanding of terraform. And at that   point, you guys can just kind of take it from  there. And then focus on specific topics that   you want. And, you know, I plan to do a lot of  a lot more terraform videos. So if you guys have   a specific topic you want me to cover, let me  know, and I'll be happy to record a video and,   you know, upload it to YouTube. But hopefully  you guys enjoyed this course. And you know,   if you guys have any questions, just leave them in  the comments, and I'll try my best to answer them.   To set up an account with AWS,  just navigate to aws.amazon.com.   And here, we can actually create an  account and create a root user. So   we want to click on this button right here that  says create an AWS account. And it's going to   ask for some basic information like an email  address and a password. So just fill that in.   And then you'll also have to  provide in a account name,   so I'm just going to call this sloppy networks.   And go ahead and select your account type, you're  probably just gonna select personal if you just   make an account for yourself, but you work for  an enterprise, you may want to select personal   or professional. And it's going to ask for  some basic information like your phone number,   your country your address, and you will  need to provide all of this information.   And to actually create an AWS account,  you will actually have to provide your   a credit or debit card information. You know,  throughout all of these videos that I make,   we're going to stay within the free tier  so you shouldn't be charged anything   as long as you shut down all of your resources  when you're done. And if you do end up getting   charged, it'll be at most just a couple of  cents. But you know, AWS does require it so   you will need to have a credit card to kind of  follow along with everything that I'm doing.   Once you've finished adding in your credit card  information, it will ask you to verify your phone   number. So it'll send you a voice, a voicemail  or a text message depending on what you select.   So just wait for that text message to come in and  you can just pass in whatever code they sent you.   And we want to make sure that we select  the free plan so we're not charged.   Okay, and at that point, we  should have an account set   You will receive an email address probably just  asking for you to actually confirm that you   created that account. So we'll just go to your, my  email, I just like this, and then there should be,   nope, it doesn't look like we need to actually  confirm anything. So it looks like we're done at   this point, we can just select this button right  here, and just go and sign into the console. And   so we're gonna sign in as the root user at this  point, because that's all that's been created.   And so we'll just specify the email  address that we signed in with.   And we're gonna have to pass in the same password.  Okay, so there you go, we've created an AWS   account. So at this point, you should have  access to all of the resources within AWS,   you are logged in as a root user. So if you want  to create other users, you can do that at that   point. Um, but most of my videos, I usually just  log in as the root user just for simplicity sake.   To install terraform on a Windows machine, there's  a couple of steps that we have to perform. And the   first step is to download the terraform executable  file. And so to do that, all we have to do is   just do a quick Google search for terraform.  And we're going to select that first link,   it's most likely going to be the first link. But  if you want to navigate directly to their website,   you can just go to www.terraform.io. And then just  click this download button right here. And here,   we can see all of the different operating  systems that terraform can run on.   But for installing Windows, we're going to  focus on that. So we want to select the 64   bit machine because that's what my machine is,  however, if you're using 32 bits, like 32 bit.   And this will download a zipped folder. And so  Once that's complete, you know, just right click   and go into show in folder to just navigate to  your downloads folder, or wherever you store   your downloads. And this is a zip file folder, so  we want to extract it, so I'll just right click,   extract all. And it's going to pick a  location. So this is the default location,   I usually just leave that be. And so we'll  hit extract, it'll pop up in a new window,   we can just close that out. But you'll  see that right next to that zip folder   is the new folder that we extracted.  And so I'm going to go into there.   And you'll see that we just have one file in  here. And that's just the single executable file   that terraform needs to run. And so what we're  going to do is we're going to copy this file, and   we're going to create a new terraform directory  where we're going to store this executable file.   Now, where do you create this terraform directory  does not matter. You can pick whatever location   you feel most comfortable with, if you want to put  it in my documents, that's fine. If you want to   leave it in downloads, that's fine. The only thing  that matters is you remember the exact location of   where you're keeping this file. So what I'm going  to do is I'm going to go to my PC, and I'm gonna   go into my C drive. And I'm just gonna make a  new folder here, cuz that's where I want to keep   it. And I'm just gonna call this directory  terraform doesn't really matter what you call   it. And I'm just gonna paste in that executable  file. Okay, and like I said, before, you know,   the location doesn't matter. The only thing that  matters is you remember this exact path to this   file. And so to actually get this exact path, go  up to this search bar right here. Well, actually,   this is the search bar, whatever this is, and just  click, and you'll see that it'll turn it into the   exact it'll transform it to the exact path.  So I'm just going to highlight that, copy it.   Okay, and now what we want to do is we want  to set an environment variable that points to   this path. So I'm just going to go to whoops,  not command, I want to go to E and V. So just   search for those letters. And there'll be a button  that says edit the system environment variables.   And then we want to select this button  down here, this is environment variables.   Okay, and we want to focus on system variables. So  we'll hit edit. Whoops, we actually want to select   our specific environment variable. And the one we  want to modify is path. Okay, so we'll hit edit.   And so you'll see all of our environment variables  for the PATH variable. And what I'm going to do   is hit New. And I'm just going to paste in  what I copied. So that path to that folder,   hit OK. And OK, and then hit OK. We're done. Okay,  and so if you have any terminal windows open, make   sure you close it after you make that change. If  you didn't have one open, then don't worry about   that. And so now what we want to do is we want to  type in cmd. And we want to open up the command   prompt. And I did not mean for that to be that  big. And I'm just going to type in terraform dash   v. Okay. And if you see this output, that means  basically, this command is just going to tell you   what version of terraform you have installed. So  right now I have version 12 dot 26, you may see   a different version. If you download this in the  future. The only thing that matters is that we see   this output. So if you see anything else, that  means there was an issue with your installation   of terraform. I remember I recommend you just  repeat the steps that I covered in this video.   There really shouldn't be any issues that you  run into. Just make sure that once you're done   that you see this output and that's it. You can  now start running terraform on a Windows machine.   Now there's a couple of different ways to install  terraform. On a Mac machine, however, my favorite   way is through using a tool called homebrew. And  if you aren't familiar with what homebrew is, it's   a package management tool for Mac OS. So it can be  used to install all sorts of different packages,   not just terraform on your Mac. So I highly  recommend that you, you know whether you choose   to use this method or not eventually install  homebrew it'll make your life a whole lot easier.   And so to actually install homebrew,  let's just do a Google search for it.   And it should be the first link. So  brew.sh is the link that you want to go to.   And it's just going to give you this command  right here to copy. So copy this command.   And we need to go to our terminal now. So I'm  going to go into finder, I'm going to go into my   applications, and then just look for a terminal.  So I'm just gonna do a quick search for that.   Okay, and so this is what we want right here  if you aren't familiar with the terminal.   Okay, and so once the terminals open, just  copy and paste that line that you copied.   And then hit enter. And so this will  automatically install homebrew for us,   you will have to provide your password. And  then it'll just let you know that you need to   hit return to continue. So just hit return.  And this is going to take a little bit of   time. So I'll pause this video for now and  touch base with you guys. Once that's done.   Alright, now they brew our homebrew is  installed, we can actually use homebrew   to install terraform and with homebrew will  have access to a whole bunch of new commands,   mainly the brew install command. So anytime you  want to install a package using homebrew all you   to do is type in brew, and then install and then  the name of the package that you want to install.   So we want to install terraform. So we can  just do brew, install terraform, hit Enter,   and it's going to download the terraform  package for us and handle everything that we   need. Alright, now that the terraform installation  is complete, there's one last thing we need to   do. And that's verify that the installation  went okay without any issues. And to do that,   all we have to do is just type in one command  and that's going to be terraform dash v. Okay,   and it should if the installation went okay, just  print out whatever version that was installed.   And so you can see that I am running version 12  dot 26. However, if you're watching this video,   my future you'll probably see a different  version most likely a higher version number.   But the only thing that matters is that  you see the version getting printed out if   you see anything else, if you see an error,  that means that the installation did not go   as planned. And so you'll probably have to redo  the steps that I covered in this video. But you   know, I don't think you should be running into  any issues, it's a fairly straightforward process,   homebrew will set up everything for you.  So you shouldn't run into any issues.   To set up terraform on a Linux machine, the  first thing that we have to do is download   the terraform package. So we can just go to  www.terraform.io. And on the terraform homepage,   we just want to navigate to that download  button right here. So we'll select that.   And on this page, just select the operating  system that you're using. So we're using a 64 bit   Linux machine, if you're using 32  bit, make sure you select 32 bit,   if you're using FreeBSD, then you know  just select the appropriate package,   I'm gonna select the 64 bit, want to make sure I  save the file and then hit OK. So at this point,   it should be downloaded. So I can just you know,  select this right here, and it's going to take us   to where we download it. And it's the zip file,  so we will have to extract it. And there's two   different ways of extracting it. And I'll show you  how to do it through the GUI. And I'll show you   how to do it through the command line depending  on whichever method you prefer. So I want to   extract this zip file that we just downloaded.  So I can just select that and then hit extract.   And then we'll hit extract again. And then  it'll say extraction is completed. And then   we can select Show the files. And it's going to  show us in our Downloads directory, the original   zip file as well as the unzipped terraform file.  So this is the file that we really care about.   However, I want to show you guys how to do this  to the command line because I think that's an   important skill to have. So I'm just going to  move to trash. Okay, and I'll show you how to   do it through the command line. So we'll just  go to our applications and search for terminal.   And we want to navigate to where that zip folder  is. And so I set up my machine to download   all files to the Downloads directory. That's  usually the default location. And so we'll do CD   downloads. And if I do an ls we should  see the zip file and I can just do unzip   and then the name of the file. However, if you  don't actually have the unzip utility, then you'll   have to do a sudo. You know, apt install unzip  first so that you can get access to that utility.   And then once you have access to that utility,  you can just do an unzip and then terraform.   Okay, and you'll see that, if  you were following along on the,   the GUI, you'll see that it did create the file  for us. And we can verify with an LS. So we've   got the original us. So we get the original zip  folder, as well as the terraform executable file.   Now we're almost done. However, there's, there's  one thing that we have to do is we want to move   this to a location that will allow us to run the  terraform command, regardless of what directory   we're in, because right now, we can only run  it when we're in this exact directory. And   it's kind of a pain to always have to move to our  directory to be able to run terraform commands. So   what I want to do is or what I want you guys  to do is type in the command MV. So this is   going to move a file to a specific location.  And then we want to move the terraform file,   and we want to move it to slash user slash local  slash bin. Okay, and it's going to throw an error,   it says permissions denied. So if you see that  error, just run the same command except put in the   word sudo. beforehand. So this is going to give  us root privilege. And you need root privilege   to move any folder into this specific directory.  So hit enter, it's gonna ask for our password.   Okay, and so it looks like it's  completed. So we'll just move   to that directory and just verify  that it did actually move it there.   Okay, so it's in the user slash local slash bin  directory. Now I want you to move back to your   home directory. So you can do a CD and then Tilda  that's going to take us to our home directory,   or just move to any directory, if you  want to move to the root directory,   you just move out of that folder. And now what I  want you to do is type in the command terraform   dash v. Okay, and if you see this output, it  should print out the version of terraform that   we downloaded. So I'm using version 12, not  26. However, if you're watching this video   in the future, you're probably going to see a  different version, that's perfectly okay. The   only thing that I want to ensure is that you see  some version get printed out, that means terraform   is installed, and everything is working properly.  However, if it spits out any other message, okay,   if it shows you anything else, like, you know,  terraform is not a command or anything like that,   that means there was an issue with your  installation, and I recommend you just,   you know, repeat all the steps that I performed.  And, and hopefully that fixes any issues that you   may run into. Um, but at this point, you're good  to go, you can start using terraform. And so you   know, in the next videos, we'll get started on,  you know, actually playing around with terraform.   Okay, so there's one last step to setting up  terraform. And this is technically an optional   step, but I highly recommend it. And so what  we're gonna do is we're going to install a   very powerful text editor. Now you can use any  text editor of your choice, it's not going to   make a difference. So if you prefer something  like sublime, feel free to use that. However,   I'm going to be using one that's called Visual  Studio code. So this is a free text editor that's   provided by Microsoft. It's supported across all  operating systems. And that includes Windows,   Mac, Linux, and it really is one of the best  text editors out there. There's a lot of people   that use it. And I highly recommend you guys use  this if you want to follow along with my videos,   because I'm going to provide a lot of tips within  VS code that will help make your life a little bit   easier when you're trying to work with terraform.  So if you want to follow along and get VS code   as well just go to code dot Visual Studio Comm.  And the website should automatically detect what   operating system you're on. And so you should just  be able to hit this button. So you can see here   it detected, I'm using Windows, but if you're on a  Mac, it should say, you know, download for Mac, to   just download that. And you know, moving forward,  that's what I'm going to be using. But you know,   once again, if you want to use something else,  feel free to do that. But anyways, once you've got   VS code installed, I do recommend that you install  an extension. So if you aren't familiar with   extensions, extensions, within VS code just give  you some extra functionality. So to actually see   your extensions, you know, once you open up VS  code, it looks like I already had it open, but   you want to navigate to this button right here.  So this is going to manage all of your extensions,   and just search for terraform. Okay, so once  you search for terraform, the first one should   be the one that you want. But just to double  check, make sure it's the one by hashey Corp,   who's the company that makes terraform and just  do an install. And so this extension is going   to provide us a lot of features that make our  life easier, so you can take a look at them. But   obviously auto completion is great syntax  highlighting auto formatting. You know,   all of these are going to make your life a  lot easier when you're writing terraform code.   But you know, once you have that done, at this  point VS code set up, that's all you really need   to do. It's just going to behave like any other  text editor. So you can create and delete and   modify files within here. So it's kind of like  an ID but we're going to use it for terraform.   Now that we've got terraform installed in  our environment, for the most Part set up,   the last thing I want to do is just create a  directory that we can store all of our code in.   And so within my documents, I've created a folder  called a terraform project. And then within this   folder, I've created a folder called Project one.  So this is going to be where we're going to start   our code for our first project. And so you know,  feel free to make a directory wherever you want.   If you want to keep it in downloads, if you want  to keep it on your desktop, just pick a location.   And once you have that location set to actually  open a folder in VS code, we can just open up VS   code, go to File, go to open folder, and then  navigate to wherever that folder is selected.   And then we can open it up. Alright, and so at  this point, it's going to give us a welcome page,   which we don't care about. So just close  it out. And you'll see that we've opened up   project one within our root directory, and  there's no files or folders within there.   Now, terraform is written in a language  called hashey Corp configuration language   in a file that has a.tf extension. So all  of our terraform code is going to be stored   in a file with a.tf. Extension. So we're going  to do is we're just going to do new file,   if you right click here and just do a new  file, I'm just going to call this main.tf.   And the.tf just signifies that this is a terraform  file, and you'll see a couple of pop ups.   If you install the extension, just ignore those  for now. But keep in mind that you don't actually   have to call this main, you can call this you  know file one, you can call it first project.tf   just make sure it has a.tf extension. Now in  this file, the first thing that you have to do   is define a provider. And in terraform, we  have this concept of riders which basically   just allow us or it's a plugin that allows  us to talk to a specific set of API's.   And if you go to their documentation  page, so if you just go to terraform.io   slash Doc's slash providers, slash index dot HTML,  is going to show a list of all of the providers   that terraform supports. So if we download, you  know, let's say the AWS provider, right, whereas   AWS have provider, that's going to make sure that  terraform downloads all of the necessary code to   talk to the AWS API, so that we can actually  create resources within our AWS environment.   But you can see that you know, terraform,  even though it's really synonymous with,   you know, cloud automation, you can see that it's  got a ton of providers outside of the cloud space,   it obviously does support, you know, all the  major cloud providers, as well as some of the   smaller cloud providers. But it also supports  Kubernetes, it supports VMware, it supports,   you know, like digitalocean, DNS. So it's got a  lot of support for a lot of different platforms.   Just keep in mind, though, anytime you want to  work with any of these platforms in terraform,   you will have to install the necessary plugins,  so that we can talk to those providers. And you   might be wondering, Well, you know, we downloaded  terraform, you know, shouldn't that come with all   the code to talk to all these guys? Well, think  about this, guys, you know, for the most part,   are you guys going to be working with all of these  providers? No, each customer, or each user is   going to have a predefined set of providers that  they're going to work with. And there's no point   in terraform, shipping out all of the code for all  of these providers in the installation package.   So instead, on a per user basis, or per  project basis, terraform will figure out   which plugins need to be installed based off of  the provider configuration in your terraform file.   So we want to use the AWS provider, because that's  what we're going to be working with. So let's just   click this. And it's going to give us an example  on how to actually set that up. And so you can see   that this is the configuration for a provider. And  hopefully this is big enough for you guys. I'll   just do a control. Let me see if I can make this  a little bigger. We'll zoom in 110%. I think that   should be good enough for you guys. But yeah, this  is all we really need. So we can just copy this,   actually, the version is optional.  So well, we can just leave that out.   I'll just do copy. And I'll just paste that in  here. And I'm just going to delete the version.   And now we're hard coding the region to be  US East one. And you know, before I do that,   we'll kind of want to explain exactly, you  know, what are regions if you're new to AWS,   basically, a region is just a location  where Amazon or AWS has a data center.   And so there's a whole bunch of different  regions. And we can actually take a look at   all the different regions that Amazon has if we  just search for AWS, and login to our console.   And so let's say my account, we want to go  to AWS management console to log back in,   and I'm going to be logging  in as my root users will do.   Okay, so this is our management console. And  if you just select this button right here,   so right now mine says Northern Virginia,  but yours may say something else.   You can see all of the different regions or data  centers that the that AWS has, and so it's going   to default and use whichever data center is  G Graphically closest to you. So I'm on the   east coast in the US. So it defaults to using the  Northern Virginia data center or what's referred   to as US East one. However, if you're in like  California, it's going to default to probably us   West one. And so what I would recommend that you  guys do is that following along with me, I would   recommend that you just use US East one, like  I am, it's going to, it's going to help prevent   any weird issues with like ami is because for some  reason, like if you want to deploy an Ubuntu ami,   in one region, like US East one, and one region in  like us West one, they'll have different names or   IDs, I don't know why AWS decided to do that.  But it can lead to issues, because if you're   copying my code, the AMI instances might be called  something else. So just set it to US East one,   and in AWS, or sorry, in terraform, set it to US  East one. And so that way, you know, my resources,   as well as your resources will get deployed in  the same exact region. And we should hopefully,   avoid running into any weird issues. All right.  And so now that we've got the provider set up,   if we go back to the code, it's going to  keep walking us through how to set things up.   And so the next thing that we have to do is set up  authentication. Now, authentication can be a bit   tricky with terraform. And what I'm going to do  is I'm going to start off doing it the wrong way,   I we're going to just hard code our static  credentials into our terraform file, which is not   recommended. Because obviously, if you're storing  your actual access keys, within this terraform   file, if you decide to eventually publish your  code onto you know, GitHub or something like that,   well, then now all of your your, your credentials  are being stored in GitHub. And so that can be a   security vulnerability. However, I want to start  off doing it like that, because one, I want to   show you guys how to do it every possible way.  But also, just to keep things simple. For now,   I promise we'll have some sections later on,  that covers how to do this in a more secure   manner. But let's start off just by, you know,  doing the bare minimum, so that we can focus on   learning terraform, before we start worrying,  worrying about security, or anything like that.   And so basically, all we have to do is get  our access key and our secret key and pass   it into the provider config. And so to do that,  let's go back to our AWS Management Console,   and you want to just select your profile name,  and then just go to my security credentials.   And then here, you want to select this  access key tab, and you want to select   Create new access key. Okay. And if you do  show access key, these, this is my access key.   And this is my secret access key. But this  is what I'm going to paste into terraform.   Alright, so I'm going to copy this  right here, paste it into my code,   and then go back to here, and then copy  my access key. paste it into here. Whoops.   Alright, so we've got our access keys set up in  terraform. Now, when you actually create security   credentials, within AWS, you can only see these  values once. Okay, so once, once you see these,   you won't be able to get them again. So  make sure you store them in a safe place,   you can actually hit this download key file,  and it's going to download a CSV file with all   of that information. So we can just click on  that. And it'll by default open up in Excel.   But you can see here, this is  where my access keys are stored.   So just keep that in mind. Because once you hit  close, if you do try to look at your access keys,   you'll see that we can see the key ID but we  can't see the secret key anywhere in Amazon   does that for security purposes. So make sure  you write that down. However, if you lose it for   some other reason, just delete your old one and  then just create a new access key, and then you   should be good to go. Okay, so now that we have  our provider set up and our access key set up,   the next thing to do is let's try and figure out  how we actually create or provision a resource   within AWS. And within terraform, the syntax is  actually really simple. And this is probably one   of the nicest parts of terraform. And is really  the main selling point of terraform is that,   regardless of what provider you're using, so  whether you're trying to create a resource within   AWS, or a resource within Azure or GCP, it's gonna  use the same exact syntax from a terraform side,   so that you don't actually have to learn the  underlying API from you know, Azure, or AWS,   or GCP. And the main syntax is going  to be you type in the word resource.   And then in quotations, you're going  to first provide the provider name.   Right, and so in our case, we would  pass in AWS, then you do underscore,   and then you do resource type, right, whatever  type of resource you're trying to deploy.   And then you have to give it a name. And then  we're going to do curly braces. And then within   the curly braces, we provide in all of our  config options. And these are going to be basic   key value pair. So key equals and then you  know, some value, right and then Key two,   that's going to equal, you know, another  value. So that's the basic structure   of how to create resources within a provider. And  so I'm just going to comment that out for now. And   I'm going to walk you through how to deploy an EC  two instance, within AWS. And if you don't know   what EC two ns is sorry, it's basically just a  virtual machine within AWS. So if you want to, if   you want a Windows Server deployed in AWS, you're  going to be doing it in EC two. But you know, you   can obviously deploy any type of machine that you  want. If you want to deploy Linux, if you want to   deploy a database, you can all do that within ECG  two. And so before we actually deploy that, within   terraform, I want to kind of walk you through how  to do it within the AWS console, because I think   it's important to see, you know, how to do it in  the console, and then how it kind of maps to in   terraform. But obviously, if you guys are already  familiar with AWS and the console, this is going   to be really trivial. So you may just want to  fast forward the video. This is more from people   that are also kind of learning about the cloud  while also learning terraform at the same time.   And we can just go to our Services tab at the top,  select ECS. And then select instances. And you'll   see that I have one instance, terminated in one  instance running if you just create an account,   you shouldn't see any instances, I'm  actually going to just delete this for now.   I'm just going to terminate that.  And I'm going to just deploy a new   instance. So I'm just gonna hit launch instance.   And here we've got all of the different ami that  Amazon supports, has millions of different ami is   and you can even create your own. However,  I want to deploy just a simple Ubuntu ami.   And if you guys don't know what an ami is, it's  really just an image, okay, so there's going to be   an ami for Ubuntu, there's going to be an ami for  Windows, there's going to be an ami for Red Hat,   one for Fedora. And I'm going to search for  Ubuntu and we're going to select the 18.04 LTS   and you can see here, this is the actual ami  ID that's associated with this Ubuntu server.   So we can hit select. Here we specify the the  instance type, the EC two instance type. And   so you know, obviously there's different you  know, sizes and speeds. So some have more CPU,   some have more memory. So obviously, if you want a  really high performing server, you want to go down   to one of the ones at the bottom. But  obviously, the more high powered they are,   the more expensive they are.  So for demonstration purposes,   and for just learning to stick to T to micro  because it's part of the free tier, so you   shouldn't be charged as long as you shut it down  accordingly. So we'll just hit review and launch.   And you'll get this page, we'll just launch that.  And it's going to ask you to provide a key pair.   For now just ignore that. So we can just  say proceed without creating a key pair.   And we're going to launch that instance. And if  we select this view instances button, that's going   to take us back to the AWS console, and you can  see that it's now creating this new instance. So   it's in a pending state at the moment, but if you  give it a few minutes, it'll eventually turn into   it'll, it'll get colored green, which means  that will have been fully deployed. And then   at that point, you can actually start using it.  Um, but that's how we create an AC two instance   within AWS using the console. Let's go ahead  and create it using terraform. Now, so that   I can really show you how quick it is to do it  through terraform versus just using the console.   So like I said, the syntax is  going to be just like this.   So we're going to do resource. And then  our provider is going to be AWS, right,   it's just based off of what's provided  here. Then we want to do underscore,   and then the resource type. And you might be  wondering, Well, what is the resource type? Well,   this is something that you actually have to refer  back to the documentation. So let's go to the   documentation. I'm already on the AWS provider  page. And we're just gonna do a Ctrl F for EC   to just keep going down. Actually, that's  not what I wanted. Here we go, we want to   search EC two on the left side. So just open that  drop down menu. And we can just unexplained data   sources. We don't care about that. We care about  the resources section. And so what we want to   do is look for AWS underscore instance. So this  is how we deploy an EC two instance within AWS.   And it's going to give you an example. And  this is what I love about the documentation   that examples are super helpful. But  basically ignore the data. Once again,   we want to focus on just the resource. So this is  pretty much like the bare minimum of what we need.   We have to specify an ami. And  don't worry about this goofy syntax.   You know, he's using variables and things  like that, which we're not going to cover yet.   Instead, what we're going to do is we're going  to hard code the AMI value in the instance type.   For now we'll ignore the tag so I'm just going to  copy this and delete But I had started already.   And so you'll see that Remember, the syntax is  the provider, underscore, and then the name of   the resource type. So in this case, it's just  instance. And then we have to give it a name.   So this is a name, that's not going to be, you  know, set in AWS, this is a name, so that we can   reference this resource within terraform. So this  name is just going to be scoped to just terraform.   It has AWS will not be aware of this name. So  I'm just gonna give this name of my first server.   But you can call it whatever  you want. Okay, and so the AMI,   we're going to delete that. And to get the AMI,  we're going to deploy another Ubuntu server.   And we'll do a launch instance. And then  if we search for that Ubuntu server, again,   we want to go here and just copy this ami.  And I recommend you follow these exact steps,   and not just copy what's on my screen, because  Amazon has a tendency to kind of change up the   AMI IDs. And so you may end up copying this one,  which may get changed in the future. So you know,   go to here, search for it, and then just grab the  AMI. And we want to put it in quotations. So we   just paste the AMI in there. And then the instance  type, we want it to be T to micro just like we   selected within the console. And we'll delete  the tags. And before I actually run that code,   let me go back to services and EC two. And let's  just verify what we have running right now. So   I've got two terminated and one running. So once  this gets deployed, we should see two running.   So make sure you save your configs. Now  what we need to do is open up our terminal.   And so you know, if you're on Windows, you can  just hit the search button and just search for CMD   to open up the command line, or you know,  do whatever the necessary steps are for   a Windows or a Mac. And then you want  to navigate to wherever this project is.   Okay. So for me, that's going to be in documents.   And then I think it's called terraform.  And at that one terraform dash projects.   And then if I do a dir, okay, so then we want to  navigate to this project one. And here we're going   to run our terraform commands. However, it's kind  of a pain to have to open up the command line,   and then navigate to that folder. Instead, what  you can do is move this off to the side for now,   we can go to our VS code. And this  is why I absolutely love VS code,   we can go to new terminal. And it's going to open  up a terminal. And if it's a if it's a Windows   machine is going to open up a Windows terminal,  if you're on a Mac, it's gonna open up a macro,   if you're on Linux, it's gonna open a Linux  terminal. And it's going to automatically   take you to the project directory. So you can  see it's already navigated to project one,   which is the root of our directory. And so here,  we can actually run our terraform code instead of   having to kind of flip back and forth between our  code and and this command line right here. So I'm   just gonna close this out, because we don't need  that I'm just gonna use VS code moving forward.   Okay, and the first terraform command  that you need to learn is terraform in it,   okay. And so what terraform in it is going  to do is it's going to look at our config   in all of our terraform files, which are anything  that starts with the.tf. And it's going to look   for all of the providers that we have defined.  So right now we just have one provider.   And so it's going to see that we just have  provider AWS, and it's going to download   the necessary plugins to interact with the AWS  API. Let's do that. We'll do a terraform in it.   And let's actually take a look at what  the output is doing. So you can see here,   it's initializing the back end. And it's now  initializing the different provider plugins,   and then it's downloading the plugin for  AWS, if we decided to add in a separate   provider, that would be like provider,  and then maybe one for Azure,   well, then it would not only download the code  for AWS, it would also download it for Azure.   Okay, but you should see that terraform has  successfully initialized if you see some other   kind of error, then you may have to do a little  bit of troubleshooting, but just make sure you see   that, you know, nice shiny green output. Okay. And  so we've got that set up. The next step we want   to do is I want to show you the terraform plan  command and the terraform plan command. What this   does is it kind of does a dry run of your code so  you can see all the changes that will take place.   It'll kind of show you you know if it's going  to delete any instances if it's going to create   new instances if it's going to modify instances.  So it'll just do a dry run so that you can make   sure that you're not accidentally about to break  your production network or something like that. So   I always highly recommend you run a terraform  plan, even though it is completely optional.   It'll just be like a quick sanity check so that  you can just gloss over the changes that will be   made. And you can just make sure that you're not  going to break anything if you do terraform plan.   And this may take a little while depending on how  much code you've written, but we just have one   instance. So you should see that it should be  minimal output, it should be a fairly quick.   But if we kind of scroll up a bit, and  just take a look at what's happening,   you'll see that it's going to color code things  depending on the action. So if you see a plus,   that means going to create a resource. If you see  a minus, and it's usually colored red, I think,   I mean, it's going to delete a resource. And  then if you see something that's orange with   a Tilda, that means that it's going  to modify a pre existing resource.   And so if we scroll down a bit, you'll see  that right now, we're going to be creating   an AWS instance, an EC two instance. And  you'll see that we're using this ami,   and then you'll see a lot of details are  not known at this point. So it won't be,   it'll be known only once we actually deploy  it to the to AWS, because we won't know the   ID that AWS gives it until we actually deploy  it. So you'll see that most of these fields are   unknown, but except for the ones that we've  actually specified, like the instance type,   source test, check defaults to true, so some of  the defaults will automatically get applied. But   this is just letting you know everything that's  going to get changed. So it's going to be creating   a whole bunch of things for this one instance.  And so now that we've run the terraform plan,   we can now run the terraform, apply to actually  run our code. So we'll do terraform apply.   And you'll see that terraform apply will do  something similar to terraform plan where it will   actually take a look at your code and then figure  out the changes that will take place. And so this   is just another security check. So you can just  verify that you're not going to break anything.   And it's going to ask you, you know, do you  want to make these changes, so to approve them,   hit yes. And it's going to run our code now. And  hopefully, you know, we don't break anything and   everything passes. But you can see here, it's  creating our first server right now as we speak.   So we'll let that run, it's going to take some  time, usually creating instances can take a little   while, sometimes up to like 510 minutes, depending  on what kind of instance you're deploying.   Especially if you're on something like Azure,  I think Azure takes a little while for some   reason. Well, actually, that's pretty quick. But  you can see that it completed. And it'll give   you kind of like a quick overview of the total  number of changes that were made. So you can see   one resource was added zero were changed, and zero  were destroyed. And you know, as usual, you know,   just because terraform says it's finished and  completed, we want to double check within AWS   to see if that instance actually got created. So  you can see that this was the state before we ran   terraform. So we've got two and a terminated  state and one in a running state. So if I hit   this little refresh button, it's going to just  refresh it. And you can see now we have to in   a running state. And this instance right here is  the one that it got deployed by terraform, because   you can still see that it's an initializing  state. But if we click on this and just kind   of take a look at the details, you can see that  it's a T two micro instance, like we specified.   And you can see the AMI, so this is the AMI which  is using Ubuntu 18.04. And so there you have it,   guys, you've successfully deployed your  first EC two instance using terraform.   And hopefully, you can really start to  see the power of terraform, just from   this simple example. Because I mean, what if we  wanted to deploy 50 different instances, right?   Would you want to manually have to click through  these windows 50 different times? Or would you   want to just copy and paste a couple of, you know,  instances right here, and then you're good to go?   Okay, so we've successfully deployed our first EC  two instance, using terraform. And what I want to   do now is I want you guys to try and guess what  will happen if we do another terraform. Apply?   I don't actually run this, just try to figure out  what would happen. And I can pretty much guarantee   you that your guess is going to be incorrect.  I'm assuming most of you guys that are watching   are probably going to assume that well. terraform  is going to run this code again. And it's going   to create a another EC two instance. So we would  end up with two EC two instances. And I'm going   to tell you that that is incorrect, in fact, and  the reason for that is that terraform is written   in a declarative manner. And what that means  is that we're not actually giving terraform   a bunch of steps to carry out like a, like a  normal program would, right? So it's not going   to go through this code and just run through  each one step by step. Right. So if we wrote,   If we pasted this one, you know, it's not going to  go and say, okay, we want to deploy one resource,   and then we want to deploy another resource.  Instead, what's actually happening is that   we're telling terraform, what we want our  infrastructures to look like in the end.   So we're giving it the exact blueprint of what our  infrastructure should look like. And so if we look   at our terraform file here, it says that we should  have just one AWS instance in our infrastructure,   and that is it. So no matter how many times  we apply terraform or run terraform apply.   We should all We just have one AWS instance. And  that's this specific instance. Right. So that's   why in terraform, we're not giving any set of  instructions to carry out, we're trying to define   what our entire infrastructure should look like.  And then terraform will go in and then figure out   exactly what needs to get deployed, what needs  to remain the same, what needs to get deleted,   so that our actual state in AWS matches  what's being defined in our terraform code.   So if we do terraform, but before we do apply,  I always recommend you do a terraform plan.   So if we do a terraform plan, again,  it's going to tell us what the changes   that would take place. And you'll see that it's  actually refreshing the state. So if we look here,   it's refreshing. It's refreshing the state  of our AWS instance that we actually deploy,   just to make sure it's still there.  And there are any issues with it,   and that it matches what's here. And then you  can see here, it's telling us that, Oh, look,   no changes were made, or no changes need to be  made. infrastructure is already up to date and   matches what's defined in our terraform file.  If I do a terraform, apply and hit enter,   it's going to once again, refresh the state of  our AWS instance. So it's just basically talking   to the AWS server, just making sure that instance  is still alive and working. And then once again,   when we run the terraform, apply, it figures  out that look, nothing needed to get added,   changed or destroyed. Okay, and this  is an important concept, I think it's,   it's a little bit challenging at first, but just  know that once again, it's everything's being   defined in a declarative manner, which is a little  different than a lot of other automation tools.   But you know, keeping that in mind, I want  to make a few changes. Just to show you guys,   you know, what terraform will do when we start  adding, you know, extra properties to this   easy to instance. So the simplest change we can  make is adding a tag. So if you aren't familiar   with tags, right, you can give any AWS instance,  a specific set of tags to kind of identify them,   and so that you can actually search  for them and filter by those tags.   So we'll go back to our code. And actually,  let's go back to the documentation to see how   we apply a tag. So this is all you have to do,  you just do tags, and then you just provided   all the tags that you want to give it. So  we'll copy this, paste it in there. Oops,   I'm just gonna change this tag, I'm just going  to call this we'll call this Ubuntu server,   we'll just call it Ubuntu. So we're going to give  it a tag of Ubuntu, make sure you save the code.   And we're going to do a terraform plan now, just  to see what changes are going to take place.   So it's going to refresh the state. And now  we've printed out some changes that are going to   take place. And so you know, you'll see that any  time we're going to change an existing resource,   you'll see this yellow ish orangish color with  that little Tilda. And so it's saying that   we're going to change something regarding this  resource right here that we already deployed.   That's the by first server resource. And if we  scroll down a bit, you'll see that this is the   change that's going to be made. So it's going to  add in a new tag. Okay. So terraform was smart   enough to know that look, you know, we know what  the current state is of our resources deployed on   Amazon. And right now it has no tags. But in  our code, we're telling it to have a tag. So   then terraform goes in and figures out Oh, okay,  I need to add a specific tag to this resource.   So we'll do a terraform apply now. It's  going to run that same check we just did.   And once it's doing that, once it's done  doing that, you can see that it's going   to make one change. And we're going to say  yes, just so we can complete those changes.   Okay, and it successfully completed  that it's changed one resource.   We'll go back to the console, we always want to  make sure that the changes actually took place.   Don't just take Tara forms word for it.  Okay, and so you can see right here already,   the name got populated. So that's the special tag  for naming a resource. But if you click on the   resource and just scroll down to tags someplace,  I forget where it is. Should be Where is it?   Here we go. Yeah, I forgot  on AWS. It's like this tag.   And so you can see here we've got our tag  which has a key of name and a value of Ubuntu.   and if we remove that, or comment it out, and  then hit save, we can do a terraform apply again.   And Tara Form is going to talk with AWS API, just  to get all the information about our server again.   And it's going to see that it has a tag, but we're  telling it to not have any tags. So then it's   going to make the necessary changes. And so all  we can see here is that look, we're going to go   from a name of Ubuntu to null, which means we're  going to remove that tag, we'll run that. And   it should remove that tag. And if we hit refresh,  you can see that now there are no longer any tags.   Up to this point, you know, I showed you guys  how to create instances as well as modifying   instances, I think the next logical step is  to show you guys how to destroy instances.   And so if we want to destroy the instance that  we created, we can do a terraform destroy.   Once again, when we run a terraform, destroy,  it's going to do a refresh of our state.   And it's going to show us what are the changes  are going to be made. So you can see here,   anything with that dark red dash means we're  going to delete it. So we're going to delete   that one EC two instance that we've deployed.  And we're going to delete everything kind of   associated with that. And so when we hit yes, it  should run that and it should remove it from AWS.   Alright, so it successfully destroyed  our resource, go back to the AWS console,   you can see if we hit refresh, this guy should  get removed. And so you can see it's now in a   terminated state, and then I forget how long it  normally takes me like two more hours, and then   they'll get completely removed from the AWS  console. But that's how you destroy your all   the instances that were deployed using terraform.  Keep in mind, though, you know, if we had like, I   don't know, 1010 of these resources, what's going  to happen is, when you do a terraform, destroy,   it's going to destroy every single resource  that was created by terraform. So keep in mind,   you know, if you want to destroy a single  resource, there are some parameters that you   have to pass in to actually make that work. By  default, the terraform destroy will destroy your   entire infrastructure. So you probably won't be  actually running that very often. Within within   a production environment, usually, usually, you're  just, you know, doing terraform applies, and then   you know, making changes and then applying those  changes. However, I do want to show you a another   thing that we can easily do. So first of  all, let's actually deploy this once again.   So I'm just gonna do a terraform apply, we're  gonna have to wait for this to get deployed again.   Okay, and once it's deployed, let's just quickly  double check that has been created. So this is   the new instance, that's been created. And what  I want to show you is really the power of that   declar style of writing code that I mentioned  earlier. So instead of doing a terraform, destroy,   to destroy a specific instance, what we can do  is just, we can just delete this code right here,   right? And so instead of deleting it,  I'm just going to comment it out for now,   which is doing the same thing as essentially  removing that code altogether. If we hit Save   terraform will see that look at this. And within  our code, there's no resources being defined.   And so terraform will see that it'll check the  state and it will see that there's actually an   EC two instance, deployed by terraform. And I'll  say, Hey, wait a minute, that doesn't match.   You know, we should not have any resources  deployed based off of this terraform file.   So let me go ahead and delete that one resource  that we've deployed. If I do a terraform apply.   It's going to refresh the state  like it did before. So it's   is refreshing that instance, that we created.  And it's saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute,   right, based off our code, there should not be an  AWS instance, deployed at all. So let me go ahead   and destroy this sucker. Though, if we hit Yes,  he's going to end up destroying it. And so that's   just another example of that declarative nature of  terraform. And so you can use that as a tool to,   you know, delete instances, or delete any resource  within AWS, as long as you just delete it from   your terraform file, and then run apply terraform  is going to figure out what you want and what   you don't want. So you don't actually have to  delete it from AWS, or do a terraform destroy.   So it looks like it's destroyed it. Let's  just go back to the console, double check.   And so it looks like it's already  terminated it so it refreshed it for us.   And so there you have it, guys. So that's  how you delete resources within terraform.   You can do it through the terraform destroy  or you can just remove it from your code   and do a terraform apply and terraform  will figure out what it needs to delete.   Till now we've till now all we've done was  deploy an AWS instance but it See, anything   you can do with the AWS console, we can do it in  terraform. So I want to start taking advantage of   some of the other things that terraform can do.  And I want to start playing around with other   resources within AWS. So if you're already if you  haven't already done so, I'll go ahead and destroy   the AWS instance that you created, you  want to do it through terraform. Of course,   I don't do it through the console. So either do  a terraform destroy or just delete this resource,   and then run a terraform apply  to get that resource removed.   And once you have it removed, what I want  to do now is I want to explore how to   create a VPC. And I want to explore how to  create a subnet within that new VPC. Okay,   and so if you don't know what a VPC is, it just  stands for virtual private cloud. So it's just a,   a private, isolated network, within your AWS  environment that you can create as many v PCs   as you want, or there may be a limit, but you can  have a lot of V PCs, and then each one of these   VP C's by default, is going to be isolated  from one another. And so to create a VPC,   the first thing that we want to do is always just  navigate towards the documentation. So if you just   search for a resource, AWS underscore VPC, that's  going to show you how to create a VPC. And you'll   see that the configuration is dead simple, right,  all you have to do is just provide a cider block.   And so this just means that for our VPC, the 10.0  slash 16 is going to be the network that's going   to be used for that VPC. So let's just copy  this and paste it in here to create a VPC.   And I'm going to change this name, so we can give  this any name that we want. So I'll just call   this my first VPC. And keep in mind that this is  just the name that's going to be used within our   terraform. So anytime we want to reference this  resource, we can just reference first test VPC.   And if we want to give the name within AWS, we  can provide a tag. So you can take a look at   the configs here, and then this is how you do it.  So there's a specific tag for naming things. And   that's called main with the capital N. And we'll  call this we'll call this our production VPC.   Okay, and so this once we run this, we'll create  a VPC. However, what I want to do now is I want   to create a subnet within that VPC. And this  is going to be a little bit more challenging.   And I'm going to show you why in a second. But  if we navigate to the AWS subnet resource, if   you don't know how to find it, the first thing I  always do is just do terraform. And then you know,   AWS, and then whatever resource you're trying  to configure. So if you want to see a subnet,   just search for subnet, and it's usually going to  be either the first or the second one. So we want   AWS underscore subnet. So it's going  to be the second link in this case.   And you can see how to configure it is pretty  easy. Alright, so we just specify resource,   AWS subnet, then the name. And then we have  to specify a VPC ID, we also have to specify   a cider block. So what subnet do we want  to use for that subnet? That makes sense.   And then any necessary tags. So let's copy  this. And let's paste it down here. And so   I want to change up a few things. I'm gonna  change this to I'm going to call this subnet one.   And the cider block 10.0 dot 1.0, slash 24. That's  fine. Just make sure it falls within this range.   And then for tags, I'm going  to call this prod subnet.   Okay, and here, we have to specify the VPC ID,   and you're probably thinking, Well,  you know, we haven't deployed this VPC,   how do we get the VPC ID right, I can't go into  the console and get it because we haven't actually   created that VPC. This is where the power of  terraform comes in. Right, we can reference   other resources that are being defined within  our code. So we want to reference this VPC that   we're creating, and pass in the ID down to this  field. And the way to do that is pretty simple.   All we have to do is we have to specify  the resource name. So we'll do AWS   underscore VPC, just like it is up here.  Then we do a dot, then we have to take the   name of it. And so we'll take this name.  And so that's why the naming is important.   paste it here. And then we have to get a specific  property off of that resource. And so every   property has an ID, sorry, every resource has  an ID property that we can access. So this value   right here is going to get the ID of this VPC that  gets created from the line above. Okay? And so   that's how we can reference other resources that  are being defined in our code, right? So you just,   what I do is for simplicity sake, I usually just  copy this whatever's between the quotations and   I just remove these two quotes, put in a dot and  then put it in a.id. That's my little shortcut.   Okay, so I think we're good to go. Let's try to  run this and deploy it. So we'll do a terraform   Apply. Actually, let's do a terraform.  Yeah, let's do a terraform apply.   And so we'll see all the changes that are  being made. And let's scroll up a bit.   And so you'll see that we're creating a subnet.  And we're also going to be creating our VPC. And   you'll see all the details that are  being passed into it. So we can hit   yes, at this point, and it's going to  deploy that VPC as well as that subnet.   Okay, it looks like it's already done. That  was super quick. I guess it's really just   easy to instances that take a long time. But if  we go back to our dashboard, what is this bear   Who cares? Anyways, let's go to services, search  for VPC. And let's take a look. So you can see,   by default, there's a default VPC for every user.  So this is the default VPC that gets created. So   we don't, we can ignore that. I just wanted  to make sure you guys understood that if you   were confused as to why there's two v PCs. But  this is the VPC that we created from terraform.   And if we take a look at the details, we've  got the cider block that we assigned to it.   And then the tags, obviously the name being  production. And if we go to our subnets.   So there's going to be a whole bunch of subnets  here, but once again, these are all part of the   default VPC that gets created. And we want to just  take a look at the one we created, which is prod   dash subnet. And so if we go here, we'll see that  the VPC that this subnet resides in is this VPC,   which is prod, which is going to be the VPC that  we created within terraform. And then we also have   the cider block, which the 10.0 dot 1.0 slash 24.  And so that's pretty much it. Obviously, there's a   tag, which is the name, which you can see right up  there. Now, there's one thing I want to point out,   you're probably thinking, well, since when we  create the subnet, and we're referencing the VPC,   the VPC resource has to get declared first.  And what may be shocking is it actually   does not need to be defined first. And I'm  going to, I'm going to prove that to you.   I'm going to do a terraform destroy when  I let that get destroyed real quick.   Okay, so it's been destroyed. Let's just double  check and make sure. Okay, and so that's gone.   And what I'm going to do is just to prove  my point, I'm going to copy this, or cut it   and paste it right above right above the VPC. So  now, within our code, we're defining the subnet,   and we're referencing the VPC, even though the  VPC is defined beneath it. And once again, guys,   this is just to show you guys that the order  in which you place your code does not matter   within terraform, which is a little confusing,  right? If you're familiar with programming,   right, it always follows a sequential order,  starting from the top and working to the bottom.   Let's make sure we save everything. And then  let's do a terraform. Apply. And, guys, if you get   tired of having to hit yes, whenever you want to  destroy or create something, you can always do the   dash dash auto approve, and that's going to skip  that step. So that way, you can just run it,   step away from your seat, go grab something to  eat, and then just come back when it's done.   And so you can see here, even though  the sub net was declared first,   you can see that terraform Actually, I realized  that this window is probably not that big for   you guys. And so I'm going to make this  a little bigger for you guys. Let's see,   is there a way to do that?  me afraid to do a Ctrl Plus,   there we go. But if you take a look at  the order in which things are created,   you'll see that we create the VPC first, they  create and it took three seconds to complete.   And then we created the subnet. So terraform does  not care which order the order in which you define   things because terraform is intelligent enough  to figure out what needs to get created first.   So terraform knows that a subnet belongs in a VPC.  And since this subnet is represent is referencing   the VPC or creating, it knows to create the  VPC first, and then create the subnet. Okay,   so terraform is very intelligent, it can figure  out what needs to get created. So you don't have   to worry about any of that nonsense. It'll figure  out what needs to be done. However, I will say   this, there are certain instances where it can't.  However, if you look at the documentation will   always tell you whenever terraform can't  figure out what order to create things,   and it'll give you a workaround. So like usually  you'll have to pass in an extra flag that says   one resource depends on another but for the most  part terraform will figure out everything for you.   Now, if you guys have been following along, you  may have noticed that there's a couple of extra   files that gets created on the left side. And so  you may be wondering what those mean and you know,   that's what I want to cover in this section. So  we'll start off with this dot terraform folder.   So this folder gets created whenever we initialize  any plugins. So when we did a terraform in it,   right terraform in it, it's going to create that  directory, and then it's going to install all the   necessary plugins for our code to run in this  folder. So since we have just one provider, all   of the code for the, the AWS provider is going to  get installed into there. And just to prove that   to you guys, I'm going to delete this real quick.  And it's okay, it's not going to break our code.   It looks like he just deleted one of those  folders, I want to delete all of them.   Alright. Okay, so they're all deleted.  And if I try to do a terraform, apply,   it's going to throw an error saying, Look  at this, we don't have a AWS provider.   And so what we have to do is we have to  initialize it again. So if I do a terraform in it,   it's going to do that initialization process.  And when it does that, it's going to create that   folder that we just deleted. There you go. So  we see the dot terraform folder, and it's got   the configs for AWS, right here. Now  moving on to the second folder, or sorry,   the second file that you may be wondering out,  that's going to be the terraform.tf. state. So   what this file is, is that it represents all of  the state for terraform. And basically, anytime   we create a resource within AWS or any cloud  provider, we need a way for terraform to keep   track of everything that's created, right? Because  that way, if we go to modify a parameter, like add   an extra tag, or maybe change the instance type  to from like a T to micro to a another size,   it needs to be able to check, you know, what is  the current status of that resource, you know,   what are its configurations and compare it to  what's in the code. And the way it does that is   it just creates a simple text file. And so we've  got this terraform.tf state, and it looks like   it's in a JSON format, I can't remember if it is  fully JSON, it may not be, you know, don't quote   me on that. But we can basically store all of the  resources that we create when this state file, so   you can see we've got the AWS provider. And  if we just kind of look through it real quick,   we can see all the resources it's created.  So we've got the first VPC that we created.   And so you can see all the details about  that VPC. And then I think someplace,   there's going to be a subnet. So this is the one  that covers the subnet. And this is going to have   all of the information regarding the subnet. So  this file is very important, too. For some reason,   you ever go into this and start deleting things,  you will break terraform. So terraform will have a   mismatched state from what's actually  being deployed into AWS. So never mess   around with the TF state file. It's a very  important file. And we it's absolutely crucial   to the overall functionality of terraform.  And just to kind of show you how this state   file gets updated, I'm just going to create  another VPC. And I'm just going to take this,   copy this, and we'll just paste it down here. And  I'm going to call this we'll call the second VPC.   And I'm just going to change the cider  block. And we'll change this name to say Dev.   And might as well just create a  new subnet for that guy as well.   I'll call this subnet two. And for the VPC ID,  I'm going to reference this VPC. So whoops,   that the typo, and we're gonna just change this to  secondary VPC. And I'm gonna change the subnet to   make sure that this subnet resides within this  cider block. And we'll call this dev subnet.   Now, if I do a terraform, apply,   do a dash dash auto approve. And  once again, typos all over the place.   Now if we go back to our TF state file, we can  take a look at it. We'll see that there we had   subnet one already. That was already in there. And  then we've got you know, now we have subnet two,   right? So you can see that anytime we create  an instance or modify an instance within AWS,   we're going to update our state file so that  we can keep track of all of that information.   Alright guys, so that's all I  wanted to cover in this video.   Till now, we've only been doing very simple  tasks like creating an EC two instance,   or creating a VPC or a subnet and we haven't even  be been able to log into that EC two instance.   And so what I wanted to do was With everything  that we've learned so far in terraform, I want to   walk you through how to create an EC two instance,  deploy it on a custom VPC on a custom subnet and   assign it a public IP address, so that not only  can we SSH to it and connect to it and make   changes on it, we can also automatically set up a  web server to run on it so that we can handle web   traffic. And you know, this task, it seems like  a very simple task with a couple of steps. But   it's actually a little more complicated than you  think. But luckily, we don't actually have to   do anything from a terraform perspective that we  don't already know how to do. And so I'm going to   walk you through that. And I've actually outlined  all of the steps that are necessary to do this. So   there's nine total steps, technically 10, we're  gonna have to do one step outside of terraform.   Just to keep things a little simple, we could do  it through terraform. But that would get a little   more complicated. But just to walk you through  the steps, we're going to create a custom VPC.   And then within that VPC, we're going to designate  a internet gateway. And the reason we need to have   an internet gateway is so that we can actually  send traffic out to the internet, because we do   want to be able to assign a public IP address to  this server so that anybody in the world can reach   it, then the next thing that we need to do is we  want to create a custom route table. Technically,   this would have been optional, but I thought  it'd be cool to show you guys because these are   all things that you need to be able to do. So  I wanted to make sure I walk you through that,   we're going to then create a subnet in step four.  And then anytime you create a subnet, we have to   assign it to a route table, or then they'll get  assigned to the default route table for your VPC.   And so this will just associate the two together,  then we're going to create a security group.   And the security group is just responsible for  determining what kind of traffic is allowed to get   to any one of your EC two instances. So since this  is a web server, we're going to allow Port 80 and   Port 4434 HTTP and HTTPS traffic, we're also going  to allow Port 22, so that we can SSH to it and,   you know, obviously connect to it and make changes  to it. We're going to create a custom interface.   And that's going to be assigned to the subnet  that was created in step four. And we'll assign   an elastic IP. So an elastic IP in Amazon world  is just a public IP address that's routable on   the internet. And then we're going to assign that  to the network interface we created in step seven.   And then finally, we're going to create an  Ubuntu server, we're going to automatically   through terraform install, and enable Apache.  And then we're going to assign that IP address   or that network interface that we created in step  seven to that Ubuntu server. And at that point,   we should have a live running web server. And  we should be able to connect to it and you know,   do whatever we want with it. Alright, guys. So  you know, before we get started, the first thing   that we need to do actually is create a key pair  within AWS. And the key pair is just going to   allow us to connect to these devices. So AWS  requires us to set up, set up access keys so   that we can connect to these devices. So to set  up the keys, we need to go to the EC two section.   And then there's a section within here called  key pairs. Here we go. So you can see I have   one key pair here already, but I'll walk you  through how to create a new one. So we'll just   do create new key pair. And here, we'll just  give it a name. Okay, so we'll call this whoops,   we'll just call this access key. If you  want to give it a better name than this,   I just couldn't think of one. Okay, how about  this, we'll call this main key, main dash key.   So there's two different file  formats that you can use.   Go ahead and download the PEM format. For now,  I'll show you how to actually convert this to   a ppk if you want to use putty. So, you know  moving forward, though, if you were mainly a   Windows user, download the ppk. So that you can  use with putty. If you're using Mac or Linux,   you're gonna want the PEM file. So you know,  download that but you know, for now, even if you   are using a Windows machine, download the PEM  and I'll show you how to convert it to a ppk.   So we'll create this key pair. And it's going  to automatically download this for you. So   just remember where it's getting saved to. So it's  probably gonna get saved in your downloads folder.   And just keep that in mind. Okay, so now that  we have our key pair set, this is going to   this key is going to allow us to actually  connect to our server once we've deployed but,   you know, let's go through this  step by step and tackle each step.   And you'll see that just how easy it is to create  all these resources. And I'll obviously point you   to all the necessary documentation so that if  you guys want to read up further on it, you can   and so the first step, create a VPC, you know,  you guys have already done this. But, you know,   I'll walk you through that. So obviously, I  already forgot how to actually configure one.   So just search for terraform AWS VPC, this  is all I do, guys, you know, just Google it,   and Google will tell you what to do. And so here,  we're gonna define a resource. A VPC resource.   I'm just gonna copy and paste that. I'm  gonna keep this as the same cider block,   it doesn't really matter for the purpose  of this project. Now we need to create an   internet gateway. So this is something new. But  once again, the power of Google, go to terraform,   AWS and then what was it called internet gateway.  Okay, so there's a couple of things. Really,   the only thing you have to pass in is  the VPC ID. So we'll just copy this.   And I'm gonna just go in here, paste that in  there. don't really care about PACs for now.   And we need to pass it the VPC ID. So remember,  we can reference a another resource within our   terraform code. And so we'll just reference  this VPC. So we do AWS underscore VPC, then dot,   well, let me give this a more descriptive  name. I don't like main, we'll call this   prod VPC. Actually, let's give this a tag as well.  Why not. And we'll just call this a production.   And so to reference this, we'll do AWS underscore  VPC, then dot m, the name, so prod, dash   VPC. And then we have to do a dot and  an ID, because we always want the ID   property of this resource, we  don't want the resource itself.   And don't worry about giving giving us a tag. So  that's all we need to do. Now we have to create   a custom route table. So this is something that's  new again. So we'll just search for that terraform   AWS route table. And, you know,  obviously, we already have this open,   so we could just kind of navigate to wherever  it is. But there's just so many resources,   it just takes forever to find what you're  looking for. So I always just Google it.   And so here, we want the AWS route table. And it's  going to give us an example. So just copy this.   And I'll take you, I'll explain step  by step what each line is doing.   And I'm going to give this a name,  we'll call this prod route table.   And we have to reference the VPC ID, so we can  just copy what we did with the internet gateway.   And we don't really need a tag for this  route. Oh, let's get let's give it a name.   I think we'll just call this prod as well. Okay,  and then now here, this is where we define the   routes for this route table. So if you look at  this, what this is saying is that for the subnet,   the 10.0 dot 1.0, slash 24, we're going to send  it to the internet gateway. However, what I want   to do is I just want to set up a default route,  which means all traffic is going to get sent to   the internet gateway. So to do a default route,  if you guys aren't familiar with networking,   you just do this 0.0 dot zero, slash zero. And  this is going to send all traffic, all IP all ipv4   traffic wherever this route points. And this is  the old syntax of referencing other resources. But   remember, we're just going to do it the same way  we did for the VPC. So let's find the internet,   the AWS internet gateway. And so we just do  AWS underscore, internet underscore gateway,   then you do dot, and then we just reference the  name, so we just give it a name or GW. And then   we want the ID property. Okay, and so that's  all we have to do to create a default route.   And we can also create an ipv6 default route, I'm  not using ipv6, but you know, we might as well   go put it in. And so for an ipv6 default route,  it's already been provided. So you just do colon   colon slash zero, it's the equivalent of this.  But for ipv6, we can delete this and just point   it to the same internet gateway. And you know,  once again, this is just going to make it so that   our traffic in the in from the subnet that we're  going to create can get out to the internet.   Right now we have to create a subnet  where our web server is going to reside on   this, we don't need to kind of search  how to do because we've already done   this before. So resource AWS underscore  subnet. And then let's give it a name.   I'm just gonna call it subnet dash one.  And then we have to give it a VPC ID.   Let's just grab what we did here for  the internet gateway and just copy that   a lot of copying and pasting here, guys.   And then we have to give it the the actual subnet  that we're going to use. So the cider block.   And so I'm going to use the 10.0 dot 1.0 slash  24 subnet. And there's also another optional   property so we can actually start suffi what  availability zone we want to use. And if you   don't know what an availability zone is, within  a region, we it's not that just it's not that AWS   just has one data center. Within each region,  they actually have a couple of data centers,   I'm not really sure how many maybe like  three to five. And so that way, if one   of their data centers goes down in a region,  the whole region doesn't go down. So they have   redundancy. And so you can actually deploy  resources to a specific availability zone.   And we can pass that in bypassing  any availability zone property,   and then just specifying the name. So we'll just  do a US dash East dash one, a. And so there's   going to be US East dash one, a one B, one C, and  so on. But we're just gonna set it into one a.   And then we can give this a tag as well. So we'll  set the name to prod, underscores or dash subnet.   And so now we've created a subnet,  we've created a route table,   but we actually have to assign this subnet  to this route table. And so there's a another   resource, a resource type within terraform.  That's called route table Association.   And we'll just let me pull up the documentation so  you guys don't get confused. So we'll do terraform   AWS route table Association. And all this  does is just a just associate the subnet   with a route table. And so you can see  here, we have to pass in the subnet ID,   as well as the route table ID. So we'll copy  this. And then we just need to update the   subnet and the route table. So we can remove that  and pass in our subnets. So AWS underscore subnet   dot subnet dash one.id. And then let's grab  the route table. So I'll just copy this,   paste that in there, remove the quotations, lips,   and then just join them together with a dot. And  then we want to grab the ID. And that's all we   have to do for the route table Association, we  can just leave it as the name of a because we're   not going to reference that anyways. So the next  thing we need to do is create a security group,   this is something new again. And so it's always  good to make sure that you have a security policy,   that's a really clamped down on only the protocols  that you need. And so we'll just search for that.   And I'm just going to copy this example  and walk you through what's happening.   So let's give this a name.  We're going to call this allow   web traffic. And we're gonna change this to allow  underscore web. So this security group is really   just going to be there to allow just web traffic.  So we just want Port 22, Port 80 and Port 443.   And description, we can just change this  to allow web traffic. And we have to point   to our VPC. So there's, we already know how to do  that, we can just copy the one from the stub net.   Now, this is where we actually apply  the different rules. So we have Ingress   policy as well as the egress policy. So in  this example, what this is saying is that   we are going to allow TCP traffic on port 443.  Right, so the front port and the two port just   means it allows us to specify a range of ports. So  if I did 4432447, that means we would allow ports   443 through 447. So when you just do the same  number of means we're allowing just that port.   And this is the protocol. So you have TCP you have  UDP, and so on. And then you have, we can actually   clamp down on what subnets can actually reach this  box. So we can actually put in like our own IP   address of our of our work computer or something  so that only certain devices can actually reach   this. And so sometimes it's best not to open it  up to the internet. But since we're creating a web   server, that's meant to be used by anyone we want,  we want to allow it so that anyone can use it.   So we'll change this to 000. That  default, that means any IP address   can access it. But if you just wanted like  one specific IP, you could just do like 1.1   dot one slash 32. And then this would  mean that you know just that IP address,   I can access it. But we want everyone to be able  to access it. So we'll do that. And we can have   as many ingress and egress policies as we want.  And so this is actually technically for HTTPS   traffic. So htt ps traffic. I'm just gonna call  it that. And what we want is not to HTTPS, but   we want Port 80 and Port 22. So we can just copy  this Ingress rule and paste it a couple of times.   Hit Save just so it formats it. And this is  going to be HTTP. And HTTP resides on port 80.   TCP once again, so all web traffic is TCP.  And then we want it from any IP address.   And then finally, we want one for  SSH. So this is going to be Port 22.   TCP, and then yes, any IP address. And if  you look at the example, for the Ingress,   this is just saying that, you know, we're  allowing all ports in the egress direction.   And when you put n minus one for the protocol, it  means any protocol. And for the cider block, it   means any IP address. So this is exactly what we  want for the egress policy. What's more concerning   is always setting up the Ingress policy. And we  can change the tag to allow, call it allow web.   Alright, now we want to  create a network interface.   So let's go to documentation for that.  So terraform AWS network interface.   And so I'm going to copy this.   We're going to change the name,  I'm going to call this web server,   Nick. And so we need to assign this  Nic to the subnet that we created.   Let's find our subnet. Where'd it go? Here  we go. And don't forget to grab just the ID.   And here we need to specify an IP. So what IP  do we want to give the server we can pick any IP   address within the subnet? Well, not technically  any IP address, you know, AWS is going to reserve   a couple addresses like the dot one and a couple  other ones. So I'm just going to do 10 dot 0.1   dot 5010 dot 0.1 dot 50. And then finally,  we have to pass in a list of security groups.   And so let's pass in the security group  that we just created in the step above.   And we can actually attach it to a device  now. But we're going to skip that. And we   can actually specify what Nic we want to use when  we actually go to the provisioning section for an   EC two instance. So we're going to delete  that part. And we don't need that for now.   And then now, so this created the private  IP address for the host. But we also want   to assign it a public IP address so that you  know anybody on the internet can access it.   And to do that, we need to create an AWS elastic  IP. So if we search for terraform, AWS AIP.   All we have to do is just we can  just grab this as an example.   So VPC equals true, I can't I forgot what  that actually does, we can take a look at   the documentation. So this just means Boolean if  the IP is in a VPC or not. So it isn't a VPC. So   we have to set it to true. And then network  interface. So we can specify what network   interface we want assign it to, which is the one  we created in step seven. So we can copy this.   And then when it says associate with private  IP, it's going to be the private IP that we   gave right here. And also, I guess,  I forgot to point out that, you know,   here we're passing in a list of IP. So  technically, we could have given more than one.   But we're just going to assign one here. And then  we can just reference that here. Go to 10 dot 0.1   dot 50. Now, you know I told you guys that  terraform you know does not care about the order   and it will figure out the order at which things  need to be deployed so that everything works.   However, there are certain gotchas. And  this is one of the gotchas right here   is that the AWS IP relies on the deployment of  the internet gateway, which is created up here.   And so if you try to do this through the  console, and you try to create an elastic IP,   and assign it to a device, that's, you know, on  a subnet that are in a VPC that doesn't have an   internet gateway, it'll throw an error, because,  you know, for you to have a public IP address,   you need to have an internet gateway. So deploying  an elastic IP requires the internet gateway to be   deployed first before the actual elastic IP gets  deployed. And I guess terraform, by default,   can't figure that on its own. And if you actually  take a look at the documentation, it even lets you   know that. So it says, elastic IPS may require  internet gateway to exist prior to Association.   So you can use the depends on to set an  explicit dependency on the internet gateway.   So what we can do is exactly what it told  us to do, we can set a depends on flag   and set that equal to the the internet gateway  that we created. And here, we actually don't   need to specify the.id, we want to actually  reference the whole object and not just the ID.   All right, guys, we're almost done,   we just got one last step. And  that's to create our Ubuntu server.   And here, we're going to do resource   AWS underscore instance. And then we'll  call this web dash server dash instance,   the AMI, so let's grab the AMI from our  console again. If we do launch instance,   we'll just search for Ubuntu. And  we'll grab the first ami right here.   The instance type, we're going to do  the T to micro again, because it's free.   And here, we can also set an availability zone.   And I'm going to make sure this is very important  to actually set this to the same one that we   used for our subnet. And so if you remember,  we go all the way back to the top. Where is it?   Where's our subnet? There we go. Our subnet we  passed in this availability zone, the dash one a.   And there's a reason why I hard coded the  availability zone because if you don't hard code   it, Amazon will, will pick a random availability  zone to deploy that. And I've had a couple of   times where where the subnet would get deployed  in one availability zone, and then my interface   would get deployed in another availability  zone. And then I couldn't like combine the   two because they're essentially in two different  data centers. So whenever you get an option,   make sure you to hard code availability zone, or  then you could lead to issues where it says like,   Oh, you know, you can't have your server  in, you know, one availability zone,   and then your subnet and another one,  it just creates all sorts of issues. So   anytime in the documentation, it gives you an  option to pass it in, go ahead and pass it in.   Now, if you remember the key pair that we created,  we need to reference that so that we can actually   access our device. And so let me go back to  the key pair, what did I call it main dash key,   main dash key.   And now we can specify the network interface.  We do network underscore interface. And if   you're wondering where I'm getting all of this,  it's all in the documentation. So if I pull up   AWS terraform instance, it's going to walk us  through how to do all of this. But what we want   to do is we want to scroll down look for network  interface. So there's a network interface section.   Within word, it actually it didn't  take me to the right section.   Here we go. There's a network interface section.  So we have to define a network interface block.   And this is what a block looks like. So you  can actually create another block within   our resource to define a few extra parameters. And  so the first thing that we have to do is provide   a device index. And all this is doing is that, you  know, for any, any EC two instance that we deploy,   we can give it a ton of different interfaces,  right, we don't have to just give it one. So we   have to tell it which interface you want it to be  right because you know it's gonna get labeled like   Ethernet one, Ethernet to Ethernet, three, and  so on. So we're gonna make sure that this is his   first interface. And you can do that by specifying  the device index and setting it to zero.   And we want to set that to zero,  because, you know, it's kind of like   it's kind of like, you know, like in any  programming language, the first number   you start with is a zero instead of one. So  this is going to mean that this is the first   network interface associated with this device,  then we have to specify the network interface ID.   So we just have to reference this  network interface. So we'll copy that.   And now guys, this is where the actual magic  happens here. So what we're going to do is   we're going to tell terraform, to on deployment  of this server to actually run a few commands on   the server so that we can automatically install  Apache. And the way to do that is to use the user   underscore data block. And what we have to  do is we have to pass in, it's gonna look   a little goofy. But we just say dash that elf,  and I forget what this stands for. But you just   put that in there. And then now we just type in  all of the commands we want to run. So just like   with any bash script, we want to start off with  the, with this goofy header that you always need.   And then now we just specify all of  the commands that we want to run. So   we'll do a sudo apt update, dash y, we'll  do a sudo apt install Apache, two dash y.   And then we'll do a sudo  systemctl. Start Apache two.   And then finally, this last one's kind  of optional, but what I'm going to do is   I'm going to copy some text to the index dot  HTML file that gets served by the web server   does that we can confirm that, you know,  all of these commands actually worked.   I'm just gonna say we'll say echo. And then we  want to send a string of text. So we'll just say,   your very first web server. And we want  to redirect that to slash var, slash   www, but HTML slash index dot HTML. And hopefully,  I wrote all of that without a typo. And then,   you know, obviously, you guys can run any command  that you want. So you can put in whatever command   so you can install, you can install any package,  you know, you can modify and configure files all   from here. But once you're done entering in all  your commands, you just do elf. So elf at the top   starts all the configs. And then the elf at the  bottom basically tells terraform that we're done.   And then lastly, let's give it some tags. will  say name equals, we'll just call this web server.   Let's hit save. And now we're  going to do a terraform.   Apply. And it looks like I messed something up.  So let's see, depends on what happened here.   A static list expression is required. Ah,  okay, I already know my mistake. So when   you use the depends on parameter, you  actually have to pass it in as a list.   And so the reason we pass in this list  is because we can actually specify   multiple things that we need to wait on, before  we actually run the elastic IP. So if we wanted to   make sure that you know the VPC got created,  we can specify that as well as the subnet and   so on. So you can put in as many criteria  as you want. So that's why we have to pass   it in as a list. Let's do a terraform. Apply  again. Hopefully it goes through this time.   Looks like it's good. So far. We'll do yes.  And let's just now it's time to start praying.   And it looks like we got another error  on line 25. Let's see what happened here.   Yep. And I already figured out the mistake,  this should be under the AWS route table.   This should not be egress only gateway  ID. This should just be gateway Id like   it is up here. And that was just because I  copied and pasted. I forgot to change it.   But you know, just to make sure you  guys understand what's happening here.   All we're really doing is we're just saying  that our default route for ipv4 and ipv6 is   going to go towards the internet gateway  so that we can get out to the internet.   Alright, it looks like it's done, guys. So  let's just take a look. Let's just verify   in the console that everything is okay. And so  we'll go to let's go to our EC two instance,   let's see if it got created. And so we've got one  that's initializing right now. And that's our web   server, you got the previous one. Obviously, I  did a dry run before this video, although I still   messed up a whole bunch of things. But this is  very easy to instance, I think things look good.   Obviously, we can go through each and  everything, you know, make sure our VPC is good,   make sure our subnets good, make sure our route  tables good. But that's just a waste of time,   because I already know there okay, I instead,  what I want to do is I want to actually show you   how we can connect to this device or actually,  let's wait till this is finished initializing.   And once it's initialized, let's just navigate  to this IP address and see what happens.   So I think it's probably at this  point already running. So let's just   go to that. And then we'll just go to  the IP address. So copy the IP address,   and your web browser, go to that. And you can see  your very first web browser. So this just confirms   that we installed Apache on our server. And we  copy that text to the index that HTML file to get   served to all the users. So that just confirms  that everything is working. Okay. However,   now what I want to do is I want to show you  guys how to actually connect to that device.   Since it has the public IP, we can  actually SSH to it. And the way to do that,   it's going to vary depending on what operating  system you're on. So if you're on Windows,   I'm going to walk you through that now. And then  in a second, I'll show you guys how to do that in   on a Linux or, or a Mac machine. So if you're on  Windows, the first thing that you need to do is   download a software called putty. It's a little  annoying that we need to use putty, but just   search for putty. And then let's see if I can so  just download it here, like this button. And then   you can just download the installer. So  get the 64 bit if you're using 64 bit,   or get the 32 bit if you're using the 32 bit. So  after you install it, just go to your search bar,   and just search for putty. And you'll see  that there's two applications that actually   got installed. There's putty and putty Gen. And  the first thing that we need to do is we actually   need to open up putty Gen. And the reason we need  to do this is because this is a PEM file, and I   told you guys that, you know, there's the there's  the ppk file or PKK. I forget which one it is I   think it's ppk. And then there's the PEM file. So  Linux machines like to use the PEM file. However,   Petey likes to use the PKK file or the ppk file,  whatever it is, I can't remember. And so we have   to convert this PEM file to the right format to  be able to use it on a Windows machine. So the way   to do that is open up the putty Gen application  like I just showed you, and hit this LOAD button.   And here, select all files. And  we've got this main dash key dot PEM.   So hit open. And it's important this and then  all we need to do is select Save private key.   And it's going to give you this warning, go  ahead and ignore it just hit yes. And then give   it a name. So I'm just going to call this main  dash key again. And it's going to save it as a   ppk file. So I'll have a pen version as well as a  ppk version, that I can use it on either machine.   I'll hit save, and I think it should have  created it so we can just double check.   And let me go to my downloads folder real quick.  And if I move that over here, you can see that now   we have the main dash key ppk file as well as the  PEM file. So now what we need to do is we'll close   out of this party, Jen. And we're going to open up  the regular putty device or the party application   and keep opening up on the other window, which  is kind of a pain. And now let's go back to our   console. And the way to connect to one of these  devices, hit this Connect button right here. And   it's going to give you all the information on how  to connect to this device. And so you'll see that   the user for this device is Ubuntu. And then you  know, it's going to also give us the IP address,   but we can actually confirm the IP address here.  The important thing is we know that we need to   login using the user as Ubuntu. So we'll do Ubuntu  and then to specify the IP address you do at   and then the IP address. So let's copy this IP  address and paste it in. Now we have to log in   using that ppk file. And to tell putty to use that  go into this SSH right here. And I know this text   is a little small for you guys. I don't know how  to make this bigger unfortunately. So you're just   gonna have to bear with me, hit the off button.  And then there's a section that says private key   file for authentic action. So hit browse, and  then just find that main, a dash key ppk file,   hit open it open again. And once again  this opened up in another window.   And it looks like I'm running into some  issues. So I'm not sure what happened here.   Let me close this out. I'm  going to open up my terminal.   I should be able to ping 3228 that 248252. Or  maybe not. Well, that's a problem. Oh, wait,   no, we didn't allow pings. Let's just make  sure this works again. Okay, so that's good.   Now, why is it that we cannot reach this  device? So let's check our security group.   Let's view inbound rules. Oh, look at  this, guys, I messed this up. You see,   we're allowing port two. And we don't  care about port two, we want Port 22.   So let's go back to our terraform file.  Let's see where, where I messed that up.   Here we go. This is where I mess  it up. So this should be Port 22.   We hit save and then do a terraform apply it  should play this on the fly real quick for us.   Alright, that's been done. Let's just double  check here. So we'll go to View inbound rules.   Now it says Port 22. And let's open up putty  again and just perform the same exact steps   we want to go to Ubuntu at  and then copy this IP address   through SSH, go to our authentication,  browse, find our main key ppk file it open.   And it should pop up with a  security alert. So just hit yes.   And at this point, you should be logged in using  putty. So um, you know we're on a Linux machine,   you can run any command you want. But you  know if we want to verify Apache is running,   let's just do a system CTL status  Apache two. I spelled that wrong.   And so and so it's running. And so  that's how we, you know, connect to   one of these boxes on a Windows machine. Let  me show you how to do it on a Mac machine.   And let me just copy this PEM file  to to my Mac machine real quick.   And so remember, we want the PEM file on  a Mac. And on a Windows we want the ppk.   Okay guys to connect to our web server or an EC  two instance from a Mac or Linux machine steps are   going to be identical. The first thing that I want  you to do is go to your web browser and just go to   AWS and log into your console. Because it actually  kind of walks you through how to do it step by   step, it's actually really easy. So if we go to  our EC to section and go to running instances,   go to your web server and then tick Connect. And  so these steps are all you have to do. We have to   do ch mod 400 and then the name of that PEM file  that we downloaded. And that's just going to set   the permissions to the correct values. And then we  have to connect to it. So the way to connect to is   you go to your command line, you do SSH dash I and  then the name and location of your PEM file. And   then we want to connect to it doing Ubuntu at and  then the IP address. So that's all you have to do.   So let's go to our terminal. And let's find that  PEM file, but I saved it in my downloads folder.   And so I've got that main dash key dash Pam. So  we'll do a CH mod 400 main dash key dash Pam.   And now to actually connect to the server, we  do SSH dash I and then the name of the file. So   main dash key dash Pam. And then now we  do Ubuntu at and then we need to get the   IP address. So let's go back here. Let's copy the  IP address. And then paste it in. And then we hit   Enter. And we should get this same warning that  we got on the Windows machine. So we'll hit yes.   And there you go. You're now connected to  the device and you can run any commands.   So that's all I wanted to show you guys in  this video. Hopefully you learned a lot.   You know, I showed you guys how to create a lot  of different resources. These are all things that   you're going to need to know how to do. And  hopefully at this point, you guys should feel   relatively comfortable with navigating  around terraform and creating and deleting   resources. Definitely go ahead and you  know, once you're done with this project,   do a terraform destroy because we did deploy a  lot of things and I don't want you guys to get   any kind of unexpected bills, even though we  are in the free tier. So just do a terraform   destroy and then we can just do a dash dash  auto proof but you know what happened here?   terraform and oh, not the story. But  you know we still have a lot of things   to cover when it comes to terraform you know  You know, I get a chance to cover variables,   or, or modules or things like that. So there's  still a lot to cover with terraform. I think   that's going to wrap it up probably for this  video, make some follow up videos. If there's any   topics you guys want me to cover, let me know, and  I'm happy to do it. You know, terraform has been   something that I really enjoy working with. So  if you guys want me to do more terraform videos,   also, let me know. And I'll be happy to do  any videos or any topics that you guys want.   In this video, I'm going to go over a few extra  terraform commands that I think are helpful.   And if you've already destroyed the  project that we created in the last video,   go ahead and deploy it again, or at least just  deploy a few resources, we need a few resources   deployed so that we can actually take a look at  the output. And so I've already done that. So   I've already, you know, run this terraform  config. And so we have several different   resources deployed. And the first command that I  want to show you guys is terraform. State list.   And by the way, guys, if you don't know  what commands to run, I always just start   off with terraform, hit Enter, and you'll see  that the command line will kind of help you,   you know, with the different commands that are  available. So these are all the options that   we have. And so right now, I want to focus on the  state sub command. So where is this, I think it's   terraform, is down here. So the terraform  state sub command, so if we do terraform,   state, and then hit enter, you can see all  of the commands that we have at our disposal.   So we've got left, this is the main one that I'm  concerned concerned with. So if we do a terraform,   state list, this is going to list out all  of the resources that we have state for.   So any resource that I've created in  my topology, you know, we're going to   have an entry in this output. And so you can  see, we have the elastic IP that I created.   We've got the web server that I created, as well  as the internet gateway, the network interface,   the route table, the route table Association, the  security group, the subnet and the VPC. And if   you actually want to see detail, regarding any one  of these resources, you can do a terraform. State   show and then just copy one of the one of these  items. So if I want to see detailed output for   the elastic IP, I can copy that and paste it  in. Oops, it looks like I didn't copy it hold on   terraform state list. And it's got Copy that.  And sorry, we need terraform state show.   Alright, and so you can see it's going to give us  a detailed output regarding that state incident   include a lot of information that would normally  only be stored in the AWS console, so we can see   the IP address, we can see the association ID,  we can actually see the actual ID of the resource   that gets created in AWS. And then we can see the  ID of the instance this elastic IP is assigned to   as well as the network interface. And we can even  see the public IP. And this is super helpful,   because there's gonna be a lot of times  when you deploy something, and you want   to know what the IP address is, especially the  public IP. And normally, you'd have to do it   through the AWS console. But you know, we have  this command so that we can just verify it from   the command line really quickly without having  to log in. And we could do this with, you know,   really any one of the resources that we've  deployed. So if we want to see more detail   regarding the web server that we deployed, we  can copy this and just take a look at that and   just do a terraform state show. And you can  see all the information that we have regarding   that server that we deployed. So we can see the  ID, we can see, you know, the AMI that was used,   what availability zone it was deployed  on, we can see its public IP here as well.   And, you know, a couple of other details that  would once again normally only be available   in the AWS console. So you know, those are the  two commands, keep those in mind. So remember   terraform state list, and then terraform state  show those are going to be the two big ones.   In the last video, I showed you guys how to  verify the state information for resources that   we've deployed using the terraform state show  command and the terraform state list command.   And those will allow you to see information like  the resource ID, it'll allow us to see information   about you know, like, what's the public and  private IP of EC two instance. So we can see   a lot of detail about these resources that we've  deployed ourselves. And it's super helpful, super   handy. But I want to show you another thing that  we can do to actually see that information, right,   because, you know, after you deploy something,  you know, we can always do a terraform state   list and then whoops terraform state list. And  so if we wanted to extract the public IP of the   elastic IP that we created, you know,  we can always do a terraform state   show And then just copy that. And you can see  here that we can actually see the public IP   under the public IP property of this resource  that we created. But there's going to be   times where, you know, it's kind of a little  inconvenient to have to always do a terraform   state list. And then terraform state show for  all of the details that we want, you know, what   if we could get terraform to automatically print  that out when we run a terraform apply? And Well,   guys, there is a way to do that. And that's by  using the terraform output command. So you know,   any one of these properties that we can see, by  doing a terraform state show on any one of these   resources, we can tell terraform to automatically  print those out when the resources are created.   And we can do that using the terraform output  command, I'm going to show you just how simple   it is. So as I said, before, you know, one of  the main use cases is extracting the public IP,   that's going to get assigned to an elastic  IP or a EC two instance that gets created.   So we can just do a terraform terraform, we  can do the output. And then we have to define   an output for this. So I'm just going to call  this my server underscore public underscore IP.   And then here, we just assign it a value. So  we get the value from from this right here.   From this terraform state show, so to get  the value, what we have to do is we have to   pass in the name of our resource, which is AWS,  underscore E, IP, underscore or dot one. And then   we want to grab the public IP property, okay. So  we can go down here and we just say value equals   AWS underscore IP, dot one dot public,  underscore, IP. Okay, and so that will   get this property and it'll print it out into  the console, when we run terraform. Apply,   follow me save this. And we'll do a terraform  apply, and then dash dash auto approve.   And let's just wait for that to run. And I  want you to notice what happens at the end.   Alright, look at that. So the output that we  created, it's going to print out our server   public IP, so that we don't have to go into  the terraform. State and verify it ourselves.   And so this can come in handy, because,  you know, we can print out all the details   that we are concerned with, without having to  actually go in and check the states ourselves.   And we could obviously, you know, grab any  other property. So as an example, let's say,   let's see what other properties we can grab  that I think would be cool. Let's do a terraform   state list, and then terraform state show, and  then let's check our, our web server instance.   So let's say we want to grab   the private IP of our server, as well  as the AMI that's being used, or no,   I think the ID would be cool because we were hard  coding the AMI. So who really cares about that we   already know what it is. And so we can just define  another terraform output, so we'll do output,   then we have to give it a name. So just give  it any name you want, I'm just gonna say,   server. We'll call this server, private IP.  I'm going to do value. And then remember,   we have to set this equal to our  resource. So we'll copy our resource name.   And remember, we need to get our property name. So  this is going to be called private underscore IP.   And I can't remember if we can put two values  in here, but let's just give that a shot.   So let's see if I just copy  this. And let's print out the ID.   And let's try to terraform apply again. Yep, so it  looks like we can only set at once. So we'll have   to create another output. And we'll call this  server ID. I'm just gonna move this down here.   Alright, so now when we do a terraform,  apply, we should see three different output.   There you guys, there you go, guys. So you  can see the three different outputs that   we've defined. We've got the server ID, we've got  the private IP, as well as the public IP. And,   you know, you can always verify the  app Puts by doing a terraform output,   and it's going to print out all the outputs for  us. However, if you decide to add another output,   you know, into your config, but you don't want  to do a terraform apply, because technically   terraform apply could potentially make changes  to your network. And if you're in a production   network, you don't want to accidentally deploy or  delete something, just to see what the output is.   So, you know, if you're in that situation,  you can always do a terraform refresh.   And this should, you know, just refresh all of  your state. And it'll run the outputs again,   so that you can verify them without actually, you  know, deploying anything or doing an actual apply.   With the decorative nature of terraform. It's kind  of an all or nothing situation when you want to   deploy your terraform config, or destroy it. So  you can either spin up everything that's been   configured in your terraform file or destroy all  of it. However, terraform does understand that,   you know, there's going to be instances where  you want to just delete an individual resource.   Or if you're just trying to roll out with  a deployment to do staged deployments,   where only certain resources are to play are  deployed one day. And then the next day, another   set of resources that are deployed. And so we can  target individual resources within our configs   to either apply or destroy them by passing in the  dash target flag. And so I've got a whole bunch   of resources deployed. And let's say that I just  want to delete this web server right here, well,   we can do a terraform, destroy, and then we can  pass the dash target flag, and then I'm just going   to provide the name of the resource. So we'll do  AWS underscore instance, dot web dash server dash   instance. And so this should leave everything  else in my configs untouched. So all of these,   you know, the route tables, the subnets, all of  that should remain untouched. And terraform should   just delete this one easy to instance, let's  give that a shot. And let's see what happens.   All right. And so if we go up here,  just to see what's going to change,   you can see that we're going to  be destroying just one resource,   and that's that web server that we  targeted. And so you can see here,   only one resource is going to get destroyed. If I  hit yes, it should then delete just that server.   Alright, so it successfully destroyed just that  one resource. And if we want to do the exact   opposite thing, and deploy just this one resource,  we can use the dash target flag once again,   to accomplish that terraform apply dash target  and the name of the resource that we want to   deploy. So in this case, we're just deploying  just that web server that we just deleted.   And I'm going to move the apply to here.   Alright, and if we take a look at the  summary of the changes that'll take place,   we can see that it's going to add one  resource, which is exactly what we want.   We'll hit yes. And let's just double  check that everything works. Okay.   And there you have it, guys, we've deployed just  one individual resource from our terraform config.   So this was just a short video, I just wanted to  make sure that you guys understood how to target   an individual resource or individual resources  if you want to deploy just a couple. So that just   hopefully gives you a little bit more flexibility  on maintaining your infrastructure using   terraform. Now, just like any other programming  language, terraform does allow us to make use of   variable so that we can reuse values throughout  our code without having to repeat ourselves.   And right now, inside this example configuration  file, I've got just a VPC being defined. So we're   going to create a VPC. And then we're going to  create a subnet within that VPC. So I'm nothing   new up to this point. You guys should already be  familiar with how to do this. But what I want to   do is I want to take this cider block definition  for subnet one, and store this value right here,   the 10.0 dot 1.0, slash 24. subnet in a  variable. And to define a variable in terraform,   it's very easy, all you have to do is just  type in variable, and then the name of the   variable so we can give it any other name. So I'm  just gonna call this subnet underscore prefix.   Okay, and within this variable definition,  we can pass in three arguments or three   parameters. And all three of them are completely  optional, so we can technically leave this empty,   but the three options are, we can give it a  description. We can also give it a default value,   as well as a type okay? So, once again, all  three of these are optional. But a description   is exactly what it sounds you can like, you can  just give it a description. So we'll say this   is going to represent the  cider block for the subnet,   the default value, so the default value  is just going to be what terraform is   going to give this variable if we don't  actually pass in a value for this variable.   So I'm going to leave this blank for now  and just comment that out, we don't need it.   And then the type so we can actually perform  type constraints on variables so that when   a user enters in a value, we can make sure  that they enter in the proper type for this   variable. So if we're expecting a string,  you know, we can say type equals string.   And there's a couple of different types  that terraform supports. So you know,   it supports strings, it supports  numbers, Booleans, lists, maps, sets,   objects, tuples. And if you're not sure what  type you're going to use that. And if you're   not really sure what type needs to be passed  in, you can always just pass in the any argument   to say that we support any type. But you know, we  can just leave this blank for now. And we'll come   back to using type constraints. So for now, all  we're going to do is just provide a description.   And I'm going to hit save. And let's see what  happens when we actually run our code. Now. Well,   actually, one more thing, we actually have  to, you know, use that variable someplace,   right. So to actually reference a variable in  our code is very simple. So I'm going to delete   this subnet right here. And to reference a  variable, we just type in var, and then dot   and then the name of the variable. So that's going  to be subnet underscore prefix. Alright, and so   you can see that nowhere in our code so far have  we actually defined the value of subnet prefix,   we just provided a description. So if we do a  terraform, apply, let's see what happens. And   look at that. So any variable that isn't assigned  a value terraform will actually prompt the user to   enter in a value for that. So I'm going to give  this a value of 10.0 dot 1.0, slash 24. And so   this value that I'm passing in is going to get  assigned to subnet prefix. And so once the AWS   subnet resource runs, it's going to pull that  value and store it for the cider block. So let's   hit enter. Let's wait for that to run. Okay, so  the resource has been added. Let's take a look   at the AWS console just to see if that actually  works. So I'm going to go to this prod subnet.   And so you can see here that it got passed  in a 10.0 dot 1.0 slash 24. prefix. And   so that just confirms that our variable is  working. Now, it's kind of a pain to have to   get prompted for what the value of a variable  should be. So there's other ways of passing   in values or assigning values to a variable. And  one of those is through a command line argument.   And so what we can do is I can do a terraform.  Well, first, let's do a terraform destroy.   So we can delete those resources. And it looks  like I spelled something wrong. Yep, ROI. And   you'll see that when it needs to get destroyed,  it's going to ask you for a value for that.   That variable that we defined, but for destroying,  it doesn't actually matter. So you can just   technically just leave it blank, and it  should be able to destroy things just fine.   We only really care about passing in the  proper value when we're doing an apply.   Alright, so we've destroyed the resources.  Now let me show you guys how to assign a value   to a variable through a command line argument.  So if we're going to do a terraform apply,   we can also do a dash of var. And then set a value  for a variable. So we're going to reference this   subnet underscore prefix variable. So we'll do  subnet underscore prefix. And then we can set   it to whatever value we want. So I'm going to do  the 10.0 dot, let's do 100.0 slash 24. Hit Yes.   And now let's double check in the console to  make sure that this new value got assigned.   And so you can see here, we've now got our  10.0 dot 100.0. So the variable assignment   that got assigned on the command line argument  worked. Now this is cool and all but you know,   in reality, I don't think we're going to use  either one of these methods to assign variables.   Very often, the best way to do it is actually  creating a separate file to assign variables   and terraform automatically looks for a  file called terraform.tf rs for variable   assignments. So we can just create that  file now and we'll do terraform.tf bars   And here we can define a value for  that variable. So I'm going to go back,   what was it called? subnet prefix. And so  what do subnet underscore prefix equals,   and then let's give it the value that we  want. So we'll do 10.0 dot 200.0, just to   show that something has changed. And so I'm going  to do an apply without passing in an argument.   It looks like it's still looking for,  it's still asking for assignment. So   let me cancel that I messed something  up, I forgot to hit save, probably, yep.   Let's just wait for that to finish up, I cancelled  out it. So hit save all. And so now because we've   actually defined this variable here, it should  not prompt us for for a value for that variable.   Okay, so let's hit refresh. And let's take a  look at the value. And so now it's set to the   10.0 dot zero slash 24. So those are really the  three different methods for assigning variables.   Technically, we can also use environment variables  from your operating system, I'm going to hold off   on using that as an example or giving you an  example of how to do that, because that's going   to come into play when we worry about how we're  going to store our credentials for terraform,   instead of just hard coding it into our terraform  file. So in that scenario, it's really good to   use environment variable. So I'm going to  hold off on doing a demo of that for now.   Now, the next thing I want to cover is, well,  first of all, let's say that we didn't want to   use a file called terraform. That TFR let's  say we wanted to call it something else.   Or let's say we had multiple files for multiple  variables, which is very common, especially when   your terraform config start to grow. You know, you  don't want to store everything in just one file.   Well, we can tell terraform to actually look  for a specific file name. So if I rename this,   actually, before I do that, enter your terraform  destroy. And so now I'm going to rename this.   I'm going to rename this to let's  just say, for example, that TFR, okay.   And now for terraform, to actually look for that  file, we have to explicitly tell it to look for   that file. And we can do that by passing in a  simple flag. So I'm going to do terraform apply.   And we can pass in the flag dash var dash   file. And then we give it the name of  the file. So we'll do example.tf bars.   And so you can see that we didn't get prompted to,  you know, enter value for that variable, because   terraform was able to look at this example dot  tfrs file and find this value. Now in the earlier   parts of this video, I did mention that one of  the options to pass into a variable assignment is   a default value. And so this default value can be  used if the user doesn't input a specific value.   And we can do an example of that just by  deleting this right here, we'll save that file,   and let's just assign a default value. So we'll  say default equals 10.0 dot 66.0, slash 24. So if   the user doesn't input a variable assignment, then  terraform will automatically assign this variable   this value. So once we save that,  we can then do a terraform apply.   There you go. So even without having a value  assigned to that variable, you can see that it's   still ran. And if we go to the to AWS console,  take a look at that, you can see I have assigned   a value of 10 dots here, that's six dots zero.  So this is a way to apply a default value for a   variable. I'm going to remove this for now just so  I can do a few more demonstrations using variables   within terraform. I'm also going to rename this so  I don't have to keep passing in a input argument.   Now I'm going to show you guys how to actually  perform a type constraint on a variable. So   in this case, the subnet or the cider block needs  to be a string that holds the value of our subnet.   And so we don't want to receive a variable of any  other type other than a string. And so what we can   do is we can say, type equals string and so Now,  if I go to my terraform, read tfrs and do a subnet   underscore prefix equals, and instead of a,  you know, assigning, you know 10 dot, you know,   zero to zero slash 24, or something as a  string, let's say I tried to put in a list,   try to assign this value. Alright, let's see  what happens. Now, when we try to run that.   Oops, it looks like string is not a valid type   specification. So it must  be a lower s, lowercase s.   c, and so now it throws an error saying the given  value is not a valid is not valid for a variable   subnet prefix. Because it, it checks to see if  it's a string, and it sees that it's not a string,   so it throws an error. So this is just a  another way to make sure that you know,   especially when you're working on large code  bases, and you're sharing the, your code with,   you know, colleagues, this will just make  sure that your colleagues don't accidentally,   you know, input a wrong variable type into  a variable and then, you know, potentially   see an error when they run the config. So it's  just a another sanity check that you can do.   Now, while this is set to a list, I want to show  you guys how to actually use a list as a variable.   And so what I'm going to do is, I'm going to,   I've removed that type constraint, and  I'm going to create a second subnet.   And I'm just going to call this, we'll just call  this a dev subnet. And we'll call this subnet two.   And here, we're going to specify the cider  block for both of those subnets. So I'll do   10.0 dot 1.0. And then for the second one, we  can pass in a value of 10.0 dot 2.0, slash 24.   We've got a list. And now to reference the  list, all we have to do is just change this   up a bit. So this is going to be the first object  in that list. So when you're working with lists,   the first object can be referenced with a  zero, and the second one will be referenced   with a value of one and so on. So it's  just like any other programming language.   That to one, and let's give  this a shot and see if it works.   So now we've got our two different subnets, the  prod subnet should be a 10.0 dot 1.0. And the   dev subnet should be a 10.0 dot 2.0. All  right. And there's one more thing I want   to show you guys with variables. And I want to  show you how to use objects within variables.   So right now we just have a list of strings.  But we can also have a list of objects too. And   so what I'm going to do is I'm going to change up  the way I assign the tag. So instead of assigning,   you know, the tag or hard coding it, what I want  to do is I want to have a variable, that's going   to look like this where we're going to have an  object and we'll have two properties, we'll have   the cider block. And then we'll also have a name  property. And so that way the cider block will get   assigned to the cider block and the name will get  assigned it to the name. And so we'll remove that,   we'll go back to our terraform tfrs file.  And let's see how we can actually do that.   Here we'll create an object and we'll  assign it a cider underscore block   should equal that's going to be the  10.0 dot 1.0 slash 24. And then the   neck and then we have to specify  a name. So we'll give it a name.   And this is going to be prod underscore subnet.  And then that's going to be for subnet one.   And then for subnet two, we'll do the same thing  to assign a property of cider underscore block,   and we'll set that equal to 10.0 dot 2.0  slash 24. And then the second property is   going to be the name. And that's going  to be set to dev underscore subnet.   So we're going to have to  update a few things here. And so   under the cider block, we want  to grab the cider block property.   And after the name, we're going to have to  reference that variable. And we'll do a VAR dot   subnet prefix want to grab the first item  and we'll do dot name And we'll copy this   and just paste it down here, just make sure  to update it. So it's the second object.   And there you have it, guys, we were able to  now use a variable, which is a list of objects   to assign values within our terraform  configuration file. So there's a lot of   flexibility with variables, you definitely  want to make use of them for as much as   possible so that you're not retyping the same  thing over and over, across large configs.   So just keep in mind, I it was  a little confusing at first,   for me, especially because we have to, you  know, define the variable but we don't assign it   here, we have to assign it in the TF  bars file. So just keep that in mind.   And the TF files you define a variable and  then TF bars, you actually assign it a value
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Length: 140min 58sec (8458 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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