Using Terraform with Azure
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: John Savill's Technical Training
Views: 28,095
Rating: 4.9577041 out of 5
Keywords: terraform, declarative, azure, azure resources, hcl
Id: JKVkblsp3cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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Hi John, great stuff. I love your Pluralsight courses. I struggle with using Infrastructure as Code. I appreciate it's purpose, but haven't seen how it would ever help in the typical Azure deployments my company does(SMB MSP space). Maybe it's the painstaking process of looking up every variable, resource group ID, possible values for settings, etc. I find it easier to have a GUI with all options on the table, as I'm typically opening the GUI to find the name of the resource group, or valuee to copy into the .tf file anyway! Maybe Azure Intellisense would help(forgive my ignorance if this already exists).
Personally I've never understood the point of using terraform over native ARM templates - it's a json abstraction on top of a json abstraction that's even more fragile due to the state file.
Looks great!!