Terminator 2 Judgement Day Review

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oh we're like I'm British I don't feel a personality the best air and welcome back to introduce know somebody not actually take place during the summer and today we are looking at one of those rare sequels that people actually tend believe is better than the original with traitor to judgment today obviously the follow-up to the Terminator terminated to wasn't released until 1991 if all seven years after the first this was not entirely intentional as the original was a massive success and rumblings of a sequel began shortly after it hit theaters the problem is the rights of the franchise were hardly keep track of than a kid in the Sherman Oaks Galleria eventually it would all come back together into James Cameron's hands but things the Terminator already had a pretty definitive ending so what do you do then let's ignore some key points because [ __ ] it as such the time machine was not destroyed after Kyle Reese in the Terminator went through and instead two more beings are sent through this time to kill John Connor in his childhood after he already knows about the terminators and may be better equipped to stop them not the best plane but bad guys aren't really renowned for their strategic acumen so let's take a look at Terminator 2 Judgment Day and judge Terminator 2 on this day our story opens in the cheerful happy time of 2029 where LA is reduced to a smoldering pile of death and radioactivity as established in the previous movie this is because of the war between man and machine by the way this movie was made with over 15 times the budget of the original can you tell as such a procession of killer robots lasers and explosions said the backdrop for the quick little explanation for the plot the first movie happened with machines sent a terminator back in time to kill Sarah Connor but failed however the battle isn't over yet the second was set to strike at John himself when he was still a child just ignore all that stuff that Kyle said about him destroying the time machine after sending him back so they actually can still have a time machine to turn people back it's kind of important in this movie but to be fair it's not like he was actually there to confirm that they really did that however instead of a soldier from the future this time the human resistance sends back a terminator of their own which happens to look exactly like the Terminator from the first movie played by Arnold Schwarzenegger really questionable how well infiltration units are supposed to work when they mass-produced them in sets but in any case the Terminator quickly finds a bar interrupting my game of billiards to get the important things out of the way I need your clothes your boots and your motorcycle but it's just supposed to be an infiltration unit right I mean why do terminators always find the most reckless means to find a wardrobe when the entire purpose of getting one is to blend in unnoticed continually to not raise any red flags the Terminator breaks his [ __ ] hand that proceeds to beat the ever-loving [ __ ] out of anyone and everyone in the bar who stands in the way of getting into this man's pants this scores have not only a closed-end bike but a free handgun plus a 10 gauge winchester 1887 however he's not the only terminator that's come back to Los Angeles the t1000 played by Robert Patrick who chose to appear naked it seemed is because I mean he's a technological change ly middle liquid metals so you really didn't have to appear naked I guess it's just to keep the tradition up because you know only organic materials supposed to be able to transfer through the time machine which he's it's really hard to explain how the hell he got through in the first place at all but otherwise we wouldn't have a movie utilizing the Handy dated police computer the t1000 looks up John Connor who just so happens to have an extensive list of crimes possibly the greatest of which is he's played by Edward Furlong Sarah Connor isn't in his life anymore he lives with his foster parents the Voight's Janelle played by private Vasquez herself Jeanette Goldstein and Todd played by Xander Berkeley maybe not but be home by 8:00 if you don't want her smart gun your ass he's not living with his mother anymore because Sarah Connor has been institutionalized as explained by the psychiatrist from the first movie dr. Silverman still played by Earl bone he has moved on from thinking Kyle is crazy thinking Sarah Connor still played by Linda Hamilton is crazy without even bringing up the events with Kyle Reese after all why listen to your patients when you can just simply drug them instead you see that's exactly why I've never been a fan of going out clubbing this means no one believes her while the Terminator or rather the terminators are hard at work trying to find her son and kill him or save him depending on which terminator why her son is out using his hacker man powers to Robin Etienne along with his friend Tim played by Danny Cooke see he's impressed with John's know-how and how his mom taught him all this neat stuff she's pretty cool huh no she's a complete psycho that's why she's up with Pescadero it's a mental institute okay just because she's in a nuthouse that doesn't mean she's nuts nevermind oh yeah the blu-ray I gotta this movie is the special edition which includes a few extra scenes such as saira having this lovely little highest [ __ ] dream about Kyle Reese still played by Michael Biehn I can understand why it was cut from the theatrical version though he doesn't really say much that she doesn't already know and then it's off to the happy happy playground totally unaware of the impending nuclear disaster for anyone sleeping in that does make for one hell of an alarm clock this dream is actually a recurring one for Sarah and it seems that it usually keeps going for a bit with all the kids and parents burning to a crisp before a shockwave shot as their body's entirely we learn about this from her check out with dr. Silberman though who decides that even though Sarah has shown improvement despite stabbing him in the knee a couple weeks ago it's probably all [ __ ] so [ __ ] letting her see her son like he said she has to stay here another six months one violent outburst later and we see that her son the Terminator and the other Terminator have all made it down to them all but John's afternoon of video game goodness is going to be rudely interrupted cops : for you to check it out [Music] I consider you robbed a [ __ ] ATM that are equipped with cameras and [ __ ] it's only the robot murderer from the future who's out to get Jesse you done pretty good being a streetwise kid John of course waited for the cop to see him before bothering to run away and in his hurry into restricted areas runs into Arnold Schwarzenegger who has brought with him guns and roses so what is he to do get down get thrown around the action scene while the grown-ups do all the fighting and killing but Schwarzenegger can't hold onto him forever and while he's distracted by the t1000 john slips through and escapes on his bike escape being relative as the new Terminator has one hell of a set of legs on him however utilizing the waterway John deftly escapes his pursuer sort of it's like when I accidentally shoot a guy in the face and take his money in GTA v now cops will go to no end to see justice served so the chase is on as expected Connors somehow able to avoid being killed far longer than he logically should despite this Schwarzenegger feels the need to do an epic slow-motion leap into the fray and save him probably could have just shot the tire out there in case they escaped all the t1000 explodes like he gives a [ __ ] also back in the day these computer effects were cutting-edge people said that they looked fantastic and today a lot of people still say that they look really impressive I'm not one of them fortunately they are used sparingly unfortunately so is the idea of exposition during action this time around and John straight-up forces his rescuer to stop moving and explain the plot to the movie for us yet again I'm a cybernetic organism living tissue over metal endoskeleton personally I thought I'm taking those bullets was a lot more of an impressive test but sure I guess someone pumping with this much testosterone couldn't possibly be that clean-shaven the terminator explains that of course he was sent back by John to protect John and so here he is the other guy's a t-1000 advanced a liquid metal prototype who has been sent to kill him fortunately they can avoid him entirely as long as they don't do anything ridiculously stupid very least the machine isn't stupid enough to think this is a good idea and eventually they settle on making a call however John's foster mother is being weirdly nice and their dog is going absolutely apeshit so Schwarzenegger takes over what's the dog's name max hey Jenelle what's wrong with Wolfie I can hear him barking wolf is fine honey wolf he's just fine damn it now I gotta look up that music video again with that the Terminator easily surmises that John's foster parents are dead as [ __ ] tragically this means he can't go back for his Sega Genesis now they got to spend the spare time sitting still and talking about the plot again that how Sarah Connor spent John's childhood teaching him to fight and [ __ ] but now she's institutionalized the Terminator points out that it's likely the t1000 will attempt to imitate Sarah Connor as a means to get to John what happens to her typically the subject being copied is terminated [ __ ] what did you tell me we're gonna go right now- than a mission Brody mission priority one ensure safety of John Connor mission priority to terminate t1000 mission priority three invest heavily in Google this disagreement becomes confusing immediately when we find up with this Terminator was programmed to follow all of John's commands anyway and thus the little [ __ ] decides it be great fun to make him beat the crap out of a couple of the locals I only told my pet killing machine Noatak a few guys at random how was I supposed to know he's gonna take it that far thus we get the most annoying rule you can ever put in an action movie you just can't go around killing people why what do you mean why cuz you can't why seriously John the moves getting an r-rating anyway he may as well use it in any case the command decision is made they are going off and rescuing Sarah Connor while Sarah Connor is breaking out of her confine just fine anyway but there's that little issue of the t1000 showing up giving us a few effects shots and killing the [ __ ] out of the guards on his way to slip in and take her place so they're a little late to the party but our heroic duo does manage to show up before it's over God promise me you're not gonna kill anyone right right but if it's at all possible still keep it exciting he'll live works for me this means they have no problem waltzing right in and reaching Sarah who promptly freaks the [ __ ] out upon seeing the Terminator played by Arnold Schwarzenegger again and tries to flee for her life requiring quite a few doctors and guards to get their asses kicked and allowing the actual bad guy of this flick to catch up to them [Music] and yes some visual effects chefs definitely look better than others in my opinion it's the ones that utilize the actors more than the processors so they must run something that even with their car at their disposal the t1000 ain't that bad at despite not bothering to use his liquid mental powers to maybe morph into a digit rate quadrupedal really haul ass but why bother when you can just whack your hook arms into the escape vehicle and slowly crawl to your prey that way ah yeah Schwarzenegger with a shotgun it's like the Elf on the Shelf meme except that doesn't rhyme and I actually enjoy it there's also establishes that broken off chunks of the t1000 retain control from the cpu because reasons also Sarah is royally pissed at John for risking himself to save her when she's not an important factor at keeping the human race alive anymore he is though right now the Terminator is what they need to help hatch Sarah up as knowing how to take people apart helps and knowing how to put them back together John however is more interested in teaching him human things like crying laughing and belching contests the CPU is in drone that process a learning computer but Skynet presets the switch to read only when you send out alone which does kind of mean you wouldn't be able to track your target by gathering data but hey don't let sixth-grade computer science get in the way your plot now John is so intent on helping the Terminator to learn a thing or two they actually remove his processor to turn off right protection and Sara tries to smash it with a hammer but it's not that important this is another scene that they only bother to keep with the special edition anyway so they do the old switcheroo inch worsen eager has been upgraded from Terminator to their animator smile once in a while smile see that guy over there that's a smile can't just force a smile John you gotta have a good reason to like Phantasy Star Online to have never played it's been out for five years and it's being ported to my current console fling the Nintendo switch only in Japan since they've got plenty of time with the Terminator not learning how to socialize to go over more backstory on this long lonely road more details about exactly how Armageddon came to be are hammered out seems Skynet developed a learning computer and it was tried and true in so many applications the government figured [ __ ] it it's the best missile defense operator we could possibly have problem is it became self-aware and didn't much like it that soon after the humans tried to pull the plug it launches its missiles against the targets in Russia why did the news is anything to go by why not Russia it's our patriotic duty did white borscht off the face of the earth prom what that is gee Russia got nukes and because Skynet attack the Russian counter tech wiped out Skynet's enemies in the good ol US of A this little event is what we call Judgment Day when the machine's decided that humankind was the greatest threat and should be eradicated and it's all a fault of this one man's research miles Dyson played by Joe Morton he's the one who's been working on that ship salvaged from the Terminator that died in the first movie with this technology he believes he can make computers so smart that they can pilot airplanes sort paperwork do all kinds of things previously unimaginable and better than any human ever could after all machines are perfect also my ripping software [ __ ] up here it glitched out desync the audio by over a minute and a half from this point on I tried repping it again but that just caused a total failure so I had to reprocess the whole thing and try and free sync it up myself so it might be a little bit off to say you know sarah has stopped off at a nexus place for supplies and rest but another dream about that big nuclear nuke of Nuka fication nuking everyone violently changes her desired course of action not too hard to figure out even John realizes that she intensely go off on her own and change the future by killing the [ __ ] out of Dyson in what looks like the easiest hitman mission in the world just waltz into his yard easily and blow his brains out while his children distract him from anything important [Music] though I guess Connors so pro-human [ __ ] the Machine as she opted to try to do this without aim assist after all the cast she does eventually wound him but staring down the sex of her gun ready to save all of humanity she just can't do it something something about her not wanting to be just as bad as the machines but [ __ ] did I say she just should have shot him either way John a Schwarzenegger show up shortly after did he escalate the situation sort of [Music] Danny Danny I want you to come with me right now okay hey my mom just shot your dad and I gave you the hulking biker dude a switchblade but we're kids let's be friends oh don't mind this screaming we're friends show me your comic-book collection after the Terminator reveals his hand for all those in play Dyson has given the long and short of the plot the characters just can't help going over and over and over again learning his research is responsible for the deaths of billions and it's not hard to get him on board and the new plan is to destroy all his research as well as the secret future chip being held at his lab unfortunately their infiltration could have gone smoother resulting in a lockdown not to worry Schwarzenegger has a key which wouldn't work needs to travel a few more yards before it actually arms and can explode you don't have to be a gun nut to know this ever play call of duty point is to get in the super secret lab crafting all those nifty future technologies that will help countless lives and trash the [ __ ] place obviously this doesn't go unnoticed and before long the place is surrounded by what looks like to be the entire LAPD I don't thank you uh please hey wait you smart trust me I guess he could just tell them all to go home as the former governor of California he wasn't yet though so instead he has to resort to mini gunfire blowing away all before him before cleaning up with a [ __ ] grenade launcher until there's nothing over the battlefield but an eerie silence [Music] unfortunately not killing anyone means they're still alive and thus after our heroes are done setting all the explosives and are about to leave SWAT teams need to have some vague threat real or not to justify killing someone they don't just shoot you for being there unless you're the family pet at least now the police realized the guys got a detonator and the place is wired to blow of course him being mortally wounded doesn't mean there's one of those arbitrary time limits for the escape before everything goes kaboom not too important though as our heroes haven't even completely escaped Peter is still fine this means the Terminator can incapacitate all the police score a car and get them out of there the problem being they spent so damn long on the side quests that t1000 has caught up [Music] get out and it's copy ability includes plagiarism the point is this epic climactic chase scene is under way that's one hell of a chase considering neither party actually remains in the same vehicle from beginning to end the good guys barely survived while the t1000 crashes his handy-dandy Tiger full of goddamn liquid nitrogen into the foundry and evidently can't read as the first thing he does is take a brisk little stroll through the stuff okay so he can freeze just trying to figure out scientifically how exactly t1000 to work and they go from liquid to solid constantly back and forth and I haven't really read any theories regarding them being made of Oobleck whatever the hell is physical consistency is the Terminator knows that now he's dead meat hasta la vista baby okay so was the one-liner part a sign that he has learned how to be human or the killing one of his own because that second part might not have worked out so well if the t1000 can imitate any form I'll accept the climactic battle between the Terminator and the Sailor Scouts unfortunately though he seems hell-bent on sticking to the cop form even though now that he's been frozen exploded and all kinds of [ __ ] up his chameleon capabilities are acting up a bit as such he singles out Sarah Connor herself to make with the screaming and call John over so that he may kill him obviously she doesn't go for this so Linda Hamilton's twin sister Leslie steps in for the role unfortunately John knows well that his mother's feet usually don't merge with the floor and after a great many things lead to other things the t1000 is flowing into the smelting pots the funny thing liquid metals one weakness is being liquefied and yes I know I left out a ton about this fight with the Terminator and exactly how the back and forth went the point is now it's dead and they can finally destroy the last bits of tech from the future the stuff they stole from the lab and the heroic Terminator himself I must go away John [ __ ] he's really that attached to you just take him with no matter the protests the Terminator is slowly lowered into the hot Bernie place using his last bit of processor power to create a hand gesture slightly different than I would have chosen for the occasion and therefore mysterious ending there was a happy ending originally with trees and flowers and chirping birds but somewhere along the way it was decided the movie can't show the good future as a certainty it's more mysterious that way and it can lead to even more sequels that had nothing to do with James Cameron take that for what you will anyway that was Terminator 2 Judgment Day and kind of like the first one better which shouldn't really surprise anyone considering I'm a big fan of horror and Terminator 2 was imagined as an action movie first not just horror with robots and guns it's got a few of the trappings of the first movie that lead to unsettling situations but the focus is far more on huge explosions and massive shootouts that's not a bad thing of course as far as action movies go terminator 2 delivers maybe more than the theatrical cut that in a special edition no matter the version the movie does unfortunately slow down to the exposition like a lot special edition clocks in at over two and a half hours that's a lot of sitting and hearing things explained to you especially considering the actual plot driving the events so the movie hasn't changed we do flesh out the world a lot more thanks to the soul learning about John's childhood Sara's various relationship flings a constant reminder the humans have a thing for killing each other all that jazz I'd say it's not as interesting as oh my god ruin the future I've come to kill you before you make people fight robots but it's at least presented well over alternator - Judgment Day taste what the first had drugs and does something else it writes over which of the two are better depend more on the men in Ontario as in my opinion the difference is apples and oranges to me the Terminator is timeless and tornado - Judgment Day it's fun to watch coming at five terminators terminating terminators out of five yeah it's got flaws aplenty but not enough to drop into a forest [ __ ] Terminator 2 for Christ's sake anyway thank you all for watching - Decker shadow and remember be Walter my friend [Music] [Music] model citizen
Channel: Decker Shado
Views: 230,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Decker Shado, ternminator 2, movie review, review (media genre), action, sci fi, science fiction, arnold schwarzenegger, edward furlong, judgement day
Id: 60TZ4NkpF2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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