First Blood Review

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ah hello World Wide Web I'm dark shadow be their personality the best hair and welcome to week 2 of yes sure it's disgustin I should do this more now well rocky was a super ultra mega smash hit and stallone the films were suddenly in demand they weren't really doing all that well except for other Rocky movies a big exception to this trend however was when the men starred in a film adaptation of the 1972 David Morial novel first blood as the lead character John Rambo how successful was this film well for starters like PT Barnum's elephant jumbo it added a term to the English language going [ __ ] Rambo the movie is actually thought to not only have been the savior so that's just Alone's acting career but also when its original running time of over three hours was cut to ninety minutes some feel it is also responsible for that becoming the de facto standard of action movies henceforth and I have no idea if that original cut is available anywhere there seems to be no demand for the legendary extremely long worse version of this movie and unless let's take a look at first blood and see Sylvester Stallone going [ __ ] Rambo as Rambo the movie opens in podunk [ __ ] nowhere John Rambo has returned to civilian life after serving in Vietnam and is trying to track down the only other member of his squad to have made it out alive Dalmas gone well what time will he be back good bad so like after lunch or what what are we looking at here died have cancer brought it back though man all that orange stuff they spread it around that being Agent Orange a toxic herbicide used to clear the jungles of Vietnam that makes spotting enemies easier in certain situations and other such things according to the higher-ups it was completely harmless to humans according to the 39,000 or so disability claims sent to the department events from veterans claiming but Agent Orange was responsible for their disability not so much so his one last friend is also dead that's a great start thus Rambo walks his way down into the small fictional city of Hope Washington felled and Hulk Canada here we meet sheriff T's ol played by prolific actor Brian Dennehy spotting the launderer he has some choice words for the man you know wearing that flag on that jacket looking the way you do you're asking for trouble around here friend you see friend here in Hope Washington we hate America and American soldiers it's a county tradition for his own sake the sheriff helps Jon on his way out of town immediately you got someplace I can eat around here there's a diner about 30 miles up the highway is there any law against me getting something here yeah me it's a $50 fine if I catch anyone in town eating in public it's 100 of goddamn Mexican food when Rambo asks why the sheriff is being so hostile teasel responds cuz they don't want him here which really doesn't answer that question but the point is when he drops John off just outside the city limits the soundtrack kicks in therefore he is definitely up to something that's something being walking back towards hope well within view of the police whom unsurprisingly turned back around to drive him off failing this tease all resorts to Plan B all right you're under arrest the [ __ ] for teasel you're a sheriff not Judge Dredd get your legs back back you try to be nice to something drive him out of your town refuse to let him eat and pull it gun on him and this is how they repay you kids these days we have here why would you be carrying a knife like this my chin dicing seriously that night design was made specifically for this movie it's awesome and all but does lose some realism points for not being a generic design is that a good or bad thing point is teasel books in citing vagrancy and carrying a concealed weapon course in Washington he could have avoided that one by openly carrying zat weapon but never mind that they have to write up the report which means your name your name some good old-fashioned PTSD just like those poor poor people on Twitter which means he clams up unfortunately if they can survive long enough they can just read his dog tags Rambo and then the novel escape from a variety of Apple does make me wonder if than in an alternate universe they call it going Granny Smith this part simply establishes that the entire police force is made up of [ __ ] because they just can't deal with one guy being slightly difficult to process at ten o'clock tomorrow morning in front of that judge and you think we have tough I was gonna say a bunch of little whiny [ __ ] but yeah sure oh well it's not like they're partaking in police brutality or hmm Galt what the [ __ ] was that he probably just lost balance and okay we'll be fine I'm ready to see Rambo Go Red Delicious and kill them you can start at two now which brings us to the police deciding the best thing to do with their trouble then potentially hostile inmate is hold him down in brandish a sharp object in his face strangely this triggers some aura shall we say unpleasant memories driving Rambo up a deep end which the station is not equipped to deal with we're police officers we're trained to handle this kind of violence so should I call us going gala or pink lady perhaps this should be called going right out the [ __ ] door before Rambo goes bellick goodbye oh no one of these friend and I'm certainly not the only point in the scene that reminds me of Brent I thought well that doesn't mean that I am terrified that teasel is in fact trying to catch up to Rambo so that the two of them can go bowling the chase leads into the outskirts and then down into the wilderness itself before the terrain becomes a little too rough for either participants vehicle but Rambo is far enough along that he can escape into the wilds unfortunately the cops still have a good idea where to look for him so the hunt isn't over yet at this point in the movie it sort of shifts tomes into a predator in Reverse you got the small group of individuals hunting Rambo down but the one man proves to be very elusive prey thanks in part to his magical spy knife and its various gadgets like the compass hidden inside the pommel of course this is about all the technology he has at his disposal relying instead on the land and whatever Stone Age crap he can muster to counter the pursuers flying machines and the body count has started and according to most tallies a movie ended yeah the original Rambo movie has a body count of 1 the novel first blood has quite a few more deaths but we're not reviewing that making like a good MMOG year and quickly looting the corpse rat will evades the rest of the hunters and goes reverse predator on us again as his knife also has a handy-dandy needle and thread just in case you happen to need to stitch yourself up while out hiking yes I know the movie predates predator by about 5 years but I still find the similarities rather amusing now the adrenaline can really start pumping as John Rambo gives up it's like he wants to turn himself in what's gonna make for a damn short movie I didn't do anything ok fixes that problem but it does mean we need some kind of motivation for the guts to try to murder him and so this arresting him take my head up alright let's get down there and we can't forget the fact that they decided to shoot at him immediately instead of going down there first to arrest him and then blowing his brains out at point-blank range all you got to work with that these cops are [ __ ] and morons it's not the deepest character traits for a movie but a man is dead and that's kind of their own fault but nevermind that Rambo is to blame thus they must hunt him down as he's setting up traps all the boy scouts of Syria so when the cops think they found him and SiC the dogs animals don't count now the body count is still one officially big surprise they got spooked by a standin and after Rambo kills the last dog which again doesn't count teasel points out it wasn't a gunshot so number one he's close and number two he's out of ammo right on top of him we're gonna form a skirmish line 50 feet apart and keep moving there's no way out of here except through us well if you put it that way what the [ __ ] they think was gonna happen what's John stop doing what they asked him to they haven't been able to keep the man under control since but no more killing so Rambo melee takes the opportunity to explain to teasel but he could have killed him but chose not to if I don't push your luck this is still an r-rated movie nothing stopping him let it go and I know we are not doing a frozen joke goddamnit teasel takes this advice and discards it immediately calling in the State Police to continue hunting Rambo down this also gets the intention of Colonel Trautman played by Richard Crenna I didn't come here to rescue Rambo from you I came here to rescue you from him in the book I came to kill him being the man who trained in sin that I'll be very good at that but it was a cider for the movie I should be a little less of an unrepentant douche reich thrall you've got that covered quite well diesel it's just great travelling works as the wise old man in a situation relating the backstory of John Rambo's service in Vietnam being not only a member of an elite squad but the best one out there unbeatable are you telling me that two hundred men against your boy is a no-win situation for us you send that money don't forget one thing what a good supply of body bags and a mop and bucket never seen Becerra cleanup detail it'll be just like that except less scifi still the idea that they could defuse a situation without a huge firefight is enough to get diesel to allow Troutman to try and contact Rambo via the radio as they suspect he's listening in on the police chatter commentator gone raven come on round of course this is made slightly more difficult by Brembos narcolepsy listenting wide awake cooking dinner just a minute ago or time just flies by when the camera angle changes as it's now night wind Troutman is attempting to make contact oh god sir and succeeds you would think Rambo would try and hold out a little longer but I guess Stallone would jump out an opportunity to speak to Richard Crenna the conversation covers the fact that Rambo is the last survivor of his squad again and despite his camaraderie with Troutman the man refuses to surrender himself sticking to his guns on the fact that he didn't start this fight they drew first blood not me or to put it another way they started it the radio communication allows the police to get a general location for rambilas position though so the weekend warriors move out who will find him first oh well maybe the kids a digidestined or something this is actually going to be a huge action scene or Ram Booker just disarmed him and run off but this does more directly reveal his position to the makeshift army driving him into a mineshaft to hold them off yeah he didn't hit anybody but still being able to keep his aim that level while firing fo auto is very impressive especially considering Rainbow never uses his iron sights unfortunately full-auto does eat up the ammunition pretty quickly well that doesn't mean the guys aren't too terrified of him to even think about closing in plus it's plan B I'm giving you just three zero seconds to come on out who's got the rocket launcher I do I love it when plan B is blow [ __ ] up so loud confusing and nobody can find the body I guess that means that everything went according to plan right or he survived the explosion found some leftover resources and is making his way out of the mine via torchlight braving dangerous terrain and hostile wildlife as he tries to escape though I should mention that rats aren't really known for ganging of an attacking humans like that now in the book it was bats which makes just as much sense teasel and Troutman though believe the man dead and are trying to make amends by going on a date at least that's what it looks like but teasel still questions the Colonel's motivations I mean what would you have done with him if he came in GoGet wrap your arms around him give him a big sloppy kiss would you blown his brains out why can't we do both but as Rambo died they will never know except of course the rainbow manages to fight makes it to the mine undetected now all he has to do is lay low for a while drive so much for laying low as luck would have it this truck is loaded with weapons so bidding the driver farewell Rambo moves out however it takes all of five minutes forward to come back to the station then John is alive and kicking ass remember that dad does not add to the body camps so they're still alive probably paralyzed from the neck down but alive rather than take the opportunity to drive off as far as he can Rambo Braves gunfire and a barricade to speed back into Hope Washington a journey that takes until nightfall apparently driving for so long he needs to stop for gas well how else would you picture John [ __ ] Rambo doing it this brings the war back into the town of hope as he takes the big [ __ ] gun and sets the station to blow yes that is a 24-hour establishment I did just blow up but remember body count of 1 so whoever was in there's probably still alive only very badly burned with the crisis at home teasel orders all civilians inside and prepares for battle but that doesn't mean he can't [ __ ] and moan at Trotman first when I talked to you earlier this afternoon you knew he was still alive didn't you what the [ __ ] you think he is psychic no he didn't actually know he was alive but no one actually knew he was dead that was the problem diesel you and all your men couldn't handle him before and I won't make you think you can handle em now I've got a speed hack an aimbot and infinite health he doesn't stand a chance I'm afraid you don't understand diesel Rambo is a god mod character damn it Travon says he's got a better chance of defusing the situation as he is the closest thing to family Rambo has but teasel doesn't care instead planning how he's going to take Rambo out moving up to the roof of the station to find his prey as Rambo is holding a personal war in a populated area the streetlights will betray his position and run but this movie hasn't had quite enough explosions yet so taking advantage of the local gun shop Rambo piles ammo gunpowder and probably a spare block of dynamite or two making for a very impressive fireworks display this also reveals teases position to Rambo so he ignores that and shoots the [ __ ] into the building instead and then he walks in the front door of the station gee that fells relevant the shootout between our two main guys is as follows short however teasel isn't dead but before Rango can finish him off Troutman materializes on the set trying to talk some sense into the man who is clearly breaking down at this point it's over nothing is over nothing you just don't turn it off it's like a goddamn Xbox one Kinect that fatal truck a man into our rampage his rent goes over how he couldn't return to civilian life as the general public thinks he's scum for serving his country and he can't even hold a simple job Misun gets very depressing as he recalls how it's one friend died although it also shows off Stallone's acting chops know another thing there we go oh my god we could call about that I want to go up Johnny I wanna drop my Chevy to a wagon okay how the hell do I make that funny so our story comes to a close not by murder-suicide eyes in the book or simply suicide as the original come the movie did it but by rainbow actually turning himself in and the chaos finally subsiding which is a bit anticlimactic but test audiences really didn't like the ending where he died as they'd been rooting for a mall movie also it is kind of hard to explain the three sequels if he dies but anyway that was they started it that's pretty damn good I was a bit surprised to find out that the critical reception of this movie was pretty damn negative upon release yeah the plot is weak and the motivations of teasel mixed are non-existent but still the movie as a whole has a lot more going on and is damn entertaining for starters the character of John Rambo is deep while it doesn't go into explicit detail until the final scene the psychological scars the man has more evident throughout the picture so long really did a good job portraying him both as an undefeatable super soldier and that's a broken man at the same time not to say he was the only good actor as then he did make teasel into a stubborn but mostly believable adversary the lack of motivations on his part to draw first blood does feel very strange but the rest of it actions makes sense I know in the book teasel was a veteran of the Korean War and held animosity towards Rambo a veteran of a war more people actually knew and cared about for that reason but this is a review of the movie so what matters is what is and isn't in movie what is a long series of conflicts slowly raising the tension climbing ever higher until the climax couldn't logically be anything but a massive emotional outburst what isn't is a lot of a fluff [ __ ] that bogs down so many movies that really don't need it there are times in movie history where the public's opinion differ drastically from the critics Rambo was one of them and in my opinion it's for damn good reason the movie isn't without his flaws and some of them do bring it down in my opinion but not merely enough to warrant two or one as some rather insane film buffs of the passive decreed to me First Blood easily earns a solid for trademark Rambo knives in stores today out of five well with tracking down if you're into action movies that acknowledge that people have feelings but also realize what you paid for explosions thank you all for watching Ivan TECA shadow and remember going camping don't forget to pack your rocket launcher don't look at me look at the room that's how accidents happen
Channel: Decker Shado
Views: 134,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Review (Media Genre), Decker Shado, The, Summer, of, Sylvester, Stallone, first, blood, john, rambo, action, movie, thriller, review
Id: vurjlS5OTf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2015
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