Ten Top Tips for Capture One 12

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Is this at all Fuji specific?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/breddy 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hmm... ten top tips, but presumably not the top ten tips... Are they to come?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mostly-reposts 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2018 🗫︎ replies
here are ten top tips for the superb capture 112 though I have presented these tips for capture 112 many of them will work for previous versions if you would like to try capture on 12 and I really do recommend it then check in the youtube description of the links and a 10% discount code [Music] the first thing that I'm going to show you is a little trick with the radial mask let's get started in the layers dialog click and hold down on the paintbrush then select draw a radial gradient mask or if you prefer you could just press the shortcut key T then just click and drag to draw a mask and there it is I think I'll just send to this one press M to view the mask and as you can see the mask is on the outside of our selected area with the red indicating the mask where any adjustments will happen now here is the little tip if you grab the inner ring and drag it all the way pass the outer ring then it reverses the mask let's just do a quick resize there we go or you can drag the outer ring to the inside and again outer ring inside it reverses the mask that just saves you having to right-click on the layer and select invert mask that's the standard way we can just drag and drag and we have our inverted mask and of course we can continue to refine the mask as we normally would it's so quick and easy now if we delete our mask select it and hit the minus to delete okay well we're here we may as well have a look at a few more radial mask operations normally when you create a mask you could control the width and the height but if you hold down shift while creating the mask you get a uniform us width and the height are fixed which is really handy if you want to mask off a circular area like a face or want to make a vignette effect okay let's just get rid of that and do it again shift drag out for a uniform mask and if you let go of shift you can continue to resize the mask as normal normally the mask is created from the center but if we hold down alt whilst creating our radial mask the mask is created from the corner so normal from the center and press alt to create a mask from the corner we can combine these if we hold shift and alt whilst creating the mask we get a uniform mask from the car both settings are applied together there we go radial mask controls okay now a little bit on moving masks normally you can't select outside of the mask to move it if you do try to do this you end up just creating a new mask you select inside to move the mask or select outside to create a new mask but if you hold down control you get to the crosshair and you can leave your Musk from anywhere within the image you can move your mask by selecting outside rather than inside you see not on the inside but on the outside on slower machines you may find that certain operations such as preview generation or changing adjustments are quite slow now this can be improved somewhat there is a way to help to reduce the load on the system and that is by changing the size of capture ones previews we can set the size of capture ones preview files which uses for rendering and display the preview is rendered all of the time whilst you're making your adjustments so if we can reduce the preview image size then it should render them more quickly and speed up file access all we have to do is select edit then select preferences and on the image tab select preview image size now I got a 1 9 20 pixel width monitor but I've set my actual preview size to 1440 I've set it to 1440 because 1440 is a size quite close to the size of my preview window so I should achieve maximum rendering speed while still retaining full resolution as my preview size is close to my preview window size i shouldn't notice any drop i could even set it to 640 that would definitely give me the most speed but it wouldn't give me a one-to-one preview my best size is 1440 so I recommend you set your preview size to a size which is close to or just a bit larger than your preview window size now there is a really easy way of finding the size of your preview window first you take a screenshot of your display you'll need to find the method for your system on Windows all I have to do is press print screen that will send a screengrab to the clipboard then I need to just start some sort of graphic program in my case I will start affinity photo you could use paint or Photoshop now I'm ready to find out my viewer screen size all I have to do is select file and new from clipboard and here I have a screenshot of my capture 1 workspace not just to a quick check here we go resize document and there's my resolution it's fine now all I have to do is select my rectangular marquee tool start it at the top left hand corner just make sure I can see my information now just select the area of the preview window with my marquee tool and I can see in the transform windowed that my size is 1 to 8 3 by 8 56 now I'll just quickly write that down for use in a moment now I can just exit affinity photo I will just go back to edit and preferences select the image tab as you can see the closest one is 1 2 8 0 and I can probably get away with using this one Serato is very close to the preview window width that I measured but because I want to guarantee a one-to-one pixel resolution I'm going to choose 1 4 4 oh I want to make sure that the preview window is not skipping pixels okay let's quit out of here now the previews that are generated will be the size or close to the size of my preview window and I know I will be operating at maximum efficiency my preview generation should be quicker when importing images they should take less disk base and I should have a nice one-to-one display great at the mo capture one doesn't seem to have a key to bring up a full screen preview but it does have something close that we can tinker with if we select view and slideshow then here is a slideshow where we can go forwards or backwards through our images and we can view them for a while which is very nice let's just shut the slideshow down and we'll set the slideshow to start on the key of our choice so if we go into edit and edit keyboard shortcuts then type slide into the search box up comes slideshow we click this little box and press the key of our choice I'm going to use F which is used by pic focus points at the moment which I don't mind overriding as I very rarely pick a focus point and I can always use the menu if I need to not a problem I'm going to use f4 fullscreen you could use s for screen I suppose now we just click close and when I hit F up pops the slideshow the only problem with the slideshow is that after a couple of seconds it automatically advances to the next image but what you can do is go into the slideshow tools here and change the display time if I just set it to defaults you can see that after five seconds it would automatically advance to the next image as it's doing right now if we set it to 20 seconds then that gives us enough time I think 20 seconds is plenty of time to have a quick preview of the image before we exit the slideshow just escape out of there and now I have a full screen preview using the slideshow and of course it will have all of these slideshow controls are just press F and I have a full screen preview hey it will roll over after 20 seconds but it will give me time to preview the image and I can always pause it on the slideshow controls so that's turning the slideshow into an instant preview you I'm going to show you now how to change specific shades of a color we are going to use the color editor to make the dark shades of a color into one color and then the light shades of the color into another color this is just to show how finely you can control color with the color editor first select our color tab make sure in the color editor we're on advanced then select the picker and we'll first select the very light colors we have to start somewhere so that little dot represents the color we've picked now I want to reduce the smoothness to zero to give me greater control I'll just view the color range as you can see at the moment we're selecting nearly all of the colors in the petals but if I bring this up to emit the lighter shades of the selection I'm bring this one down to emit the darker shades of the color now we've targeted these lighter colors as you can see the top and bottom here control the luminance and the sides here control the hue so if we bring the sides in like so we can reduce the hue range - so now we're not affecting as much of the background now if I want to I can just change the hue I'll do bright green for demonstration purposes if we turn off selected color range as you can see that by selecting a shade range of a color I've managed to change just a part of the petals from orange to green and of course we can go in and do this again if we wanted to we can make the darker parts of the flower another color something tasteful I think so just to select our color I'll select this orange here and turn on view selected color range again reduce the smoothness reduce the light shade range and reduce the dark shade range actually I want all of the dark then narrow down the color range one side then you can see we're targeting the orange and emitting more and more of the rest of the color now for this example we'll move the hue all the way over to the Reds and for fun bring down the lightness just a tad and then unselect few selected color range now we have a really mad multicolored flower but I think it shows how you can target colors extremely finely with capture one if you don't like the base characteristics of your photographs as applied by capture one on import if you don't like say the default sharpening or the e default noise reduction that's a replied when you import images in to capture one then you can change it having used Lightroom or an equivalent program some people don't like the default settings that capture one applies when importing images capture one applies its own sharpening noise reduction and tone curve but you actually have complete control over this you can actually set your own defaults for any import for any camera you have I have this image selected and I know it's a file from an a6 300 I can go in and make all the defaults for the a6 300 exactly how I want them so I'll start by selecting the color tab then go into base characteristics now we can set these here where it says sony a6000 generic is the default color profile I'm not going to change that but you could we're going to go here and change the base curve the film standard curve gives you a more film like photograph and they do look really nice but they're not everyone's cup of tea so we could change it to linear response now we have a flat curve the flat curve is just applied to this one photograph but if we click the three dots here we can select save as defaults for a6 300 then up pops this dialog box which allows you to apply this setting to all of your selected images not just new ones that are being imported I normally just hit apply here now the linear curve is set for all future imports so that was the linear response that will give us a nice even tone on import which is more like other applications the next thing to do is go into the sharpening tab or the detail tab and select the default sharpening you would like now I personally have my own default settings for sharpening from my a6 300 so let's just have a little play set it to some defaults actually let's set everything to 0 - no sharpening at all and also get rid of all knives reduction now we've set our sharpened but now we'd like to set it as default for the a6 300 for instance so same again set us defaults and apply then do the same for the noise reduction here we go and then apply now we have our import characteristics set excellent so by default now when I import fast from my a6 300 I will have a flat tone curve and no sharpening your noise reduction capture 1 will not be applying these for me so I have a nice base image to start my edits right let's see this in action let's import some images here we are selecting for Christmas select these import 7 images let's capture 1 get on with its job of importing this shouldn't take too long it's just a few raw images from an a6 300 now when we take a look at these new images that have been imported now if we select one and look our base characteristics there it is for our a6 300 we have a linear response curve and if we go and check the details tab we have no sharpening or noise reduction now we're ready to adjust the image to our hearts content in this tip I'll show you a nice quick way to reproduce the orange and teal look it's a very popular look and this method could be used to produce any color combinations that you want so the first thing we have to do is go to the color editor and in the Advanced tab select our color picker then select our first color I think I'll make these cygnets more Orange as that would be more natural make sure the whole color range is selected I want these ready orange colors and just select View selected color range now all the water has gone black and white so I can see the colors I've selected the next step is to turn these colors here we've selected more orange turn all the colors back on now just click on the three dots here select create must layer from selection and that will create as a layer if we go to our layers this layer now contains a mask of the color range we selected so all we have to do now is go to our color balance and selecting mid-tones just move them over towards orange then move over to the shadows and select the correct amounts of orange for the shadows there we go I think those mid-tones and shadows are fine now we have lovely beautiful orange cygnets so now we want to create the teal in our image all we do is add a new layer by clicking the little plus here then right click on the layer and copy mask from and select layer 1 now our layer 2 contains the mask from layer 1 next right click on layer 2 and select invert mask if we just press M we can see we have a mask of everything but the cygnets then all we do is go down to our colors and as they are dark colors I'm going to move these shadows over to warts teal very nice there it is we have our effect as you can see it's orange teal if we switch off our orange layer the orange disappears and if we switch off our teal there the teal disappears under the really nice thing is because the orange and seal are on separate layers we have control over the effect just by playing with the layers opacity we have complete control of the impact of either the teal or the orange separately and that's a quick and effective method of producing the orange and teal look with capture one okay so now I'm going to show you how to create a pretty colored and yet so to start us off I'll use shortcut T to create a radial gradient then just click and stretch out my radial gradient like so and press M so that I can see where the musk is being applied press M again to get rid of the mask so there's our nice radial gradient and now we're ready to make some adjustments I'll start by bringing down just the exposure quite a bit for this effect and we have a vignette at the moment it's just a very standard vignette with no color if we go over to the color tab and select the master color in our color balance dialog now we can instantly make the vignette any color we like so we can make it blue or red or give it a yellow tint or make it a nice teal color and if we want to make the color more pronounced all we have to do is go into the three way and set the mid-tones shadows and highlights to the same color as the master and now by setting all of the zones in the color balance tool we have a lovely teal vignette very nice now if we just turn off the master if I just reset the master by clicking on the center now it's just set in the shadow mid-tones and highlights we could actually have a different color in the highlights or a different color in the mid-tones so our vignette has orangey mid-tones like so until shadows and in the exposure tab we can make it as dark as we like and we can even go in and press T again to bring the mask back up and we can adjust the shape we can make the vignette wider if we like or taller we can make it softer like so we can use the exposure tab to make the effect less pronounced like so or we can reduce the effect in the layers tab as each layer has its own opacity so we can just reduce the opacity here and that is how you create a beautiful colored vignette in capture 112 fantastic here we have a very handy little tip for cropping let's start by selecting our crop tool sometimes it's a bit tricky to grab here in the corners it can be quite hard to see the grab point and this can make it a little bit of a problem selecting the grab point but luckily there's a really easy way to remedy this in the settings all we have to do is go to edit and preferences then select the crop tab and then here where it says show frame just click on the roll down and select always just get rid of that and as you can see now we have a frame if we go back to pan and go back to crop we can see the whole frame including the corners it just makes capture one even more of a pleasure to use now quite often we would like to quickly access our images for selection so we need to hide the viewer there are a couple of ways to do this you can slide the edge of the panel across to show the library and then move it back or you can press ctrl alt + V to hide the viewer and then ctrl alt + V again to bring it back but that always seems a little cumbersome to me but what I do to make things much more convenient I dream up the keyboards so instead of pressing ctrl alt + V all I have to do is quickly press the tilde key which is the key next to the one on the top row of your keyboard it's really easy select edit and edit keyboard shortcuts then in the search box I type view error like so and the keys associated with the word viewer are listed here it is fewer so I just select inside of the box here and press the tilde key if you do see this message about creating a custom keyboard set then don't worry about it all you have to do is hit duplicate then enter a name for the new keyboard set your personal keyboard set ant it okay now just search for viewer again you know one we try to change the key just click on the box and press the tilde key it will say om 8 and we just hit close we can now just press the tilde key press it again and with the single key press we can now hide our viewer and view our library which is a lot quicker than having to select and drag this across and then drag it back each time or having to press ctrl alt and V every time I now have a single key where my hand rests to toggle the viewer in this top tip I'm going to show you how you can use the advanced color editor to change the color of any single color into any other color let's pick a color this pink tongue will do nicely will vastly change its color in the Advanced tab of our color editor select the picker and then select the color we wish to change now we have our pink tongue selected make sure all of the pink is selected and now all we have to do to change the color is just to move the hue across and already we've got the tongue to our nice salmon color but now here's the trick if we do a second selection in roughly the same place we get a new selection of the changed color now when we come to actually changing the hue of this color it will change the color again and we can use this method multiple times and so we reach the color that we desire we can radically change the colors here we've actually changed the color from a nice pink to a disgusting sickly green let's take a look before after before and after and by turning them off you can see it goes from one color to the next to the next down to the base color so there it is by repeatedly targeting the same area you can change one color into any other color you like all down to the power of the amazing capture one color editor million and my final tip for this video is and it's probably the most important tip of all if you do follow this very important top tip you will improve your capture one experience much more than following any of the other tips in the whole of this video here it is the final tip for this video get yourself a solid-state drive with an SSD installed capture one will boot faster all filing operations will be much much quicker importing browsing editing and exporting will be quick and slick using an SSD is not only the best way of improving capture one but any file hungry software sir if you can get hold of one and watch capture one fly [Music]
Channel: Scott Williams Photography
Views: 53,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tips, top tips, capture one, capture one 12, phase one, affinity, photoshop, inaffinity, affinity photo, tutorial, photo, image, editing, edit, serif, editor, graphics, art, best, top, superb, brilliant, production, post production, retouch, retouching, re-touch, re-touching, photography, Stunning, great
Id: 1OcpbLq_FLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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