Ten Things You Should Never Say During an RV Traffic Stop

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ten things you better not do when you're pulled over by a policeman in your RV I'm gonna get to these in one second before I do I just want to thank you so much for being here I am dr. Davie Harvey dummy and I will just have one request for you if you like what you see today please give me a like a comment hopefully a positive comment and if you really are inspired to hang out with us more often click see it's right down there click the where is it the subscribe it's down there somewhere the subscribe button so you will be privy to all of our videos here on the RV dummy but let's get right into this today what do you do when you are pulled over at a traffic stop by a policeman and it's not if but it's when when you're pulled over because if you're driving a lot of miles on the road it could be for anything it could be for excess speed it could be if your tags expired your little stickers expired to be if you have a light out if you it can be for many many many things if you don't pull over to the to the middle or left lane when there's an emergency vehicle or police stop on the right shoulder you can be pulled over for almost so many things and it's not getting pulled over it's not necessarily a bad thing if you handle it wait you see so many things on the news now that that people are really getting into trouble because they do the wrong thing on a police stop so I'm gonna give you ten things not to do and then number eleven maybe you'll fill in your own you let me know so let's get right into this there number one is never say to a policeman when they pull you over never roll your window down say what did I do that's just starting the whole conversation off on a really bad note and it's gonna be negative from there so do not say what did I do I'm gonna tell you what to say in a few minutes but never say that number to one of a pretty bad mistake you can make is calling a police officer by the wrong title now depending on who they are their ranking that's that's gonna determine what you call them so typically like a County officer a municipal type of police officer is simply refer to him or her as officer it's that simple a state trooper make sure you've referred to them as trooper and a sheriff if you get pulled over by a sheriff called him or her deputy again calling them the right title will get you a little bit of a little bit of clout there's some things you can do to make stopped easier and better and less chance of getting a ticket and that's it when I get to number 10 I'm going to share all of them which you must share like the perfect traffic stop how to get out of almost any ticket well not almost I need to get but almost any ticket number three do net do not ever say to a police officer don't you have better things to do they're bad people out there they're people committing crimes why did you pull me over I'm innocent don't again that's ridiculous don't do that it makes I mean it's it's self-explanatory number four never pull the card like um Do You Know Who I am or something like you know trying to be really important do you know who I am or even worse maybe I donate so much money to the Fraternal Order of Police every year or to the police cherries don't do that it's not gonna help you it's only gonna hurt you don't don't do that doesn't make any sense number five do not cry do not fake cry because again it's not gonna help in most cases and it can only hurt you be telling me tell you something when police pulls you over they've seen it all you're not gonna be able to fool them they've seen all the tricks in the book so crying to try to get out of a ticket is not going to do it don't do that number six never say if you get pulled over for speeding ticket I'm in a big hurry again it doesn't matter to them that you're in a hurry and you're not alleged speeding is illegal you're not allowed to speed just because you're in a hurry I mean there are a lot of people on the road that are in our big hurry and if everybody's standing was being weaving in and out of traffic and doing that kind of stuff we have we have really unsafe roads so that not work either number seven never tell a lie again they've heard it all they've seen it all the policemen are extremely experienced in they've got a very very powerful [ __ ] detector don't tell a lie he totally honest or I'm gonna get again I mean the number ten I'm going to share with you exactly what to do number eight this is very important do not move around in your rig do not make sudden hand movements and not reach for things again policemen their lives and I think let me tell you something I've got a lot of respect for policeman policeman and police women and troopers and sheriff's and I've got a lot of respect for them they're putting their lives on the line every single day to protect us and they're doing their job and at the end of the day they're going home to a family that they're trying to make money for and feed and put kids through college just like we're doing they're not bad people they're good people so again you got to be very careful if you have a sudden jerking movement or something they're gonna they could feel threatened and you want to be very careful so don't don't move around the ring as a matter of fact could help them out if it's night time turn the light on before they get to before they come over to you so they can see exactly what you're doing in there no surprise because coming into a dark region you roll the window down it's it's kind of scary for them and they don't really know what's going on and by the way if anybody if you have family members or friends or anybody else in the room make sure they stay still and quiet and respectful to the policeman and make sure that they're not reaching around for anything because again when you have a lot of people at the policeman peace policeman has to keep their eye not only on you as the driver but everybody so make sure everybody is respectful and totally totally staying still and quiet number nine don't say through the policeman can't you just give me a warning again they've heard it all they're going to make their judgment based on a lot of things they see and can feel from you and that just does not work now number ten what's the best way to handle the traffic stuff here's what I do yeah I get pulled over it's not very common but I do get pulled over and I've been able to get out of a lot of tickets or situation like this just because I'm very respectful so here's exactly what I do if I am ever pulled over by a policeman a trooper I sheriff whatever it might be here's exactly what I would do first of all they put their lights on they're flashing you that I pull over as as soon as it's safe I don't take them on long wild goose chase and drive another mile or two no as soon as I see that light and as soon as I see it safe I pulled right over I don't hesitate at all number two before they get out of their car and approach my vehicle I have my driver's license and registration ready to go I've ordered reach for it it's an easy to find place I've got it in my hand ready to go number three I will roll the window down before they get to me I'll have everything ready and I will look as non-threatening as possible I will have but a friendly look on my face or welcoming look on my face number four I will let them talk first okay cause when you talk first chances are you're gonna make some kind of mistake so I will let them talk first generally I found the policemen that pull calls over are very very professional and friendly they're not looking for a fight so generally they will sit can I good afternoon good evening sir may I see your license and registration they will generally tell you why they pulled you over so as I'm handing them my license and registration again I'm not making any jerky movies I'm not reaching for anything I'm not looking surrending but as I'm handing them live now let's say I was pull over steep as I'm handing them my license and register I will say something like this to the officer I will say I am so sorry I honestly had no idea that I was going over the speed limit ride my best to stay in the flow of traffic and I really apologize I've really had no idea I was being I did not think I was feeling I'm so sorry officer and I would leave it at that but let them ask you the questions let them do the talking the more you say the more trouble you're gonna get into don't don't answer questions if you're not asked don't volunteer information unless you're asked for that information but my favorite word to use for a policeman that would stop me at a traffic stop would be honestly officer I am so sorry I honestly did not think I was speeding officer I'm so sorry I honestly tried to get over into the middle lane to protect stop tricks the emergency vehicle but I didn't feel it was safe officer I honestly used to work honestly a lot and use it convincingly and use it in a friendly way a non-threatening way and I'll tell you one thing right now you will get out of most tickets I'll give you a real quick little example about Oh a year and a half ago I was pulled over on the New Jersey Turnpike and state trooper pulled me over and I had everything ready I pulled over right away he asked me if I knew why I was being pulled over I said I honestly have no idea officer I'm so trooper I'm so sorry he said well in New Jersey there's a law that if there's an emergency vehicle on the side of the road you need to move over out of the right lane and out of the way the middle lane of listening and I said him trooper I'm so sorry I honestly did not know that law on from there and he said to me well doesn't Maryland have that law said I don't know I honestly don't know I'm so sorry well what he did because my demeanor he took a ticket that could have been a very very serious ticket and definitive court appearance down to something that was much much less he still gave me a ticket but much less and we're totem was true at that time I really did not know if the Move Over Law now I know now trust me but keep down graded my ticket to what it could have been really really bad and serious through something very easy and I just paid it and it's all done so those are my ten things not to do well numbers one through nine not to do during a traffic stop number ten do what I said you will be rewarded with mostly giving out of tickets and drive safely number eleven I'd like you to fill in the blank if you have a number eleven something that I totally forgot or missed I'd like you to write in as a comment and let me know if there's you know what else could we can do to make up any traffic stop is safe hopefully able to get out on the ticket as often as we possibly can I'm thank you for watching I really appreciate you being part of this community it really means a lot to me sorry about all the beeps going off in the background they're going kind of crazy I'm getting all thousand messages as I record this but um please drive safely be safe and piss whoever stopped remember make the officer fuel non-steady apologize and be will be okay until next time dr. Dave yes I am the RMV dummy
Channel: The RV Dummy is David Madow
Views: 42,373
Rating: 4.4874654 out of 5
Keywords: motorhome, pleasure way, rv, camping, recreational vehicle, class b, rv tips, rv videos, police stop in RV, traffic stop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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