Temu Haul | Blind Box, Birds, Rabbits & More

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hello everybody thank you so much for joining me today thank you for joining me on another teu haul and I have been waiting all week to sit down with my friends and open up all this Teemu stuff and show you guys what I got but before we get started I just want to thank all my returning subscribers thank you guys so much for being here and for all the new subscribers we want to welcome you and if you have not yet subscribed and you want to see more timu hauls from me don't forget to subscribe before you leave but let's get started and see what I got let's get started with the small bag first I'm going to dump it all out here on my table and then I will show you guys what I got so this is the first small bag okay so let's get started with this box which I'm sure it is a pair of shoes and it is um so these are some cute little little sandals they are like a navy blue color and I just thought that they were really cute I do like the sole on these because they're like a braided um material and those are just really cute I like them a lot the strap is like a velvet so those are really cute I'm excited to try those on um I do believe I got these in a size seven or 7 and 1/2 but I will try these on on and show you guys what they look like so the next thing is some earrings and I did win these I think it was like on a fish land or some game I'm not sure um or may maybe I even got them free on teu Circle I'm not 100% sure where I got them but they were free and there are four pairs and they are just these wooden earrings so there is that one there's that one that one and then this one so four more pair of earrings to add to my earring collection I'm not going to put one of these on if you guys are new to my videos um I do find a pair of earrings in my hauls and I put them on during the video um but I'm not going to put these ones on I'm sure I have tons more earrings in this haul so I will find a different pair and put them on but I thought those were um very interesting earrings and I'm sure I can find something to wear them with next thing is this and I'm not sure what it is but we will see oh so this is a hat so I just got a plain um hat for the pool something to shade my face because I do not want my face to get burned I do not want any wrinkles so I'm going to um wear hats in the pool and on the other on the inside it's just like a checkered pattern I can't put it on with the ponytail but I'm sure it will be um perfect for the pool it is a very soft material and it does have a little um tie here that you can tie it on if you want um but it's just a plain simple black hat and I'm sure I will get plenty of use um out of this this summer next thing is a menu board for our refrigerator so it is um it's just magnetic it is a little bit beat up it's bent and stuff but um it just says weekly menu and and it just has like the week of it has Monday through Sunday it has groceries and notes and I do have a calendar up there now but I thought this would be a little bit um easier it's just weekly instead of monthly so the next thing is some earrings and I might put these ones on they are a purple and gold like a rose gold color and this is what they look like so those are pretty I think I'm going to put these ones on um for the rest of the video okay so this is what they look like and I think they are very pretty they aren't too heavy so that is a good thing I did get some earrings in my last haul that were pretty heavy I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to wear them too much but these aren't too heavy and I think they are very pretty and I like how long they are all right next thing is another little blind box and I really love these things and I'm sure that I have tons more in these orders um so I hope you guys like them too and I hope you like seeing which one that I got so this is the different ones that you can get and I did get that one there in the Middle with a balloon so I already have that one so I'm hoping to get I want to get this one down here with the little cat ears on so let's see who I get so these ones don't come like in a blind um bag they only come in the in a little bubble wrap and it looks like I got the one that I already have the one with the balloon so this is the one that I already have but it's still cute so I got that and I have another blind bag here this one I don't think I'll have to pop up a picture here of the ones that you can get this one doesn't have um anything on it it just has some writing on the back and then it's clear here in the front and I do have a couple of these ones so we will see if I get a different one and once again I already have this one as well but she is such a cute little girl I she was my favorite in the last haul of all the ones that I got so she is just so cute with the little flowers in her hair and then in the back she also has some flowers and um some her hair has like some ponytails in it Pigtails in it so to the person that left the comment um saying that I was pretty lucky without getting duplicates I just got two duplicates in a row so hopefully um I know there are more in these bags so hopefully fingers crossed that I do get um different ones with these other blind boxes all right and then the last thing that was in this bag actually came um I guess I ordered it like from a local like the local Warehouse or whatever and I didn't even realize it but it came separately just in um like a little box and it is a bird I do love birds and I do like to um decorate my plant room with birds and rabbits so I saw this little bird and it's not the best painted it's kind of scuffed up but this is what it looks like and then it does come with a little like block of wood that you can sit it on so I got that um like I said it's not the best job of painting but it's a bird and it's cute and I will um put it somewhere here here in my plant room all right you guys so I don't have any clothing items yet hopefully there's some clothing items in here that I can try on at the end of the video okay so I took out the Frosted teu bag that was in there and it does have quite a bit of stuff in it so I'm just going to open this one up first okay so there is a clothing item but this is a shirt that I bought twice um on accident I did show you guys this shirt in my last um haul so I'm not going to try this on um because I did show you in my last haul if you guys are interested in watching my last haul I will link it up above so if you want to take a look at it um after you watch this one I will link it above so you can go out and watch that one but um this shirt I really really love it I just love the color um it's like a denim color and it does have brown buttons it fits me pretty good it did have a little gapping here in the chest um but I can wear a tank top under it I can even leave it open um but it is a pretty shirt so now I have to I don't know what I'm going to do with this one maybe um see if my sister wants it or maybe someone at work I'm not sure but um I will find something to do with the shirt next thing is a I think it's a lip it is a lip balm and this is what it looks like so I just thought these were really cute and I wanted to smell them so I did buy I think all the flavors that they had oh this is so cute it's like a little ice cream cone and that is the balm it doesn't have a scent I was hoping they had [Applause] scents I don't know it's fine I just think the packaging is really cute and I wonder why they have different names on them them if they're not scented but so far this one is not scented we will have to see if the other ones have a scent to them or not and I did have a comment in my last video that I do not say prices you guys I will put all the prices right here on the screen if you want to know a price I will leave it here if I purchased the item if I did not purchase the item if I got it free I'll just put free down here so everybody knows that um I got it free and it was not then I don't know the price but um I do leave prices here on the screen if you are interested in how much it costs all right next thing is some eyelashes and I still have not purchased any eyelash glue you guys I really want to learn how to put eyelashes on I'm just not good at it um but these are the ones that I got they come in different sections so if you only want to put them on the ends of your um eyelashes you can do that or if you want to put you you know like end and middle um I'm going to have to play around with these and see if I can figure them out and like I said once I figure them out I will wear them on a video and show you guys what they look like okay so the next thing is another one of those lip balms and I think this one is yes this is the honey so it's pure honey lip balm and let's see if this one has a scent little bit this one has a little bit I wouldn't say it's so much honey but it does have a scent to it but that is what that one looks like cute I like these and I think this is yes this is another one so we have strawberry and honey and then this one is looks like another strawberry let me see oh this one is peach so let's see if this one smells like peaches and it looks like it's um the same like it comes in the same pink packaging as the strawberry yeah same exact color but let's see if it smells like peaches no it doesn't have a scent either so all right next I do have four different pair of earrings so we are going to take a look at the earrings and see which ones I got I was really excited for these ones because they are a like a clay earring oh no this one's broken it has um so these are what they look like they're kind of like a clay material and then they just have it's like a raised um design on there with pretty flowers but this one is broken looks like it was just glued to this maybe and it just came right off so I don't know I'll have to um let timu know that that one came broken and maybe maybe I'll get a um replacement on that I'm not sure and then the next pair of earrings so these are um clay as well and I just really like the colors on that they're very neutral and you can um wear these with a lot of different uh clothing items so I got those another pair of earrings so these are like a black metal and they were really long and I really just thought that they were pretty these ones again you can wear with anything they would even look cute today with this black um shirt that I hauled from Teemu um a while ago if you guys missed that video I will link it up above so you can take a look at that that one was a fun video I did buy a lot of um the mesh shirts and I do love them so there's that and then the last pair of earrings here are another pair of clay earrings and these ones I just thought that they were so bright and pretty they'd be really pretty for spring so they're like a teardrop with the pretty yellow flowers and like some leaves so I like those not sure what I'm going to wear them with but I really do like these ones all right the next thing is this plastic um [Music] um what is this I think this oh so this is for nail polish so I got two of them you guys this this one came broken so it is supposed to be I'll show you the one that's not broken so this one so it's supposed to be for nail polish um or maybe this is the no this is um a step for my blind my little blind box figures um you're supposed to put this um put them here so it does come with screws and then the other one goes here so it's like like a um stairs and then you can put the blind box figures up here in the back and then up here on the the front but mine's broken so that's that's another thing I'm going to have to tell timu um that it came broken and I think you can only get one refund per order so I don't know what I'm going to do I don't know how much the earrings were I'm probably going to get a refund for this um in order it again because I really do want something to put my little blind box figures on so that's a bummer but um I'll get another one all right so another blind box and I'm so excited I've never um got this one before so I don't really know who's even on here because on this side they have um a sticker and then this one is the other sticker so I will pop a picture up here of all the ones that we can get um but this one in the front looks really cute so hopefully we will get her looks like she has a heart and then like a little flower headband so let's see who I got so these ones do come with a little blind bag the card of who you got is in your box so if you don't want to know um before you open it don't look at the card here we go oh she's so pretty this one's really pretty so she has like little um rabbit ears and a little bow on her ear and then she has these clear like pearlescent bows on the sides of her head and then in the back she has a pretty bow with a little bunny tail so she's really pretty so I might I don't know if I got more of these but if I didn't I'm going to get a couple more of these because I think they are really cute and then this is the card that it comes with and then I got some I think it's um like body scrub and I do like using this body scrub when I before I um before I put self tanner on just to exfoliate and I want to see what it smells was like so this one is biscuit cocoa butter body scrub and it comes in a pretty um good size tub it's a little bit smaller than the size of my hand and let's see so it was sealed it did have like a seal around it it smells like it smells like um chocolate like smells like a kit cap smells good so that is what it looks like I want to feel the texture of it yeah so it's very um it's a good scrub so I'm excited to use that I love body scrubs and this one smells really good all right so I have another blind box and and this one I've never had before either it's another little like cat one and the one that I want is this little black cat here on the back um like I said I will stick a picture up here of all the ones that we can get I'm not sure if it's just C6 it probably is but I really want that black hat so this one comes in like Styrofoam [Applause] okay so I did not get the black cat I got a really cute little yellow cat and this is what it looks like it's just a cute little yellow cat and they do come with a little friend and this one came with oh it's it's a little rabbit how cute so that's really cute um if I did not get more of these and they still have them I think I'm going to grab some more um because like I said I really do want that cute little black cat so that is a another little figure to add to my blind box collection I'm super excited that blind box collection is growing um I will have to show you at the end of this video or maybe I'll just pop it in here um of all the figures that I got and if I got any more throughout this video I will also um show them to you guys but they're really cute and um I want to collect all of them all right so the next thing is a clothing item finally we got a clothing item and this is a oh okay so I got this simple um like burgundy maroon dress and it has three buttons here in the front um it does have like a cinch here in the waist so it should give me some shape and not just be like a big MooMoo type dress it does have like the um it's like sleeveless and it comes down to a pretty good length with a little tiar here on the bottom and I think this would be really nice to wear in the summer it seems very lightweight and and just simple so I will try this on at the end of the video and we'll see what it looks like next is another one of those lip balms and this one is a avocado so let's see if the avocado has a scent to it I really like the green color of this it's really pretty it's like a minty green so this is what the avocado one looks like and no scent let me see yeah it doesn't have a scent to it at all but that's probably a good thing cuz what is avocado really going to smell like I mean I love avocados but I mean do I want it smelling like avocado on my lips probably not so it's cute though I like those next thing is a lipstick comes in this little box and I have not found the best lipstick from teu yet I'm still searching um so this one says Nude Matte and let's see what it looks like I'm looking for that perfect like mauvey pink um just like better than like your lips but better type thing um I mean this one's okay it has more of a brown undertone to it than I would like but I will definitely try it and see if I like it next thing is another clo clothing item and this is a dress that I just thought was so cute so it's black here on the top like a little tank top type thing but then on the bottom it is like a tropical print and in the middle here it has like lace and the lace is like see-through so it will show um probably show your skin I will try it on and we will see but I just thought that was such a cute dress and it's also very lightweight um this is like a polyester type filling material but it doesn't seem like too polyester if you know what I mean this is a ribbed um tank top here on the top and it comes down to a good length so I'm excited for this dress I've been waiting for it to come in and I can't wait to try it on all right so I got another blind box and it is the cat one again these are the ones that we can get I got two of the ones in the Middle with the balloon so at this point I am just hoping for anything different uhoh you guys my grow lights are shutting off so if it starts looking different like the lighting in here starts looking different it's just my grow lights um on a timer shutting off all right so I got a different one this one's so cute it has like a little birthday hat on if you guys can see that there you go so at least it's a different one and it's really cute so I will definitely um add that to my collection so now I have these two very cute okay you guys so now there are a lot of um there's like four or five boxes in this bag so I really don't even remember what I ordered so I'm excited to see what is in here so the first little box oh yes okay so this is a little owl um like Bank coin bank so that is what that looks like and it's just um it's a metal like tin and it has where you put the coins in here in the back and on the bottom you can open this up it's like a rubber piece that you can just take it right out and I thought that was really cute um I'm going to add this somewhere here in my plant room I will um I will fill it up with coins but I just thought it was really interesting and something different all right the next box so the next box has um styrofoam [Music] and what is this oh yes I remember what this is okay so it comes with this little dish and then the other part is this little Dome so it's a little tealight Dome and you put your little you can put a real um candle in here if you want or you can just put one of the tea lights that um you can turn off and on and then you just put this on top of it and then it lights up I don't think I have a tealight around um if I can find one I will put it um I'll add it here in the video so you guys can see what it looks like when it is lit up but I thought that was really pretty it does have little butterflies they had different ones um um they they even had a really cool um it had like a jungle theme but it was probably like $5 more than this one and I wanted to see what this one looked like first before I spent an extra $5 on a jungle theme one but it was really neat but this one's really pretty I like it and I'll have to find a tealight to stick in there all right so another thing here is another one of those lip balms and this one is St strawberry yeah this one's just strawberry so I guess I got two of the strawberries so I'm not even going to open this one up I will just save it and give it away to somebody next thing is in this little white bag oh okay so this is a canvas print and like I said I really I love birds and rabbits so I got this little print um it is a mom rabbit with her little babies and they're eating carrots and lettuce and I you guys can't see but above this plant shelf here is two blank spots so I'm going to put this one up there and I did get um these frames so I can stick this in there I think it will fit all right the next thing is something that I normally do not buy and this is a purse so the last purse that I got on U I still use it it is my um purse that shifts colors and I absolutely love that purse and I got it for completing fish land or Farmland one of them but I got this little pink purse I thought it would come in handy if I want to just switch up my purse maybe for a night or if I'm going somewhere um because it was it's very small and it's like a bean paste pink color I think is what they called it it does have gold hard Hardware on it and I'm going to cut these um protectors for the handles so we can see what it looks like okay so it does have two separate compartments and it does have the um bag in it to help keep it shape so on this side it just has a compartment and then on the other side so it comes with this little pom pom ball and it says so that's cute I I won't hang that on the purse but it's cute and then this it comes with a strap so you can either use it with the handles which I will probably do or you can put the strap on there and so on the other side it has has one zipper U pouch so that's that and then in the back it also has a pocket and then the straps go here on the sides that is what it looks like and I just thought it was really pretty it does have feet on the bottom of it all right so there are three more things in this box and they were I mean in this bag and they are all boxes so let me get these out and what else is in here oh there's another box and then there's another poster or a canvas print okay so let's open this canvas print first and see what it looks like oh this is cute so this is another um rabbit and that is what it looks like so it is I'm just sitting in a bed of really pretty flowers I love the color of those flowers so I have a frame for this one and I'm going to hang it um on one of the blank spots up there above my plant shelf all right now let's open these four boxes and see what's inside so this one okay oh so this is a little food store Gorge sa you can put rice cereal oats whatever you want in here and then there it goes okay so it just goes on like that this um little snap snaps around the little tab here and then this pours whatever you have so you can pour it into uh the measure cup that it comes with and then when you're done you can just snap this back on top so I think I'm going to put rice in this and it'll be nice storage and out of the way and um nice and simple and I think that would be good next thing is in this box okay so this is the um little display for the nail polish and I did get some of the gel nail polish from timu and I don't like it so I'm not going to buy any more um gel nail polish from timu but I will buy more and to do paint my toes but I'll just buy it like somewhere else maybe Amazon or Walmart Target wherever but these are little um holders that you can put on your wall and then you just put your nail polish in here these might be even be cute for the little blind box figures oh it's too big maybe if I put it like this on the wall that might be cute you can put all your little blind box figures on there like a little shelf I don't know that might be a thing I'll have to see but I did buy these for nail polish and it did come with two of them and then it comes comes with the hardware to um put them on your wall all right next box I think is this another one of the no I think I got two of those um food storage things let me see if this is the other one yes this is the other one so just another one of the food storage and I think these are going to come in handy but I will definitely um let you guys know what I think of them once I start using them and here's one more thing in a box it looks like I only have two things two things to try on and then a pair of shoes so two dresses and shoes and that's it for this um haul okay so it comes like this but you guys stay tuned for more teu hauls I think I'm going to put one up on on either Wednesday or Thursday um because I do have a lot of stuff sitting here my next video though is going to be my Stitch fix video I'm really excited to see what I got I just got my Stitch fix so if you want to see my Stitch fix stay tuned um don't forget to subscribe if you want to see that but let's see what's in here okay so once I got bought that little owl Bank um this little owl popped up on my feed and I just thought it was really simple and it's just black and white and the eyes are really pretty and I don't know I just this is normally not something that I would buy but I just really liked it and it is like a um like a wood or maybe like a maybe it's plastic but it's very heavy okay you guys I only have two more things and then I'm going to show you the dresses that I got in this haul like I said if you guys like the teu hauls and you want to see more don't forget to subscribe before you leave so the next thing is a pair of slippers and I really do love the chimu slippers um I do have a pair that I wear every day and um when I saw these ones with the stars on them I just thought that they were really cute and I got them they weren't too expensive I think they were maybe like a dollar or two and I hope they feel as good as the ones that I have now but these are what they look like this is what they look like and they did have different colors I know they had pink gray and then this white and for some reason the white was only a do or two um the other ones were like five or six so of course of course I got the white but I'm hoping that these are um comfortable they do have a very um like thick sole on the back of them with the little raised bumps and then the last thing in this Haul is another blind bag so this is the one that I got the duplicate of the little girl with the cherry blossoms in her hair hopefully this is a different one I do have I think two I have three um different ones of these so hopefully this is one that I do not have I will put a picture here um to show you guys which ones that we can [Applause] get okay and yay okay so this is one that I do not have so I am excited about that and she's really cute she has two little buns on the side of her head really pretty pink long hair she has a little dress with a purse and it looks like a little bear purse so that is really cute and then I love that they have these little clear stands that they can you can put them on so they can stand up so there she is so cute I will add her to my collection and I'm glad that I got a different one and I'm really hoping that I can get the whole collection of these I'm going to have to go back on teu and order some more I think I have some more coming in different orders but just in case I'm going to go order a few more bags and hopefully I can get the whole collection um because these ones are really cute okay you guys so that was everything in my haul now I'm going to try on the two dresses which is am amazing because I normally have so many clothes at the end of the haul but like I said stay tuned because I do have a lot of clothes coming up so if you guys like the clothes try-ons um stay tuned but let me try these dresses on I'm excited to see what they look like all right here is the First dress I really like it it is very lightweight um it is just very simple and it does have the like tank top tank top type um top and then it has a little band here at the waist and then it just flows down so I really like it it does have three little buttons um they are not functioning buttons but I mean they're fine and then this is what it looks like in the back plain and simple it does come down far enough so that is good I did put the shoes on and I really like them they are very comfortable and I can see myself wearing these a lot lot I do like the strap on them because they are an actual strap they have um where you can adjust it and they're not a lot of teu shoes have that weird strap on them um but these do not so I like them um I'm going to see if they have them in different colors and maybe pick up like a black one or like a lighter color one but I really do like these shoes and I think they're cute and um I know this isn't a plant video but if you can see this plant here how all the leaves are folding up um it is called a prayer plant and it is probably I don't know maybe like 9:30 9:30 at night so it's starting to um fold up like like it's praying that's why it's called the prayer plant so I don't know I just love this plant it's so pretty and it's always growing new leaves for me but I just want to show you guys that um what this plant why this plant is called a prayer plant um because all the leaves close um up at night but let me try the next dress on cuz I'm really excited to see what it looks like and I'm hoping that it fits and that it looks cute so let me go try it on so here is the next dress and I absolutely love it I like how it's simple here in the top and then it has this cute little lace detail here in the middle and it fits very good I think it is in a size um I think it's a large maybe a 12 I'm not sure um I'll put it on the screen in case you guys are interested um I am 53 and it fits me um the length is perfect I love the length of it it's cute and I like it and I just paired it with my monstera earrings okay everybody so that is my teu haul stay tuned for another one midweek because I do have some more stuff to show you guys and like I said it will be more of a clothing video but I just want to thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you want to see more teamu hauls from me don't forget to subscribe before you leave and I just want to thank everybody so much for watching and until next time guys bye
Channel: Keely Joy
Views: 4,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Temu Haul, Temu clothes try on, Clothing Try On, Temu, Blind Box, Dress try on, Mid Size Try On, Temu Clothing Haul
Id: Ga6aYKVZj9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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