Temu haul 5`3`24

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hi guys it's Grazy me here yes I'm here with a [Music] teu okay so now first I'm going to say I am doing a little better I still keep losing my voice I don't know why probably because he gets on my nerves and I have to scream at him all the time but no just wow I didn't do anything I didn't even start yet um yeah I'm doing I do a little better every day I still have good days and bad days yesterday was a bad day today is a good day go figure this is my little scratchy scratchy my back back here that I can't get you forgot you forgot the other spot oh here no yeah what you use that for this Angeles huh who Los Angeles um you use it to hit me oh yeah that well I have to be careful because I don't want to break CU then what would I do you notice Mimi put some lipstick on so I would have a little bit of color I need a haircut so bad but tell the truth I'm heing makeup for this video yeah he's heing makeup he brushed my yeah and went and get me a lipstick to put a little bit on but yeah so that's it doing a little better like I said I have good days I have bad days you know um I have a lot of numbing spots here and there what need to talk a little bit louder wants me to talk loud he wants me to really lose my voice well I can't get this on top of you because you're spred out well excuse unless old well you should have got the little thingy Miggy it doesn't work with this ah shut up just let's start the hall you think we're growing on each other guys I'm climbing walls I haven't been out between the hospital and the house it's over 3 weeks I'm going to go crazy oh you're a liar you went to the doctor oh who well excuse me and we waved to all your stores as we went yes I waved to my stores hi to all the stores all right what are you doing get off your phone wait for you handing me thing I'm waiting for you to stop yapping yeah shut up oh I got these guys I should put my little eyes on and these [Music] were I thought I priced this stuff yeah I did these were $167 and I did get two um these are for you know like our four Nails you put the little magnet on here and I also bought these little um sticky things that peel off real easy and you put this here so you can put the false nail on it and then you can decorate it you know let it dry the glue whatever and then you can put them on your fingernails so that's what I got I got two of these so there would be 10 of them yeah so I'm hoping they work I'm thinking about um maybe gluing them on a little piece of wood or something so like all 10 will be there okay then I got this this was 96 cents we got this here for the car just the car has that nice sof I don't think it's sh syrup Shar what do you say it but it's nice and store so put your hands inside here guys there's a little thing down the middle so you know you hold your fingers in there and you just dust your car nicey nicy yeah so I got that and this was 96 Cent you can't see it I was gonna say show it oh yeah it's not gonna show though it's got to be stuck on the window of the car on the back sunny boy had it made for her sunny Boy made for me it's crazy Mimi up her QR code And subscribe to my Channel or alling you will on and then I'm not even about open opening these because I think I ordered them every other order I paid 47 cents for these and I'm not sure how many like away there's five pieces in here I love these you know he gets on my near but these are great for cleaning the stove the glass top stoves your couns I love this okay and this is I don't know you bought it this was $44 oh I saw this on um hey everybody it's K does these does this it's um it's for when you get shine on your face you know the box cuz it's my I can rip a box because it's mine I'm pineapple look how cute the little spongy thing is let's see how you open it don't know why you open it oh here we go there you go it's got the little mirror inside not that my face is shiny now let's see oh maybe my little tip of my nose was a little bit shiny this is nice nice can you put that cuz that's going in on my makeup there yeah that's nice guys yeah gorgeous yeah Miss Erin from hey everybody uses that garbage stop calling me names and whatever this was is 84 whatever this was I really remember that's a good product this one looks like a knife could have keep this away from you a lot of stuff in this bag oh this is I guess a stylus and actually what we need to do oh and it's a pen right's nice I like this keep this right over here let me show it closer cuz you're pretty far away okay and again speak up please stylus it's not as styly as I am oh okay this was 5.98 guys and this is for stamping yeah yep this is got and it's got all colors underneath 2 4 68 10 12 14 18 there's 20 colors for stamping so that's cool that's going to go on my desk then I'll put it away um and this I have no idea three in one peel okay this was 57 and again it's a three in one peeler but I don't know what it's peeling I oh I use one of these right then back to the old teeth to and things okay this is the threein one peeler I don't oh I think this here digs out like the avocados avocados avocados why you mind you peasy C I say things my way you say things your way I don't know where you buy avocados avocados I said this slides off somehow some way and I can't get it off but one side is shot the other side is serrated yeah watch out before you get cut put your finger off really like the way oh okay I see yeah knife it's just like a I guess that work wond this and then these were $147 when's the last time you had avocado never then these here are they say again $147 you get three of them and they uh with the little razor blades in them let's see P up there you go cute and it has a little clip in the back that you can you know flip it on something and like I said you do get three you get pink you get white and you get black these are pretty cool these can go in the bedroom they go one of the drawers and I think I'll leave one out here put them in there you think the camera s here Clos to you no no I just want to make sure the sound is good and then I'm trying to talk as loud as I can that's why I'm saying I don't want lose my voice I don't want you to have to go horse and then I got these oh my other one was better these are plastic tape measures I ordered a couple of them but I thought these were the leather ones but they're not they're just plastic these were 78 cents I thought it was the leather show it up close what do you mean leather my the one I have in my pocket book is leather like not real leather but it's leather that's just plastic it's a it's like a frog getting and the damn thing said it's a frog getting a fly I use those for some of my giveaway you bought these last time and they didn't work I know well I didn't realize it when I put the sometimes I put ERS in So Close um and then I got these they're erasable supposedly erasable pens but I'm not even going to bother opening them because these are thumbs down yeah so don't buy you actually team totally a thumbs down CA I'm concerned about had it emailing like crazy and everything with them and they send you the same things back a 100 times okay and this was 5.97 if you guys haven't noticed I've been doing a little um glitzy Glitz okay so you put your like a moisturizer or whatever face creen and then you put the cap back on and um it just go like that and it squirts out yeah you like that last time no not this one this one's different the last one it comes up from the top this here you can put like a h here put the cover on it so if you can't tell I'm going with a little glitzy theme in my with all my stuff it's not working there's nothing in it oh okay see he's going to get on my n okay you like those little thingy Jiggies yeah I'm liking this unfortunately it's got a pink paw print on it I take this with me okay this was 967 oh okay okay okay that goes on [Music] the dashboard yeah I don't know how you put this together that's damn sure this side this is so I can put this on the dashboard pops together I think no one screw that when we wanted you know we want to go and take you guys with us we can oh is that what this is for car filming now M might be taking Mimi for a ride tomorrow just to get her out of the house don't know if she'll be coming home I might be leaving her somewhere picking on me I'm kidding I can never leave it was 967 guys so it plunges to the dashboard I should have got the other one there was one like this they had another one that had all glitty gliteri on it all the little Stones I should have got that one but that's okay noo will be filming it'll fall off the dashboard sorry Teo there's no love okay and this is wait I don't know it's funny you buy these things and by the time they get to you you forget what they are how much was that well this side is there's no price price um no price let me see no price I didn't price it s yes slipping okay and then this side oh okay this is um a stylist guys I had got hubby one and I ordered me the white one let's see yeah cool guys it's nice show that up close the other side is a pen show the stylus part yep and the other side is a pen I think they were like I want to say a dollar in change come my fingernail I need a manicure I want that over here I said okay that's going to be for me and this was what oh this sty okay these guys were a160 um well goad I want to see what they are no you got to have the little um what do you call those things that you you know that you plug this into the USB yeah you need oh God you need a USB and this is a little light bulb that you can plug the USB say in a bathroom or in a bedroom and plug this in it and it's a little NightLight lightting hallways and things it probably be cheaper Aly cat it'd probably be cheaper to have a little NightLight cuz now you've got the the charger that you're plugging in the wall running and then the light bulb I know it's LED and probably doesn't draw much but those things get they get pretty hot no the Chargers get pretty hot you need to get down Miss Aly so yeah these are cute though aren't they guys look at how little little light bulbs and there's one two three for five in this packet how much a dollar 60 come on you want to come back up come on Mama come on baby [Music] okay and then we have this was 39 I was trying to do a under a dollar out well and I ended up throwing other things in because I couldn't find things that I really wanted for a dollar under a dollar but anyhow this is a peel good for potatoes and you can pick out the little eye things on the potatoes that's going in the kitchen will it shave my arm here stop don't ask me what in the world made me get this this was 48 cents they're all little Rings they look like kids rings I know infants like um well this is like here you can show them a little ice cream don't ask me is that an ice cream I think so I don't know what the heck that is yeah this is too see the little stick on the bottom oh so my ice cream's dripping cuz I had the wrong way little mushroom let's see you're such a Thrifty shoer and then we have a donut I have to see if there's any kids around the neighborhood yeah excuse me excuse me little girl come here and get these Rings here under arrest nah the neighbor has got kids he's actually a deputy sheriff cute [Music] don't ask me what made me bu these guys CU I have no ideas well anyhow you get the gist of it it's a little ice cream comb so I don't know I have no idea why I got those okay this one I've got to see what this is okay these are this was 247 and she's trying to stall so she can figure out what it is no it's a you put the Cherry in it and then you go and it pops the the seed out so like if you want to put cherries in a salad or something see you just go go like that and it pops the seed through when's the last time you put cherries in a salad well because you don't want to uh why don't you mind your pie shes okay I don't know um is Halloween already these these were in my basket from right after no before Halloween but I had bought a bunch of other earrings and you know so these were [Music] $144 and they little candy corn earrings aren't they [Music] cute I think did yeah I like them I'll put them all away and finally something you really really need yep something something I needed desperately but they're so so cute I just wish they weren't so long look at those guys with the left it in the little bows these were a11 can you hold that up closer these are really cute these were $119 those were cute I can't wait until you get off the couch that's garbage I like uh other way we do this haul and stuff it's easy to pick on you when I'm sitting behind you or in front of you here comes Aly C and these were 62 you want to set earrings these are so damn cute guys so cute they all have a little heart on them I'll let Herby show you these up close my God they're so cute let me see oh they're so cute I do like these I'll put them all on then I'll take them off and let H show you aren't these cute guys me see I can zoom in I think how cute oops look at that I think they're daring Hy if you getting dizzy at home okay it's crooked which way come towards you go back you got it like big not that big yeah there you go you got a big head watch out these are falling out special packaging by team I know right let's see I'm G to leave these right on the cards guy guys um these are little flutter July earrings look how cute these are how much were these do9 no $2 and change 269 269 guys AR they darling festive she's like a firework all of a sudden Ali wants to play this was 19 cents the heck is it okay now I remember I remember 19 cents guys it's a little necklace and it's got like about a 2 in extender and it's just a little tiny hot how cute that is I don't tangle that put it back in this bag so I'll put it in my box my jewry where's the hot see it right there I guess you weren't kidding when you said Tiny all of a sudden she wants to play all of a sudden you want to play look another teeth measure yeah put that you never have enough tee measures here's another one 98 cents team will lie because they were supposed to be leather but they're not the plastic but I will use these and some of my giveaways it is nice having these in your purse though guys it really is y I have one in my Pock te I'm going to be I I got some connections in China and I'm going to be looking for uh I'm going to looking for creators to handle my new line Ste moo why I can get all this stuff it's simple and then I got this little D dad actually that's not a bad IDE this was 92 cents and I'll show you wait a minute wait a minute show my phone with a little teddy beia isn't he cute hi am Teddy rxman he was 19 cents no 92 cents yeah because the necklace was 19 cents okay this was $269 this ring you know They're copying me I was the first inventor of cell phone charms true let's see take this off look at this Hunker guys I get to start ordering size six isn't this pretty I think what is that macrolite I think hubby hubby needs to turn in my diamond and get me one this side traded in how about I turn in Mimi oh that's gorgeous guys isn't it ew I like that yeah guys would you look at that can you bring that up close honey that's pretty pretty pretty I like that te teemu's version of not so moist tonight here put it in here I hope you're separating everything what's going in the bedroom and yeah I'm separating it's all going on the table no well just put it on my because I have so much room working like this okay and these were 62 cents where you going huh aren't these cute guys 62 cents and there's little rhinestones all around the black the black is kind of musty is that crooked yeah how close aren't those cute guys it's like a flat black how the hell did this happen my God I think I got them in another order too this set I got two of them these were 269 these will go in another giveaway cuz I think in total I have I have three okay isn't that set pretty guys it's like broy and actually I hope you can see that look at how cute the chain can you hold this like this get off your phone show them the front and let them see the chain the little ball on the Chain I was reading a review Miss Nice Linda gave me on my on Etsy thank you Linda um wait a minute it's all tangled up I got to fix it here we go here we go look at that put that back in here okay there we go look at how cute the chain is guys with the little balls I'm going to have to put this one right in the vault with all the diamonds yeah I think I believe I have three of these now um so I will put these in a giveaway keep one for me what's your M Alie got me me come on mommy how can you never buy any extra stuff that I like look everything I buy you make fun of all right and then we got this little bracelet which I thought was just too cute for words the green the reason why I got this guys is because I um why is that stuck on there like that why the reason why it's not going to come off fight well I guess we could open the link while she's playing Ally will talk to you hang on hi remember thumbs up thumbs up Thumbs Up Bracelet up close subscribe hi I'm Al me alone that was 888 and the reason why I got that guys is because I had ordered some um jade earrings and I thought that was pretty close to matching the Jade earrings yeah what color gold is that crayon okay and then these were 89 rain you want to go do pee PE rainbow come on on rain rain go to peee Mama come on Rainbow okay then the how much 89 cents to be perfectly honest think they go that way I'm not sure how these even go on the ears to be honest but you did these last time you had these in your last order did I yes you did well if I have them they're going to go in a giveaway too you sure they didn't just double your order yeah put that back in here and then this is as cute as I thought it was going to be this is a doll 48 I mean I know you say oh but it's not all that I thought it would be huge so like my parents used to tell me watch the pennies and the dollars watch themselves cute guys you never got that concept though okay you show you show that up close saying a size seven there's no way in hell that's a size seven garage okay oh my God what now I know this is me not me I know I'm crazy Mimi but there's no way all these things I did doubles so trying to burn your money here's another one of the little hearts so again you got to put all of this stuff on my little desk you want to go under poppy come on come on go ah Hadad pop pops she likes to go under the covers guys she likes to be under the covers so but it is really cute but it's just a little hot slides and like I said before you got the 2in extender so I guess I'll have to start getting all things ready for another I get 2500 subscribers oops making everybody here making everybody get dizzy then this was $34 14 cents yes so what's everybody been up to guys getting out going places going to stores doing things I have it this is cute could it's a little hot right it's got rhinestones on the front actually cute it's like the bubble kind but well no you couldn't wear it backwards because it's AOS it's an L but the chain is cute and the pendant itself is really cute I like that the back side the back is pretty but if it happen to turn on your neck at least it's cute in the back that pretty guys you're getting sleepy you're getting sleepy see he likes when I beat him up good God all righty and this was a148 yeah so hey tell me guys what you guys have been doing I have to live for you guys what stores you've been to what you found well I went to Dollar Tree oh you talking to them oh I'm GNA make him get the mug he found me at um good but no which store did you get that at Marshalls at Marshalls this is two pieces guys cute though as she gets better I take these little runs to different stores it's too course she's got to text me and say can you stop here can you stop there how cute this is sure that okay oops I dropped it so you get this that goes at the bottom I know that Linda that's one ring right there and then you bring in the other ring it goes underneath and goes like that look at that how Inus a it though so cute I like that yes that's garbage that's going to go with the jewelry oh that's right but you know what this Sila looks like it's burnt what do you me burn um on the thing it looked much brighter um what the heck I got it in the gold and I got it in the silver and I've seen others call those lettuce guys and um the silver isn't as glittery as there this one looks like the silver was overprocessed oh but this one's stinky in the back show that up close this one ain't like the gold how the gold was in the back hello yeah now one was $4.49 the gold one was cheaper and it was way better honestly looks like looks like a stocking the hell I'll have to see the my gold one who the B the seller was and see if they have it in gold and order another one okay and this one is another little phone do dad um favorites with Laura had sent me um a little cell phone thing and that was it I saw that and then I went crazy this one was a $169 it's a little M&M one of my favorite candies and um yeah in my phone cuz my phone is pink wait a minute guys wait a minute why ain't this fitting in there now oh Teo Teo Teo I got it can you bring that up closer is it backwards no you put it in that way put them put the little string for it put them both in where that little one em& no put it in here put these two together yeah and this with a doll of three you get four of them and um I can see where okay here we go these are you put the you put the bag inside here like red bag or things like that there then you go like that and it closes it and it holds it see that cute show that up close H these were four for a dollar three these can go in the kitchen why we don't keep bread in the bedroom and here's my mug I have to stop and show you look at my mug my mug that's so cute it has it on both sides and this was Believe It or Not only $4.99 so how do you like that Teemu you charge so much for some of your mugs look at this mug show that up close and the Mimi is in a gold probably can't put that in a dishwasher though yeah that can't go in a dishwasher I'm a pretty good model huh yes you are absolutely wonderful that should be a hand model and look at my this set was 2278 and you must have really been high on something when you ordered this one why it's a lot of money for teu no it's a whole set yeah does it smell a little again okay these are the pants let's see if you can see where's the front what's the back you know guys they don't really tell let's do this let's hold them up and then you'll be able to tell I guess that oh turn them around this is the front Okay see the bottom guys see how the bottom is done aren't they cute yeah it's kind of it's not long long it's not a capri but it's not a long pant either and then then it came with this shirt can you hold that up that's the back F I think I'll be buying me some new buttons to sew on yeah what would make them put black buttons is beyond me I'll probably buy some little white buttons okay so what she basically means is it's never going to get changed do it maybe around there the black how long have I waited for [Music] button okay this was 1259 and I saw this on crazy with s it huh crafty clamper it's uh cret oh it's like a scarf table runner is that pretty guys like this isn't that pretty meat that okay is that cute guys they've got different sizes in this this one was $ 12259 but this was a little bit longer one I actually bought this for the bedroom oh shoot I forgot about the high boy and how much did you pay $12 High than like H Goods well some of that things are a little bit oh outrageous no they've been kind of going give me the other ones those they kind of been going crazy a little come on really TV doesn't want to pause it won't pause just the volum that'd be too much work okay I'm going to have to go get one for the high boy I totally forgot about it guys but then I got these these were 5.92 and these are um like I guess place mats but I don't like not having anything on uh night stands you know so I got these and they is one two three four five six of them for $5 and change it's kind of crazy these were six or $5 in change and that was a million dollars for just a t Okay so yeah I thought these were really pretty but yeah graph Lampa had the um table runner so now I just here can you put them back in there I have to go and find one for the high boy dresser in the bedroom is that the the woman that wears the Hat all the time she'd be perfect for my things I got to get my plugs in when I can yeah actually she would be perfect for this well a lot of them hat all the time well if anybody's interested just let me know and my YouTube channel is the idea man number two the number two the idea man 2 two all just run it together and plug it in there and it'll come up cuz I had to change things around because of YouTube messed me up and everybody that was going there was seeing the guy that created the Muppets Jim Henson no he's got the original idea he's idea man oh on YouTube okay that's crazy okay so this I'm in a good category this shirt was 989 thanks for letting me talk appreciate it after you Channel I'm getting tired okay this was 982 guys and it's really cute Navy really cute for jeans jean shorts or even white shorts and that cute guys I like that are you on the phone again oh me is it possible that you could stay off your phone for five minutes no and show that thank you very much okay not you guys I love leopards oh I like the way it flares out I like that and then it's got the little peep hole oh but there's a thing underneath so you don't get the peep that's the pee Pole right there you don't need the bag that's pretty I like that yeah and how much was that nine change see now that's how you shop you find nice pretty stuff for cheap money okay and this is $179 yeah 1079 guys oh I didn't know the back was all pink look like a gisha girl isn't that cute guys the back is all pink solid pink I don't know what I will wear this with maybe black shorts fre I could just lay clothes over you every day and make and make you feel like your dress dressed hold that up so they can see that show the back too I will that's cute guys huh I do like that I do I do very cute I will give it to teu they do have some cute clothes you can't do trions and they probably won't fit me is this it and last but not least this was 1124 save this cuz the bag's going back in it this the little bag with the wooden thing right I think I'll keep this in it can't get it out but I think I will so it doesn't [Music] there's no Zipp apart compartments or anything but it does have the um you know the shoulder strap for it puppies making me spaghetti and Little Neck and he got me shrimp cocktail for dinner I'm all excited for him to hurry up and cook you're special cuz I'm special let oh come along now so what you think about this bag guys I hope it's light okay there's that one I think I'm going to start another Channel I'll call it taking care of Mimi and show all my recipes and tricks for taking care of you the first the first trick is hide all the knives see there we go isn't that cute guys just lovely has a cute little bag though I'll give you that one yeah cute um why won't it open you could have just push that oh that way not much there's no Zips inside or anything but it's big enough you know for the what I carry I don't I used to carry everything under the sun in my press but now not so much I used to carry everything or Band-Aids in case somebody got a car or this in case somebody here put it in this bag all different things in my pocket book and now I got to the point no I think I did it more because the grand kids The Ripped right shoot should have saved one of the plastic bags for it I got them out there um I think more because like you know when our son was little or the grand you know our grandchildren I used to be like oh you know if they need to be in date or oh if they need this is so if they need that oh here's another bracelet that was under the C okay and again last but not least I love this I'm actually there's a jewelry site I I would like to purchase something like this on um you know how they say um this was only 89 cents how they say everybody has a number my number that I see is always 1111 or 111 so that's what this bracelet is it's one one one and um yeah so I really like this but I'm looking to have uh a necklace made with the 111 yeah I do want to have one read God all these things are always big on my wrist that's the only skinny part of my body is my wrist so and that's it guys I'm going to be doing another haul um a Dollar Tree are you up quit I guess I could because it's not that much but um yeah so I hope you enjoyed this um well Mimi can sit in the chair again we'll be doing the normal Halls yeah be doing normal halls and not so yeah this is all over the place ramped and hopefully soon guys hopefully soon with everybody's priers I see it coming come on what are you doing poell looks like you're giving birth I'm having a baby where you going po poops should I had enough of this show Vis isn't for me okay so guys don't forget to give us a thumbs up if you don't like us give us a thumbs down but give us a thumb and share share share comment comment cuz I love your your comments tell me what you think um I know you are probably all so sad that I haven't been beaten on hubby because I don't have the strength to I do a little bit that's my knee you're [Music] hearing psycho psycho um yes so don't forget thumbs up share CU when I hit 2500 I'm going to do another giveaway I mean I'll be doing little giveaways here in the I do have a couple with um makeup from these places that I get monthly subscriptions I have one whole one from last month's Walmart just it's just that I get get tired really fast we're going to be checking into some cheaper shipping that other creators uh favorites with Laura favorites with Lara told about Pirates shipping pirate shipping I don't know something like that I've got it don't worry and hopefully we can get stuff cheaper to other places I just sent the um the magnetic fashion things we sell I just sent out some out to um Australia Australia Tasmania Australia to end a uh constant subscriber follower to Mimi and she wanted them so bad she said I'll pay the extra shipping which is no problem but I went and I was like oh my God it was $21 to send a small flat envelope to Australia that is crazy crazy shipping's getting out of control but y okay and then we we're invited to Australia yeah we're going to go down there I'd love to go to Australia pretty country yeah but first he's got to get me to Italy yeah okay guys um I hope you enjoyed like I says I'm going to be doing a Dollar Tree um let me know what you thought of this well what your favorite was I don't know I had a few things that were my favorites but I don't know so and that's it thank you to like I says I our subscribers are dribbling in couple here a couple there and I so appreciate you guys welcome to the family family and um We are family and thank you to my oldies but goodies that have been with me from the very beginning I really love and appreciate you guys if it wasn't for you guys this channel wouldn't be here so and also the other creators that's like a little community and they all help out each other and they've all given me a lot of help we really appreciate that I do I do appreciate all my little H friends so with that said I love and appreciate you all have a good day a good night whenever you happen to be watching this and um see you in the next one
Channel: Crazy Mimi yup
Views: 2,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bJbAKs0XxT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 48sec (4008 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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