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foreign [Music] this was strange [Music] that happened in Dundee it's a classic neighborhood the heart of Omaha [Music] violent crime does not happen then Dundee the mundane world of after school and then it's just shattered by a monster [Music] I remember walking in their front door into this very nice home there's a little boy lying face down in a very large pool of blood you know you think of Tommy Hunter you can't imagine what the last few seconds of his life were like smart kid love science math every parent's son and then as you walk through the house and you get to the back door you see this large pool of blood this lady who had very evidently been pushed down to the ground and attacked Shirley Sherman grandma gentle soul [ __ ] working to have anybody murdered is a shock to the community but to have an 11 year old boy and a housekeeper killed in a manner they were I think is a whole number level there didn't appear to be anything missing in the house no robbery no there was no readily explainable reason behind what you see on that day one of the neighbors happened to notice a car that she wasn't familiar with was a fleeting glance at him and his vehicle silver Honda CRV [Music] things went cold after the first couple months how frustrated were you getting incredibly I don't even know if I can put it into words beautiful Mother's Day tragedy strikes again Dr Roger Brumback and his wife Mary yeah murdered detective do you remember the first time you walked into this house I did what it looked like the aftermath of an incredibly brutal murder Roger Brumback devoted portions of his medical career to Childhood disease and then to Alzheimer's Mary Brumback could not have had an enemy in the world let me walk through that first door Scott and I had a real definitive moment after we walked through that house where we're like you know I've seen these things before specifically with the wounds to the right side of the neck you don't see a lot of knifings that are stabbings that are that are like that when had the last time been that you had seen stabbings like that it was 2008. with Thomas and Shirley the mindset at that point was there's a connection here light bulb must have gone off very brightly it's incredible on so many levels you can't help but be touched by the Innocence of all of these victims and then it's in peaceful neighborhoods on beautiful days this is a once in a lifetime type story [Music] thank you [Music] Omaha Nebraska a proud Beacon of America's Midwest spreading out from the Majestic banks of the Missouri River home of the College World Series and Warren Buffett Rich enough to live anywhere he chooses might take out all my overalls is a terrific place to live according to Todd Cooper court reporter for the Omaha World Herald the secret heartbeat of this town is Creighton Medical Center it resonates throughout the community you can't go anywhere without running into someone who is Creighton born and bred how long was your career at Creighton 40 years Dr Shonda and a Gaines are butra loved and respected their Creighton colleagues you both knew Dr Hunter yes his office is right next to my office the butras were close friends with doctors Bill and Claire Hunter the parents of 11 year old Thomas what were they like nice people dedicated to their Hospital he was very well loved by residents and students the hunters and their four children lived here a handsome home in that upscale close-knit neighborhood known as Dundee it's a classic neighborhood Neighbors in each other's business common areas where kids play March 13 2008 Dr Claire Hunter was attending a conference in Hawaii and Bill was busy at the Pathology Lab [Music] the school bus camera captures Tom arriving home smart kid love to play Xbox drink Dr Pepper eat potato chips Tom Hunter a very bright very normal sixth grader his three older brothers already out of the house waiting for Tom the Hunter's part-time housekeeper Shirley Sherman when you think of your mom what are some of the words that come into mind mother caregiver grandmother nurturer for her son Jeff and her younger brother Brad Shirley was the Rock Solid hard-working centerpiece of their extended family anytime you go over there first thing she'd always want to do is make sure she had coffee and you want something to eat I'll fix you something Tom grabbed a snack and settled into this basement playroom with his chips soda and his Xbox [Music] five o'clock Dr Hunter left his Pathology Lab at Creighton and began the 10 minute ride home he came home from work immediately walking in the back door and he encountered Shirley and just a few feet away lay his son Tom the doctor knew immediately it was too late for an ambulance he called 9-1-1 they told him to get out of the house and wait for First Responders to come detective Derek Moyes 19 years with the Omaha PD and his partner Sergeant Scott Warner describe a crime scene that would consume and haunt them incredibly sad scenario just the manner and the brutality of it and in the basement cops found that still life of Tom's World interrupted by Madness his Xbox was online and you could see his bag chips and his Dr Pepper not surprisingly it was evident surely had been hard at work do you see her bucket of cleaning supplies just kind of dropped haphazardly right where Thomas was Hunter and Shirley Sherman had been stabbed to death and as if sending some dark raging homicidal message knives had been left in the victims and around the house but what was the motive for murder something's just not adding up here my mom had 833 dollars in cash in a purse it wasn't even touched the hunters have a lot of valuables or none of that appeared to have been touched I imagine the community must have been unglued I think a city as a whole an 11 year old boy doesn't get killed in his home it just doesn't happen for detectives Moyes Warner and the other investigators the horror of these gut-wrenching murders would soon be paired with a deep frustration the crime scene left them little to go on no DNA no motive no apparent suspects one of the neighbors happened to notice a car that she wasn't familiar with that was the first clue and it would one day prove critical the neighbor's sighting of a silver Honda SUV with out of state plates prowling the streets of Dundee it caught her attention not only because of the car but watching an individual that had exited the car take a satchel and then walk Northbound on this street [Music] Moyes and Warner played out one scenario after the next and it occupied our lives every day and when I say every day and I mean all day was surely the target my Tom have attracted an online Predator to his basement playroom was there something that occurred online over his gaming over a computer and there was Creighton itself where the murders a gruesome active Vengeance by a disgruntled former employee targeting Tom's parents the hunters detectives briefly considered this man Dr Anthony Garcia a former resident in the pathology program Bill Hunter had fired Garcia back in 2001. but Bill Hunter dismissed Anthony Garcia when they brought up his name in an interview now I yeah he got fired but he left quietly every lead seemed like a dead end leaving nothing but shattered families you just can't put it out of your mind we did not want it to just go away disappear they want answers and the only people they can really turn to Is Us is there ever a point for either of you where you thought we're just never going to find out who did this sure yes absolutely yeah there was [Music] clear to us that Thomas had been attacked first the horrific crime scene in the Hunter House in Dundee gave investigators plenty to puzzle over and think through we just didn't see anything that would have precipitated the murders even after a couple of weeks into the investigation we didn't know if Thomas was the intended victim if it was Shirley if it was the Hunter House the hunters themselves or if it was a completely random act Moyes and Warner kept grinding and getting nowhere it was a mystery for years let's talk about Mother's Day 2013. we took a couple and we took them out for Mother's Day brunch and they're older people and he was with the Walker that Mother's Day fate brushed the butres and it all started after that brunch with their slow-moving elderly guest he took forever to get to his car and Dr butcher's husband ribbed him at the time and said you are killing us here like you are taking forever the irony being he actually may have been saving their lives the butras both doctors at Creighton finally began their short drive home when they got a call their Burglar Alarm was going off so I went to the basement this door was open about an inch pushed it back in the door was a jar but nothing was out of place they had no idea how lucky they were cops say the Intruder moved on just a few miles down the road to the home of Dr Roger Brumback and his wife Mary Roger Brumback was in his old clothes painting the entryway of his house getting it ready to to sell they were moving away they were going to retire they were on the cusp of what we all work for and they had talked to their daughter via FaceTime his daughter cracked a joke she screenshot it it was shortly after that FaceTime chat that Creighton Dr Roger Brumback answered a knock at the door and boom just immediately shot it would be two days before anyone knew the extent and the nature of the Carnage inside the brumback's OWN we showed up to move a piano here and nobody answered the door Jason Peterson a piano mover showed up as scheduled and I opened up the front glass door to yell inside hello and that's when I seen a gun clip on the floor like a magazine on the floor the piano mover s called the cops there's a gun clip and some bullets on the floor I just think there's something going on in this house that day detectives Derek Moyes and Scott Warner just happened to be on call let me walk through that front door there was the loaded magazine that the movers had spotted he also found a spent shell casing stuck between the double doors and just beyond that in the entryway was Roger Brumback where you could see he had gunshot wounds we would also see very evident stab marks on the right side of his neck just below his right ear [Music] and inside the main living room area of that main floor and that's where we would find Mary Brumback she had very clear defensive wounds on her hands which were indicative of her trying to put up a defense and we had knives that were left in that crime scene the Carnage just inside the front door of the brumback's house was shocking even for long time homicide detectives but there was something else about the crime scene that hit them almost instantly a sickening familiarity specifically with the wounds to the right side of the neck and when I saw those both on the male victim and on the female victim you don't see a lot of knifings that are stabbings that are that are like that the wounds were a mirror image to those suffered by Tom Hunter and Shirley Sherman in 2008 and then you find out the victim worked as a doctor at Creighton's medical school yeah then you two must look at each other and say we we can't ignore this we got something here oh no Roger Brumback was not only a doctor at Creighton but he worked out of the same office as Tom Hunter's father Bill the Pathology Department Roger Brumback was chairman and Bill Hunter was in charge of the residence we knew we had these similarities in the crime scenes and the weapons that were used in in this connection to the Pathology Department the cold case that had mystified Omaha for five frustrating years was heating up your mind's going a million miles an hour you consciously have to make yourself slow down the next day cops got a call from the butras telling detectives about that alarm that went off at their home on Mother's Day the same day the brumbax were believed to have been murdered we have Dr Hunter whose son Tom had been murdered in 2008. we have Dr Brumback who had just been gunned down in his doorway and now Dr beatra a colleague of doctors Hunter and Brumback in Creighton's Pathology Department who are they in a position to of effect the most and the obvious answer was of course the the residents at that pathology training program and from that point on that's what we looked at we went to Creighton University and we pulled the files from every resident within that program starting I think in 2000 and one of the files you got belonged to Anthony Garcia Anthony Garcia Omaha Police had heard his name before that Creighton pathology resident the cops had barely considered back in 2008 he had been fired and Garcia's professor in the Pathology Department Dr Shonda Putra what kind of student was he bad guy and a bad student and Dr butra didn't hold back on her feelings in several performance reviews she prepared for Bill Hunter I was trying very hard to convince Bill to get rid of him yes and that's exactly what happened Hunter and Brumback fired Garcia his letter of termination began to look like a Smoking Gun and the signatures are Dr William Hunter and Dr Roger Brumback correct so in his mind if he's trying to figure out who's responsible for his termination he's thinking of three people Brumback Hunter and butra every time Anthony Garcia is looking for a job this letter signed by Brumback and Hunter kind of seemingly was coming back to haunt him [Music] thank you where does this case where is it in terms of your your frontal lobe or present it's at the Forefront for sure it's been a constant since 2008 two sets of murders five years apart with a Common Thread Creighton University I always felt there's something to do with Creighton meanwhile detective Derek Moyes was learning as much as he could about former Creighton resident Anthony Garcia after I got the Garcia book every time I I turned a Paige I was learning something new that I felt was relevant that I felt was going to carry me on to the next step for Moyes Garcia was looking more and more like his number one suspect but an unlikely one Anthony Garcia who is he you know a decidedly middle class kid played football grew up in Walnut California Walnut California is a place where dreams really do come true a pristine suburb in a Golden Valley about an hour east of Los Angeles it was a loving home we're encouraged to you know do the right thing Fernando Garcia is Anthony's younger brother keenly aware of what his family has accomplished my mom was born in Mexico and came here and you know my dad was born here you know my dad fought in Vietnam they didn't have a lot they were able to achieve you know the American dream for Fred who worked for the post office San estela a registered nurse a Cornerstone of their dream was their firstborn child Anthony he was healthy playful he played football what kind of student was Anthony it was good he was a good student he was an auto boy who wanted to get along with people not confrontational there was College in California and then med school in Utah he wanted to be a brain surgeon you must have been enormously proud oh yes yeah then in 1999 came a journey most parents only dream of his dad described packing all of Anthony's belongings into a van and driving cross-country Father and Son dad couldn't have been prouder [Music] Father and Son were headed here Bassett Saint Elizabeth in Utica New York it would be Anthony Garcia's first residency and it didn't go well I did not know he was having trouble Garcia's professors accused him of Behaving unprofessionally including yelling at a radiology technician Under Pressure Garcia resigned and firstborn son headed back home when he came back he was not the same he looked very tired almost exhausted but he wasn't giving up and in July of 2000 Anthony Garcia got what few residents ever do a second chance I was happy he was getting a job that's when Garcia began his residency in the Pathology Department at Creighton academically he was very poor but there was much more than poor academics pranking a chief resident rolling a body onto its face so it becomes disfigured he would write emails to Dr Hunter complaining about Dr butra I mean this guy was a child cloaked and cloaked with a medical degree then in 2001 after multiple incidents and those bad performance reviews by Dr butra Creighton had its fill of Anthony Garcia what does it mean for a resident to be terminated pretty serious it pretty much ends your medical career Anthony Garcia headed home once again he said it didn't work out did he complain about the people he did not complain about the people I never complain about anybody those who knew and still love him believe Anthony's struggled with depression and migraine headaches and was overwhelmed by the rigorous work required to fulfill his American Dream of becoming a doctor I can see that taking a toll on somebody psychologically emotionally and did you get the sense at all that Anthony felt he had failed not at all I think he was adamant about continuing with that career and miraculously in 2003 Anthony Garcia got a third chance working as a resident at the University of Illinois hospital he somehow managed to get a medical license to practice in the state of Illinois but for the state of Illinois this guy does not have a medical license anywhere for the next few years Garcia bounced around the country working where he could clinics even a prison hospital with every new state he moved to Garcia had to apply for a medical license there and those who had the authority to grant that license would learn of his dismissal from Creighton and each time he would pay a price for his past to get licensure in another state they would be sending Creighton University very specific requests about or Anthony Garcia's time at Creighton University and those responses were not positive they were not positive it doesn't take a detective or even a physician to read those as a layperson and say that's not going to help him get get licensure or a job investigators discovered that in February 2008 Garcia was living in Louisiana the state denied his application for a medical license due in part to his termination from Creighton three weeks later Tom Hunter and Shirley Sherman were brutally murdered [Music] the pieces of Anthony Garcia's past were coming together in front of Moyes and Warner but could they Place him in Dundee in 2008 on the day of Tom and Shirley's murder Moyes wondered what kind of car Garcia was driving back then so he checked his reports and I remember it was on page 11 of that report that between July of 2007 in July of 2009 Anthony Garcia had a Honda CRV registered to him at a Shreveport Louisiana address after discovering the make and model moist ran the VIN number to get the color and it came back as a silver Honda CRV [Music] it was 2013. the slaughter of four innocent people over the course of five years had left Omaha staggered and searching for answers this is something that really had upset the community the city the the region it evolved into something so much bigger than any of us we're used to but its origin was right here the Pathology Department at Creighton University Medical Center where Dr Brumback was the head of the department and Dr Hunter was in charge of the residence it was also here investigators allege that Anthony Garcia developed his Twisted motive for murder it's unfathomable a grudge that festers for seven years before the first killings in 12 years before the second set of killings that's unheard of a grudge that wouldn't quit revenge for being fired was the motive the theory of the case Moyes and Warner began to build but Fernando Garcia Anthony's younger brother wasn't buying it there's been millions of people fired who don't come back and kill somebody and by 2013 Garcia was long gone from Omaha living 500 miles away in Terre Haute Indiana he had been fired again this time from that job as a medical worker in a prison still he had a Ferrari in his driveway and appeared to be living the High Life but that wasn't the information cops craved I needed to find out where he was on May 12 2013. the day Roger and Mary Brumback were murdered Garcia's electronic records lit up the trail we have this phone call accessing a cell tower in Atlantic Iowa which is only an hour away from Omaha he had made a purchase at a Wingstop restaurant in Omaha and Anthony Garcia was caught on camera just outside Omaha buying a case of Bud Light that very same day at this point do you have a suspect you want to arrest yes detectives headed for Garcia's Terre Haute home but when they got there he was nowhere to be found our concern was that he was leaving Terre Haute and he was headed south towards Louisiana where there were other people that you felt he perceived had wronged him yes cops feared Garcia was out to kill again Omaha detectives were now working with nearby law enforcement agencies and the FBI and at 8 30 a.m Illinois State Police spotted Garcia's car he was pulled over drunk and on his knees in the middle of the road Anthony Garcia was arrested in his car a crowbar a sledgehammer and a gun we got a call that he was in custody and what did that sound like relief yeah with Garcia under arrest cops entered his house in Terre Haute it was apparent it didn't look like somebody planned on on really coming back Omaha Detective Ryan Davis got the first look into a dark and conflicted world through Garcia's chilling words we live we die we live we die on top of the dining room table are all these documents I would call them documents of success a medical degree a deed to his house and then he's got this bag this trash bag in his kitchen sink inside the trash bag were more documents submerged in a liquid it looked at detectives like someone was trying to destroy them these documents really give you chills he's talking about going to the store buying broccoli butter shrimp Anthony Garcia's shopping list from the ordinary to the ominous as you can see here it says invade Ridge House torture murder over here it says Rich children gun invade kill knife kidnap family SUV torture kill and there was also something familiar soaking in the sink those negative performance reviews written by Dr Shonda butra and Garcia's termination letter signed by doctors Hunter and Brumback the motivation for these murders was all right there in that sink that sink full of evidence wasn't all detectives found their investigation LED them to a key witness at Garcia's favorite haunt Club Coyote who's Cecilia Hoffman at the time she was a stripper at a strip club in Terre Haute Indiana Mr Garcia was a a regular customer a roadside strip joint the one place Anthony Garcia's childhood dreams still had life when he came in the door they would announce that Dr Tony was in the house and he had all this money and Cecilia told detective Davis that Garcia wanted more than just a dance he wanted a girlfriend that wasn't what she wanted so she stated to us that she started to try to distance herself from him Omaha cops recorded Cecilia's haunting story I'm putting on my little voice and saying well Dr Tony I only like bad boys I'm a bad girl he couldn't you know you couldn't handle a girl like me and then definitely told me he told me I wasn't as good as he thought he was he thought I killed people before he said I killed a young boy and an old woman Anthony Garcia confesses to the murders of Thomas Hunter and Shirley Sherman as a way to try to impress a stripper right the police fugitive unit would extradite Garcia back here to Omaha and on July 23 2013 right here at the Douglas County Courthouse Dr Anthony Garcia was formally charged with four counts of first-degree murder there wasn't anything in this case I don't think that was like our big piece of evidence I think there were a lot of pieces and when you put them together that's what makes it overwhelming it all points to Anthony Garcia lead prosecutor Don Klein and his Deputy Brenda Beadle would lay out Nebraska's capital murder case against Anthony Garcia they're trying to put my client to death and I was going to do whatever I had to do to get him a fair trial if at all possible and Bob Mata Jr his father and their legal Associates with the chicago-based PowerHouse defense team Anthony Garcia's parents spent their entire life savings to hire did your son kill Tommy Hunter Shirley Sherman Roger and Mary Brumback I don't know if if it did it's a totally different person that they're talking about [Music] September 26 2016. 15 years after he was fired from Creighton the quadruple murder trial of a very different looking Anthony Garcia finally began [Music] just the innocence in this every one of those people were just going about their days their lives and then Anthony Garcia comes knocking knocking with his Grudge Garcia's Moto summed up by the prosecution in a single word Revenge he Googled it he searched for it he searched for that term including a quote in his phone Shakespeare quote Merchant of Venice if you harm us shall I not Revenge their theories Revenge Revenge if you take out that element that leaves them with absolutely a giant gaping hole in their tapestry where the entire thing becomes unwoven No cameras were allowed in court the Matas of Chicago went at the prosecution like heavyweights they brought a lot of fire Revenge suggested the Matas was just a fancy Theory and in fact the Matas produced this letter of recommendation for Anthony Garcia written by Dr Hunter just a few days after Garcia was fired from Creighton we terminated him but we don't want him to be jobless destitute we want him to rehabilitate and find some other job and the modest take on the star witness Cecilia Hoffman who Garcia had allegedly confessed to a strung out stripper at the time I think she's a liar the time that she gives the interview she's intoxicated she's popping script pills every day she has no credibility well I thought she was extremely incredible and she had nothing to gain by coming forward she was subjected to a very long and extensively vigorous cross-examination and she didn't waver and the jury saw that and the jury saw this the other piece of the gun was found off the highway on an exit ramp right by Terre Haute Indiana cops believe Garcia used to kill Roger Brumback that's an unbelievable coincidence it's amazing real number matches the one on this gun box found in his Terre Haute apartment but at the butra's home on this doorknob there was DNA there was DNA evidence that pointed to Anthony Garcia but the mod has insisted cops could not Place Garcia in Omaha for the first set of murders and they argued this Anthony Garcia was not the only disgruntled employee at Creighton that buying chicken wings and beer on the day of the brumbax murder didn't make their client a killer and that he was simply looking for a job again in the Omaha area if Nebraska puts Anthony Garcia to death is an innocent man dying I believe so I believe so after more than 50 Witnesses and 15 days of emotional testimony the case went to the jury it took just seven hours and then the jury spoke as one [Music] Anthony Garcia guilty of murder and the deaths of Thomas Hunter Shirley Sherman and Roger and Mary Brumback Anthony Garcia who didn't testify guilty on all counts you know the breath just kind of comes out of you and it brings a lot of emotions back because you think about I can see about Thomas and and Shirley and Roger and Mary thank you for two cops it was the answer to nearly a decade of Relentless work you have been called the hero of this story you can't shake that off fast enough oh no not at all you're describing to me a tireless investigation by a lot of detectives in our department and other agencies but Omaha that proud Midwestern City wasn't buying Derrick Moyes and Scott Warner's modest ways and when they approached a room full of the victim's loved ones tell me what happened you walked in I don't even want to say it why not I don't know I can see it in your face this was the most emotional moment wasn't it one of them yes for sure [Music] the victims families stood and applauded it's very gratifying that's that's I think why we do what we do and just finally after seven years you can kind of let it go a little bit say okay these families have got their answer [Music] three families shattered three plus one they got the wrong person I still don't believe it will you be at the sentencing oh yes the firstborn son of hard-working people he grew up and a healthy environment what changed them I don't know the boy who followed his dream now up for the death penalty I have to be there I don't know if I ever see him again [Music] if there is room for irony in a murder story it belongs to the butres police believe that the butras not the brumbax would be dead the butris had not been at that Mother's Day brunch with their slow-moving elderly friend if you had been home 20 minutes earlier what would have happened we were both dead we would be having this conversation that was either them or us outside Creighton Medical Center where every single day countless doctors bind wounds help and heal their sits in the cool Stillness a statue [Music] it is Tom Hunter forever an 11 year old child at play for eternity [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: 48 Hours
Views: 2,142,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, cbs news, 48 Hours full episodes, Omaha, stabbing deaths, Anthony Garcia, resident evil, Thomas Hunter, Shirlee Sherman, Roger Brumback, Mary Brumback, Creighton University.
Id: sSmbBUIz588
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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