Temple Of Aminishi (ED1) Guide - How To Deal With ALL Boss Mechanics - RuneScape 3

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how's it going guys and welcome back to another video so in this video we are going to be making a guide on the bosses in ed1 now i have spoken a lot about 81 in the last few videos that i have done and from that i've had a lot of questions on ways to get better for people and um tips and stuff like that and just basically dealing with the bosses mechanics as a whole so rather than me going and answering every single individual person i will now be able to link you guys this video hopefully you find it useful and hopefully i can answer plenty of questions and hopefully by the end of it if even if you can't get any kills you'll be able to get some and if you can get kills hopefully be more efficient and hopefully you'll find it a lot more easy now usually i don't actually make guides for this game especially pvm guides as i have a lot of room for improvement as well and there is definitely a lot of stuff for me to learn through pvm and especi even on this boss as well however not that being said that doesn't mean that i can't give you guys a basics guide going over the bosses individually talking about the mechanics they they have giving you a way to deal with those mechanics and giving you a few pointers here and there to make your kills better make your kills more consistent and maybe even make them a lot more efficient i'm not gonna be going massively into depth about gear and stuff like that as a lot of you will probably know what the best sort of gear to bring is just bring the best gear that you have for the combat style that i recommend and basically i will show you a screenshot of my inventory which you can then copy if you would like to do that and we will move on to the kills from that point however one last thing before we start do share your thoughts about this guide in the comment section below as i will be very interested to hear what you guys think about it as if enough people find it helpful and maybe this type of guide being different from others is more useful to specific people then who knows maybe i'll make a few more guys just like this for the bosses as well anyway the very last thing is of course if you find this video helpful make sure to leave a like on it and of course if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe as well but let's not waste any more time let's talk about the gear very very quickly okay so let's quickly go over the gear this won't take too long as basically you can use any combat style in easy one all of them work absolutely fine melee is just slightly harder to use so i'd recommend learning on magic or range you're going to want to bring your best gear that you have for each combat style it doesn't matter if you are using normal t90s or not it's still worth bringing as the profit you'll be making will cover the costs absolutely easily no problem however if you do have access to elite armors then bring those along as it does not degrade and elite dungeons and it will save you a lot of money on costs as you don't have to repay your armor or anything like that otherwise just bring the absolute best you do have let's just talk about the specific things that i needed to go over in gear things that will help you out and things that i recommend you bring that is going to be the dominion mines these will help you kill the crystals a lot quicker i will talk about that when we get closer to it though if you don't have them don't worry you can still do ed1 cereal will just be slightly slower the next thing is going to be the adrenaline potion make sure you've got an adrenaline potion most of you will bring that when you come to a boss anyway but it's definitely absolutely needed for the crystals on cereal it will make it a lot easier if you want to jump into things like two or single jump cycles definitely bring that along the next thing is going to be the illuminated book of chaos this is the samurai book and if you have the pages in there and activate it this will proc every now and again doing aoe damage makes clearing the dungeon a lot quicker clearing minions makes it so much faster the next thing is the mechanized chin chompers if you're using range bring these along you'll be able to pull the mobs in a way where you can stack them up and you can clear out the mobs a lot quicker with the chin chompers active and also if you're on magic you could probably bring along barrage if you fought it that way every time you use a four tick it will use the barrage and it will clear off minions a bit quicker as well otherwise that is it for the gear the um eof that i've got doesn't have anything in it it's just gothic staff so it's not anything that i'll use for range i would recommend bringing the vulnerability bombs but other than that you don't need to worry about anything else just look through my inventory match that with some food and stuff and you'll be good to go anyway let's jump into the first boss and talk about that okay so the first boss is the sanctum guardian this is a awkward boss for people who are learning in my experience at least and from people that i know but once you've got it down it becomes really simple and fairly quick so definitely don't worry if you struggle at first you will pick it up and it will get a lot easier like i said in this i'm going to be going over the mechanics and just showing you an example of them as i do talk about them and giving you a way to deal with them and once we've done that that is basically it we'll be moving on to the next boss to begin with with this fight you're going to want to be protecting from range make sure you've potted up done all that good stuff and then you're going to want to drop your death witness and tag the boss make sure you start the fight where i am here there's a reason for that and i will explain that as we get to the mechanic but imagine the room was split in two you're gonna want to stand on that line that splits it that's where you start your destwiffness and then you will see as i do now i step to the left as soon as i tag the boss make sure you do that as well step to the left it will avoid you taking a lot of damage from one of the mechanics but we will talk about the mechanic when we get to it so for now you're going to want to start just doing normal dps rotations however your first mechanic is going to be happening very very soon so keep an eye out for that the first mechanic is going to be the sanctum garden using a splash attack that will do a melee damage to you you're going to want to protect from melee when you see this happen you will notice this happening by he will put his hands under the water and as soon as you see him move his hands down you're going to want to protect from melee or use resonance if you want to get a good heal from that and that will basically just deal with that for you if you protect from melee you'll probably take about 1k to 1.5 k damage or if you don't have it then you will be taking between 4 and 5k damage and that is definitely something that you either want to res or reduce with that protect from melee prayer as soon as you take that one hit from melee or whether you res it you're going to want to change back to protect from range as he will continue attacking with range from this point okay so stay on your toes because the next mechanic is coming very very quickly but if you step to the left like i mentioned at the beginning then you've already prepared for this mechanic so don't panic you've pretty much done all of the hard work so far the next mechanic is a big water blast and this will start on the line that we drew halfway down the room and he will always start it at the exact same point this will then move around the room and if you get caught in it you're going to take a lot of damage if you get caught in it and move with it then you take tick damage and it will probably kill you straight away it's timeless damage so prayers do not reduce the damage that you take from this the reason you stood to the left hand side is because this will then start and you will not get hit by it once the beam has moved from that starting spot you're going to want to just step over to the right hand side of that invisible line from that halves that room and once you are on that side you are safe to just stand there and dps you can flick two soul split for this whole time that he's using the special attack as he will not attack you with anything else so you can get some good heels in here as well so definitely worth doing once that beam does come back and he stops doing that chuck back on your protect from range and move yourself to the left hand side of the half of the room this will prepare you for the next mechanic which we're going to talk about now okay so next up he's going to be putting a smoke cloud on you and you will have a timer above your head to place where that is going to go if you place that in the middle of the room you're going to make your life a lot more difficult as if you step in it you're going to be taking a lot of damage you're going to get stunned and you'll probably die these are deadly make sure you place them in a good place i'm going to show you though where i place them so you get a good idea of where to be putting these okay so once you see that bar appear above your head and you have this smoke on you you're going to want to make sure you place these somewhere that you're not going to be returning to for the rest of the kill so the way that i do this is i place them off to the left hand side of the room i'll show you now on a freeze frame of how mine looks at the end of a kill where you can see all the smokes placed and then it gives you an idea of what places you can put these down to place them basically just run over to the place that you want them to drop and stand there for a second and as soon as that bar runs out it will drop some smoke the second that smoke drops you're gonna want to get out of it just get out of it get back into the normal land and you'll be all right don't worry don't go back into smoke at this point otherwise you're gonna take quite a lot of damage now the reason that i place the smokes on the left hand side rather than on the right is if you do place it on the right you absolutely can but after one more auto attack from when the smoke drops there's gonna be the water blast again and if you are on the right hand side of that room you're gonna get caught by it so the reason i place it over to the left is you just already prepared for it you don't have to get on the other side so it's not a problem on reckless or you're probably gonna get about three or four of these smokes maybe five if you are getting used to the boss and taking a little bit longer than you would normally but just remember to keep them out of the way took them off to the left as far as you need to and you'll be absolutely fine okay so after this the water blast like i said will be done after one auto attack and then basically the fight will refresh you'll have the water blast then you have the melee hit and then you have the smoke once you get his health quite a bit lower he will spawn at two little minions that will attack you but you can just pretty much ignore them i don't think i've ever killed them on this boss so just ignore them unless you are absolutely struggling with food then maybe you might want to clear them off but this boss really doesn't cause you to eat that much food and to be honest you probably won't even notice that those things are there so next up we have masuta and this is a boss that some people really really really struggle with and others find really easy but long story short is basically kite the butt around don't let him hit you with the big spin attack that he does and you'll be pretty much good to go of course you will have to deal with other mechanics as well but i'm about to go over those now all of them are fairly easy to deal with so it's not too much of an issue the biggest thing in my experience is just basically stay away from him when he's using his spin attack anyway the things you need to know before the fight is you're going to be protecting from merely for the majority of the fight he will throw out random ranged attacks but it's not too much of an issue and once you reach phase two you will be using protect from magic but obviously i'll talk about that as we get to it and then on the last phase you'll be using protect from range flicking to protect magic every now and again so yeah there's three phases and the first phase is in my opinion probably the place where most people are going to die if they do so in the first phase your biggest worry is going to be his hurricane attack now you can see this by he will start spinning and it will hit you for quick melee damage in up to three spaces away from him so you're gonna want to stay away from him when he does this or use devotion but keep an eye on your timer as it will probably run out before his hurricane does this is probably by far the biggest killer at masuta for most people and as long as you stay away from this then you'll probably be okay if devotion isn't up then just make use of surge and blade of dive and just kite away from him there's no reason for you to be in melee distance to be honest so when i was learning this boss i actually just kited the whole of the first phase as it just made it a lot easier while i was learning on when the attacks would be coming at what time so if you do get to the point where you just keep forgetting that the hurricane attack is about to start then you get caught in it and take a lot of damage then just start cutting the boss around the room you can just run up and down the stairs running from one end to the other and he will chase you along he will still use his melee hits so don't worry about that but this just means that when he does start spinning you've already got a head start in him you'll be able to stay the hell away from him a lot easier but just keep in mind that if he does catch up with you you can use devotion you can search and blade a dive through him and i believe if you do search through him you will only take one of the hits so don't worry about it too much it's definitely something you can do the next mechanic that you're gonna want to worry about is going to be the purple smoke now this is very very easy to see as he charges up a lot of purple smoke around him and this is basically going to hit you for a lot of magic damage what you're going to want to do is just dps him until it starts charging up a little bit you do have a little bit of time and then just stay the hell away from him if you're unsure about how long you have um when you're first learning of course then you can just stay away from him straight away as soon as you see this at some point he will stop running and stop chasing you and as long as you are out of his reach at the point that he fires off the magic attack then you won't take any damage once you have a better feel for how long it takes for him to charge up this magic attack you can stand and dps him for a fair amount of time and then once it's getting pretty close you can surge out of the way and you'll be absolutely fine if you don't move then you can get hit one by the magic attack that he's charging up and also he will fire off a tsunami as well which i probably don't need to tell you will deal a hell of a lot of damage after this he will rotate back to do more auto attacks and then the hurricane again so just get ready to kite him and stay away from the hurricane check if your devotion is ready if it is then by all means you are safe to go and do some more dps otherwise just kite in fire off abilities as you do so and you'll be good to go there are a couple of other mechanics in this phase which you don't really need to worry about too much as they won't do that much damage one is called pulverize at this point basically just keep moving as soon as you see that you will have maybe one game tick to move when he says i'll pulverize you if you don't move then it will deal melee damage to you but it's not a hell of a lot so don't worry about it too much and the other one is clones he will summon a clone in melee range next to him and if you are in melee range then both of them will hit you at the same time it can do a fair amount of damage but it's honestly something that you don't need to worry about too much just keep your distance from him through phase one and you'll be good to go okay so once you face him at around about half health then he will levitate above the ground you will still be able to target him but you will not be able to do any damage to him whatsoever so you can basically stop attacking at this point and keep an eye out around the room as he will summon some thrashing waters you're gonna want to kill these off in melee distance if you can because this will charge up a protection buff which you'll be relying on for phase three to reduce the damage from his special attack in that phase this is fairly easy to understand just pray magic surge around the room to where the um threshing waters have spawned getting melee distance and kill them off as quick as you can they will spawn from both sides of the room just head around bladed dive and surge as quick as you can to get to them if their threshing waters start stacking up a little bit just use devotion with your magic prayer on as they do attack fairly quick and do quite a bit of damage you will eat during this phase don't panic if you seem like you're eating a lot as you really won't need all that much for phase three if any at all so once he has finished spawning all of the thrashing waters you may still have some left once he has finished spawning them he will go into phase three and he will start hitting you of range whether you have killed all of the flashing waters or not if you have any thrashing waters left to kill make sure you kill those off before you change your prayer from magic to range as his range attacks will do less than the threshing waters will so make sure you keep that magic prayer on also his special attack on this phase is a magic damaging hit so until you do change to range you don't have to worry about the special attack so don't panic get the threshing waters killed and then once you've done that you can move on to phase three phase three is very very easy to deal with so don't worry about it too much once you've reached this point you've pretty much got there to the end of the kill you just need to do a bit of dps now once you get to phase three all the threshing waters are dead then change to protect from range as his attacks will be range damage until he does a special attack when he does his special attack he will jump into the air you're going to want to change to protect from magic and when he lands he will fire off a magic wave to you and if you have a magic arm and you're charged up plenty of the protection from the buffs from the refreshing waters then you'll probably take no damage whatsoever as long as you have that protection on it will hit you every now and again but it won't do too much damage so don't panic mechanics wise to phase three that is all you need to know he's going to hit you with range for the majority of the kill and then you're going to need to change the magic when he jumps in the air and then straight back to range once you've been hit by the magic hit don't panic about anything else that is all you need to do the rest is just dps so get down your death witness throw your vulnerability by mount use your dreadnips if you are absolutely going for the best kill speeds you can and go ahead and dps to your heart's constant just keep in mind that every few hits he will jump into the air again so get ready for that magic player if you are running low on food at this point you can actually use resonance on the magic hit and just keep your protection from range on this will heal you for about 5k if it doesn't splash and it is very very good way of keeping your health up if you don't have any food left make sure to use devotion if you are running out on food and don't forget your excalibur if you haven't used it yet but congratulations if you've got to this point that is the end of masuta and now we will move on to syria okay so we've done the first two bosses you've got through and now we are on the big bad dragon we're on this area so we've got to figure out how to kill this badass dragon without getting absolutely destroyed every single time well this boss has a lot of mechanics but in all honesty once you have figured out this boss he's probably easier than the other ones in the first bit of the dungeon honestly this boss becomes a hell of a lot of fun and it becomes really easy to do you can know food cereal and to be honest the only difficult thing here is just basically getting faster faster kills and trying to do the two jump cycle and then eventually i guess the one jump cycle so the overall goal of this kill is going to be dpsing cereu down to 7.2 million health when he gets to 7.2 million or just below he is going to basically kind of fall asleep i suppose or he will like put his head down on the ground and this will allow you to climb up onto his back on each side of his head there will be a certain bit that you can grapple to and climb over and once you've climbed over there'll be three crystals on his back these crystals are holding him in place and you're going to need to kill these three to finish the fight you don't need to do the 7.2 million health altogether you just need to get them down to 7.2 million every time you want to jump up and then as soon as all three crystals are killed then you have finished the fight and you will get your reward of course that does sound super simple however there's a lot of mechanics to stop you from getting two series back which will kill you pretty quickly if you don't do it properly so let's go over those one at a time now just like we did with the other bosses okay so there's lots of mechanics for cereu but none of them are specifically in an order they are random as far as i can tell anyway i've never noticed a pattern to them so these are things that i was going to talk about specifically in the order that i got them in the video you are watching and then once we've covered them all you'll be able to keep an eye out for them when you do your fight and hopefully you'll be able to deal with those in the ways that i do let you know how to do it to start the fight what i usually do is devotion just before i aggro cereus that way you will not have any adrenaline costs for that and you take a little bit less damage so it's definitely worth using and also drop down your death witness do not use your adrenaline potion as you are going to need this cooldown ready for when you hop up to kill the crystals you're definitely going to need that so don't use it at the beginning here or else it will be on cooldown and you won't have access to it okay so you see me do just that and the very first mechanic that i get is you'll notice on the left hand side there is a hand of cereu and that's gonna smack the ground and when it does that there's gonna be a tendril sort of black hole thing that appears below your character where you're stood and you're gonna need to move two squares away from your position to avoid this you'll notice i do it pretty much as soon as that hand does hit the ground as i can just sort of see it in the corner of my eye this would be something that you've picked up with a little bit of practice here as at first you may miss it a couple of times but just keep an eye out for that hand if you can once you have moved there will still be a little black hole and the tendril on the floor where you were but don't go back to that space until it has cleared otherwise you would take a lot of damage and it can possibly kill you fairly quickly if you are in your death witness do try and stick to the outside of it otherwise you may have to walk around your death witness in an awkward position just like i have done in this part of the video and it's just a lot easier to make sure those portals do spawn on the outside of the death swiftness so you can move over fairly easily so the next mechanic that i got was the huge breath that he does and this does a lot of magic damage however because it is magic damage and because when he does this he just he stops attacking you you can use res and you can take a massive heel from this this will allow you to pretty much no food cereal you can see this by a little text box will pop up saying serious takes a huge breath and then you'll notice that he sort of swings his head from the left hand side to the right and he'll fire out like a big fire beam as he does so once his head reaches the full right hand side you will take a massive magic hit so what you can do is as soon as you see him say that he takes a huge breath you can chuck on your shield you can check on resonance and then you can chuck on soul split not having protect from magic on when you use the res here you can literally go from nearly dead to pretty much full health every single time that you do actually get res he will use this just a little bit too much for you to res every single one of them so what i suggest doing is if you are kind of low health or mid health then make sure to use devotion or debilitate the second time that he does this and then every other time he does it you'll be able to use resonance what i tend to do now at this point though is just ignore the second one keep protecting magic on pretty much just tank the damage that it does and just focus on dps because once you are not worried about getting hit by the mechanics you can pretty much no food this whole kill including tanking one hit of the fire breath and then using the next one to heal fully again but that is pretty much as simple as that mechanic gets as soon as you see him say that he takes a huge breath you're gonna check on your shield use resonance and check on soul split otherwise you want to use devotion or debilitate or just tank it with your magic prayer on making sure that you do have plenty of health to do so the next mechanic that i had to deal with was the shadow energy that burst from cereu this will land on the arena somewhere and it will just basically send hands directly to where you are when it did land so for example if you were off to the left-hand side of the room and it landed in the middle as soon as it does land it will see where you are and it'll send a line of hands along the ground to your position if those hands pass through you they will do quite a lot of damage however it is very very easy to avoid and there's two ways that you can avoid this mechanic the first one is wait until the energy lands where it is indicating on the area and as soon as it does land just take a step a couple of steps in a different direction from where you were it will always go to exactly where you were when it landed so as long as you move one or two squares away from where you were when it did land then it will not pass through you basically just picture a straight line drawing from the point on the map where it does land going directly to where your character was and then just step out of that line as long as you're not in the path of the hands you won't take any damage they won't turn to come and get you that's pretty much all you have to do to deal with this mechanic so just keep an eye out for where it's going to land as it will have a marker and then as soon as it does land step out the way and you're good to go the other way you can deal with this mechanic is basically just standing on the marker before it does land so if if he places this marker right by your character and you can stand on top of it before the energy does actually land once the energy does land as long as you are stood exactly on top of that marker it will basically just completely get rid of the whole mechanic like it will not send out any hands it will just absorb and it'll be completely gone now i don't usually tend to do this because sometimes if you miss click it can literally get you killed straight away as the hands will be directly right next to you and they'll spawn right on top of you very very quickly and that's a lot of damage that you could have avoided or it may be even the death that you could have avoided as well all right so there's only one more mechanic that we need to go over before you jump up to the crystals and then of course there'll be those ones to do but we'll talk about that in just a second the last mechanic you could get is a triangle of hands that will come out from near series head there's not too much notice that this is going to happen except for the fact that he will slightly nod his head a little bit but it's not the most obvious thing especially if you're learning and you're not really paying attention to all the little things that he's doing as you're probably watching out for all those mechanics as well but as you can see here a triangle of hands will start appearing from the edge of the arena near cereus head these will just go directly from that side all the way to the other and obviously the further along the map they go then it does sort of spread out as it does come out in like a triangle shape this is nice and easy to avoid all you really need to do is when you see it come out from one side of the map just head over to the other side and if it does come out from the middle then just pick a side and stick to it now this doesn't mean that you can only have one set of hands it is possible to get more than one however it doesn't really make it that much more difficult to avoid as long as you have things like bladed dive or surge you should be absolutely fine you can search through these you can play the dive through them as long as you don't stop in the middle of them once you use your sergio blade dive you'll be absolutely fine so what i would suggest doing is as soon as these appear just head over to the other side of the area which is free and just get nice and cozy over there until the hands have cleared and then once that's done you can even move back if that's the side that you need to be on or if there's hands coming on your other side as well if there's two lots of hands then just play the dive or surge into a free spot make sure you can sort of stay to dps if not then just wait for it to clear and then head back afterwards it's not too much of an issue if while you're learning you don't get constant dps just focus on dealing with the mechanics and slowly getting this health down to that 7.2 mil mark now that you know how all the mechanics before jumping up to the crystals work it's pretty much just looking out for these at random until you get the health down to the 7.2 mil mark all right so you've got to 7.2 mil health and serious sort of collapses and rests on the platform you can now head over to either the right hand side or the left hand side of his head and there'll be grapple options on each side of that to be able to jump over to the platform that his head is connected to your goal here is to destroy the three crystals that hold him in place so you're going to want to do as much dps as you can this is a massive dps check but don't worry if you are someone who is still learning dps rotations you can do this in a safe way and you can just make progress and chip away at it if you have tier 90s and decent gear like that and you are completely new and your dps isn't all that great then you could possibly do this in three rotations fairly easily just jump up kill one crystal each time that you do get to the 7.2 mil and just work on it that way that's absolutely fine if it takes you a little bit longer then don't worry you can just chip away at your own speed but just keep in mind that you're going to want to be able to dps this down as fast as possible just to make your kills faster the kills can drag out a lot as you will have to go back down and get him back to 7.2 ml health to jump back up for the next time as well so you will see as soon as he does phase that i can jump up i will jump over to the cliff and i will right click one of the black crystals this will allow me to target it straight away as sometimes the camera can be a little bit iffy as soon as i get up i will click to attack that and then i will surge forward and use death swiftness of course if you're on magic you will use your sunshine if you are a melee then you will use berserk and then it's basically just dps from here use your adrenaline potion that you saved because you're going to need it for here if you used it earlier it will be on cooldown and that's a lot of dps that you've just missed out on you can also use dreadnips here as long as you take a step back and if you have them in your mind you can drop them down however if you are planning on doing a two jump kill then you want to save the dominion mines for the next crystal so don't use them yet if you are planning on just doing one crystal a jump then drop your two dominion mines step back drop your dreadnips if you have them and then carry on dpsing while you are up here you will see blobs spawn from the middle of the room and they will head towards serious head each blob that gets into ceru's head will be an uber heal on the crystal so you definitely do not want this to happen if you can kill off the crystal before the blobs reach the head then happy days you can completely ignore it as the uber heels will not respawn any crystals if you can kill one off before the blobs reach then what i would suggest doing is finishing off one of the crystals letting the uber heels go through and then starting on the middle crystal however for people who are learning there's a good chance that you will not be able to finish this first crystal off just yet on your first run before the blobs actually reach it so what do you do what you're going to do is as soon as you see those blobs spawn you're going to keep an eye on them as soon as they get a little bit further down the platform you're going to want to jump down and go back and kill the blobs using things like chain or ricochet and of course things like corrupted blast or corrupted shot will help you kill these very very quickly just keep in mind that you have to tag them at least once each otherwise they will just walk past the other ones and go straight into his head and heal it up once all the blobs are dead head back up to the platform and finish off your first crystal while you are doing this you will notice a second set of blobs does spawn and these will start heading towards siri's head again don't worry you don't have to run back down again as this will automatically throw you off the top of the platform and into the middle of the room you will be stunned so you will have to use freedom at this point to get out of that stun as soon as you get down spam your freedom key and as soon as you are free kill off the blobs make sure they don't reach stereo as if they do it will heal off any progress that you have made on the other crystals okay congratulations if you can get to this point and if you can kill off the crystals without getting overhealed then you can get a kill even if it does take you three or four jumps if you are duo or trioing this boss you can always just send one person down to clear the blobs and then head back up while the other person stays at the top and continues dpsing once all three crystals are dead congratulations you have finished stereo and hopefully you get a massive scale drop and a lot of money made just a heads up the money from this boss definitely comes from solo in a solo you can get a hell of a lot more scales than if you went as a duo or a trio unfortunately that is just the way it is okay so now that you can get kills how do you improve and how do you possibly get the two jump kills to bring your 12-minute kills down to even something like six minutes or less so to achieve a two-jump kill what you're going to want to aim to do is clear the first crystal off before the first set of blobs actually reached serious head you are absolutely going to want dominion mines for this unless you maybe have an ecb or something like that you can maybe get away with it if you have really really good dps but would highly recommend having them in your minds it will make your life a lot better so you're gonna want to jump up clear off the first crystal before the blobs reach ceru's head and then as soon as you've cleared that you're gonna want to head up to the second crystal and wait for the uber heels to come through the uber heels come through in sets of two and there is three different sets you're going to want to make sure that you use a vulnerability bomb under the middle crystal and wait for the first set of uber heels to come through once you see the first set of uber heels then throw out your bleeds onto this crystal and then wait for the second set as soon as you see the first heel of the second set come through you're going to want to double click your dominion mines take one step back and then start an onslaught at this point you can deploy a dreadnip and you can also use your enhanced excalibur this will heal you up and the dreadnip will do a bit of extra damage for you as well you're going to want to just basically let your full onslaught go and cancel it just before you do die at this point if you have time you're gonna want to throw on your blades again and then you'll get pulled down to the arena just like i said the second set of blobs will pull you into the middle of the arena so spam your freedom key as soon as you get down there and kill off the blobs hopefully the crystal should have got below half health personally i do like to see it get to around about 50 to 60k health at that point it does make it a little bit easier once you jump up the second time to kill off both crystals at this point you're gonna want to dps down to 7.2 mil again and jump up the side that you didn't jump up the first time this time your rotation is going to be slightly different than the first time you're going to want to jump up and right click the crystal like i said the first time around and surge forward use your death swiftness or sunshine or berserk drop your dominion mines straight away as they will be off of cooldown again step back use your dreadnips or just start dpsing as much as you can and what you aim to do in this time is one kill off the first crystal before the blobs reach it but to finish off the kill you're also going to have to finish off the second crystal as well before it gets healed up so this is why you use the dominion mines on the first crystal this time to get it down quicker and then hopefully you can get this killed off before the blobs get the uber heels in and if you can then hey you've just done the two jump kill and hopefully cereal is gonna drop you a hell of a lot of scales well i'm pretty sure i remember saying at the beginning of the video that this will be a quick guide to the bosses they definitely took a little bit while longer for me to explain than i did initially expect but hopefully at this point now it has helped you out and hopefully you have learnt quite a lot about the bosses and i hope that they have become a little bit easier for you to understand and get kills on now this guide is different to the normal ones that you'll see on youtube however i have always said that i am not really interested in making guides like that as personally i don't really enjoy making them but this is a style of guides that i am actually happy to do if you guys find it helpful i suppose the way i look at it is kind of like teaching someone you know how to do the boss basically just explaining the stuff to them as you're doing it along the way personally i learned this game a lot better that way and i know a few people who do as well so i figured you know what i might as well give it a try see how you guys react to it and see if it does help you out if it doesn't then hey i can leave the guys out for the future not a problem but if it does help you out then do let me know in the comments leave a like in the video so that i know that it has helped and if it has helped then i will probably make more of these for the bosses if people are interested anyway i really appreciate you all watching it definitely has been a fairly long video and i hope that you did get something out of it now i am not just going to leave it here for you guys to have a load of questions if there is any get them in the comments leave some questions i will answer probably every single comment that i do get i am still at the point where i can do that so i like to do that as much as i can leave some questions down there i will answer them if you have any and hopefully i can help you get through any sort of confusion that you may have if you want to maybe even go and learn this boss with some other people jump into my discord channel you can assign yourself the ed rolls and you will also be able to ping other people who have those roles assigned to them in the looking for group channel it is getting a little bit more active in there so hopefully you guys can get involved and enjoy it as it would be awesome to see you guys all pvmming together and hopefully i'd even be able to join at some point as well anyway again i really really appreciate you all watching thank you so much for doing so i hope the video helped if it did make sure to leave a like make sure to subscribe and i will see you in the next one see you later guys bye as always thank you so much to my channel members we have andy v and griffo tubes you guys are absolutely awesome so thank you very very much if anyone else is interested in seeing the perks that you do get for being a channel member you will get things like early access to videos with no ads stuff like that uh some remotes and stuff but there is a join button next to subscribe button if you want to check those perks out
Channel: Init Yeah
Views: 48,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RuneScape 3 Ed1 Guide, RuneScape 3 Elite Dungeon 1 Guide, RuneScape 3 Seriyu Guide, RuneScape 3 Temple Of Aminishi Guide, Temple Of Aminishi, Seriyu, RuneScape 3 Guide, RuneScape 3 Seriyu, RuneScape 3 Ed1, Runescape 3 Masuta Guide, RuneScape 3 The Sanctum Guardian Guide, Masuta, The Sanctum Guardian, Seriyu 2 cycle, Ed1 Guide 2021, Runescape 3 ed1 guide 2021, runescape 3 money making guide 2021, runescape 3 money making guide, init yeah, runescape 3, rs3 pvm, rs3, ed1 guide
Id: 38tOjMIH18s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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