Temple Denial (West Texas Holy Temple Conference)

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we're reading the portion life of Sarah this week in a couple of weeks we're going to see how her grandchildren great-grandchildren ed down into Egypt a few weeks after that we're going to be experiencing the first Pesach a few weeks after that we're going to have the sinai experience again and where Moses receives the visions of the Mishkan and we learn about a young man and betsa Al and this young man was very talented and I hesitate to compare because I think he would resist me comparing him to Bezalel because I know is not just a divine revelation that L knows what he knows because it's taken a lot of hard work a lot of internship a lot of down on your hands and knees digging and sifting and dirty work and he is a very intelligent young man and I'm glad to know him while we were in Israel we went out past a little past his neighborhood into a place where a an ancient community was and he in the recent times had been used for some construction dumping but he showed us how to dig and we find shards of pottery and we'd show it to him he's yeah this from first Temple period showing another piece it's from Second Temple period and so well this was more modern and this one's a you just tell us just by looking at the pieces of pottery and I thought you know I'm gonna find a good piece here so I reached down and I picked up one and I asked him what's this one he said that's a roofing tile but I know he has had a lot of hard work and getting to where he is and I think he's got a lot to share with us he's dug a lot and now I asked him to come and dig in us and get us to see what you know see what you can find in us thank you so good evening y'all see some new faces here some faces I've known for many years doctor colleagues anyway thank you very much for coming here it's great to be here wait to be in Texas for the first time I learned a lot of things about Texas but most of it was vicarious I was never really in Texas before and one thing I learned is that there ain't no such thing as too much ammo there's only two times when you can have too much ammo on your person if you're drowning or on fire so what I have here today tonight is MO and I have a lot of it and I might not be able to spend all of it but we'll do we can and the ammo is evidence evidence that we have that we can that I cook that I've compiled which is out there anyone have any one of you can get out there google it go to the library it's out there but I've compiled it as best as I can to show and to answer our naysayers who dare claim that the Jewish temple never stood on the Temple Mount so well here we go by the way I'll be giving another talk about the sifting project and they kind of overlap there are certain artifacts that were found in the sifting project which which definitely have to do with the temple but I'm not going to be showing them tonight so that we don't take the wind out of the sails okay here we go and now can anybody recognize this quote okay so the reason I'm bringing this code this code tonight is because we've many of us have heard of Holocaust denial but temple denial not everybody heard of it and it's in many cases it's worse in many ways it's worse because there's nobody alive today who saw the temple there are still people with numbers on their arms that we're in the camps and can tell the tale but nobody alive today saw the temple it's also worse because the Jewish temple is the most central part of the Jewish people that's why we have this quote here I want to familiarize with this term does anybody here speak Arabic Elmas own phlegm Oh elmo's oh okay Emma's ohm is a term which has been used in recent years to when mentioning the temple and what it means is the alleged the alleged temple of the Jews as you can see so just a quick explanation temple denial the claim that the holy temple never existed in Jerusalem in other words not necessarily claiming that there wasn't a Jewish temple but it wasn't in Jerusalem or somewhere else here we have some quotes here's one in Yemen that's pretty far away Nablus nice place that's even better familiar good looking man here we have some beautiful quotes and some more beautiful quotes I guess you can read them I don't have to read them can everybody see okay so let me read it it became clear to us that the Jewish believe concerning the temple is nothing but a false claim that does not stand the test of scientific scrutiny I bet l-dub Mustafa Cairo University here's another one the myth of the false temple is the worst crime of forgery in history Abdul Rahim Hunnicutt Egyptian archaeologists we have somewhere I'm not going to read all them but you can see the pretty faces most of the quotes are you'll notice are of recent years the past 2025 years we have one from the 70s here a guy with the thing on his head but these are beautiful quotes and all claiming that the Jewish temple is nothing but a lie part of this this overlaps with what we call the laksa is in danger liable not only was it not a Jewish temple but anytime Jews try to get near even near the Temple Mount by excavations there have been bloody riots that have broken now you might remember 1996 and other riots and you can see these beautiful cartoons which are very reminiscent of the 1930s in Germany and Europe there we have some more beautiful cartoons just to show you a little bit of the anti-semitism which is part of this temple denial Alex is in danger well we don't store rocks and al-aqsa and throw them at cops so I don't know who's putting it locks in danger but that's just a thought okay so this is a quote I forgot where it took it from but it's true so temple denial has become a central tenet of Palestinian nationalism and in fact is aimed at undermining the Jewish claim to any part of the land this slowly is trickled down to the media to Western media and here we have a quote from the New York Times October 2015 underlined is the question in which many books and scholarly treatises have never definitely answered is whether the 37 acre site home to Islam's sacred Dome of the rock destroying and I'm not gonna be the rest of it but underlined I'm never definitely answered okay so the alleged temple we're not gonna get too much into an ESCO Trump took care of them but but anyhow it's actually a really important organization believe it or not I don't wanna I don't know what just stand here in badmouth them they do beautiful things all over the world preserving the heritage but for some reason whenever it comes to Israel it turn to fragment Frankenstein and everything is against us that's because there are Arabs within the organization that have hijacked organization organization and force it to to come up with all these ridiculous resolutions but we're not going to give them the the time we're not gonna even talk about them so by ok temple proof now why do we have this water here you probably heard Gabi barkay professor Gothenburg died when asked proved to me that there's a temple so what's his answer do I have to prove to you that water is wet doctor prove to you that the sky is blue one plus one equals two to rap but it's really ridiculous the notion that we have to prove there was a temple and we really don't have to we don't have to apologize for anything but it doesn't make an interesting topic of just discussion and learning to actually go and look at what we have what relics do we have what proof do we have for the temple so first of all the Muslims are the ones who actually have preserved the tradition of the temple and they've done it beautifully so again told mostly about twenty thirty years ago and here it is Dome of the rock where was it built right upon the the foundation stone which is the rock rocky outcrop the summit of Mount Moriah and it didn't build there for no reason by the way this is not a mosque I'm sure you all know that the reason they built it there is because that's where the temples stood I'm not going to go into all the history of the Muslims but this is the precise location where the temple stood and they built this dome again not a mask to protect em po was and they preserve the tradition now we're not gonna get too too much into this either but in early early Islamic times we have many many references to and allusions to their proper English to the fact that Islam recognizes solomon's temple and recognizes the place of solomon's temple on the Temple Mount you might have heard of Micah DC he linked a lot to master Solomon's Temple Abubakar Al what see preacher for Jerusalem and of course jalal al-din al-rumi who was a Sufi we define the constructionist alemannic house of worship as the building of the Alexa mosque the Sufi amar the ones who spin around well you might want to try that one day the original direction of Prayer in the early days of Islam was towards Jerusalem and familiar with that you're not familiar with that well it's a long story why we're not going to get into it but that was the original director of prayer for the first first decades one of the names of Jerusalem in the early Islamic period was Beit al-maqdis there was Ilya they were it was one of the names but Beit al-maqdis was another name and beta mag this is not from Arabic the word does not exist in Arabic better mark this is Beit HaMikdash which is Hebrew for the temple and again this is what they used to call Jerusalem here we have a beautiful picturesque village in the Hebron Hills though it's called nuba this was recently published about a year ago by two colleagues of mine Asaf alam in Peretz oven and in this mosque this is the method up the where they pray to the direction where they prayed to there is a stone with an inscription and according and judging by the style of the letters it has to be at least a thousand years old and that's because it's not the letters are not dated it's probably from the abbasid were feta made periods and on it it says the stone of course isn't secondary secondary use but the stone is from the original mask that was there earlier and this is a walk an endowment to bite and mock tease and al-aqsa mosque such that bite al-maqdis Sasha in Arabic is stone they're alluding to the Dome of the rock and they're calling it the stone of the temple doesn't get any better than that the Muslims preserve the tradition and temple up and like we said up until the 20th century including the early to mid 20th century where they wrote they wrote on their guidebook did I'm sure you're all familiar with that that that's the location of the temple and again most of the change came after 1967 and more than that in the 1990s when we had the peace the Peace Accords the original name for the entire temple mount enclosure again up until recently was commercially the noble sanctuary and today the whole the whole entire structure is called laksa they are slowly slowly taking over and everything is al-aqsa it's not only the mosque that was in the South but it's everything and here we have the new brochures doctor mask clarification for misconceptions I'm sure you're all familiar with this we see the change the same walk printed the earlier ones showing that that's the place of the temple now claim that stone the rock and not the Holy of Holies al-aqsa mosque not the temple I'll block wall and not the wailing well block was the magical mayor that Mohammed raid upon and we're not gonna get into that not tonight so the first thing we're going to talk about now we get to the proof our historical historical proof which is the most basic proof history is history what was was and you can't change that so we have first of all the Tanakh the Bible which up until today tells us more than anything about antiquity because we don't have many other written words in that time which of course first Kings second chronicles tells the story of the building of the temple by Solomon we have the continuous line of tradition throughout the ages which preserved the temples existence and location again even though Jews were exiled there was constantly a population of Jews in the Land of Israel and they preserved the location of the temple not only Jews by the way Christians as well and like we said Muslims the writings of Casale the Mishnah the to sift the Talmud the Midrash all talk about the the place of the temple especially of course mr. shioma historians historians who lived during the time in the temple show you're all familiar with Josephus who was alive and saw the temple with his own eyes saw the destruction and we learn a lot from him he's the main source during the Second Temple period that's - Cephas actually some say that it's not Josephus it's just an anti-semitic because of the nose but that's actually that's what I heard recently it's now Josephus it's just because the nose the cleanliness - Cephas we have pagan historians who had nothing to do no reason to say anything about the temple but yet they mentioned the temple they had no religious or any other reason to talk about it but they talked about the temple and that's the second Dam but we even have some historians who refer to the first Temple of Solomon so now we're going to talk about the archaeological evidence okay watch this okay archaeological evidence but before we proceed we have to remember few things both Jewish temples were completely destroyed this is according to was pre told in the prophesies and we know the story they were completely destroyed so it's gonna be a little bit hard for us to find the evidence for the first and second temples this is very important they want to have their cake and eat it too they want to forbid any excavation and on the other hand say that there was never a temple that's not fair and the Muslims destroyed many artifacts some on purpose so I'm just being dumb but we're gonna talk about that Saturday night and that's one of the parallels between the overlaps between this talk and the other talk but first we'll go to archaeological evidence of the Second Temple this there there are many many remains of the second temple the Temple Mount from that period and that's why we're gonna first go here well where's the evidence it's right in your face have you been to the Western Wall have you been to the Western Wall excellent next time go on top so anyhow the Western Wall is just a small little portion small little portion of the retaining wall but I put up by King Herod the Great in the 1st century BCE in order to expand the entire plaza and rent and we basically refurbished the entire temple and the wall stands sold today and here this is the way the wall looked during the Second Temple period and this is the Temple Mount during the Second Temple period not very different as you can see again it's right in your face so here we have the phases the several phases this is from lean rib Meyer by the way very important book to read the quest most of what I'm saying can be found there and here we have the phases we have the inner yellow cream color which is the 500 cubit Temple Mount from the first temple period we have a extension to the south in orange which is a hush money from the second century BCE and all the gray is Herod's work you can see to the north to the west and to the south is all the expansion that we see today again part of the temple here we see the phases first temple second temple and today so a quote from Josephus he talks about that there were four gates in the western side of the Temple Mount and actually we still have the remnants of these gates until today and you can see them if you go to Jerusalem there we have the four gates the first gate is called Warren's gate the bridge that you see afterwards is called Wilson's arch the next one over is Barclays gate and you can see the staircase to the South that is Robinson's arch and there all the alchemy scene today and they're welcome to go to Jerusalem so Warren's gate there's Warren's gate Wilson's arch this was a bridge which led from the upper city in the Western Hill into the temple into the temple here as well as an arch there are certain phases that might be a little bit later the archaeologists are actually working on it as we speak trying to distinguish between the various phases and actually where I work we receive material from this excavation and we're helping them do the work and now I'm going to take something to drink Barkley's gate this isn't the women's section the women's section in today's western wall you can see the lintel okay a limb tell of the of the gate bar of Barclays gate and there are two pictures here showing it maybe I'll point it out and here we have Robinson's arch of course this is the most probably the most familiar feature that we can all recognize and during the Second Temple period there was a a staircase leading above the street which was underneath the Temple Mount directly to the southern corner of the Temple Mount and we can see the remains of the arch today here's another another look at it and here's a another three-dimensional reconstruction of it this is on the street itself you can see the arch and another important thing and this is one of the most well-preserved Herodian parts of the Temple Mount that are still visible today one of the most elaborate examples of Herodian Mason masonry which is preserved from the Second Temple period and this is what's called the hold agates in this southern corner of the Temple Mount the gate parts of the gate itself the entrance are preserved as well as in an elaborate staircase with domed domed ceilings which are carved in beautiful state-of-the-art Roman Herodian style architecture you can see them till today this by the way was declared as a musk by the Muslims in the late 90s you here you see the ceiling here you see these this beautiful carving on the ceiling here we have the entrance so this is the entrance to hold the gates first we're gonna look at the entrance you can see how it would have looked during the Second Temple period and how it looks today the building on the left is a crusader building which was built against the southern wall of the Temple Mount and you see that you see a small projection right where that arrow is that's a a MyID gate that was added up but right above it you can see a relieving arch and a lintel we're leaving arch we're leaving the pressure from the arch and a lintel of this entrance this gate one of two gates of the holder gates leading into the tunnels here again we have another better depiction of it you can see where the blue arrow the really the relieving arch and right underneath it you can see a long rectangular piece of stone which is the actual lintel of the gate look at the left picture and the right picture and you can get a better idea here we have a a picture of the way and look during the Second Temple period you can see the beautiful domed ceilings the pillared the pillars with the columns and here we can see this is taken I think in the 19th century you can't really see it today because they were covered off but this is the actual pillar which again exist still today from the Second Temple period here's the ceiling the ceiling again still visible today what are the most well-preserved Herodian pieces of architecture is still available this is the exit from the hole de gates you can see behind it the Royal stoah the you can roast or store or Basilica which was one of the most beautiful features of Herod's Temple Mount again in the southern part of the Temple Mount here we have a section of it three the three columns of pillars and beautiful beautiful architecture with Corinthian columns I think 162 pillars altogether here we have okay and this is what Josephus says about this structure and it was the structure more not worthy than any under the Sun well right after the Six Day War when the place was when the area surrounding the Temple Mount was available for excavation excavations begun by professor Benjamin Mizzou was a world renowned archeologist one of the top Billick archaeologists in Israel at the time and they started digging in the south of the Temple Mount and lo and behold they discovered rebel were sorry rubble which collapsed during the destruction of the Second Temple and among this rubble were huge pieces of Architecture from this structure of the world Stora I saw some of this with my own eyes some of it is actually a display but I was in the I was in the cellar where these are kept prior to publication they're being published as we speak at least some of them and here are these pieces again beautiful elaborate cut limestone in typical Herodian style these were found right at the foot of the Temple Mount this one is a beautiful piece which is located in the president's house so everybody can see here we come to the next artifact which I'm sure you're I'm sure you all heard of did ever hear of this huh nobody heard of this exactly exactly so we have a Hebrew inscription on a huge piece of stone this piece of stone was the top of a railing which was right near the stoah west of the stoah right right near Robinson's arch and on it we have an inscription which says Annabeth key arveleï haha we really have okay better scare the trumpet in place and please which is to announce or deal which is to distinguish the Cephas talks about a place where they used to stand and blow the trumpets and also the Mishnah talks about it when Shabbos would enter and when Shabbos would be over right over there here's the quote from to Cephas you may read it and here we have on the left courtesy of the temple Institute and on the right a reconstruction of how it would have looked during the Second Temple period again surface and we come to the next artifact are we doing okay this is the famous so log inscription the slag was a short fence which to prevent any Gentile from approaching the area that they were forbidden approaching it is written in Greek it was found in 1871 by shallow Clement Ghana and it is in of course the Museum of Istanbul in Turkey here we have a quote from me dot which talks about this structure it was custom to bow down whenever you would reach the breaches which were breached in this wall by the Greek mr. Kings here we have the the commandments which are the reason for this barrier you may read them when the tavern a tabernacle set out the Levites shall take it down and when tabernacle to be pitched the Levites shall set it up and if any outsider comes near he shall be put to death so you shall appoint Aaron and his sons that they may keep their priesthood but the layman who comes near shall be put to death so this is a very serious issue and there were warnings to prevent anybody any Gentile from getting near the parts where they're not allowed to go in here we have a nice depiction of it with the actual stone on top with the inscription courtesy of the temple Institute and this is what the inscription actually says in Greek no Gentile may enter within the railing around the sanctuary and within the enclosure hmm whosoever should be caught will render himself liable to death by penalty which will inevitably follow this is from Josephus he quotes Titus when he lay siege on Jerusalem talking about this very inscription was it not you who inserted and engraved steel stealers proclaiming that no one must cross this this parapet did we not for me you to put to death those who cross it okay we have a historical reference and we have archaeological artifact it doesn't get any better than that this is a mikveh a Beth for purifying okay a ritual purification bath and this one is just south of the Temple Mount and it's a very large one there are many many of these mcnaught all around the Temple Mount now this is a very very important part of going to going into the temple purifying oneself before entering there was an average of never a Jewish temple how come the whole area is riddled with these mcvaugh all around the Temple Mount these are west of the Temple Mount the one in the right was recently published right near Wilson's arch very very large public mikvah in order to enable the pilgrims who would come the thousands of pilgrims will come during the the festivals and to prepare for entering the Temple Mount this is a very special mikvah this one is on the Temple Mount right underneath al-aqsa mosque it was I was documented by the British in the nineteen late 1930s early 40s after the earthquake that destroyed much of al-aqsa mosque this was published by Hamilton who was the archaeologist in charge of the British Mandate hmm we have another very very large ritual bath right by the offal which is a little bit more south but right near the Temple Mount and you may be familiar with this one this is the silla wan pool at the foot of the city of david the world is so uncool other than being a water source and a place where they would take the libation waters was also to many scholars one of these ritual baths now this Silla one pool led up with a walkway a stepped a steps treat all the way from the Silla one pool to the Temple Mount ascending the hill of the City of David here we have another depiction of it again all the way to the foot of the Temple Mount this street has been excavated in the past few years it is still being excavated the guy in the bottom is a friend of mine he's starting his PhD now and here we see the beautiful huge steps of this second temple period Street the broken steps on the right are because the broken steps on the right are because this is also mentioned by Josephus by the way when the Romans sorry cut that out when the Romans came to Jerusalem and breached the walls so many Jews hid underneath the stairs and the Romans of course broke the stairs to get them out and kill them underneath the stairs just like in any street was what sewage so edgy right this sewage has also been excavated and by le shu-kun another friend of mine and here we have a nice depiction on the left you can see the street and you can see the drainage system beneath it so like we said this street will lead directly underneath Robinson's arch underneath the cells the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount and right underneath sorry right underneath the cell the area of of Robinson's arch were many interesting artifacts that were removed from the sewage from this water channel one of them is this it is a token a fired piece of clay with an in with a Hebrew inscription on it which is written in Aramaic it reads the ha laya pure for God another reading of it by other scholars is this la isla flee or your leave these are all Aramaic this olive leaf means a ram day Sunday Li hua live which is very important a family of priests who took part of the temple anyhow what this item nevermind what exactly what it says in it because the scholars are not 100% sure it is 100% a token from the actual administration of the second temple I just happened to find it so that was published in 2011 here we have a quote from the Mishnah they were for token to the temple and one of them were inscribed calf ram kid and sinner which were issued as a receipt to those who deposited the appropriate funds ben azzai says there were five and they were described in aramaic again we have the text we have their archaeological evidence doesn't get better than that here's another another part from this Mishnah and here we have beautiful jewelry inspired by this artifact which was made by the City of David I bought my wife the silver earrings and here we have the Golden Bell again found in the same area you I'm sure most of you have heard of it the Golden Bell where the beautiful golden bell which actually made a sound and we know the the priestly garments the go the golden garments had 72 I think 30 yeah 72 bells a that's from exodus thank and there's no better explanation again this was found in the sewage channel right near the Temple Mount then the bell of the priestly garments if anybody can think of another explanation I'm open to hearing it by the way there was an x-ray done on this bill by the way this doesn't leave this room okay because it wasn't published there was x-ray done in this bill I just know the archaeologists there was x-ray done in this Bell and inside it the tongue is in the shape of a pomegranate I just spilled the beans and again we have beautiful jewelry inspired by this artifact made by the City of David okay continuing on are you familiar with this coin hmm okay so this is a coin called Judea CAPTA Judah is surrendered these were coins minted by the Romans after the destruction of the temple but there was no temple one of them was by Vespasian the other one was by Titus they were minted for several years and you can see the the the rulers on the left and on the right you can see the date' tree the date tree is a symbol of Judah of the land of Judah and on the right you can see a captured woman which represents Judah and a towering soldier which represents of course Rome these were minted again by the Romans and the Romans didn't stop there we have all heard of the arch of Titus which in the old city of Rome which depicts a a triumph of Roman soldiers returning with the spoils of the temple but there was no temple and here we have an in color this was recently published as well they found traces of color on on the arch and this was I would originally look this is a weakened reconstruction of how it would have looked before the color faded off we can see the trumpets which the Temple Mount was inspired by the way they were set up that's probably by the way the Johanna's have what hmm okay and here we have of course the menorah now why am i showing you this well the menorah is one of the most important symbols of the Jewish people after the destruction of the temple and the Romans made sure to depict this you can see you can see it being taken away here and this this is a very very important Jewish symbol the examples that I'm showing you here are from the times when the Second Temple still stood so the example on the left is well known is from the upper city the Jewish quarter of today and it is a carving on an stucco on plaster of the menorah the seven-branched menorah and on the right is the are the altar we see on the right a coin a coin of Martin : teego knows who was the last ruler of the hush money in dynasty again a menorah this is during the Second Temple period and on the bottom we have the tenor goat Israeli coin which it was inspired by that coin at the top and the bottom right is another artifact from the drainage channel underneath the Temple Mount this is a carving of a menorah perhaps done by a child that's what the archaeologists were thinking and that's just because of the rather schematic way it was done these are depictions of the menorah after the destruction of the temple again it continues to be a very important Jewish symbol the one on the left is from up north the one on the right as well the bottom is the bread stamp from the Byzantine period again with the menorah and this is a treasure that many of you have probably heard of which was found just south of the Temple Mount and it dates to the Byzantine period this is a golden Torah Torah scroll belt which holds the Torah scroll together and on it it has the menorah the shofar and a Torah scroll it was found by a lot Mazzello who is the the grand grand daughter of Binyamin Mirza who we mentioned earlier and of course today it is the symbol of the State of Israel and recently Israel gave a present to UNESCO a small replica of the menorah on Titus's arch okay good here on the left we have an ossuary so during the Second Temple period there was custom to first bury the body then collect the bones and put them into a small little box called an ossuary and these were found in burial caves there were family burial caves which the whole family would be buried in and something very often these are just plain just plain boxes but sometimes these boxes are elaborately decorated with beautiful decorations and other times there are actually inscriptions on them mentioning the deceased there is one from givethem fel north of Jews in northern Jerusalem which was found this I think is in the Israel Museum today and on it it says in Aramaic salmon bana jacala that's a Romaic for simon builder of the sanctuary or the hall okay so we have somebody who Herod by the way had thousands of people working for him to renovate the second temple and this perhaps was somebody who took part in this work and was very proud of it and that's what he wanted to be written on his ossuary so that's some evidence there this is a an Mount Scopus a very very famous burial and Mount Scopus [Music] which has written honored bones of the family of Nakano of Alexandria who made the gates the gates the gates to the the court of the Israelites very famous gates which are mentioned and the stories mention the Talmud there's a whole story about it if you want you can go to my father later and I'll tell you about it but we have several references to this this individual who donated the money for the gates of the temple that never existed here we have bacala coins you can see one of the silver ones several one on the right which has the trumpets but the best coin of all is this one which is a silver coin again the Bar Kokhba revolt was less than a hundred years after the destruction of the second temple and honored we have the sanctuary the actual temple again the many people alive during the because were revolt actually saw the temple with their eyes and here is the depiction of it okay do you have archaeological evidence for Solomon's Temple is that possible I don't know let's see there for its shell Zion for your sake we ploughed as a field and Jerusalem shall become heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest so that's from the prophet Micah so it's gonna be a little hard to find any evidence but first we'll start with some indirect evidence and this is the offal this is the offal which is a the highest point after the City of David and before the temple now this was a very important administrative area of the kingdom of Judah and that's a lot Michelle she found a wall there which dates to the time of King Solomon so we're getting very close here and in her excavation she found this seal impression with an official impression mentioning King Hezekiah himself this was published about two years ago I think I'm sure you heard of it and honor that says his qiao occas Miller Yehuda Chris Qiao son of Ahaz king of judah found several freed for the Temple Mount the eastern wall at the Temple Mount is the most ancient wall of the Temple Mount we have several references to this including Josephus who basically allude to King Salman himself building the eastern wall of the Temple Mount the Temple Mount as we know was 500 cubits and the rest was expanded north west and south and the area around that on the right is the cubit and the area around the golden gate here again we have the the showing the faces of the Temple Mount and you can see that the area the inner core is the most ancient so we expect to find in that area some evidence of the most ancient Temple Mount from the first temple period here we have this famous scene which is the scene between the Herodian temple mount and the Hasmonean extension but just north and south of the Golden Gate we have two courses of stones the right 168 feet the left 151 feet in length which are earlier than the hush-money in masonry okay these are stones that are cut in a rather crude manner and they don't look anything like huronian stones they don't look anything like Ashmolean stones here we see pictures of them and we see the location of them and they were worked in a different way than layer stones another picture you can see how worn they are and we have one more location a little south of there with several more stones which you can see the arrows which are still there today and these stones according to several scholars can't date before the 6th century BCE okay so they can't date before before that which mean which means that this is from the first temple period so here we have some evidence of the actual Temple Mount from the time of King Solomon this is a wall that was discovered in the 70s which may also date to the first time period it was later demolished by the Muslims here's some some photos taken of it this was after a renovation done by them again in the early 70s in 2007 a ditch was dug east east and north of the raised platform of the Dome of the rock this was to fix an electrical wiring or to install a new one this was actually supervised by the Israel Antiquities Authority and in this ditch so right now they found pottery dating to the first temple period on the Temple Mount to the led to the left you can see one of the cisterns are the Temple Mount this cistern was shown by TIFF Akatsuki who is the archeologist of the part of the chief archaeologist of the parks department of Israel so to be very very similar in morphology to other sisters which date to the first temple period this is on the Temple Mount you can see the location on the right and this is much larger than other cisterns which indicate that is very very important what was very very important on the Temple Mount I think we all know the answer to that these are beams which most of them lie in the area in the eastern area of the Temple Mount right near the Golden Gate and these beams were removed from the elack's a mosque after a large earthquake here are the beams and these beams are I've been on the Temple Mount for a long time antiquity and especially in Israel it's very hard to obtain timber so you use it over and over again some of these beams were dated some of these beans were dated and shown today to the Second Temple period and one of these beams actually this is from Biblical Archaeology review actually has a carving on it which might date to the Second Temple period as far as style okay here are some of these beams some of these beans were dated and two of the beams were dated to the first temple period and they were made of Cedars of Lebanon okay hmm we all know the famous story then here hi Ram gave salman cedar ants and Cypress logs according to all of his desire and Salman gave Hyrum 20,000 cores of weed as food for his household and 20 cores of pressed oil thus Salman gave to a high ramp year by year by the way the herbs have lately been burning it for heat so anyway I want to bless everybody here that you know Hyrum wasn't Jewish and some of you aren't either yet he definitely helped build the temple so I want to bless all you guys you may help my dad in doing that and we'll just end with a quote from the Muslims themselves from the famous booklet the site is one of the oldest in the world it's sanctity dates from the earliest perhaps from prehistoric times its identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute thank you very much
Channel: The Temple Institute
Views: 949
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Keywords: Temple Institute, korbanot, High Priest, Moses, Moshe, Aaron, Aharon, Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, HaMikdash, Tabernacle, Mishkan, Mikdash, Bible, Rabbi Chaim Richman, Parsha, Parshat, Hashavua, teaching, bible, Eretz, Israel, religion, educational, politics, inspirational, Temple, Ark, Para Aduma, Torah, תורה, ישראל, ירושלים, Genesis, Avraham, Abraham, Sara, Isaac, Offerings, Korbanot, Temple Denial, Challah, Channah, Altar, Mizbeach, Sacred Space, Makom, Ark of the Covenant, Aron haBrit, מזבח, ארון הברית, חלה, חנה, המקום
Id: IV6jfiRfovc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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