Telling Jordan Peterson How He’s Impacted My Life

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i'm a massive fan you have been a huge huge influence on where i've got to now and i think it wouldn't be too extreme to say that you don't understand the magnitude of the impact that you've had on people because you can't see how the impact you've had on people has had their impact on others you are degrees of separation removed from an undeniably better world as far as i can see it yes and so is everyone else yeah i mean you can be woken up to that and then i can tell you something about that because i do understand it to some degree i think because people constantly approach me and i see because i watch but i can tell you as well that there is nothing that's that's it's so gratifying that it's almost too much you know and it's a funny thing because you could say well what if you could have everything you wanted then the next question is do you really think you could stand that and so you know i'm in this unbelievably fortunate circumstance where people tell me about the steps they've taken to make their lives better in wonderment and they allow me to see that and it's it's very intimate you know and it's it's stunning i'm walking with a friend of mine quite regularly and he's a tough guy man he he's worked with delinquents his whole life so he's he's like a social worker superhero uh very physically tough person and a very masculine male but a social worker and very caring and he's been very helpful to me and he's been walking with me every day and people are stopping me and you know the other day this guy walked by us on the street and he was pretty run down he's probably in his mid 40s and he's kind of street person looking you know and he stopped and he looked at me and he came over and he said i love you and i walked away and my friend said you sure have a lot of men coming up to you and saying that they love you i mean i don't know i just don't know what to make of it it's so the behavior is so completely unusual and you know my wife too she said she's seen a whole different side of men especially since we started touring because of this happening because generally when people approach me and they're not invariably men but they probably are 70 percent of the time they're very polite and and very careful and she said that's showed her a whole side of men that she didn't even know existed and so it's it's it's something but i do believe that people you know it's i do believe that my experience has been that there isn't anything that i guess two things there isn't anything that's more rewarding than trying to do things right all other forms of reward pale by comparison they're not even in the same conceptual universe and there's nothing that's more adventurous than telling the truth you have no idea what will happen to you if you tell the truth and so if you're looking for an adventure a boy that's an adventure you've said that sometimes you feel ashamed because you don't feel worthy of being some sort of sage at the head of a movement of people that are sorting their lives out but in the nicest way possible you don't get to choose if people follow you we chose you like as the prototypical 27 year old directionless guy that stumbled onto your work something in you spoke to something in me you taught me the value of telling the truth and of being responsible and of doing what is right not what is easy it was like um it was like a pebble at the top of an intellectual awakening avalanche it was like a like a gateway drug to integrity and it's not just me that's got better the world is undeniably a better place because of the sort of person that i've become i'm a better friend i'm a better son i'm a better boss i'm a better partner i've had the fortune of reaching tens of millions of people on this podcast and i've given tedx talks and i've improved the texture of my own daily existence because of the process that your work triggered you do not know the depth of impact that your work has had and if the option had been there i and probably a lot of other people would have happily taken on our share of your suffering over the last year if it would have somehow helped as a thank you for how you've helped us so thank you it looks to me like you are doing that from everything you just said so you know hooray great that that's exactly how to do it and and it's a privilege to be uh involved in in this and you know god only knows what the consequences will be so you know we'll aim high and work hard and speak carefully and be appreciative and all of that and then we'll see what happens jointly thank you very much for tuning in if you enjoyed that then press here for the full unedited episode and don't forget to subscribe makes me very happy peace
Channel: Chris Williamson
Views: 589,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern wisdom, podcast, chris williamson, jordan peterson red skull, jordan peterson cathy newman, jordan peterson joe rogan, jordan peterson motivation, jordan peterson debate, jordan peterson interview, jordan b peterson, 12 rules for life, beyond order, maps of meaning, jordan peterson success, jbp, jordan peterson 2021, jordan peterson productivity, captain america, red skull, joe rogan, inspirational video, how to be successful, jordan peterson depression
Id: ZlKxF_1IGLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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