Teens React To Teen Mental Health In Film And TV (Euphoria, Saved By The Bell)

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- (Rue) The other thing about depression is it kinda collapses time. - (teacher) Rue, are you listening? - Oh. I've heard so much about this show. I haven't seen it yet. - I've heard of it. It's Euphoria. - It's a good show. It's very realistic. - (Rue) Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless and suffocating loop. - Oh! That's Zendaya, right? - I love Zendaya. She's a really good actress. - (Rue) So, you find yourself trying to remember the things that made you happy. - Oh. - This was such an important scene in Euphoria. - (Jules) Do you wanna get closer? - (Rue) Yeah. But slowly, your brain begins to erase every memory that ever brought you joy. - Yikes. - It's so true. That's how it hits. - (woman) And eventually, all you can think about is how life has always been this way. - I've heard that this show talks a lot about mental health, and they touch upon subjects that are really hard to watch. - (woman) And it will only continue to be this way. - Damn. - That kind of is how depression is sometimes, 'cause you don't remember the last time it was that you were happy. Sometimes, it feels like you're gonna die and, like, what's the point of going on with life? I feel nothing inside me, like I don't matter, like I'm nothing. - That's like one of the main things I felt like I went through at least was just a cycle of a bunch of BS. Things that you wish you could do, you're not able to because of this inner blockage. So, I feel like you want to do things, but you're almost forced to stay in bed. - One of the reasons I know when I'm depressed is because I love life. When you are so sad and in such a dark place, you kind of forget everything that makes you happy. I'm already tearing up. You forget the things that make life great. - (FBE) We have a lot more videos to show you because today, in honor of World Mental Health Day, we wanted to shine a spotlight on how mental health, specifically depression and anxiety, has been portrayed in the media throughout the years. And since we have all teens in this episode, all the videos we show you today will be specific to teenagers. - That's really good. I mean, we need something like that. - I didn't know that it had its own day, but I'm very happy it does. - I'm glad that teenagers are being represented. Kids grow up seeing these movies and these TV shows about how perfect high school is, and then they go in and it's so much more than that. - (Deanie) And I think Wordsworth means that when we grow up... - Wow, 1961. - I can't believe that they talked about this in 1961. - (Deanie) ...that we have to forget the ideals of youth and find strength... - Oh, is she having trouble talking in front of a class? Anxiety? I feel that. - There's nothing worse than crying in class and breaking down in class. - (Deanie) Miss Metcalf, may I please be-- - Aww. - It's sad. I feel like that was a depiction of anxiety. - It's so interesting that it was portrayed in the 1960s. That's pretty forward for its time. - (FBE) This clip was from the 1961 film "Splendor in the Grass." It focuses on the tail of a teenage girl in the 1920s and the effects of heartbreak on her psyche. In this particular scene, Deanie had just figured out her boyfriend cheated on her with another classmate of hers. - (softly) Yeah. Yeah. Um, (chuckles) I've been cheated on twice. It [bleep] with you a lot in the head. It makes you very untrusting of people. It sort of sucks. - When I went through that, I couldn't control my feelings at all. - I couldn't get a grip on how I wish I could feel or what was going on. I just knew that I was hurt. And because of that, I was doing things I wish I never did and saying things I wish I never did, because it's like everything just starts blowing up inside you, just like a pain. - (Brian) Know why I'm here today? Do you?! - Aww, Breakfast Club. - (sighs) I remember this movie. - (Brian) I'm here because Mr. Ryan found a gun in the locker. - I have seen the Breakfast Club, but I don't remember this scene. - (Brian) I can't have an F. I can't have it. - School stress. - (Brian) I know my parents can't have it. - That line right there, so accurate. - (Brian) ...if I aced the rest of the semester, I'm still only a B. - Anthony Michael Hall. - (girl) Brian... - Yeah. - (Brian) [Bleep]! - Sounds like a suicidal type thing. - This specific thing, you can apply to a ton of people. You know, there's so much pressure to go-- to do good in high school, so you can get into a good college, have a good job. And I feel like sometimes that pressure can overwhelm people. - We're held to this expectation that all As, everything that-- good for college, good for parents, but it's just we're not given time to breathe. - I've had friends who have left school, because they find it really stressful and I've just never seen them again. I know that I felt moments before where it's just like I always constantly have to impress my parents with my grades, 'cause that's the only thing that I have going for me. But it's just... it's really hard, especially nowadays whether you go to public school or private school. - (Zach) We gotta go. Let's go! - (Jessie) Where are we going? - (Zach) Where are we going? You're singing tonight. - Oh. I've seen this scene. Wasn't this the scene where he found out that-- wasn't she doing drugs? I saw this on Instagram a few years back, that scene. I just remember looking at the comments, and a lot of people were just talking about the acting. - (Jessie) I gotta wash my hair. - (Zach) No, there's no time! - (Jessie) No time! There's NEVER any time! I don't have time to study! I'll never get into Stanford! I'll let everyone down! I'm so confused! - (Zach) Jessie, hey! - I've been there. - (Zach) It's okay. - (Jessie) You're right. - (Zach) It's okay. - (Jessie) Everything will be okay. - (Zach) Yeah. - (Jessie) I just need one of these. - Oh, shoot. - I can't believe they touched on pills and addiction. - (Jessie) I need them, Zach! I have to... - Nooo. - (Zach) You can't sing tonight! - (Jessie) Yes, I can! ♪ I'm so excited ♪ ♪ I'm so excited ♪ - Yikes. - ♪ I'm so... ♪ (cries) Scared! - (Zach) Jessie, Jessie. - Yeah. That's actually what's going on in my life right now. I was not expecting that one. I'm constantly working, and I care about a lot of things in my life. And I want to achieve so many things. And it's really hard when you look at your life and you look at the 24 hours in a day, and you feel like you can't even sleep. - (FBE) That scene was from Saved by the Bell, and you might have actually seen it memed online even though it does deal with some serious subject matter, but many say in a very over-the-top way. - Yeah. I feel like-- I mean, the fact that that was a meme, it's really-- I mean, I get where-- because it's a sitcom and it's 22 minutes, and it's hard to really look at it as a serious issue. People feeling almost anxiety and feeling like, "Oh my god, I have to do this and that," it's a real thing. - There's this hustle culture that you just gotta keep going and keep pushing and keep grinding and that your mental well-being doesn't matter. And that's shown. She's like, "I can push through it. I'll just take a pill, and then I'll keep singing. It'll be fine." - At that point, you low-key kinda wanna die. So, it's like, "Might as well do some drugs." That was my logic, 'cause I remember being 12 and doing drugs, you know what I'm saying? Because it's like [bleep] up. So, you're just like, "Man, I wanna die. Might as well do something." As you get older, things become better is what I've noticed. - I've had my fair share of abusing drugs in dark times. After that whole situation went down with my ex, I went to psychedelics. It felt better than the way I felt when I wasn't on it, and it was available to me. And it's like, if someone offers you happiness for 10 bucks, would you take it? I lost two, three jobs because of this, and I lost respect from my parents, you know, which sucks, 'cause, you know, I didn't even have to do it. I could've just talked to them or something like that. I feel like-- if I'm gonna have any message in this episode, it's just drugs are never the option. - (Hollyhock) Where do you go when you disappear all day? - I love BoJack Horseman. - Oh, I've heard about this show. - (BoJack) Sometimes I go to a bar. - I've heard a lot of good things about this show. - (BoJack) ...just sit there for hours. - (Hollyhock) Why? - I just find this so incredibly unrelatable, 'cause they're horses. - (Hollyhock) ...do that than spend time with me. - (BoJack) Hollyhock-- - (Hollyhock) I know you didn't ask for this dorky 17-year-old to just show up at your door, and I'm sorry if I'm annoying, but-- - (BoJack) No, Hollyhock. I'm glad you're here. You need to know that whatever I do, it's not your fault. - (Hollyhock) I know. I mean, I know, but I don't always know, you know? - I know. - (Hollyhock) Like, sometimes I have this tiny voice in the back of my head that goes like, "Hey, everyone hates you, and they're not wrong to feel that way." - Whoa. - (BoJack) I know what you mean. - (Hollyhock) That voice, the one that tells you you're worthless and stupid and ugly... - (BoJack) Yeah? - (Hollyhock) It goes away, right? It's just like a dumb... - That's literally what I'm going through right now. - (Hollyhock) ...then it goes away. - No. - (BoJack) Yeah. - I can't believe he told her yeah. - That little voice is there for everybody, and sometimes it's louder than it usually is. Sometimes it just doesn't exist, but it's always with you. - Everybody has that voice. It doesn't go away, but... sometimes you just need to stop listening. - Some days, I'll just have an urge to cry, and I have no clue why at all. And I get really tight around my chest. I like to hang out with people that are closest to me. I feel like that helps, 'cause I'm meeting a bunch of new people, and I feel like I have to kinda fake a little bit. And so, yeah, I just-- god. I don't know why I'm getting emotional, but yeah. - (FBE) Before we get into everything, since we are discussing mental health among teenagers today, do you feel open to sharing any stories about how mental health has affected you or your loved ones? - Definitely with me since I broke down and went through that whole me drinking, doing psychedelics, smoking, and all that. I feel like my parents looked down on me because of that. They were more talking down on me rather than trying to help me and bring me out of it. What I was doing was obviously stupid and dumb, you know. I was acting out through that with depression. I didn't wanna do any of that, but it felt good to do it. - I've had really bad anxiety attacks. I've had problems where I've literally lost vision. It's a lot. And you don't even know when it's coming. - Sometimes I don't cope the best way. Sometimes I'll just not do anything. And I would listen to those voices, which I really don't like doing. I won't cry or anything, but I'll just lay in my bed and not do anything. Right now, I feel like I have a really good family support system. I feel like they do help me. They do understand what I'm going through and that helps me a lot. - When I was 15, I was under so much academic pressure And I was taking AP chemistry, and I remember that I had to take a retest. And I studied so hard for the retake, 'cause I got a C on the first one and I needed an A on the second one that I forgot to eat for three days. And I was in the library, and I remember feeling like I was gonna pass out. And I called my mom and I was like, "I don't know if I should-- what to do. I need this A." And she was like, "When's the last time you ate?" And I couldn't remember. I was at the lowest point of my life probably when I was 15 and a half. I was so young, and I had so many things to look forward to, but I could feel none of it. - (FBE) So recently, there was a study that showed a 3% increase in depression or anxiety in adolescents aged three to 17. - Three? - Three to 17. God. - (FBE) However, it appears there has been no statistically significant increase in adults diagnosed. From your perspective as a teen, why do you think adolescents are seeing an increase in depression and anxiety in today's world while adults appear not to be? - More younger kids are getting more phones. They're getting their phones and they're more into social media. My mom didn't let me have a social media even though I was on React when I was a kid. She controlled it all. - I was talking to one of my high school friends, and he said that it's so much harder to get into school now-- into a college now than it was two years ago when I applied for college. And with increasing difficulty to get in, they have to do more. And on top of the pressure they have, it's just getting even harder to do what they're trying to do. - Honestly, social media. I've had to learn to deal with people not liking you. Sometimes people don't like you, and they'll say the worst things in the world that they possibly can to get attention from you for it. And that was a really big thing I had to deal with. - The world has become this pressure cooker for youth, because there's so much pressure on maintaining the perfect image, maintaining the perfect grades. There's just so much riding on your future. I feel like back in our parents' times, it was a little easier to grow up. Things weren't put under such a microscope. There wasn't things like cancel culture or, you know, the extreme cyberbullying that goes on. With social media, what you do is you put your best foot forward. You post the highlights. - (FBE) Finally, there are likely many people watching today who are dealing with the issues we've been speaking about. What would you like to say to those out there that is something that you think might help them out? - I don't know. I don't know what might help. Man, I'm still trying to figure it out myself. You gotta have healthy outlets. You gotta have ways of expressing yourself in a healthy way, because you can't have it inside. You have to let it out. - Know what's a distraction and what is really there to continuously make you happy. Don't fall into temporary temptations, because they're gonna lead to more problems, and it's just gonna make you more sad. - If you're going through just a really, really hard time, and you need to talk to somebody, but you're too afraid, please find somebody you can trust whether it's a family member or a total stranger that is in the power to help you in your situation. - You need to talk about it. And it's embarrassing, and it's a really just vulnerable thing to be doing, but if you need any encouragement, look at me right now on your phone or your computer being completely open with all of you about what's going on in my life right now. I think you can do it too. Things suck sometimes. It's... things happen, and it hurts, and you feel like it's never gonna go away, and it feels like it takes forever to get over some things in life, but the storm will pass. There's always gonna be a light at the end of the tunnel. It's gonna be okay.
Channel: REACT
Views: 1,666,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mental health in film and tv, mental health, euphoria, Teens React To Teen Mental Health In Film And TV, teens react, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, kids react, adults react, parents react, teenagers react, mental illness, saved by the bell, zendaya, breakfast club, OGSPCL1919
Id: LABRZaw-sIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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