Teen Titans Go! | Once Upon A Time | @dckids

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origin story oh snap i love origins so juicy and filled with that vitamin c's not exactly but this is indeed a juicy pulpy tail it begins many years ago on a night like any other at that time i was a young circus acrobat part of the famous hold up did you say circus oh he is again telling the depressing tale of his childhood it's not a depressing tale it's my origin story uh-uh we want to hear about fruit bro come on i didn't even get to the good part yet there are no good parts all of the parts are the sad that's what makes origin stories so great the heart-wrenching tragedy if you want a tragic origin story you should hear mine oh yeah tells it mama i loves this one no i'm in the middle of telling my poignant origin story all right it starts way back when i was just a normal kid living with some old people oh no i need to get to the science lab i gotta go old people raising me before you go remember if you ever get super powers you should probably use it to do some good instead of not doing some good quiet old man you don't know anything about my life don't know why they hired a teenage photographer to take pictures of all these secret lab experiments but i sure am grateful for the work oh man the dang raven just bit me i hope it wasn't one of those radioactive ones oh great now i'm gonna get radiation poisoning and whoa wait i'm feeling stronger what awesome i got superpowers from that radioactive bird bite [Music] pretty funny radioactive bird bite classic yeah it was pretty cool oh and that old man passed away at the age of 95 from natural causes [Music] i am not from here i am from a far off world the planet tamaran there i was a princess next in line to become queen of the entire planet but i was betrayed by my own sister she exiled me from my planet and i came to the earth where i fell in love with these sweet little balls of the fur my name is robin and i didn't have a regular childhood i grew up on a farm with my grandpappy it's hard work tending the cornfields especially on account of the crows always stealing our crop when the corn was gone they went and flew off with cram crabs dang sounds like you're making all this up yo no it's all true and very sad seemed like things couldn't get any worse until one day a meteor came down and destroyed the farm but if i win this competition i can rebuild the family farm when i think of everything my whole grandpappy has done for me it brings a tear to my eye oh you poor little farmer boy thank you sounds like a truckload of wick whack but it was pretty tragic so i guess you deserve a second chance bro wow that story is not true and it is not tragic you want a real tragedy bro cyborg tell this fool your origin story and don't leave nothing out you got it bro it all started back in the day i was born on this doomed alien planet that was about to blow up at any minute to save me my loving but questionable alien parents placed me in some old rickety capsule and shot me into outer space like wow i was just a helpless baby boy slipping through space all by the lonesome it was crazy i don't know what they were thinking boom i crash landed on some random farm here on earth this nice old farm couple found me all naked and crying so they decided to take me in and raise me as their own later i discovered i had all types of cool powers so i left that farm life and became a superhero instead saving people falling off things like tall buildings waterfalls matters horses and jazz and that's how i ended up here on earth all super like wow oh and that nice old farm couple that raised me later fell on hard times with the climate change agricultural subsidies and the advent of industrial farming they lost their farm and are now homeless [Music] that was even more ridiculous than the last one hello my name's robin tiny robin i was born in the year 1843 my father's name is bob cratchit we're very poor and winning this competition would be a christmas miracle that's from a christmas carol it's based on my life you were born in 1843 obviously well in that case it's time for your third and final chance tiny robin woohoo hello everyone i'd like to introduce you to tiny robbie it all started back in 1776 the british empire once ruled the american colonies british soldiers could stay in anyone's house anytime and the taxes were super unfair but worse than that everyone was forced to drink tea all the time soda was not allowed it was terrible finally george washington and the founding fathers had enough with the help of the mighty bald eagle and the statue of liberty they declared independence and threw all the tea into the ocean without their chi the british army didn't stand a chance and america could drink all the soda it wanted of course ever since their humiliating defeat the english have been working to regain control of the united states and that tea it's their way in robin it's just a hot water salad it's treason trees that i say and i'm going to put it where it belongs [Music] forget the tea you're americans you need something with a little sugar in it i suppose we will never enjoy the hot leaf water yeah i guess you whoa look where did it come from it is the sign we are meant to drink of the tea i don't know guys this is kind of suspicious what if robin was right oh come on when has we ever been warned about doing a thing and then that thing ended up being bad and getting us in trouble come to think of it i can't i can't give a single time nothing so let's drink this tea yo [Music] yeah there's really not a lot of flavor in this ah it may taste like nothings but it show makes me feel like a due to international situations true and the soggy leaf bag is quite the special treat oh why not [Music] my dream was to be a football star the coaches said i could have gone all the way too but then i was in a horrible accident i was rebuilt as a cyborg and then i changed my name to cyborg didn't want to overthink it you know point is it wasn't long before i found a new passion sang it singing is the only thing i've got in this world if you don't count all my cool superpowers i'm my cool superhero friends and all the cool superhero things i do every day i'm not counting it if you're not in that case i have had a hard life but if i could be on the justice league robin is correct there and before i shall recount the true tale of my origin dark and tragic though it is my kitties and i had just seen the wondrous moving picture oh what a wondrous moving picture i did not think the hot shot fighter pilots would ever be the friends but i would be incorrect rare oh you wish to take the shortcut home through the dark and the grimy alley where very well [Music] kitties [Music] i vow to bring the mean puppies of the city to justice using my departed kitty's vast fortune i built the crime fighting cave and the very nice computer thank you kitty alfred the kitty alarm the joking dog leave it to me to the world wide web this is where we'll have our awesome hacker battle with those evil computer pirates we just need to find them [Music] what's the holdup huh seems to be a slow internet connection did you try turning the modem off for 30 seconds and then turning it back on again i can't we're on the neighbor's wi-fi is that not the illegal not if they didn't set up a password any second now any second [Music] [Music] music movies productivity software the computer pirates are pirates let's take them down dude what's the point this was supposed to be a cool hacker adventure not a maritime brawl just let the fbi handle them robin this is a cool hacker adventure you just got to free your mind fool free my mind i see it so clearly now this is a hacker adventure download source buckling software download pirate voices [Music] it's time we throw these scalawags overboard titans yo ho ho [Music] protect the cargo at all costs milan [Applause] i'll be sending you to david jones you'll never stop computer piracy it'd be a victimless crime after all tell that to the companies using millions of dollars in revenue and the artists who work day and night who won't see a penny off their hard work and the consumers forced to pay exorbitant amounts for office productivity software [Applause] [Music] we did it all right that was nice you know what you were right dude this was a cool hacker adventure you really think so indeed thank you for showing us the way blaze please yo them pirates got some good stuffs up in here check it i guess it would be okay to browse around check out all this music this is my jam oh and one could process many of the words with this software the pretty pretty pegasus [Music] whoa who are those cool dudes it's the fbi you computer pirates make me sick oh no we're not you're under arrest for possession of stolen software [Music] you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 15,963,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN
Id: qho5CZUbiE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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