Teen Titans Go! | Food Fight | @dckids

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oh cleaning crew i guess my so-called best friend will have to come over and how dumb can you be i'm only working here so i can buy you an expensive present i never told you to get a stupid job well my hallucination of you in the store window did and the real you made fun of my suit think we should stop them nah this is the first time i've ever actually enjoyed a birthday party oh wonderful then the celebration is a great success oh titans come and get it oh that guy are you guys in for a treat tonight my specialty boiled potatoes [Music] hmm i got the mushiness just right hmm come on don't be shy so boring why do you make the same boiled mush every time it's like i always say when you know what's going in you know what's coming out oh and we wish you would stop saying that my flavor buds crave the excitement don't worry all we need is a little fire hot sauce that's right when things get boring you gotta spice em up oh yeah that's what i'm talking about let me in on that coming at you it's like my tongue was in a deep sleep and a spicy prince came and kissed it back to life let me try now i see all that was hidden the truth of life is revealed spicy you're ruining the meal and your lives come on bro get spicy with us i nailed the fumes throat closing i can't can't breathe i must drink milk to neutralize the effect almost died titans trust me you do not want to get into the spice game it is a never-ending escalation of spice that leaves you spicier and spicier until you don't know what spice is anymore no the true spice of life is routine look it's 7 15. you know what that means bedtime vegetables vegetables what are you guys doing ever since we ate our first vegetable he has been whispering to us he yes he if we do not defile our bodies and eat only vegetables he will grant us a place in his new vegetable kingdom you guys are acting super weird i think maybe you ate too many vegetables quiet from deep within the green vegetable has risen i will cleanse this world by destroying all meat starting with you filthy meat creature [Music] dude guys you can't let him destroy me but there is no room for you in the new vegetable kingdom i think meat is gross but other people like it and that's cool you just need to have a balanced diet whatever you eat his mind has been poisoned by the meat apple dude what time is it i don't know i didn't bring a watch what time is it six ish [Music] hmm [Music] barbecue ribs buddy want some vegetables body is a temple he does not indulge in such filth does smell pretty good and the taste is even better than the smell vegetaria guesses one bite couldn't hurt [Music] i do not wish for our aggression on the battlefield to carry over into our domestic behavior like that would ever happen now who wants to slice [Music] hmm you ordered this from the new place perhaps we can try to solve our problems without the fighting no way please um sorry but there's nothing you can say to make us give up kicking butt for good [Music] you want some shredded coconut on that bro you know it keep that coconut coming [Music] i can't take this anymore i hate coconuts nasty never again never die coconut [Music] i am done now with the coconut rage [Music] there will be no digging until i say so no one can eat until a very special guest arrives batman [Music] he trained me to be a master fighter detective and host of medium-sized holiday gatherings that's why everything needs to be perfect when he arrives the decor the place settings the seating arrangement and most importantly the food [Music] wait what is that my first attempt at the thanksgiving dish of sides robin it is the burp glorp some say that it struggles in one's throat adds to its deliciousness sounds tasty but no i know bat visits stress you out but just relax think about what you're thankful for now i will speak the ancient legendary sandwich words of power choi rose marula and tomato [Music] the key to immortality and a delicious lunch uh my sandwiches still look better well as team leader and sandwich expert i should get the first bite hold on now i lost an arm for this sandwich i get first dibs but i lost my hair surely that is more important than a hand i should get the first of bites dudes i should get the first bite i got the worst of it look at this how are you gonna eat with no teeth you gonna gum the sandwich down i get the first question first silky stop mama's little bumgorf no that's not for you [Music] i told you that sandwich wasn't great [Music] okay teams your first challenge is to find food we already ordered pizzas no pizza my pizza my pizza why this is survival and survival means eating gross things let's start the challenge [Music] the first team to eat all their bugs wins i do not consent bugs are full of protein essential vitamins and fiber for centuries man survived solely on bugs what is that coconut curry bruh yum [Music] that is not survival this is survival [Music] oh yes i will have a side of maggots with my beetle another grasshopper oh why not let's indulge your protein uh-uh i need no bugs bugs are beautiful creatures yo and your breath stinks fool [Applause] [Music] you're running around silly and everything stop stop stop look at what you've become titans running around silly and everything you have to stop this because i haven't gotten a slice yet [Music] i'm a wizard [Music] ah man that was some good pizza maybe too good is it too early for the breakfast pizza it's too early and it's too late what does that even mean i don't like what pizza is doing to us when i first tried to form the titans we were going to stand for truth and justice who cares about truth and justice exactly no one i couldn't find anyone to join me so in a moment of desperation i turn to a popular superhero team for help i just don't understand why no one wants to join my team i'm promising truth and justice what more is there i know what you're missing dude he said boo yakasha that sounds like my catchphrase nah sai yours is booyah that is not the point of the story the point is pizza brought us together made us popular i just don't like what it's turned us into but robin pizza is of great importance yeah and pizza is the coolest food look how cool it makes me [Music] we can't give up pizza it's our thing it's just bread and cheese in the shape of a circle i have no choice but to institute pizza pan pizza an event eating pizza so good no beast boy he said pizza pan oh like pizza guitars pizza drums even cooler no ben oh uh i don't know what that means actually it means no more pizza from now on [Applause] [Music] [Music] nothing can destroy the perfect sandwich nothing except the mouth of its creator what are you waiting for for you to see it say what that i was right you should never let things go fine in some situation nope never you were right robin and you should never let the things go thank you perfect so why are we on the roof for the ultimate burger burrito smackdown bro [Music] this is insane relax i just used some delicious burgers and some tasty robotics oh i got a little bit of help he wouldn't stop bothering me please please please please please please please please please please please [Laughter] [Music] this looks like it's going to get messy there it is there's gonna be beans and cheese everywhere let's do this pickle pounder [Music] guacamole grenade pepper jack cheese slicer all this food fighting has given me the hunger me too i can totally go for a pizza sure let's just get out of here relish ram [Music] tomato time bomb oh did you say that you got burger all up in your face burrito blade how's that taste boo [Music] oh yes you want that whooping as a combo with a milkshake not some fries [Music] this is pretty good hmm veggie patty of course beasty i know you don't eat meat and i love me some veggie patty oh man i'm sorry bro burgers are pretty great i'm sorry too little homie i didn't know burritos could be so delicious you know what all this food fighting's got me in the mood for mm-hmm yeah boy ice cream on top [Music] you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 50,300,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, teen titans, teen titans go!, teen titans go, teen titans (tv program), teen titans go! (tv program), cyborg, raven, robin, starfire, beast boy, titans, justice league, animation, food fight, food, cartoon, fight, cartoons, kids, funny, food attack, food battle, games, game, review, children, comedy, episodes, charlie sheen, short, TTG EN
Id: nyz0NHtddTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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