Teen son of parents accused of murdering infant testifies

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you raise your right hand you soundly swear the testimony you're about to give believe the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you god i did please have a seat here i need you to tell the jury your name my name is daniel groves danielle and gross you're daniel gross jr is that right yes okay how old are you i'm 15 years old from microphone okay how old are you i'm 15 years old okay and you go to school here in sahara county yes at northwest high school okay [Music] just speak up a little bit if you can all right almost like you're yelling at that officer in the back of the courtroom okay yeah all right um your parents are daniel and jessica is that right yes okay um can you not where you live but who do you live with i live with my aunt and my uncle phyllis shirey okay and when did that happen that you went to live with your aunt and uncle at the near beginning of 2019 in april i believe okay okay and was that the reason you're going to have to speak kevin scoot your chair forward but that will help a little bit all right and just speak up real loud some people in the back can hear you was that because children's services placed you there yes okay and you said that was in april yes all right we're here today to talk to you about your baby brother dylan um would you tell tell the jury did you ever see dylan with any injuries he did have some like some swelling in his head but otherwise i did not see any injuries upon his body was his head bruised in any way it appeared bruised yes okay when you say it appeared bruce tell him what you saw like blackened and purple what you would imagine as a bruise and where was that upon all of his head all the way around that's just top of his head okay was there a time when sneaked up a little bit yeah i can't see where he's indicating on his own from here was there a time when uh baby dylan was no longer at your house for a period of a couple weeks yes okay and then later did he not re he was gone from your house also explain that in other words after you saw these injuries what happened with the baby after he saw i saw these injuries he was around for a little while and they seemed to deplete and kind of and go down and then that was when he was disappeared for the about two weeks okay did you ask your parents about the injuries to the baby or did they tell you what happened to the baby they gave me explanation for the injuries yes okay who did that was that your mom or your dad my father okay was your mom there at that time yes my mom was there okay what were you told about what happened to the baby as well as somewhere near the beginning uh he i was told about him getting a like a dream catcher stuck within his arm and him swinging a small tiny stone up to his head i'm not sure if that caused the the swelling of his head i don't believe it was okay you didn't do anything to hurt that baby did you i did not do a single thing to hurt that baby okay do you know who did i do not okay daniel you i've talked to you twice before this is that right yes ask you the same questions i'm asking you right now yes okay when we talked before and i'm going to ask you in here for the jury was there a time when you were asked to give urine to either of your parents yes okay tell the jury what you were doing it was it was like a it was like cup that was it was just so it didn't it wasn't like a standard casual cup you'd grab out of a cabinet in your house and i would it would it was probably about it was probably about every so couple months okay and who were you giving that to mainly my father okay you know what he did you see him do anything with it after you gave it to him i have seen him put it into like a capped lid bottle that that's all i've seen and this was before you were removed by children services yes [Music] i just have a few more questions um tell the jury when you first realized that your mom might be pregnant it was somewhere around in november or near the beginning of november in 2018. okay and you remember that because your birthday's around that time yeah i remember the event of confronting my mother with it okay what did you say to her i simply just asked her because i've been noticing for a while that she seemed to be swelling like she was had when she was pregnant i had asked her about it and she told me that yes she was pregnant okay and you think that was early november yes [Music] mr do you have any questions do you have any questions what is scott talking as stratton about they're supposed to represent their respective clients see now i'm just getting annoyed crystal you're nodding your head what is go why what is happening this is not a twofer it is not this is not the dream team it is you represent your client i represent my client absolutely i agree i'm telling you i think this is dangerous let's hear what she has to say good afternoon daniel um i just have a few questions for you okay okay okay um and i apologize your voice was so soft and where i was sitting at i apologize i have to go over this with you again but i didn't hear a lot of what you said so i just want to make sure i have my notes accurately okay okay is that fair enough yes okay um the injuries that you described to baby dylan i believe that you stated and correct me if i'm wrong that you saw his head a little bit swollen and improves is that correct it was most of his head that seemed like a bruise yes okay and i know you were motioning and you're doing some motioning and i'm sorry my blue my view was blocked um could you point to that again describing his head it would be mostly upper of his like his scalp it wouldn't be his whole face it would be just of his scalp and his the top part his scalp was a little bit bruised and it was swollen yes it was around all his head around about where you would expect hair okay and his head was tiny correct yeah he was a tiny okay and um did you see any um cuts cats no okay did you see any like fresh blood no okay um and can you please tell me again when you believe that you observed this injury personally i did not observe the injury i came home from school one day and he had he had sorry that was a bad question on my behalf i'll already ask the question when did you see the bruising and the swelling i do not know the exact date of when it happened it was sometime after the dreamcatcher incident i had described okay and so i know that you were taken out of the home on april the 24th correct yes okay can you tell me obviously it was before that correct yes um so do you know if it was around easter time that year do you know how many weeks it was prior to you coming out of the home it might have been two or three weeks two or three weeks before you were taken out of the home on april the 24th uh it's well well right the you saw the bruising and swelling two to three weeks prior to you being taken out of the home on april 24th i am a little bit unsure with it i'd say more than two or three weeks i am slightly unsure but that's yes so it may have been a little bit earlier than two or three weeks at first you thought it was two or three weeks but it may not be two or three weeks now looking back at the dates i do believe it may have been longer but i i'm also not sure [Music] [Music] and then when [Music] after you saw the bruising and swelling to the baby's head you stated to miss hutchinson when she was asking you at some point time after that you no longer sell baby dylan at all is that correct correct and you recall how when that was in relation to you being taken out of the home on april the 24th no i don't know okay do you know how many days after that bruising and swelling happened it would have probably at least been a week but at the same time i'm not sure okay um did were you home or did you come home when patricia oh let's strike that your honor do you know who patricia craft is my old caseworker yes okay um do you recall her coming to the home sometime at the end of march and you would have come home to come home during that time when she was there i do not recall many of her visits okay um do you recall any of the visits that you visited that you were present when she was there at the same time yeah i remember this where she was there i just don't remember any of the details that she talked about very much may i get something off the table [Music] perhaps ms scott is looking for a case report that indicates that daniel jr was present during one of the visits and maybe she's using that to refresh his recollection ben does that sound right to you yeah i think that's plausible yeah and that's fine i mean she's very warm right crystal so she comes across well i i don't think she's doing any damage with these questions let's listen in and then you described a time period when you were providing for lack of better words some urine and putting it in a container for for your father i believe you said is that correct correct okay do you recall was that before baby dylan was born or after baby dylan was born there were periods of both before and after okay and do you know what he did with that urine that's for sure no i was not okay um were you ever at a facility where he was requested to go into a restroom with somebody and give urine in a cup no okay um did you were you did you ever go into the restroom with him at the hospital and he asked you to pee in the cup for him versus him peeing in a cup at the hospital no i have no okay did you ever go to have you ever been to children's services agency up in new boston um yes but only like once only once okay did you ever go into the restroom with your dad there at that agency and pee in a cup that he was supposed to pee in a cup no i did not okay did you ever um go do you know where juvenile court is downstairs on the second floor of this building yes um did have you ever been there no okay um did you ever come to court with your dad um in mid-january and go into the restroom and pee in a cup for him no i did not okay all incidences of me doing that were at my our own household okay thank you i appreciate you saying that um your honor if i can have just a [Music] second okay uh crystal did she make that any better by pointing out the fact hey you only peed in the cup for your dad at home but he never dragged you to court and probations department to pee in a cup so it's really not that bad uh generally no she didn't make it better i i understand what she was attempting to do maybe attempting to say okay these are the times that he was tested you didn't you weren't with him you didn't pee in the cup at those times but i don't think that it does a good job of excluding the possibility that he was using his son's urine well he definitely was unless there's some other use for urine bengathia that you can enlighten us to it seems like the urine was used to pass the drug test and from when patricia clark testified you know she went through the lengthy timeline from when the baby was born and there were times that the tess came back and daniel senior was clean let's listen back in daniel you resided with your parents the majority of your life is that correct all of my life all of your life i was removed april april of last year yes okay um do you believe that your father took care of you objection did your father ever injure you did you ever see your father end your baby dylan no thank you
Channel: COURT TV
Views: 4,329,266
Rating: 4.7808027 out of 5
Keywords: News, Court, Courtroom, Live Court, True Crime, Real Crime, Law, teenage son of Daniel and Jessica Groves, baby dylan, daniel groves, jessica grovs, court tv, live trial, testify, son testifies, defendant testifies, Ohio, OH v Groves, oh v daniel and jessica groves, baby found in a well, teenage son testifies against parents, daniel groves jr photos, baby dylan groves brother, dylan groves timeline, dylan groves missing, justice for dylan, groves trial, infant
Id: g6rGpKGtTpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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