Tech Note 089 - ESP Programming (Break-out boards)

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hello I'm Dave welcome to my technical notes channel there's no doubt that development of a project system using development boards is best done with a development board proper as a we must lowly in a thirty two board and a we mas D one mini board they made life very easy in both cases there's a UART on the board and there's a regulator this one has a battery charge circuitry etc LEDs connector for the micro USB similarly this one here has a new art and pull-up resistors and a regulator so they make life very very convenient for development purposes quick turnaround when your code is finished it's really nice to cut down on the amount of componentry once the program is running largely the UART is redundant and a few other certainly the battery charging unless you using a battery-powered project and the best thing to do after development is to transfer your project to one of these was call it a breakout board there's nothing special on it is literally the ESP 32 module with some pull-up resistors and a boot and a reset switch here so that's an ESP 32 version here's another ESP 32 version beware if you purchase one of these they never have the switches or the pull-up resistors soldered they're not usually supplied with pull-up resistors either so there again there a bear board with the pins brought out to these twin headers and their silk-screened at the backs machine the back of this one silk-screened with all of the pins on them so those are the SP 32 versions and here's an esp8266 version these breakout boards do tend to come with the pull-up resistors pre soldered but not the header pins and they're bad board - the esp8266 and on the back there's provision for a 3 pin regulates it should you require - third one so ordinarily all of these boards would be supplied with 3.3 volts so how do you go about programming them but actually very easy I'll use the ESP 30 tears as an example so reminder that the ESP 32 board has got a new arc on board which is taken the USB serial data - into the you are converting that to the levels and the protocol required for the SP 32 so the the really easy solution to programming an ESP 32 a bare board or or an esp8266 is to get hold of one of these your USB to UART there's the same chip pretty much the same chip package is different plugs into the USB port this one here is switchable between 5 volts and 3.3 volts so when you're programming in ESP 3282 66 it must provide 3.3 volts or you can provide power to the board separately three points rebels connections we require our ground DCC transmit data and receive data and that's all we need to do we plug the yacht into the USB port the pc made connection and on the back of the board is ground transmit data receive data and VCC so what I've done is connect ground to ground VCC to 3.3 volts DC see is that historic term voltage collector to collector is probably better just calling it a supply voltage or VDD drain to drain or whatever the device in sight then he SP 32 is but historically called VCC so 3.3 volts ground transmit data of this device this is the one that's going to output data goes to receive data of the UART and receive data of the ESB 32 or a two six six is both synonymous goes to the transmit data of the UART and that's all you need to do that's the connection for programming the device now to begin programming you have to hold the boot switch on so you press and hold the boom switch I wouldn't do it yet but I can do but at the beginning of the program you press and hold the boom switch momentary press the reset button and then release the boot switch and now that's ready to receive a new program by the way there are these new boards on the market which I quite like you can't this is a looks like a supersize breakout board you can solder an ESP 32 in there and get all of the connections of the ESP 32 out here there are no connections over here it's just this inner row of pins that are connected around the periphery of the device but it makes for a very useful breakout board but the good thing about these boards is they're 70 PUK pounds is turn them over and you get the esp8266 version so soldering esp8266 and 12 F will be the device part just to be unit there and again you have access to all of the pins that you you would use most of the pins you require are already down the left and right hand side of the device these are on the whole superfluous for most operations because most of the pins can be reassigned so very useful and it's got provision for a relay there I hadn't noticed so ESB 32 on that side of the board and esp8266 on that side of the board next I'm going to open a program that I'll program this device so that it prints out hello world on the serial port so there is the program and now I'm going to select the board type and I'm going to select just the straight ESB 32 death module I've selected the right serial port which is the yacht that when it connects it creates the PC assigns it a comm port this one's being assigned comm port 18 and compile it now won't i won't initiate the ESP programming get you watch the insert of the video as it compiles because it takes a while to compile on my pc mainly because i haven't removed it from the virus checking right so now it says trying to connect so I'm now going to press the boot the reset release the reset and release the boot there we go and it's programming the device it's already completed so if I now go to tools serial monitor now the PSP 32 will not start unless you press the reset button that's the other disadvantage of these development will breakout boards a press reset hello world there you go so it was as easy as that so that is how you program and the process for the esp8266 is broadly the same you have to set the right conditions and the breakout board to do that with the pull-up resistors connecting VCC to 3.3 volts to the supply pinned VCC ground to ground and the transmit data of the you are goes to the received data of the ESP and the received data of the you are goes to the transmit data of the ESP that sure connection as if you were connecting a development board it's the same connection process or be a little less neat there are many types of you arts on the market all you need I bought this one because it came with the with the cables and ultra low price when your projects finished you can program a bear ESP and your project is exactly the same - all the peripheral devices that go with the development board and you think you need to provide for your ESP project is a 3.3 volt power supply which are freely available in most most suppliers very very low cost less than a quarter of the US dollar in most cases hope you find that useful that's how you program an ESP 32 it really is simple and I would say don't be put off by it you can transfer your projects to the ESP 32 quite easily here's a reminder of the connections so select 3.3 volts on your USB you art either virus switch or a jumper and then connect USB you are 3.3 volts to 3.3 volts on the ESP 32 or 8 to 6 6 ground-to-ground transmit data of the USB UART goes to the received data of the ESP and receive data of the USB you arc goes to transmit data of the ESP here's a reminder of the preparing the ESP device for programming press and hold the IO 0 button sometimes called the boot button press and hold that and then press the receipt the reset button momentarily release the reset and then release the blue button and then it's ready to receive the program here's an example of a very simple program nothing more to be said about that so programming the ESP devices is easy to accomplish using a low-cost us USB to your converter collections are straightforward as shown there and select a standard board type for either the SP 32 or the esp8266 and a good programming rate is 115 200 board I find you can go faster hope you found this video useful and I hope you enjoy programming your ESP devices I hope you found this technical note interesting and useful
Channel: G6EJD - David
Views: 25,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESP Programming
Id: hfS8zA9nL7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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