Teaching Reading | Character Traits for 3rd Graders

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yes yes okay so all week we've been talking about character traits and we know the difference between character emotions and how a character feels throughout the story but then we can decide the character traits which is more about the personality of the character and how the character behaves usually right next week we're gonna start talking about one of my favorites main idea we know main idea what I can't wait to get that but we're gonna finish out strong with character traits with the super fun activity we started it earlier on in the day we prepped our interactive notebooks for this activity correct so I have this super super fun story while I read the story we're gonna talk about the character traits that this character right here goes through and kind of character traits also change can they change throughout the story yeah because the character goes through different experiences throughout the story that might change their minds okay what I want you to do you have five seconds take out your reading interactive notebook blue by John is ready three two one is ready one so we found this nifty chart right and the nifty chart has feelings among the top feelings that we already know and it's really easy to decide when a character's mean and sad and acting nice but we have synonyms that make our conclusions that we draw about what trace they are easier and more specific because a character can be nice but they can be really loving at the time so we're more specific with what we choose right say here well say thank you Miss read I want you to have this and we'll be referring to this throughout the year when we want to talk more in depth about a character okay so you have your own so while we talk I want you to be looking at this and while I read I want you to look at this and try to decide the character traits that the character is going through you ready here it goes the title of this story is Julius the baby of the world by Kevin Hanks okay I see Jalen tracking me it's awesome these are for the babies here is and she has gifts for the baby before Julius was born Lilly was the best big sister in the world she gave him things she told him secrets and she sang lullabies to him every night look at your charts what kind of character is Lilly right now what kind of traits can we decide she is right now tatianna nice right so that's good that's a great start I'm agreeing with you that it's nice she's being real nice as a big sister because Julie is born yet no no Julie isn't born yet let's dig deeper let's upgrade nice to one of those synonyms right my on what do you think caring I like hearing what else I agree London loving caring loving I love both of those open up your books in that character trade graphic organizer that we prepped earlier this is how this is gonna work right so we all have this heart right yeah so the way this graphic organizer works is that you just need to put Lily and the character space do that now Li LLY that's our character that we're analyzing Elle I ll why okay and then different moments in the story we're gonna stop we're gonna put the character traits that we decide the characters portraying right now right here in this box okay and then we're going to put the evidence behind the flap okay so our first race my honest share loving loving caring that's what both of those okay loving and caring in the first character trait box loving caring why do we think that what's the evidence that we can take what's the evidence what are some things that Lily was doing Darius she was like giving my door thanks for a little brother and even though he wasn't born you said doing things I agree but let's be more specific what kind of things were she was she doing she was telling things telling him secrets okay what else and get something she gave him things so that's both evidence for her being a really loving sister flip back all you need to do is bend the back eyes all you need to do see that dark lines we're just gonna bend that back and that is where you'll write your evidence okay Bend that back write your evidence there quickly quickly good job I'm not worried about complete sentences right now we're really just trying to get our thoughts out there'll be a time later that will write these out but we just want all of our thoughts down quickly Darius gave us two great evidence points to you when you're done riding those two points those examples those key examples on how Lily is being a loving caring character your eyes are back on meeting hear and learn his position now I'm ready than boring the kids ready ten seconds to wrap up Jalen's ready so what's your name so it's James I was coming out of a I'm moving on after Julius was born it was a different story Lilly took her things back she pinched his tail and she yelled insulting comments into his crib I am The Queen said Lilly now I want peanut butter and tell jelly because something has changed something huge has changed right I want peanut butter to tell jelly something you notice compare and contrast Lilly from the beginning of the story the page before - now peanut butter totally you feel jealous that means that you are jealous of something else happening in polite [Music] I think I even said even when people in my hand okay so you're saying with your baby oh and your nephew was born it took a while to get used to him right so you might have been employed at first and then you had to get used to him awesome job okay let's go let's move on I want you to look actually you could close your book right now so I don't want you to get distracted we'll add our x-ray in a moment okay but her parents loved him they kissed his wet pink nose they admired his small black eyes and they stroked his sweet white fur Lily thought his wet pink nose was slimy she thought his small black eyes were B and she thought his sweet white fur was not so sweet especially when he need his diaper changed Julie is just the baby of the world chime Lily's parents disgusting Lily had to share her room with Julius after Julius goes away do I get my room back she has Judas isn't going anywhere said Lily's mother and he didn't he stayed and stayed and stayed Lily was supposed to be very quiet while Julius slept after Julius goes away can I talk like a normal person again she shouted Julius isn't going anywhere says Dooley's father and he didn't he stayed and he stayed and he stayed what character trait can we use to describe Lilly now she doesn't seem to want him to be around still McKenzie what do you think role what else Jalen hateful I'm just filling that too I'm feeling that what else Ayanna impatient now when you ask questions like is he going to leave now can I get my room back when he leaves and patient is a really good one yes evil what if I always want to keep things to myself there's one I'm using for in particular Coby Jana selfish okay let's add one more trait add a trait for how Lilly is behaving now your next box your next box from what I can tell already lily has changed quite a bit once you have your trade use some evidence think back to some things that she did they explain why you know she's acting that way now back it up back it up I'm seeing even some more ideas as I walk around that's great remember I don't need you to write in full sentences yes until we get to the writing activity just quickly Jacque because we have whole story to get through just quickly John so London's finished so it's Darius you can go ahead and just close your book - not gonna take us a long time to find the page Trey's ready to be born let's quickly move so is jail in so is Tatiana so is Caleb five seconds finish up your last boy and I we want Julius to grow up to be as extraordinary as you said Lilly's mother so we must tell him constantly how beautiful he is and how much we love him when no one was looking Lilly had her own idea this is her parents they said we love you Julius you are beautiful Julius here is Lilly she said I hate you [Music] we want Julius to grow up to be as clever as you said Lilly's father so we must sing him his numbers and his letters whenever possible yes her parents abcdefgh here's the mom 1 2 3 4 5 but here's Lilly 3 8 1 5 9 6 aj k z b SC why is Lilly saying her letters and her numbers like that Jalen what do you think I think she's saying her letters and her numbers like that sort of baby could do it too and get mixed up oh yeah she's trying to mix him up on purpose she's still behaving in a not so kind way correct yes when I read this story earlier before as soon as I got to this part it reminded me of another story that we read very recently it reminded me of another character that we read about recently Tom tell me oh actually jelly tell peanut butter what it reminds you of titi [Applause] I've been shocked cuz in my mind when I asked you that question I already had an answer in mind I kind of knew where we were going with but then I came over here to this group over here and they completely refresh my memory on a story that I had completely forgot that we even started so Darius share with me what Trey was explaining to you make zinc because not only I was thinking about a more recent story but that's an even stronger connection because that is a character who was treating her younger brother in a not so nice way just like this story so that 100% I know you guys are thinking about kind of what I was thinking before right shamaya when they when they thought that he stole the pie another one I'm not even thinking of absolutely James Harry what what's the connection with horrible Harry he was being mean about the rocks from the door he said don't look like Frank rocks okay so horrible Harry doesn't know the condition you gotta still surprise me with all these other stories I was not even thinking about okay let's move on cuz I want to know what happened since Lily's parents were more than a bit doubtful about leaving the two of them alone together Lily tried to frighten Julius with her nifty CERP disguises she learned magic and tried to make him disappear when that didn't work she simply pretended he didn't exist lilly spent more time than usual in the uncooperative chair what might that word I'm actually doubtful what my doubtful mean let's do the context clues that we hear in that sentence Lily's parents were more than a bit doubtful about leaving the two of them alone together what can we use based on those context clues jasmine Lily's parents were more than a bit doubtful about leaving the two of them alone together right they don't think they can trust turn are they sure or unsure exactly so then she said it said Lily spent more time than usual in the uncooperative chair okay so what might that word uncooperative me Caleb [Music] so let's break this down let's break this now and I say I want you to cooperate what does that mean what do I want you to do call on someone for Siskin five four three on might absolutely we're together so we learned this is distracting here so we learned to work together so we learned prefixes right so the prefix on means what so to not work together right so we have cooperate not not work together so she's in a chair when she is not quite getting along with everyone else correct that's we dog Lily's parents showered her with hugs and kisses and treats of all shapes and sizes they even let her stay up 15 minutes later every night it didn't matter nothing worked why is Lily's parents giving her new things letting her do new things does she deserve this why why is why was that was her parents idea right now what her hair is thinking Kenzie because her to be nice right right and he agrees she McKenzie was saying they think that she'll start being nice to him if they start giving her things we call that bribing when you give someone something in order to get something in return they're kind of bribing her with these new things hopefully she'll be able to move but Lily saying I am The Queen I hate Julius did it work no but her parents love him they kissed his wet pink nose they admired his small black eyes and they stroked his sweet white fur Julius is the baby of the world chimes Lily's parents disgusting said Lily Lily's parents were amused when Julie is blew a bubble can you believe it they explain but if Lily did the exact same thing they said Lily that's mine our manners please
Channel: Revolve Learning
Views: 64,621
Rating: 4.8265734 out of 5
Keywords: education, reading, elementary, school, teacher, children, learning, teaching, classroom, management, ed, DC, language arts, students
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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