Teaching English in China - Public School Grade 1 ESL - "How are you?" (Full Class)

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all right hello hi hi hello good I say hello you say hi okay okay hello hello [Music] okay okay hi I am oh hi hi good very good now look my name is Val ENT [Music] sound yes all right now okay very good very good now what we have four wait wait Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys stand up please stand up boy you're a girl and now boys [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah [Applause] boy boy stand up boys you have five points one two three four five down please [Applause] thank you very good all right girls you are here you have five points view one two three four five very good see you down and this is well this is me [Music] [Music] foreign foreign all right very good let's see boys girls wow very good now thank you all right now we have classroom rules rule number one clear your desk look no pencils no erasers pencils erasers all of these things go into your pencil boxes clear your desks no pencils very good very good yes no stickers puts everything in your desk [Music] yeah put it in your bag that's right good good good good good good so everyone clear your desk [Applause] [Music] clear your desk rule number two [Music] quiet girls yeah they're all so quiet boys yes you are quiet all right number three listen to Belle listen to them okay okay yes okay all right good Rule Number Four B English no Chinese no Chinese no Chinese speak English no Chinese okay rule number five raise your hand [Music] raise your hand boy all right so one more time one clear your desk two be quiet three listen to Bell yeah baby speak English no Chinese five Raise Your Hands very good okay now listen when I say bye Bello Central five the should fall beat on the floor he's on the floor seats on the floor feet to the floor Lord very good really thank you okay feet on the floor on the floor very good excellent here we go all right boys yes girls okay when I say Four Hands on the desk thank you very good girls yeah yes hands on that yes okay all right when I say three I I okay very nice when I say two listen to me listen to me yes and when I say one fun yes let's try it bye four [Applause] two two threes for each team excellent okay very nice so now everyone stand up up [Applause] hands up turn around sit down stand up hands up and down hands up hands down turn it around clap your hands hang down remember okay very good so now we are going to learn better no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey Apple Apple a Apple Apple Bee balls secrets [Music] cat cat C cats cats [Music] dog a apple a apple apple [Applause] see cats cat the dog get dog very good so now I say hey you say apple okay let's try it hey C a yeah very good everybody is so clever excellent okay C is again listen listen please don't C is for cats tears of God let's learn some new words all right that's right super super my friends super what does it mean what does super mean very good super diabetes again super super okay what is this bye fine yeah fine Lord just find me what does it mean s fine fine all right what is this okay okay okay okay okay okay [Applause] yeah here we go this one is oh eggs [Music] no Chinese all right one more time okay okay what does it mean yes I'm okay how's that all right and what is this [Applause] yeah that's right yeah wow what does that mean what does it mean yes the prime okay here we go right okay very good everybody stand up super over here fine fine [Applause] oh okay okay okay okay okay okay [Applause] no I say you do the actions all right super super what okay okay okay okay [Applause] fine fine expected super now now does the actions you'll say it all right [Applause] fine fine there we go sit down [Music] bye bye the floor four four three two two one why are you quiet you're talking always lose one more point all right very nice now game time is this what is this [Music] [Applause] three so I stay super you say one okay I say fine you say two okay okay all right let's try super [Music] [Applause] oh my God silver [Applause] I say super you say one okay fine yeah I say okay I say bad you say okay again super wow [Music] [Applause] fine [Music] okay very nice super wow okay [Applause] now I say one you say super okay I'm saying two you say five nine I say three you say okay all right okay okay one two five three four very good okay very nice I am I doing look I am I am I am super I am super [Applause] [Applause] very good yes very good girls excellent boys [Applause] [Music] wow that's two points right there okay good excellent listen be quiet all right next one I am fine I am [Applause] fine right what does it mean all right good boys and girls okay next one [Music] [Applause] I am okay what does it mean okay everybody stand up I am I am here thank you all right we are going to do this together together all right one more time ah [Applause] I am fine I am awesome [Applause] are you quiet thank you thank you okay so now look how far [Music] how are you because no I'm sorry raise your hand s I'm sorry I know you do wake up you're my last for yours yes yes this is okay very good very good very good I know boys and girls you'll get the point listen how are you so easy foreign [Music] [Music] look how are you right now are you ready no problem no oh how old are you how are you no all right not okay boys lose a point no not okay sit nicely all right okay girls stand up girls sit up girl no you're not a girl are you a girl all right okay girls abs [Music] olutely again oh fuel sit down boys stand up Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys I am super again boys sit down okay thank you girl stand up girls stand up girls are you girls sit down boys stand up boys [Applause] [Music] four foreign [Music] okay now in time we are going to play a game but first let's learn this rock paper scissors go go rock paper scissors go okay let's try who wants to try who wants to try to send up let's try rock paper scissors go I win now get the boy all right let's try again okay stand up you ready rock paper scissors rock paper scissors go yay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I mean again now let's try girl yes oh okay stand up drugs paper scissors go I lose thank you hands on the desk thank you I know me too we have five more minutes okay thank you all right look so now I need one boy and one girl stand up you try brought big procedures go ready rock paper scissors go again rock paper scissors go girls swim onion celery come here I am here okay here now listen ask her a question how are you again roll and die but look careful no problem no no no no no no hold it like hey I'm rolling rolling yes one one here come here one super all right good girl thank you so girls have one point girls one point twice six points no go ahead okay Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys yes he is sitting nicely Kevin here wait let's ask him a question okay everyone again listen no throwing roll roll okay rolly yes [Music] I'm sorry I am super again boys get one point girl your turn one two three four [Music] times all right so funerals 10 20 25. boys 10 20 24. boy [Applause] today girls win yeah [Music] [Applause] how how she is [Music] all right everybody here foreign Hi how are you I am okay did it down get down oh there's a push up here all right goodbye
Channel: Teacher Val
Views: 815,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teaching English in China, Chinese Public School, ESL, Fun ESL Game For Better Speaking Skills, Teacher Val, Fun Games, ESL Speaking Activities, Fun Classroom Games, ESL Student Engagement, Interactive Learning Games, English Language Practice, ESL Warm-up Game, Language Learning Games, Student Participation Activities, ESL Teaching Strategies, English Speaking Practice, ESL Sentence Games, Language Skill Development, tVc&x%
Id: EXdMsKJjp_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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