TEACHERS over TECHNOLOGY : The Importance of Continuous Professional Development For Educators

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[Music] good morning for me good evening good afternoon for you my name is kirsten bartles and i have the great honor and privilege of being the chief academic officer for academia we have a wonderful chat for you today and you're going to get to know more about the people in the team and the insights of why academia is what it is and we're going to talk more about the importance of continuous professional development for educators in relationship to technology so the first person that i get to introduce today needs no introduction he is one of the co-founders he is the country manager for the philippines he has a marvelous sense of humor and is one of the kindest people you could ever hope to meet my dear friend roy platone roy hi kirsten hi everybody good morning good evening good afternoon and good night to all our friends and colleagues from all over the world don't mind my video because it's kind of lagging so i will be the talking acad asia logo in the meantime while we're here so again it's my pleasure to be with all of you this afternoon again it's two weeks again it's been so fast and now we have a really exciting news to share and i think kirsten you introduce our distinguished guests to showcase what we have in store for our audience today i think this is the first time i've gotten to introduce him so he is the a co-founder he is the ceo he is a generous heart he has a wicked sense of humor as well um i couldn't think of anyone more engaging more fun to work for and with our ceo um wow there's my voice again sorry guys it's like three in the morning for me oh neil come back hey hi hey um good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are and um uh kirsten as always has butchered my last name you know i'll just call her kirsten instead of kirsten that's fine but uh thank you everybody for joining us today i really appreciate it and uh we have some wonderful news to share with all of you today and uh but before we get to that um uh we shall basically be looking at uh um you know the importance of uh cpd for all teachers uh it's a pretty pretty hot topic these days uh won't you say kirsten it's incredibly important today more than ever and it's interesting because when i joined when i was looking um to join academia one thing that was really exciting to me was that you took a different perspective of cpd credits why did you do that you know what is this approach and why is cpd so important um i think a couple of reasons right so first of all if you if you really look at how cpd has been how professional development has been ongoing so far okay before kovit has been primarily face to face now when you are learning things face to face um for professional development there are some inherent issues that crop up first teachers are busy okay they're extremely busy uh so i will like to kind of you know give a huge shout out to the teachers out there today on youtube facebook and uh and linkedin if you are busy please let us know that you're busy right um so i know that they are very very busy and the moment you tell them professional development course that you have to attend a face-to-face professional development course a lot of them get stressed out because that means if i leave my class my school and attend something for two or three days when i come back there is a sheer load of backlog that i need to clear work backlog that i need to clear okay so that's the first problem and because of that a lot of teachers have to go to these cpd courses reluctantly very reluctantly you know the the school management or the principal or the dean might have said kirsten you better go and attend this course for three days right and there's you have no choice you gotta go but when you come back there's this pile of work waiting for you um the second thing that happens with face to face is when you go to these kind of programs you are there for two or three days that's it beyond that there is no way for the teachers to then continue with that development uh and especially if you're attending something where you are constantly being distracted by sending emails and you know completing other work on the side and things like that um those three days pass by without you really learning too many things okay so it's very difficult to pick up quality you know learning and apply to your own instructional design and then if you want to reach out to the facilitator for more questions there is no way unless the school or you are willing to pay an extra amount that's the other challenge right the third challenge with this is um you can't really scale face-to-face trainings very quickly and very easily right so for example uh when you have a face-to-face training you might have 100 200 teachers in a room and you might have five or ten facilitators working with them but if you want to train thousand hundred thousand a million how does that happen quickly that is a very difficult um you know uh problem to solve uh and i think most um government organizations uh around the world are actually struggling with scaling that level of training the fourth issue is um teachers sometimes don't have a choice of the programs that they want to attend so for example i may be a very good you know i may i may have a very good understanding of how to use my lms right but i still get sent to training because the school says so but maybe i want to go and learn some other tool but that doesn't happen right so i'm forced to take up things which i may not need or i may not be interested in so there's no personalization in the learning the fifth challenge is language you know a lot of these programs that you find online these days uh or even in face-to-face environments unfortunately are only available in english okay so for our dear teachers who are say in countries where english is not as widely spoken what happens to them why can't they get access to the best uh professional development content so when we were thinking of all of this you know last year in fact you know we felt that hey listen somebody needs to step up and uh you know do something for the teachers i mean there are thousands of education technology applications out there and most of them if not all are focused on students how many of them are focused on teachers on the teacher's well-being and that's exactly why we started uh acad asia and freedom so yeah so that's why our approach is quite different well and i want to go into that a little more when you were talking i had flashbacks to a training session that i want went to and it was the standard trainer that had the powerpoint slides and that printed off the powerpoint slides and handed them to me and then all they did was read their powerpoint now i can read the powerpoint slides because they gave them to me and in that instance i decided that one of us didn't need to be there and i picked me but the approach that you have to the courses are very different you don't have this approach of everyone has to sit in the same place for x amount of hours yeah yeah absolutely uh you're absolutely correct so i mean i've also seen that a lot of pd that happens these days even when it's happening online right it's fixed hours right you have to be there at that time not all teachers are available at that time or even if they are available maybe not all teachers have access to internet connectivity at that point right or maybe they have only one uh device at home and maybe they have their own children who need to go and study online and they can't access the pd so why are we then still you know getting teachers to attend pd courses like school children we should be really looking at you know kind of practicing adult learning theory and applying the adult learning theory to teachers training programs and that's exactly what we've done so for us now you know at academia we don't have any fixed time teachers can learn anything they want at any time they want and in the language of their choice so that really frees them up uh to do other things as well they don't have to complete a particular course in two days or three days they can take up to six months to complete a course it's really up to them on how deep they want to kind of go to go to yeah you know it's you have created this wonderful team and i've heard you go and do introductions and talk about things for a long time and because i get to ask you anything i want today and where you can answer some of these questions too um you talk about that this is a low bandwidth technology um what does that mean right uh so when we designed freejoo okay uh one of the big challenges was internet connectivity and i think over the last uh couple of months that we've been running virtual events a lot of teachers you know when they ask questions they also mentioned that hey internet connectivity is bad so how right so so that is something that we've always kept in mind to make sure that you know whatever platform we develop we want to make it we want to make sure that it takes um very little internet bandwidth for you to open up the entire platform um and to learn the problem is every time you open an app or you download an app you have to pay you know there are there are you know internet uh you know charges that you have to pay for um so what we have trying to do is we're trying to basically what we've tried to do is we've tried to develop a system where as long as you are within the free jew environment you don't really have to download too many apps they all work within freejoo so the apps open up very fast it's a web-based thing so as long as you have a you know mobile device or a any simple laptop even an average internet connection you should be good to go uh of course you do need internet uh unfortunately um you know we are not a telecom company that we can provide internet but uh as long as you have access to you know even decent uh you know uh bandwidth of internet uh connectivity you should be good to go without having to download too many things yeah so one thing that you've said that's been very important and roy you've said this as well so i want to hear from you you talk about that academia is a mission driven organization what does it mean absolutely kirsten that's a great question and for those of you who are just joining the stream my video is kind of not working properly but i will be the talking logo for now i'll be the talking head for academia yes definitely the mission really is empowering educators everywhere and we stand by that mission uh very dearly we believe that teachers are teaching is really the most important profession [Music] in the world because basically we are the ones preparing the next generation uh to join the workforce to be leaders in their respective spheres of influence and to really make a positive impact and change in society and if we mold them correctly if we guide them correctly then we can really forge a better path for humanity in the future and which is why teaching is really very important so at academia we do this by helping teachers in how they learn what they learn and when they learn so anytime anyplace whether you have fast or slow internet whether you're doing it at 6 00 a.m or 6 p.m being able to find that sliver of time create that habit of continuous learning and improvement as you go forward because even if as little as 15 or 30 minutes a day every other day it adds up during the week so that you can professionally develop yourself enrich your skill sets and when you are getting into that lifelong learning habit then you can actually pursue and um find better opportunities for yourself and that's where the opportunity to earn more also happens so we are building that all into freedom now it's basically one place where you can do the training and the learning as well as access all these opportunities for economic gain so we're really providing all these um unlocking all these opportunities for all our teacher members on fuji so roy early on when i joined i had the privilege of going and attending some of the sessions you ran and you would bring up this issue that i think it's important that you um expand on here because some people think that you know covet is going to go away i don't know if i agree with that i mean i wish it would but so isn't this whole thing of online training and online teaching isn't it just a trend and you had a great answer for that if you remember absolutely yeah so you know i'm glad that you know you asked that question and um we've actually had a lot of um uh our training programs and webinars you know a lot of people asking very similar questions right but what we always stress and and bring about uh bring this up with people is you know what we're really building is an entire range of skill sets basically um we don't know when the next disaster will happen right so it could be this pandemic it could be the next pandemic in the philippines in particular you know we're right around the pacific rim of fire when that just means there's a lot of volcanoes and earthquakes right so anyone in the pacific area you know what i'm talking about plus with climate change and all these other occurrences wherever you are in the world i mean like even in the u.s you have um terrible winters and huge um uh wildfires going on right now in the philippines there's a category four or five storm upcoming and that's not to mention um even man-made disasters right whether that's you know the war that's happening now uh you know in afghanistan or what have you so there are many kinds of disturbances that will happen but does that mean the learning of students will stop does that mean that we have to pause the education of our young ones absolutely not we're we in academia believe that we should create every opportunity for learners to continue learning regardless of their year level whether it's k-12 education up to adult and professional learning you should have access to these learning opportunities regardless of you know these disasters so we're actually building disaster resiliency into all um uh into society actually if you think about it so be becoming a freedom member allows you to be better equipped and to be more disaster resilient because even if you're not teaching in the classroom i can just tell my students hey let's just move our our class today to to the online format we'll do a asynchronous synchronous mode and the learning can continue and that's really the power of online blended approach excellent um so when i interviewed to join this team you both put especially you neil put all this emphasis on community not only within the management and the people who work tirelessly behind the scenes and i think we should give a shout out to those who you people that the teachers and everyone don't get to see we have a wonderful team of people that make these events and everything else happen um but community was an incredibly important aspect to the founders of echidesia neil roy can you expand on why community matters so much um you know there's a there's a old uh saying that it takes an island to raise a child uh you know i'm sure a lot of teachers have perhaps heard of that it takes an island to raise a child so similarly for for teachers if you want to learn and you want to up skill your own self it is better to be a part of the community and learn together and learn with each other and share ideas and help each other grow rather than learn in you know individual silos i think um that part of the community makes it very very um um it makes it uh it it makes it a very strong uh proposition for teachers to even want to upskill because typically as adults and i've i'm guilty of that myself you know every time that i want to kind of join up for an online course myself on my own i will start up and then after about two weeks i'll just drop off right and i've been guilty of this before but when you work with a community you egg each other on you you know support each other uh i know i can i can basically rely on my my my community to help me when i get stuck or when i'm thinking of you know dropping out so you know i can if i if i don't understand something i can always go back to you chris kirsten for example and say hey i don't understand this can you help me uh or or it could be hey i learned this new thing today let me share with you as to how i've deployed it in my class and that kind of encourages and empowers everybody within that community and that's why it's so it's so so important to us at academia that we build free freeju as the largest online community of teachers it's not an lms it's not a you know a mooc which is only you know doing prof you know courses it is a community where teachers can gather share problems share jokes you know talk about life talk about their classroom disasters and successes and at the end of the day build their own networks all around the world yeah absolutely i want to add to this um basically uh what we want to be able to do is give these opportunities to build communities of practice okay so we've all entered this pandemic you know at the beginning and was very challenging and very hard for all of us whether you're teachers or or learners uh educators or students and basically we've we're coming into this learning each day together and as we build this community of practice together then we can share ideas and i'm really happy to see you know all our friends from all over the world we have friends from india from vietnam malaysia uh indonesia and and basically we we have guests every two weeks at the minimum and we're able to kind of get ideas and key insights from all these expert and wonderful educators and it all contributes to this community of practice so having having the fiji community be online and through this platform when you become members you get access to all these resources you get access to you know all this knowledge and community plus you have all these materials that are available as micro courses as certificates as videos that you can re-watch plus you can communicate and chat with each other on the platform and that's really something that we want to make it much easier for everyone to do i heard i saw some of the comments that you know cpd or professional development is very difficult for some of the suffer for a lot of you know teachers sometimes they don't have their license so they they can't continue practicing teaching because they're deficient in some of the points what we're doing now in frijo is working with partners all over the world each country each accredited institution and get as many accredited cpd programs on the 3g platform so that you can learn anytime anywhere and get your certificates with cpd points on freeju so we're making that much easier for everybody to maintain their licenses and professionally develop so how does this relate to the future of work that's a that's a very good question uh person so if i was to kind of ask all the teachers today um if they could explain to to anyone what is the future of work what does it really entail i'm sure a lot of our friends here today will probably uh tell you that they don't know okay now if the teachers don't understand what the future of work entails what are the skill sets that the t that the students need to develop so that they could be successful in the future when it comes to finding employment for jobs that perhaps don't even exist today how do you then expect our teachers to develop courses to help our students be successful in the future so it is very important for teachers to really understand what future of work is and the only way to actually do that is by continuously updating your own skill sets continuously updating your own skill sets and this digital transformation you know we're talking about digital transformation across all industries okay every single industry has moved forward you know it's going digital it's go i mean you look at fnb if you look at banking you know we do e-wallets we the cashless payments you know if you look at fnb uh in singapore at least we can now order you know using um a mobile app you know all of this has been digitized and transformed and teaching is perhaps the most important profession in the world because without teachers you don't have any other professions right and if the teachers are not able to or do not want to transform their own cells then everybody else suffers so when it comes to training students and preparing them for careers of the future jobs of the future it is important for teachers first to understand what what that entails and that can only happen when they go through a wide range of you know professional development courses and also become lifelong learners themselves because if the teachers are not lifelong learners how and why should we expect our students to become lifelong learners so that's why it becomes very important for teachers to really consider you know to constantly stay at the top of the game constantly be updated well so it's interesting because when again you know i've been with academia for five or six months now too long not long enough um but and i want everyone to understand that this banter that you see this is genuine we really we bounce ideas off each other we don't always agree but we have this community so community is incredibly important and so is team people really really support each other but one thing that was so important to me is your approach to making your these courses these continuing professional development courses affordable to teachers why did that matter and how are you doing that and what does affordable mean okay so i think um affordable uh you know cost and affordability is subjective right uh but what we wanted to do was uh we wanted to make sure that no teacher anywhere in any part of the world has any excuse to say that i can't do these courses or i can't upskill myself because i can't afford these courses right if you look at a typical cost of cpd uh courses um they range anywhere uh from um anywhere from about 50 to a hundred over us dollars per head okay now there are a lot of teachers uh you know who can afford it a lot of schools all the international schools can perhaps afford that but there is a much much larger group of teachers and schools who cannot afford that okay and then it becomes a question of equity the ones who can afford it the ones who can't afford it so what we've what we've tried to do is to make sure that no matter if you're a public school teacher um you know in mindanao or if you're a international school teacher in singapore or you're a you know college professor in europe or africa or wherever you should be able to afford the programs with free jew and so what does affordability really mean i will talk about that later okay because i think um i think a lot of people might just get shocked when i tell them what affordability really means okay so yeah well i want to shift gears for a little bit because this is different tonight's fireside chat is very different than most but everyone we've had before and it's different in a couple different ways i think i said different a lot of times in that sentence that got away from me um but so we've changed it now you're gonna do something in a minute i don't know if you're ready yet but you're going to create a course for them for this fireside chat can you explain the shift in how we're going to do fireside chats from this point going forward yeah so there's going to be a huge shift uh in moving forward first of all i think uh um i think it's important for us to make an announcement a very important announcement uh so that um everybody knows you know what's what's gonna happen moving forward uh so i think the important announcement is the fact that we are so so so excited to announce today that free jew version 2 is now live right so you can actually go to freeju.com today right now and sign in and get access to about 20 different courses straight away okay and that's the 20 courses are all free so you can actually go in and you can actually sign up for the lifetime membership and you can join any community of practice there are many communities you know within within the platform and of course i will you know show you the entire thing in a minute uh but having said that the format is definitely going to change uh for all these virtual events so up until now uh we've made these virtual events available to anybody and everybody and this will continue we will never ever stop with that uh the the virtual events will be available to all teachers from anywhere at any point for free okay however i know a lot of teachers um keep on asking about certificates you know will i get an attendance certificate will i get a certificate of participation you know for for attending a webinar and all of that kind of stuff yes you will however moving forward to get the attendance certificate you will have to complete a short course along with this particular event so you will really be able to not just sit and listen to speakers speak and discuss ideas but you will also get the opportunity to put those ideas into practice so you can really really learn it's not just about attending a webinar anymore it's about attending a webinar and then applying whatever you've learned as part of a course and then attaining a certificate of achievement and that certificate will no longer be on a pdf like we used to do but it's going to be on blockchain so that teachers can actually use this as a proper credential to even further their own careers so that's basically what's going to happen and so moving forward starting today if you're looking for a certificate sign up uh to free you sign up for the importance of continuous professional development complete the requirements and uh you can get your certificate and for for for this week's uh certificate um of course it's part of the course but moving forward if anybody needs a certificate they will have to become a premium member as well and we will talk about affordability i had said about affordability and i will talk about affordability towards the end because i think a lot of people will probably fall off their their chairs well i don't know about you roy but i'm ready for neil to actually show the system and show what freed you is yeah absolutely super excited to demo the uh the platform to everybody it'll be really exciting so that everyone can see i think we even have some participants uh who've attended our previous training uh workshops and uh programs and have seen version one of the platform already probably some of you already registered and tried some courses now we're showcasing to you version two okay so this is the new brand spanking new upgraded new and improved version of friju yeah so thanks roy thanks kirsten and let's get right to it okay so i'm gonna demonstrate version two and like roy said we've had version one up and running for about a year and a half we have already onboarded about a hundred over a thousand teachers on version one on version one all we had was eight different courses available that's it that's all we had and we had about a hundred over a thousand teachers who went through those courses okay now over the last couple of months we've been talking about 21st century education we've been talking about how to engage students how do you build communities of practice how do you build your international linkages how do you design engaging courses how do you learn and integrate various edtech tools free do version 2 will show you all of that and how you can use the technologies you know integrated there right into your teaching and learning practice so let me get right to it i want to share my screen okay so share screen and i'm going to go right into free jew so welcome everybody to friedrin free jew version two and as you can see the entire experience is completely different from version one uh so here uh i would like to point out straight away that we have built in uh a social networking element to the uh to the platform uh so this will allow you to network and reach out and build your own relationships with teachers from all around the world so you can learn from each other you can share ideas you can even do joint research projects and so on and so forth then we have something called skillet which gives you access to a range of professional development courses so uh eventually a cad asia will be launching about 60 or 70 different courses but as of today we are launching 21 courses and all of those 21 courses are free um then there is also something called design it which is probably the easiest way for you to create your own courses and we will demonstrate that today as well and by early next year we are launching an online marketplace and an employment portal which will allow teachers to not just learn but even earn from the platform so you will have a lot of earning opportunities from the platform as well as well once these two uh elements go live as well the other uh cool thing about the new platform is we can now do languages so the entire system can actually be translated in different languages so uh we can do the entire platform in hindi or in bahasa indonesia uh so here you go so this is you know indonesia or um we can even do vietnamese or it could be filipino or tagalog so there are many many options you know uh or language options now available for teachers so if those teachers who find it difficult to read or understand english can still get access to learning no excuses that language is a problem no more all right so we can actually uh learn in the language of our choice so for those people who are still on freeju version one there is a link provided here if you still need to access version one you can click here and you can still go back to version one and complete whatever you need to but eventually we will appreciate it if all of you can migrate and create new accounts on free jew version 2 as quickly as possible because by i think november or december this year we will be discontinuing version one and everything will happen here on frido version 2. so now let's sign in so i'm going to sign in into my account okay and here again i am not a robot obviously so i'm going to log in and right away you will see that now you can create your profile so as part of your profile you will be required to upload some proof of identification this could be your valid teacher's license or it could also be um what you call it uh your valid staff identification pass if you are uh you know teaching in a school or a college or university so here we are inside friedjoo so here is you will need to upload this and you will be given i think about seven to ten days to upload uh your identity proof right here okay so please do that and this will actually allow us to create a better a safer community for all teachers where we are not disturbed by any other element or which might hamper our learning so we want to make sure that this is a community for educators by educators you can update your contact information you can even update your professional details and if you want you can update a resume as well you can link all your social medias so i know there are a lot of teachers out there on tiktok you might want to link tick tock you might be able to you know find followers for your tech talk or youtube channels or whatever it is so you can build all of that here and i'm again very happy to state that we are now gdpr compliant as far as privacy and security policies are concerned so uh gdpr is the uh compliance policy that is uh used across europe and it is probably the most stringent uh privacy policy security policy anywhere on the planet and we are gdpr compliant meaning your data does not reside with us if you delete your account all your data is gone along with the account right so we don't keep any of your data so there is no way for you to deselect this the only thing you can do if you if you are not happy with the gdpr compliance you can delete your account okay and over here on the left you can see you have the newest members so let's see if anybody anybody's signed up recently active four seconds ago registered one minute ago so we can see who who all have just registered so i think there are a lot of teachers out there just now in the audience who are registering as we speak which is great and um we can see the active members and we can see the most popular members here as well and over here you can see people have already started uploading their photographs so please go ahead and you can actually upload a photograph by just clicking on the image there will be a pencil icon so you can click on this and upload your own photograph as well and if you want to edit this background uh cover you can click here on edit cover image and upload and customize your own look and feel okay there i can see miss marissa active 10 seconds ago welcome to free you miss marissa okay and you can also see who's online who are the recently active members all of that information is available right here of course we want to build our own network so if i click here on the left we can see something called members so when i click on this members tab i will be able to see all the teachers on free joe every single one so i can see who i want to add in my own network i want to build my own network so i can actually go and see who these teachers are and i can actually add them so let's go and add miss mr daniel so sir daniel i'm going to click on your profile and we can actually see mr daniel's profile here and if i want to add him to my network for example all i can do is say click on add connection so now i have connected with sir daniel and moment he accepts my connection request we can start communicating with each other all right so it's pretty much as simple as that to start building your network and again building this network is free it's absolutely free so you can please go ahead and start building your networks right so here you can see all my connections so anybody who's connected to me is all here and if somebody has sent me a request i should be able to see the requests here okay then if i click on collab ed this is like your facebook slash linkedin news feed so here you can basically post whatever you want and share it with the rest of the community so i can see lauren became a registered member i can say like and i can say um you know welcome free too okay so again i can see all these teachers you know registering and signing so we can actually start communicating uh with the uh with teachers as well and here you go um mr pablo says hi cat asia thank you for accepting my application and i'm just going to say like i'm going to say most welcome i can post anything here as long as it is not offensive if of course anything is offensive um you will be the the post will be deleted by our uh community uh development uh managers and you'll be given a warning and if you continue uh posting inoffensive uh offensive stuff uh you'll be uh banned from the community so just keep that in mind there are community guidelines okay of course the most important thing is for you to learn so we want you to learn and upscale yourself and you know be much much better teachers so if you want to learn you can now click here on skill ed so when you click on skillet you will see a list of all the courses which are now available to you okay so if you click on skillet you will see at the moment we have about 21 there you can see 21 courses available in english and these courses are not just for teachers but they are also for administrators so your principals your deans directors they too can actually learn from here so there are several courses available and you can actually go in and learn at your own time at your own pace no problem at all okay and you can see here that there are several search categories so you can see which kind of courses you want to search for uh and you can even search for language courses here uh i think we will be launching the bahasa indonesia courses by next week and in about two weeks from now we will have the hindi and the vietnamese courses live as well uh so let's get into one course so for example now if you want to earn your certificate for today's virtual event so today's event is the importance of continuous professional development for educators so after this event you can actually come here you can click on this course okay you can click on this course and you will see what the course is all about so here for now we have a preview i'm sure a lot of teachers watch net netflix right and just like on netflix before you watch a movie decide which tv show to watch or which movie to watch you can watch a preview so similarly over here you can actually watch a preview of the course so let me give you an example for this particular course if i play the video this is what it looks like [Music] okay so you guys get the idea you for every single course there is a preview video so you can actually see what the learning objectives are what the requirements are who the ty who's the target audience and what is the course duration and you can decide whether you want to take this course or not it's really up to you and if you want to let your friends and your colleagues know that you're taking this course you can actually click here and share that hey on facebook on linkedin on twitter you can actually go and share and tell others i am going to start this course who wants to join uh in in the in the community that i'm building right so you can actually build your own uh friendship circles your community to actually learn together i can already see there are about eight people enrolled in the course um and now if you want to enroll into the course you will have to click here of course over here you can see continue course but if you have never taken this course before you will see enroll so you will have to click on enroll and once you do that you will be able to go to the lesson so let me show you what the lesson looks like now typically online learning we have seen it is basically people uploading powerpoints and text and video and that's it uh but what we have done is we've taken a different approach we have tried to build several engagement opportunities for teachers to learn by doing not just learn by reading or watching but by actually doing something so let me give you an example lesson one introduction topic one straight away it says where are you from okay i'm gonna click here and uh okay this is obviously not working so let me just go back and let me try again let me see if it works so basically what we've done is we've built uh you know engagement activities right into the lesson so here we are so there's a link here so now we have built mentee meter right into the platform so when i click on menti meter mentimeter opens up and it asks me where are you from well i'm from singapore so i'm going to click right here and i want to say submit there you go and then when i go back and click on next i should now be able to see where everybody is from and let's see there you go we have so many people uh you know who've actually added in links and we can see that there are about seven people who've already uh submitted their responses to this particular question so uh when you click on next there will be you know more stuff for you to read more stuff for you to learn from okay and if you click here on the on the on the left uh corner you can see that there are all the topics are here and they're all short topics so you i mean the entire course you can complete in about an hour or two uh but you can you can see that all the courses all the topics are here in fact you can come back to this after six months and still learn because the video of what we are doing today is already available right inside the course right here so when you play this you will be able to re-watch the entire stream right inside the course okay so if you if you've actually added a comment you might actually see your comment as well even after six months right inside the course then in terms of assessments i think this is a big pain point for a lot of teachers how do i build engaging assessments so we have different ways to actually um assess so let's look at this uh here so here for example we have a poll straight away um so i in the poll i'm asking we've asked a question what prevents educators from accessing quality continuous professional development on an ongoing basis maybe it's expensive so if i can click here and vote and there you can see the answers straight away so it's a very very interactive way for you to actually learn and engage with the platform but that's not the only thing we can even record a video so for example flip grid i'm not sure how many teachers have actually used flipgrid here but now flipgrid is right inside freejoo so you do not need to download the app to actually access flipgrid so here for example i can click on this password i can copy i can click on the guest password i can click on paste and i can go okay and right away i'm inside flipgrid okay so let's go and add a response and of course my webcam on this particular computer is not really working well so you will see this but you can see that you know there is video and we can actually put in effects so i can let me see i can put in a sticker maybe this and you know we can move the sticker around we can move filters we can put in text um you know all kinds of stuff so it is a very very interactive way for us to build our lessons and learn and have fun at the same time right it's not just about watching a video or uh reading some text but having said that i must warn you uh because my dear friend kirsten who's designed most of these courses uh has embedded quizzes inside videos so in case you decide to skip the video you might miss out on a quiz completely so i warned you be careful right so let's move ahead so as you can see it's a very easy way for you to actually go and learn anything that you want at any given point now once you complete this course the system will automatically send you an email which will allow you to get your certificate so if i was to in fact i should have shown you that so let me just go back there okay so let me just go back there and i can show you uh how you what the email will look like so that you can look out for this email after you've completed the course and you will get a certificate which will be on blockchain um so that you can go and verify this at any point okay so if i go back to the course um i'm going to go to assessments and again i want to say something quickly neil while you do this that's right um the reason that neil can go straight to assessments is because he's done the rest of the stuff with a course you can't just go in and skip to the end and get your certificate that's not how this works yeah so you can't just jump and you know try and go straight to the assessment you will not get a certificate that way you will have to complete everything in order to get your certificate so you'll have to go through so if you see here i've already got all the orange ticks which means i've already completed the course i've already gotten my certificate so you will need to kind of go through this entire process and get your certificate so uh you there's an exit survey which is built in uh which you complete and then you will see something like this there's an email which you will see which will tell you how to go and access your e-certificate so uh this email looks something like this all right so you will see something like this and then uh you will click on view my certificate and straight away you will be brought out to a website where you can view your certificate you can download it you can share it on facebook or linkedin or any of your other social media platforms as well so all of that is free for this particular course and the other 20 courses that that you can actually you know go and learn from okay let me go back i think the other big pain point for most teachers is how do i build my own course which is engaging for my learners how do i build my own course right and most platforms give you the ability to build a course but what i have been told is that the process of designing a course online could be quite difficult there are too many options available and you have to jump from page to page to page and sometimes teachers might get lost in the process oh other technologies other lms's are not um intuitive it's and you semester semester i can say that i've forgotten how to do things like can make the course available to my students and other things so yeah so again if you're a teacher who who wants to develop engaging courses but finds it difficult to design courses online well uh you know stress no more because let me show you the easiest way to design courses on any online platform so all you need to do is click on design ed okay click on design ed and now we can build courses inside design ed and the reason why i say that this is probably the most easiest way for teachers to design courses is because you can design your entire course on one single page okay no need to go left right up down nothing it's all here on one single page everything that you need to do to build build your course is right here so let me run you through the process okay once i'm in design ed i click on course info let me put in a title i can say the title today is kirsten can you give me a title um deconstructing twinkies okay let's do a course on b constructing [Music] twinkies we were talking about twinkies before we began the chat people are wondering why we picked that so now i want to put in a course description so i can pretty much type anything i want here i can select my search category so when the stu when the students are searching for my course they can pick they know how to search for my course so i can pick multiple categories so these if you remember from our previous fireside chats collaboration communication creativity created critical thinking the four c's of 21st century education so you can actually put these search criteria for your courses as well so that the students can look for your courses you can decide which language you want to build the course in so you can do it in hindi tagalog thai vietnamese and so on and so forth you you can decide what is the level of your course is it for beginners is it for intermediate students or is it for experts so you can decide that you can build competency tracks so this is primarily for internally for a cad asia courses and you can decide whether the course is free or paid and then you can design your own certificate and select from here so that the students can get a certificate as soon as they complete the course just like you will after you complete the courses you can also build in content dripping so i can now enable content dripping and this will allow me to build my course content and make it available sequentially so meaning your students cannot jump from topic one to topic two they have to finish topic one before they jump to topic two okay uh so you can build that in and we can even do prerequisites so for example i can say that deconstructing twinkies is a level two course and i want my learners to complete some other course before they join this course so we can actually even set those prerequisites now you can upload a thumbnail you can upload an image and you can upload an introduction video right here and once you're done you can just minimize this window and go to the course builder and this is where you put in the meat of your course so here for example i can put in my first lesson so it could be say twinkies 101 okay and my lesson summary is they are sweet okay that could be my lesson summary and i can add my lesson of course i can put in any photograph uh you know any kind of png file jpeg file no problem gif you can actually upload all those uh kind of media files as well and now within this twinkies 101 lesson i want to build a topic so i can build my topic and i can say um i don't know vanilla pinkies okay and love vanilla vanilla flavor is the best maybe that's my lesson plan right um and here again you can add in all the media elements that you want you can add in all kinds of file formats and now here's the coolest bit flip grid h5p ed puzzle canva padlet mentimeter all built in so all you need to do is basically pick up your embed code from from any of these things and plunk it right into the into the into the course builder and you can actually link your apps together so that your students don't have to download anything okay so let me give you an example so here we have on canva i'm on canva and let's say for example if i have my my this image here which is uh you know free juvia live so all i can do is i can just go here on canva click on see all um neil we can't see that screen we can only see your freedom screen okay i know why because uh okay hang on let me just stop sharing and i will reshare hang on thanks for letting me know share screen yeah while we're sharing i guess and just establishing the the share screen again there are lots of questions in the chat okay so just to clarify some items here for everybody so you do not need a coupon code to register for freejoo.com just go directly to the website and then you'll be able to register directly some of you might be experiencing some issues on loading times and screens so let's say connection timeout don't worry just try to refresh your page until you get the the the registration form and that's okay because it depends also on the connection and where you are at okay so just keep trying we've had several of our members here live been able to register and create their free accounts easily so have a little patience as well and then if you are let's say experiencing let's say invalid activation links and whatnot you might be trying to register on version one okay so just to be very clear this is version two and that should be available on freeju.com and there should be no more activation links being requested of your emails just go straight to fiji.com and you will see the version 2 that's being demoed during this webinar right now and then after you've gotten into freejoo and have your account don't forget to sign up for the course you need to be able to enter uh the course itself enroll in the course click enroll go through each of the 14 steps and then you will get your certificate sent to you by email okay so those are just some reminders a lot of questions repeating questions in the chat for that so that's how we use version two the new version of freeju right thanks roy so let me show you how i embed um canva right into free juice so now i am here on canva i can click on these three dots here on the side on the top see all and then there is something called embed so when i click on embed i can basically say embed okay copy this html embed code just copy that and i can go back into freeju click on canva and just paste that's it it's as simple as that and you could pretty much do that with any of these apps and in fact we will be adding more apps as we go along so you can actually build all of those engagement tools right inside your course so that your students can actually be very very engaged and have fun while they're learning uh of course this is not the only thing um i know a lot of teachers you know always ask us how do we do live synchronous sessions well we have a thing here now called synchronous learning so when i click on synchronous learning here you go we have jitsi and zoom integrated into free drew version 2. so if you have your own professional account on zoom you can use unlimited time or there might be a limitation of 40 minutes or you can use jitsi which is free and it comes with unlimited time so you can actually use jitsi as well if you want to just by clicking on this and that's it the meeting name the meeting id has already been set nothing more for you to do and your learners will actually see the jitsi link in there on the front side so when they click on it jitsi will open up right inside the same browser no need to download anything and it's a very secure way of meeting your students because the meeting name and the id is created randomly uh and it sits right inside your course so only your students who are enrolled in that course will be able to see that link all right um then of course the other thing is in terms of quizzes how do you build quizzes so there is something here called quiz so when i click on quiz i can put in all kinds of quizzes so i'm just going to put something here i can put in a passing score we can decide how many times we allow our learners to retake a quiz we can set time limits we can upload any uh you know quiz materials maybe there's a pre-learning thing that you want a pre-reading material that you want them to to go through you can decide how many uh how you want the questions to be displayed whether it's one question at a time or all questions at once you can even enable custom question ordering so for example if you have a question bank okay say maybe you have 40 questions you can randomize the question order so every every student will get a different question to answer so no more copying anymore you can randomize the answers as well so every student sees a different answer to pick from right and then once you've made your options uh once you've selected your options you can just add a quiz and straight away you can start adding your questions and building your lessons so here i for example i can add a question why are twinkies so delicious why so yeah it's making us hungry i think neil and just as another reminder to everybody okay you'll see on the upper right it says a sign up or sign in button and version one okay if you are creating a new account on freejune now you don't need to click on the version one link just go straight to sign up for version two i think the reason why some of the of the chat comments are you're creating a link an account for version one if you do not have a version one account do not do that do not make a version one account just click on sign up button for the version 2 account which is what uh neil is demonstrating now i will show you again how to do this so just have patience just have patience okay i will i will come back to that and i will show you how to sign in again so here we are building a quiz now all right so we've got add question we can now add an you know message for the learner so like if if if roy was my student and if he says you know if why are twinkies so delicious maybe his answer is because they're made out of vanilla i would go yup good boy okay but maybe if he says oh because who says they are delicious i would say nope at boy all right so any kind of a message that you want to display you can actually display for your learners uh you can select what points you want to offer for that particular question and then here in you can decide what kind of a quest uh quiz you want to build whether it's single choice multiple choice short answers sorting matrix fill in the blank or if it's an essay type of uh you know you want them to submit a pdf or a powerpoint they can actually uh you know upload that or you you can do an essay or open answer okay it supports all kinds of video formats so whether you're picking it up from google drive whether you're picking it up from youtube vimeo no problem at all you just click on video and you should be able to add videos as well just drag and drop or browse uh or just upload a video right here okay so very very simple now here's a cool bit i promised you we will not go out of one page and here we are we are still on the same page we haven't moved out okay we can even add in additional instructors so we can actually this you know roy kersten and i with three of us can design a course together so again we keep on talking about community of practice community of practice community of practice you can actually do this now you can actually build courses together as a community right and um here for example you can add in how many hours the course what is the course duration what are the benefits of the course what are the requirements of the students uh so maybe if you have if you if you need them to have a webcam or a microphone or um you know a particular textbook you can actually put that here you can even upload an entire textbook here if you want or a pdf file as part of the course materials and when you want to make the course available to your students you now have two options one is you can make this course public to all teachers on the free jew platform so you gotta be careful about this one because if you click on that and if you click on publish every single teacher on freedo around the world will be able to see your course so if your course is not designed well they will all be able to see it okay but what you can also do is you can click here and say make this course available only to teachers from my institution so when you click this and when you publish the course will now be available only to teachers and students who share the same email id as you so for example if you're from say i don't know if your email id is xaviers.edu dot ph anybody with an email address xavius.edu.ph at the end will be able to see that particular course nobody else okay so you can actually build all of that in right here but wait there is more there is more so in version one we were communicating with teachers using a third-party app called slack no more slack okay we've now built the entire communication platform for each course right inside freeju so to to speak with your fellow teachers who are also taking the same course as you or to speak with a facilitator who's in charge of facilitating a particular course all you need to do is click here on the left and go to groups when you click on groups you will see that every single course has a pre-assigned group as well so when you sign up for a course make sure that you also sign up for the group so that you can talk to the teacher you can talk to the facilitator the course the program director and you can ask them questions so you'll you know you can really ask them all kinds of questions right there inside the groups and this is something that is also very unique to what we do and we want to make sure that you do not have a problem understanding any of the content so if you think that there's something that you haven't understood in terms of the content please go to the groups find the course uh of the of the the the the attached uh group of the course and then joined that i think the system is freaking out because we've got about 1 000 people trying to log in all at the same time um so maybe because of that but uh let me just click here on groups again uh we'll just wait for it to open up but i guess all of you get the idea that what we are trying to do here is to build a community where everybody can learn together and create their own courses together as well and communicate so here we are so you know we've got groups uh built here so you can basically uh find the correct group and join that as well so that you can basically uh go and communicate with anybody from that group so as you can see here all of this is now you know a group that you can actually join and these are all courses these are all courses okay so within the group you also have something called rooms which i won't get into right now because i think people might just get confused but there are different rooms that you can actually set up uh so you can have a conversation in your own language so if you're a teacher from vasa if you're a teacher from indonesia for example you could have a group a course group with a room just for teachers from vasa from in from indonesia or you can create your own group so i can basically create a group here for example and i can say okay let's create a group of all mathematics teachers in philippines or all mathematics teachers in asia or i'll create a super group let me create a group of all teachers in asia so if you're a teacher from asia you can actually join this group so this is a group this is an exclusive group let's just put it that way an exclusive group for teachers from any country across asia you go i can't join that group you can't it's only for asians sorry all right so again a very simple way for you to communicate for you to learn and for you to actually build your own courses as well now let me log out of the system and i will show you how you can sign in so let me just log out and then i will sign in again how you can sign up rather not sign in but sign up i will show you exactly how to sign up so hang on let me just uh go back and exit from the system and we can take it up from there okay how is everybody doing so far um i it would be it'd be really good to see some feedback uh of whatever you've seen so far from uh from teachers uh i can't see that the chat comments but perhaps roy and kirsten can can help uh share that people oh go ahead rory yeah so there's a lot of queries in the chat everyone's really super excited to be using the new system um and again just to clarify to everybody you might be a little confused do not click on the version one link because then it will lead you to version one and it asks you for an activation link in email that is the previous version of freeju today we are launching the new and new and improved version of freeju so do not click on version one do not so in the chat that we've been repeating this click on the sign up button after you've clicked the sign up button for version two just follow the rest of the instructions in the form and then once you click on uh sign up you will see the courses as neil has demonstrated and then in the courses enroll into the importance of continuing professional development that is our course and topic for today go through the course 14 steps the materials and exercises and assessments at the end of that you will get your e-certificate by email okay but you have to finish the course on free jew version 2 the new version complete the micro course complete that course and then you will get your e-certificate by email okay so this is different from what we've been doing before where it's just a usual other form and then it's sent separately it's a different uh method because we want you guys to experience version two and how it is to earn cpd courses okay this is how we're doing it so yeah so it's probably because a lot of people are kind of using the system now so it give it some time to load that is quite normal if you've seen other websites if let's say for our friends in the philippines if you recall the ikea website when it first launched it crashed within the first 30 minutes because two more than 100 000 people were signing up okay so you might experience some slow down when you're using version two that's okay again so neil maybe you can show them where exactly to click so that they're not confused absolutely so if you see here on the top right hand corner there's something called sign up okay so what you need to do is click on sign up and that will bring you to the registration page and this is where you will go and sign up and complete sign up yeah so the registration page should look like this do not click on version one because if you click on version one you will see a different step and it will ask you for an activation link no need for that anymore just click that big orange button on the right sign up and you will see this form here yep and you don't need an activation code you don't need a coupon code just go in and sign up don't worry about the coupon code you do not need any coupon code just go and sign in okay everybody you can use mine it's kir-2020 i think no it's not needed uh curse i know but if they want one all right okay so any questions why don't we go and look for questions from the um see if we have any questions from the audience at money meter because we've thrown a lot of stuff at people yeah you don't need to you can still sign up even after this webinar that's not a problem so if even after this recording you can re-watch and later on the freeju version 2 site will still be open you can sign up anytime again professional development at your convenience you can get upskilled and take the courses at your own time at on at your own pace so that is the convenience of online learning and online professional development right okay so we've got uh questions from uh menti meter uh shall we move to the audience questions and i think we should be mindful of time as well it is um yeah we are so so let's take on the first question it says uh this person says thank you very much for this first time experience to attend your webinar i really love it how can we join your webinar again is it okay to email us so um for that um you don't need an email anymore you you all you need to do is register for your free lifetime membership on freejude.com and you will automatically get updates through the system that hey there's a new webinar up and running so you can go in and attend it and you can complete the course and get your certificate all right so so so don't worry about that um okay then there's somebody call uh somebody says do students need to have a free joe account for an online course i have created on this platform yes they do however it's free for the students it's free for the students so you don't have to pay anything for the students all you need to pay for is for your own account if you want to create courses so that brings me to the affordability bit okay that brings me to the affordability but bit is it free yes it is the first 20 courses are free okay the first 20 courses are free however moving forward if you want to attend the virtual events you can but if you want a certificate for those events from next week onwards you will need to have a premium membership which is paid and the paid membership will give you the following the paid membership will give you access to more than 60 to 70 different courses that we've created for you in different languages it will give you access to certificates for every single event that you attend through academia number two and number three is you will be able to create your own courses and enroll up to 100 students on freeju for your own online tuition or whatever okay all of this premium membership comes at a very very very low price of 20 u.s dollars per year okay i will repeat it it is for 20 u.s dollars per year so that's equivalent to about four cups of starbucks coffee i was just thinking that that's less than my husband spends at starbucks in a week yeah for our friends in the philippines right at 20 us dollars per year that is only 1 000 pesos per year that is less than around 80 pesos per month all right less than two dollars per month very very affordable yeah so if you remember earlier i had mentioned that we want to make sure that teachers don't have excuses of saying that i i can't afford cpd courses or i can't access cpt courses in my own language or i can't you know find the kind of courses that i want to learn or that i am interested in no more excuses there is all of that is gone from today you you can pick and choose the courses that you want to to to take on and learn from it's only 20 a year for the premium membership if you don't want a premium membership it's fine you can still access the 20 courses and you can still um basically uh join any virtual event for free no problem okay it's just that when you want a certificate for those 20 courses or for the virtual events and you want to get access to more uh cpd units that's when you pay 20 otherwise you don't need to pay so it's really up to you right so let's move on to different um uh questions once up one teacher says how to pay okay good question once you create your account your free account on freedo when you create that account you will find on the left bar uh there is a payment option there so you can actually click on payment and you can make payments through gcash in philippines through credit cards or through going and paying through a bank so even in india you can india indonesia you can actually go to a local bank and make payments by cash if you don't have credit cards or you can pay by credit card either ways so we made it very very accessible okay so there is no excuses for teachers to say i can't do this because it's too expensive so uh yeah yeah so let's look at some more questions uh kirsten okay uh so i have um okay then how many course i need to accomplish before earning the certificate okay every course that you complete will come with a certificate as long as you are a premium member okay so as long as you are a premium member every single course that you complete you will get a certificate for today this particular event the course which is attached to this event you will get the certificate for this one course straight away at no charge it's free but moving forward from next week onwards every single course that you take up and every virtual event that you attend you will get a certificate for it as long as you are a premium member and the premium membership is only 20 dollars a year that's it okay um we have a question can you sign up tomorrow you can sign up at any time in fact right now we've got so many people trying to sign up you might want to wait you know give it a couple hours yeah we also have some questions uh that's a good suggestion kirsten to let them kind of wait a little bit as they're everyone's signing up there's also a couple of queries if they can pay through western union or palawan yes you'll be able to pay through remittance centers or pawn shops right now uh once you enter the system we can accept gcash so we're able to accept gcash payments in case you don't have a credit card we can accept gcash so that'll be available but for today take advantage okay the the certificate for today's webinar is free so make sure you sign up and accomplish the course and that way you will get the certificate emailed to you but moving forward after this webinar you will have to start the subscription which is again very very affordable less than 80 pesos per month okay less than two dollars per month okay there's another question here if you travel to another country can you still access your login yep i was just going to answer that because i am in the states yeah it works globally any country in the world can access it and it's very very affordable for teachers from all around the world to actually access it all right so so don't worry about that all our courses have cpd units and someone asked about are they accredited by prc and they are yeah yeah so uh we will get those uh points uh we are currently in process with prc to get our webinars pointed so we already accredited by prc as an organization we're just waiting for the points assignment for the courses okay somebody else is asking can i go to a 7-eleven and make payment at 7-eleven yeah you can just walk into any 7-eleven and make the payment there no problem at all so again we made it very very affordable and no miss tina you can't pay in installment terms it's only 20 an installment in and every month is going to be about two dollars the bank charges alone will be more than the two dollars monthly fee so it is a one-time annual fee it's a yearly membership so it's 20 per year and you can renew after a year if you want to okay um and um let's see let's see if there's any other questions yeah okay so i have already signed in how can i enroll in the courses so once you have signed in click on on the top on the top bar you will see something called skilled s-k-i-l-l-e-d skill ed when you click on skill ed you will see all the courses there so select whichever course you want and enroll in it once you enroll in it you can start learning at your own time at your own pace okay there's another question in the chat i guess they're clarifying some of them are still getting an activation link even if they sign up that's okay just check your email address in your email you should see an activation link and just click on it so that you can verify your version to account okay so just go ahead and do that it's very easy to register we have a lot of participants now on the call on the webinar who have already been able to sign up and for those who are asking what the g cash number is of academia no need for that so when you pay gcash it's automatic so just enter your own details so that you can make the gcash payment on freeju version two yeah and again like i said there is no time limit right it's the time limit is one year so you can basically complete the courses at your own time and your and at your own pace there is no limitation like you have to complete one course every week or something like that no we understand that you are all busy so whenever you have the time on a sunday saturday in the semester break in the evening before you sleep maybe you want to complete maybe one paragraph or watch one video let me play one game it's really up to you how you complete it you have the you will have access to the entire platform for an entire year okay i can't wait to hear from people who were on version one how amazingly different version two is so if you had version one and you're thinking this is a slightly different thing it has been completely redone um we can chat very easily we're not using slack anymore i know someone said they had difficulty using slack we don't use slack the chatting is all done within the free juice system yeah also somebody's asking can you can you explain the courses what are they about in the details of this literacy numeracy etc so let me kind of address that our approach to offering professional development courses is focused on 21st century education skills for teachers okay the courses have been designed not just for faculty members but also for administrators for principals and deans and so on and so forth okay we focus on three specific things one is pedagogy skills we want to show the teachers the different pedagogical frameworks which are out there and how they can actually take those pedagogical frameworks and pick the right framework for the course which they are designing for their learners all right so that's the first part pedagogical skills the second type of courses that we have um uh uh you know tackle technical or technology based skill sets so how do i use flipgrid how do i use uh you know canva how do i use venti meter and how do i embed that but it's not just how do i use a particular tool more importantly it is when do i use it and why do i pick this particular tool from the several thousands of other tools which are available in the market what is the what's the thinking behind that so we kind of have courses which uh teachers can actually sign up for for those kind of courses as well and the third part is the life skills okay so the life skills are very important because especially when i said earlier about the future of work you know we are talking about you know our students our learners who need to be creative who need to have an entrepreneurial or a growth mindset who need to be critical thinkers that's fantastic but then let me ask are the teachers on you know entrepreneurial are the teachers do the teachers have the skill sets to teach critical thinking to the teachers have the skill sets to teach financial literacy in a way that is not boring to the digital native learners so we also tackle skill sets so that's three different specific areas of the courses that we are building but having said that we are not just the only ones building courses okay so i'm also very excited and happy to share that we have partnered with julia gabriel education in singapore and very shortly they will be launching their own series of courses specifically for early childhood educators okay so you know for teachers who really want an academic certification coming in from julia gabriel in singapore those options will also be opened up to you uh if you're a premium member and of course those courses will be at an extra cost but again very very affordable okay very very affordable we are not trying to gouge people's eyes out we want everybody to learn and improve themselves so that collectively we can really make a positive impact on the lives of the younger learners all around the world so yeah and help make teachers lives easier because as we have said so many times throughout the courses of our fireside chats tonight and in other conversations that we've had teaching is the most important job our futures are in your hands and i want to again thank you thank you not only for being here tonight but thank you for all you do we understand we all come from an education background we understand how hard your job can be and how underappreciated you can feel at times at academia we appreciate you the founders of this company created it because we wanted to make sure that you had the skills and the tools that you need not only to survive but to thrive and that's something we haven't thought about since the the pandemic hit everyone has just been in survival mode the classes that are available to you here on freedom not only help you survive but they help you thrive great uh i guess that's all the time we have uh today we've already it's already 4 30 here and we hope that all of you have you know enjoyed yourselves today and i also hope that you all can sign up at the earliest at your convenience and uh be a part of the community and make it happen uh so that all of us can learn from each other yeah kirsten [Music] i just want to say thank you to everyone for being a part of this community i look forward to learning along with you when you join the our different groups um thank you roy and neil and everyone for letting me be a part of the academia family um any parting words from you for the the seminar today roy uh it's been a pleasure uh being with all of you today and please uh take advantage of this very easy way to get your cpd um online and your certificates online there's still some questions in the chat how to get get the certificate create your feature account enroll into the course the importance of continued continuous professional development complete the course and you will get your e-certificate by email okay so hope to see you all in fuji version two let's chat over there okay please chat with us on free jew version two and our next seminar fireside chat is in two weeks right yep actually next week we have a we have a fireside chat specifically for indonesia so if you are uh joining us from indonesia there will be a fireside chat in bahasa indonesia for our indonesian teachers so please look out for uh the links to join that particular webinar and they will be available inside freeju so please go ahead and sign up for your free account today all right thank you all everyone have a great morning day night wherever it is for you thank you for joining us and we'll see you soon bye bye bye
Channel: Akadasia
Views: 8,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xxT1xdvBYHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 12sec (5712 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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