France faces unexpected problem after Macron’s election gamble

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ma says he's actually quite relieved because he has lanced the abscess he says in private he's not said it in public he's shown that the national rally is not ready to govern and the people don't want it yet and that's what he wanted but of course maon said he wanted clarification when he announced these elections and he has got the very opposite all the French political analysts were saying that Marine Le Pen's right-wing National rally would be the biggest party in the French elections while all the French political analysts are now shrugging their shoulders gically this morning morning because in fact the left has come out on top let's talk to European correspondent Nina dos Santos good morning to you good morning Asma uh maon made a huge gamble when he called the election um he was in some Jeopardy for some time um this is not the worst result but he's still in some difficulty yeah I think that's a very good summing up of the situation Asma and France by the way is in some difficulty and likely to remain so uh for the next weeks or months as these three parties that managed to block the far right from coming to power but essentially divided up the number of seats among themselves and um when they did so what it means apologies I think that's times radio calling me actually at the same time as lovely being so popular absolutely we want you on on stereo um the the point essentially is that these three parties the far left the center left and Emanuel M centus movement moving back and having a slightly better night than expected yesterday evening what has happened is that they've divided the vote three ways and it means that none of them have managed to emerge with any kind of majority in the French assembly National the lower House of Parliament and that means that we're going to see a hung Parliament for France and we're not even going to see one of those situations that we were talking about two three weeks ago which is the potential for a cohabitation government essentially you'd end up with a a president of one side of the political aisle or the center of the political aisle and then a prime minister who might be from the far right or the far left and that they would have a sort of fractur hard time now even that isn't the situation that France is facing it's going to have to try and form some sort of Coalition uh but the question really is who is going to be dominating that presumably the farle John luk Milan will try as hard as he can to exact an important price from president for he will put it having saved France from the far right and the far right itself will still probably come back emboldened for the presidential race in 2027 so who's your best bet then for prime minister is it Mel sha this is the big question he's already said yesterday evening and by the way he was the first one to immediately hit the airwaves which is significant to say look essentially we won one of the biggest you know our block won the biggest share of the vote remember that he's coalesced with these other Center left parties to form this new popular front but he is from the far left um the center left will say well look we actually did better um proportionately raising our share of the vote than the far left so really we should have more of a say uh Jean luk meanon said that he wants to try and create a government potentially of national uh a minority government but not everybody will play ball in that so Mina will certainly try and dominate the conversation but it's very unclear who might emerge at this point I think nobody really knows and it's a big problem not just for France it's a problem for the rest of Europe as well you're already seeing yesterday evening Donald Tusk the center right uh prime minister of Poland who rested his country back from the clutches of the far right when they' become really entrenched he essentially said look Moscow will be disappointed keev will be happy and this is a result that Warsaw can live with we also saw members of Olaf Schultz's own party saying look even in Germany and Brussels they breathing a sigh of relief that the far right big euroskeptic far right didn't manage to get into power here in such a consequential part of the EU but it's still very very unclear who's going to be able to govern from here on remember that they can call more snap elections in a year to come oh gosh but again uh the national rally did still manage to gain more seats so they'll Pro presumably use any future opportunity to do that as we head towards the presidential race in three years time um thank you very much for that Nina that is a European correspondent Nina dos Santos how's this not happened before do I think it's so odd that they've ended up with this really hung Parliament and there's no mechanism to to fix it that it's just sort have to negotiate that's it with people who really dislike each other yeah France has been plunged into Political chaos after the left wi new popular front the mpf won the Parliamentary elections but fell short of a majority Marine Le Pen's far right National Party sorry National rally have been expected to win having won the first round of voting but fell into third place all of which means the country has no prime minister and it's about to host the Olympics in a fortnite Charles bman is our man in Paris and joins us now Charles first of all your reaction when that exit pole came out to uh show just what a turnaround they'd been for National Valley it was pretty much of a surprise but we had speculated about that happening well hours before it was always on the cards although everybody had focused of course on the threat of the bogy man the the national rally the far right or hard right taking power and so what happens now because it it is the case isn't it the national valy got the highest percentage of the votes but they're in third place when it comes to seats we're well aware how this works because it's the similar things happened in uh uh Westminster elections what what happens now because France does need a prime minister well France is in a position that has not been in since 1958 in fact when they cre created this Republic to bring stability parliamentary stability under General deal there is going to be a lot of jocking around maneuvering President Ma is off to a NATO Summit he's not going to do anything until then except perhaps appoint Gabriel latal his current prime minister to carry on As a caretaker mael says he wants to see how everything decants how everything settles down with the parliament when it meets next week what he's hoping for is that some of the left-wing block will break away the more side may break away from the Hardline Firebrand leader Jean Luke melanon who dominates it with his hard left rad FR France unbowed party uh this may be wishful thinking so the morning after the night before with those results coming out is there a sense that Emanuel macron's gamble paid off because he's called uh National R's Bluff and they haven't ended up uh in charge or has he just made his life even more complicated he could have just had those European Parliament elections National Valley had done well and then he could have just carried on in the situation he was before yes that is what everybody just about everybody except mael himself thinks he should have done mael says he's actually quite relieved because he has lanced the abscess he says in private he's not said it in public he's shown that the national rally is not ready to govern and the people don't want it yet and that's what he wanted but of course maton said he wanted clarification when he announced these elections and he has got the very opposite there's nothing clarified in the country as a as a hung Parliament and paralysis and does that mean that at some point someone becomes prime minister and they just mudle through and potentially not the huge amount happens between now and the the next elections or or is there a scenario which sees macron resign early as president and there are early presidential elections well all kinds of options are on the table maon says he will not resign he will absolutely not resign the next elections cannot be held parliamentary elections until June next year under the Constitution so there will be a lot of muddling through the ideally maon would like to see out some kind of broad Coalition in which his own centrists would take part so he would not entirely lose parliamentary power that's one of the options at the moment but it this is only a few hours after the event and nobody really knows what's going to happen oh Charles uh thank you for explaining how we don't know what's happening no uh it's going be fascinating to see how it all unfolds uh the Charles B there joining us live from Paris as French politics competes with British politics for uh high drama
Channel: Times Radio
Views: 22,358
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Keywords: timesradio, marine le pen, le pen, france, macron, emmanuel macron, french election, france election, france elections, french elections, french legislative elections 2024, elections, france election 2024, le pen macron, macron le pen debate, election, national rally le pen, france snap election, france election results, france election macron votes, france snap elections, france election macron votes (cr), france president macron in india, france 24, legislative election, paris
Id: m1_UJZQuluM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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