Teachers' $68k Tiny Home Offers Fulfilling Lifestyle & Room for Baby!

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[Music] i'm jessica flores and i'm gilbert flores and this is our tiny black pearl and we're located here in pollock pines california in the foothills of the sierra nevadas living with us we have our two cats dante and vita and our dog biscuit and soon to come we have our baby river [Music] our house is 28 feet which brings our interior space to about 425 square feet including the lofts and we're parked here at a mobile home park we have a nice little corner space where we can develop our yard for our dog and have a little extra exterior lounging space [Music] this is our tiny house welcome to start off we have our couch didn't need to be huge but it fits perfectly into our space here nice and comfy we also got an ottoman which kind of extends into a little lounge area with extra storage we definitely got to maximize as much square footage as possible so we have two bassinets this is our downstairs bassinet for river it is a portable model that we got from his twin sister but it it fits perfectly and it's it's easy to contract too if we want to take it with us camping or something yeah we try to get the biggest city possible to fit into this space we like movies and soccer maybe have about half an inch left and it's nice because it can turn when we are sitting on the couch we can both watch it or when we're both kind of cooking in the kitchen we can also adjust it so that we can see it from over there do a lot of jeopardy [Laughter] uh this ladder hooks up here to our loft upstairs that loft has kind of gone through a lot of changes it went from a preschool classroom when we were doing distance learning to an art studio to now it's our storage for a bunch of diapers yes um we have a little cushion there that one person can come visit maybe two and they can still sleep up there even with all the diapers up there our initial vision was we want a homestead we want to buy our land and we want to move sell our house in austin and move to california and find teaching jobs and grow our own garden and and stuff like that build something from the ground up and do it in an off-grid fashion so we looked on zillow we found a really nice parcel that's five acres in the sierra nevadas we bought it we cleared the land all every day in june we we cleared a spot for our solar we cleared a spot for when the tiny was going to be delivered and then we put the the 20-foot yurt up and then the next day the code enforcer came and so a little bit of our dreams had to be shifted i think i cried for about three days and then we put it on the market and sold it for a profit so it's one of those those things and and we knew that we didn't want to do anything illegal and that's that sounds like a heavy term but we just knew moving forward we wanted to make sure everything we were doing um was legal because it does invest your heart and your mind and and so we found this place i i know we were in the middle of nowhere but even just the community in our first property was we didn't seem to enjoy it we liked the privacy but the community wasn't great but then we moved here and every neighbor stops by and says hello our neighbor down a couple parking spots the first day we moved in came in with a jar of honey yes and it's just been great yeah and then we were gone for a weekend and we had them text us like you guys okay we haven't seen y'all it's a nice little corner spot that ended up working out and and it does feel pretty private but it's also really convenient for us to get to our schools it's been it's been great i think at our other property we had to drive 20 minutes just to get to a gas station market to shop and here we have a safeway right across the street a hardware store right across the street so that's about it though we don't have a stop light here we don't have to be hidden about our tiny house you know we don't have to hide every time somebody drives by so it's it's nice that there is some legal parking for tiny houses this is our kitchen we chose the butcher block countertop and a two burner propane stove we have a little microwave conventional oven here which does most of the job we do personal pizza as hot pockets it's a big hit around here yeah and there's so much storage um all along the bottom we have these drawers um that just are never ending so we really can tuck everything away the big farm sink we really love and we customize the tile we love coffee so we have our keurig and plenty of space to to chop and cook i was on a plant-based diet for a little bit which is great to have all this counter space to be cutting veggies and prepping those meals we have a full-size fridge which is tucked away under the stairs the fridge has been raised and again it's always just about maximizing space in a tiny house and of course we have to promote legalizing tiny because that's just in our blood now we've installed a couple extra shelves like this was just one big opening but he installed a shelf here for our pantry yeah our builder did a really good job with storage and utilizing all that space underneath the stairs yeah and we have our trash and recycling here and then biscuit has a his own cupboard as well with all his bones this is biscuit's own personal space here he has his favorite treats and even the world's tiniest of tiny home cabinets we think what we're gonna do next is maybe build something that can pull out because we find that something gets lost in the abyss but it's excellent storage so this is my wedding bouquet for when we got married in a cenote in akumal in the yucatan cenote which is like an underground water system in the limestone it's a waterway underneath so it's kind of like you're entering a cave and then it ends in a really pretty water element i don't know if you saw the tiles on this kind of longer front step those are actually those are the actual ones we set up a table with our guest name on a tile for each person so yeah we put those tiles in our first front step walking into our house we just love the tiles it's it's connecting again mexican culture and kind of our wedding setting to our tiny house yeah oh didn't see you there hi i'm christian from tiny house expedition and i sweat a lot especially on shoot days that's why i use native's aluminum free clean deodorant it has simple ingredients a non-sticky texture and lasts all day even after workouts choose from a wide variety of scents like charcoal tangerine and citrus blossom i dig the citrus and herbal musk because it's manly it's manly with our code get three deodorants for only twenty four dollars that's thirty three percent off and you can also get twenty off any body wash or toothpaste see the link in the description [Music] and now back to the tour one of the reasons that we wanted to live in a tiny house is just to simplify just to simplify our life just have fewer things have more time more money to travel when we travel anywhere we airbnb and mostly we usually look for tiny houses we did like a year of just unique dwellings on airbnb so we would stay in different campers or different tiny homes and our yurts and just kind of like seeing what we liked what we didn't like kind of making a mental list of things that were kind of crucial um kind of designing our house with staying at other people so i would be like well i would have put the kitchen over there i would have put the restroom on this side so it's it was interesting all right so this is our restroom here we do have a combo washer dryer set up here along with the butcher block that's in the kitchen as well just to kind of make that continuous we do have some storage up here which is kind of rare to have in a restroom where you can put towels linen our laundry detergent and so forth on this side we do have a nice wardrobe that our builder was able to install gives us somewhere to hang our clothes which storage is so important in a tiny toilet we actually replaced it we started with a incinelete toilet which runs off electricity because we do have water here we decided to switch it to just a regular water running toilet living with two cats we also had to get pretty smart about where to put the litter box so we just kind of built this little pull out which has everything we need to clean a litter box kitties can do their business and it takes away nicely you can't even tell it's there regular shower which my parents were probably pretty impressed that we could fit that into a tiny house we do have nice storage there where we can have a pop-up baby tub to use for our baby river when she's here and it folds up nicely and then we can just go ahead and hang it back up whenever we're done and yeah just being with space where to hang our vacuum cleaners hangs up nicely on the wall we get some natural light here due to this window yes this is just our mirror here we get nice storage so everything gets put away nicely and nothing has to hang out which we like we don't like clutter our tiny house is fit with a mini split ac and heater which is perfect for us it warms up the place and it definitely cools it down super quick most of the time we're just using a little space heater downstairs just because it uses a little bit less electricity yeah so we have alexa we just wake up early in the morning we can just say alexa turn on heater okay and alexa does a pretty good job of just switching on our heater she also controls our outdoor lights so whenever we're outside we can just pop in our head and be like alexa turn on outdoor lights um and the lights will turn on okay so we got the 28 foot first 68 000 and we were able to put down 20 percent yeah so we put down around 17 or 18 000 which we sold our austin house so we had a little chunk of change or our traditional house in austin and um so we put 20 down and we are on a 10-year loan around 600 or 650 a month and then we pay 500 a month for the parking spot here yes i feel like our our builder answered a lot of questions that kind of linger for a lot of people where how are we going to finance it where do we even start our builder kind of just led us through everything even with insurance where he said i have this financer who can finance the house for you guys you can go through this insurance so builders have done it before so no one needs to start like from scratch ever so that was helpful because we felt a little bit clueless but he's like oh i got you yeah and even just like when to pull the trigger on applying for the loan getting insurance there was a timing for everything and our builder helped us with that we are saving significant amount of money each month even with renting the 500 a month for the mobile home spot just in terms of electricity our electric bill even though our traditional house was less than a thousand square feet it would sometimes be 200 in the hot texas sun it's really nice to be able to go and buy something you need it's funny because my mom always makes fun of us she's like you guys never even look at the price tag um we're like mom if we're buying this because we need it like it's it's not buying junk anymore we're buying essentials now and really like we can buy quality stuff and we don't have to worry about paying rent or the price tag really it's just we're buying essentials and necessary stuff and it feels really really smart just being two teachers we're never going to be millionaires but but we can live like millionaires because we have all this extra money to travel and you know we have the most amazing mountains and hiking right out our own back door so we're living what feels really luxurious but it's for a fraction yeah of the price so we had a choice of the railing we could have it mounted on the wall or have this wire with the metal here so we went with this design a little more secure which is coming in handy now still functioning with the stairs at 39 weeks pregnant this is our master loft and we were able to fit a tempur-pedic king which is so comfy and such a luxury in this house we have some additional storage here with a really cool see-through screen that our builder installed from home depot that's where our cats have their food and where we have our what we call our office which is a box of all of our office supplies and some reading material and then a newly installed second bassinet for river we decided with to have two bassinets because we're not really sure where we're gonna want to camp out with her i know that at the beginning i may not feel like coming up and down the stairs so we'll have an option just to stay down in the living room and then maybe more long term for the next few months we'll be able to come up here comfortably and i'll be able to have her next to me in the middle of the night so we have a variety pack of bassinets we're expecting our due dates actually may 3rd so that's super soon next week yeah it's exciting it's a little girl named river carlo we were a little bit concerned about where to put her but really we looked on youtube and we talked to people like what are the bare essentials and they said somewhere for her to sleep and some diapers and that's what we're gonna go with and there's really no fear we're excited and it really is amazing like how much stuff society pressures you to need for babies like like even your friends who have kids already they they were able to be like yeah you actually don't need all these things that we have you know the baby supply market is extreme like just capitalism i mean as with anything in america it's like let me just bombard you with stuff that you think you need and then you don't you realize you don't even need it so we're going to be able to have more opportunities to show her the outdoors and instill those values that are so important to us instead of material items like my my sister has two boys and they love playing with sticks they have millions and millions of toys you know and at the end of the day he's playing with a wooden spoon or he's playing with the stick that he found on the ground and yeah i think that's just continuously shows us that we really don't need to overwhelm them with toys and so yeah bringing her up minimal it's going to be a learning experience for all of us [Music] thank you for watching our video and for stopping by tiny house expedition i'm alexis and i'm christian don't forget to like comment and subscribe and for more tiny home tours and stories click the videos below and join us on patreon for bonus content including face-to-face conversations with us we hope to see you there all right thanks guys have a good one
Channel: Tiny House Expedition
Views: 523,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny home, tiny house tour, living big in a tiny house, tiny house on wheels, tiny house family, tiny house family of 3, tiny house baby, 28 foot tiny house, tiny house living, tiny home tour, tiny house parking, legal tiny house, tiny house california, tiny house movement, teacher tiny house, tiny house big living, tiny house nation, tiny house with newborn, tiny house pets, tiny house living with pets, couple tiny house, mexican design, tiny house design
Id: 64iNzgbFiTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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