Teacher Youtuber Favorites Swap!

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hello everyone and welcome back to the letters classroom if you are new to my channel welcome my name is Bridget Spackman and I'm a fourth grade teacher in Pennsylvania so in today's video I'm doing a collaboration with Tina whitener over at the cozy classroom be sure to go and check her up and subscribe if you haven't already but we decided that we wanted to do a collaboration together I've had this idea floating around in my brain for the longest time and I finally get to do it and I'm so excited that I get to do it with her so here's what we did go teacher swap so we ended up deciding to do a teacher swap of just like things that we like to have like either in our classroom or in like personal items and we put them all inside of a box we gave each other's lemon of a hundred dollars we put it all in the box and we shipped it to each other so I have my box from Tina so she has purchased all kinds of little goodies for me and Tina has row box for me so if you're curious at the end of this video after you give it a thumbs up because you're super stoked about it at the end of this video you guys need to head on over to her channel and go and check out all the little goodies that I sent her this is such a fun video I am so happy right now it's like Christmas y'all best thing ever let's do this so here's what I'm going to do first she sent me a little letter and I'm going to read it to all of you this is so fun okay I can't stop smiling just so I'm so excited about this it says we hi Bridget I'm so excited to do this collaboration with you I tried really hard to think of things that not only did I love but use a great deal in my day-to-day teaching or life and hopefully things you might not already have because if you will be teaching fourth grade math this year for the first time I figured you might not have too many resources in the subject oh I'm so excited I included multiple favorites too this area I love math especially fourth grade math because so many new concepts are introduced and opportunities for using manipulatives is huge plus there are so many awesome maskings one of my students favorite free time reward activity was to just pull out the masking and have a center rotation you love the book a tale dark and grim I do true story she knows me so well so I went fit to a book I think you also will also like my class love this one last year and I was able to cover so many learning objectives with one chapter I am also a huge stationery junkie and having the perfect tool for the job is a must whether it is designed the perfect anchor chart or sending a note to the office it just brings a smile to my face me too Tina I totally fill you finally since teaching is stressful even though we live for the job I sent a few of my favorite pick-me-up items when I need to stop and put myself first for an hour - these are my faves I hope you like the box and it brings you happiness sincerely peanuts y'all this is like the best being ever can you tell the excitement in a half okay son open gum scissors got my back here we go I'm just like so excited and it's just been sitting here I literally have the spot plus for probably about a week and I just haven't had a chance to do the video so I decided you know it took like every power within me to not open this box before I was close to oh I could be in it I don't know something awesome so exciting my husband's gonna kill me so fun oh it's also pretty look IG pose hold on y'all while I take this really quick Instagram pic ah so cute I got to get her little note okay so here's how it her little note says I have used mini-map resource books in 20 plus years this one is the best look how cute her little note card is to see that so precious so here's that there's my little note that was right on top of this look how beautiful that is all my goodness is so pretty so excited it's like Christmas whoo Common Core math and action making the standards manageable meaningful and fun oh my gosh y'all look do you guys see that look how awesome oh my goodness it has the standard over here on this side it gives you activities I'm so beyond excited thank you so much Tina I'm going to be saying that like throughout this entire video so I hope I don't annoy everyone but thank you so much I am so excited to teach math again this year I cannot wait to use this this is gonna be great so excited love it oh my goodness look how precious she is like there's like a little note if dr. Seuss was a math teacher oh my goodness this is the cutest stuff ever Tina you are truly like the stationary teen let me tell you have to do with oh yes I'm so excited to use these a magnetic rainbow fraction tiles this is going to be amazing to you and they look so mean they are so mean which is really nice so they're nice and quiet they're not like the loud ones I really really like this oh this is so great thank you thank you thank you so this is the best video ever next package write it down do you know really quick before I like move on random but when I taught kindergarten that was like one of the my favorite things that I had to have were magnetic ADC letters but they were the phony kind I absolutely loved them phony magnetic stuff is the best have in the classroom the absolute best okay let's check this out what is this oh my goodness write it dear Lana look at those pens oh my goodness and they have like cute little names purple happy day light blue happy day dark blue happy day oh my goodness those are precious I need to open them up to be able to look at those points I love tin and these are about the cutest pens I think I've ever seen oh my goodness I really like this one oh and that point is fantastic you guys to that point that point is a fantastic I have to write my name beautiful beautiful these pens are wonderful so if you guys are curious up I have stuff everywhere job I told you it's like Christmas or stuff everywhere already there is it's like happy day pin I don't know they're like happy day pins but they're super cute the most adorable little designs I have ever seen on a pin and they come in so many different colors purple red pink orange light green green light blue blue dark blue and black so many different colors such acute and the case is like really nice to you to be able to be like to be able to carry around I love this this is fantastic so I love the reindeer one is that a reindeer oh it's just a deer I want to make everything be about Christmas oh my goodness it's so you I love this Thank You Tina this is so perfect I'm very excited to use these okay creating anchor charts is more fun when one has the right tools so there's that little package again she gets acute a stationary shop I love these love these these are like the best like most important teacher essential every teacher should have these in this class in their classrooms if you don't you need to go out to the stores and get them immediately mr. Sketch scented markers phenomenal and all they write so it just brings happiness to you you know what I mean you just smell it and it just makes your life so much better I love it this is wonderful thank you so much Tina I saw these and got so excited I bought one for myself it's funny because in the video I also did that was something that I got hurt I had to get it for myself too because I was really excited so I'm curious to know what she got ice cream scented markers how cool is that mint chocolate chip stinky cheese strawberry lemon ice bubble gum and chocolate this is super exciting I love this these are going to be awesome to use it'll just bring happiness and make me want to eat ice cream nothing wrong with that this one says we go together like pen and paper so week oh this is precious look at that notepad I love notepads and this is perfect for back-to-school absolutely adorable it select perfect size for you to be able to write notes on I love the Apple and then the lines it's a notebook paper with an apple and a pencil it's so so cute it's by inspire smile teacher created resources but it's so cute it's always important to have notepads because you never know when you have to write notes especially to parents or teachers or kids and it will go perfectly with my happy pin the more you read the more things you will know the more that you learn the more places you'll go to dr. Seuss quotes so it feels like a book feels like a book is smells like a book then it must be a book oh this is cool I'm already digging this because I like anything that's creepy I love it it's just like a thing of mine but terrifying tales ten stories guaranteed to have this have you sleeping with the lights on from the following guys girls and ghouls oh that's cool so there's ten stories in here very very cool this is going to be neat oh look at that either one of them is a ghost story I dig pokey I have to never say his name right that is so cool thank you so much I'm really excited to read this I think Ian will I really enjoy reading this too so I think I'm going to read it with him first and then I'll read it with my class but this looks like a phenomenal read very excited about this okay how cute is that think that is the coolest thing ever special delivery is what it says cute this is really adorable what is this oh it's a little ziploc bag how precious Live Love and teach all my goodness it's precious now I can put my pin for my pin I can put my pins in here and then I can also put my notepad in here this is so cute I love it so much this just brings me lots of little happiness I'm loving this look at that now I have a place for my notepad and my pens how precious is that I love this super cute - thank you so much I really really love it for when the job begins to wear you down very cute open enough the little book of who got the little book of hygge hmm get consciously cozy the Danes are famously the happiest people in the world and hygge is a cornerstone of their way of life who got loosely translates as a sense of comfort together nests and well-being you know who go when you feel it it is when you are cuddled up on the sofa with a loved one or shared comfy food with your closest friend is those crisp blue mornings when the light through the window is just right it is about gratitude and savoring the simplest pleasures in life in short it is the pursuit of everyday happiness who better then mike will keep i think it's how you pronounce it to be your guide to all those who go very cool I'm going to flip through it so what we teach our kids rate flip through attack I like it oh it's like all these little I love it let me show you guys one of the really cute pages look at that how precious is that CEO of happiness Research Institute I am very excited to have this it is a beautiful little book - I really really like it that's cute thank you so much I love this it's going to be nice to have thank you just so much fun oh I dropped it okay it was inside of this cute little package she is so stinking creative oh my goodness this looks cool fraction dice that's going to be nice to have you guys see that fraction dice suit comes with a six of them four of them are white one is green one is red and wonder includes twelve 8/5 third six quarters and halves I am actually really really excited to be able to teach fractions I think fractions are so much fun and now I have two phenomenal resources to be able to use during my small group lessons this is going to be great thank you so much for giving these to me I am excited about these I didn't even know about them because I've never taught fractions before now I'm going to teach it so good to know thank you these will become a staple for all your math games how cute is that so what is just people is that like timing you know oh my gosh this is awesome 12 sided dice this is cool I am so excited quiet and durable how are they quiet there they almost feel rubbery through the actual plastic itself and really feel like I need to take these out they do they feel rubbery so they are they are rubbery how cool these are absolutely phenomenal I'm very excited about this having something that's like quiet to be able to use especially wouldn't you the kids are using them it'll drive you nuts but I can totally see putting these together making multiple like three four-digit numbers with them using them for multiplication for division addition so many great things very excited about having these thank you so much Tina you are looking out for the math girl thanks even teachers need a little rest and relaxation I love her packaging so cute and like the coolest thing is we didn't even like think to do this to wrap each one individually to put little notes for each one of them and we both did it goes to show that we have a lot of things in common right oh this is sweet a foot mask in the hand mask I love these oh my gosh thank you so much Tina I love it this one the hand mask is avocado and then the foot mask is lavender I love love love anything lavender it is one of my absolute favorite I'm so excited to be able to use these this will be good for like on Friday after that first week school when you haven't gotten used to being on your feet for so long and you need to like chillax doing this is going to be so perfect for the end of the day I am so excited thank you so much so that is if those are all of the sweet little goodies that Tina has sent over to me I so loved the fact that she went out of her way to really focus in on math because she knew that that was something that was going to be new for me this year so thank you so much Tina for looking out for me in that area I'm so excited to be able to reuse a lot of the resources that you've given me and they all look phenomenal and thank you for also looking in to our well-beaten because we did get stressed especially at the beginning of the year a tends to get a little stressful so all of those are going to be really nice resources for me to come back home to and try to just kind of calm myself down before having to go back to work the next day so I love everything that I got I would love to know what you guys think was the best and the cutest thing that she said to me I love her packaging she's precious so leave a comment down below let me know exactly what you like or if you have some like teacher essentials that you feel like I need to have before I go back to school leave that down below too because especially with math or anything I would love to know what you guys are using in your rooms and what you feel is going to be the most important thing to you so leave those comments down below if you haven't already subscribe to me make sure that you go ahead and subscribe I'm coming out with some really really great videos and you don't want to miss those so also make sure you hit a little doubt so that you always get a notification from when new videos come out thank you so much Tina and thank you all so much for watching I hope that you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and don't forget to head over to Tina's channel to make sure to look at what I sent her inside of her package so give the video thumbs up if you enjoyed this type of video and the collaboration and I will talk to you all really really soon
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 15,616
Rating: 4.903409 out of 5
Keywords: teacher favorites swap, swap, A day in the life of a teacher, teacher youtuber, Classroom Tour, education, the cozy classroom, math games, tina bietler, stationary favorites, teacher favorites, teacher collab, elementary school, teacher math tips, lesson plan, new teacher, how to become a teacher, how to teach, math, reading, writing, education videos, esl, kindergarten, teacher, 4th grade, tour, common core, elementary teacher, middle school, tips, teaching, youtuber
Id: QDMXKy93h-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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