Teacher Reacts To "Sabaton - Night Witches" [I AM IMPRESSED]

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good morning another reaction sabaton night witch's animated story i think i touched upon this a little bit when i mentioned women in world war ii oversimplified when the german troops entered russia and i talked a little bit about stalingrad where women flew airplanes and supported the war effort on soviet's account but as with anything i want to learn more so please educate me down in the comments anything i get wrong please correct me i want to learn more and therefore we're watching night which is sabaton let's get to it the germans are resting behind the lines of the eastern front their tents in neat rows all is in order in the quiet and still of the night it's cold and the winter snow crunches under the jack boot of a guard looking up into the sky the snow starts to drift down it's peaceful here was that a noise from the sky no it's just the wind suddenly piercing the still of the night there's an otherworldly scream and awash as a dark form speeds by and was that a woman's laughter in the distance okay this is cool so far but let's just touch upon the snow wasn't it something like the german troops they were not expecting to stay this long in russia and all of a sudden they were hit with this siberian winter and they were not prepared for it they didn't have the right clothes they were not able to resupply the front because of the weather and the russians were much more prepared for this than the germans there are no engine sounds and the suddenly fearful german soldier loses his footing and whispers under his breath i've had german in school i'm pretty sure that as knight and hexen is which is pretty much the same in swedish not texas the world is all at once a bloom of fire and ash and two more dark forms pass without a sound hearing the whooping and celebration of these supernatural creatures the guard shakes himself from his fear and calls out texan [Music] the night which is in the sky above three planes of the soon to be famous 588th night bomber regiment their engines now running turn east for home time to rearm and refuel for another mission coming into land they're greeted by their commissar yevdokyareshkevich the young girls have formed the pilots and navigators are between the ages i just have to say whenever we touch upon history in class i always try to find something about women and children to to include everyone when i talk about history and sure i can force myself to mention something about uh a queen somewhere who managed to do something extraordinary but in my sense i i think that's kind of dull but stories like these this is what captures the students they really enjoy stories like these and when i mentioned like the night witches and how women fought and they were pilots and how they actually contributed to war not only they stayed at home and they took care of the household and they had to help out in the workplace where the men used to work now that they were at war etc but something like this is cool this is this is what the students want to hear 17 and 26 they are desperate to take the fight to the germans and have traveled from all over russia to join the all-women regiments the 588th is where the least skilled of all the women are placed but that didn't stop them from carving their name in history in the early days they were largely ridiculed by the soviet men given men's uniforms that were too big and shoes all of the same size the women did the best they could with the clothes making them fit with belts or filling the large men's shoes with stuffing the equipment they were given was woefully out of date the polykarpov po2 was a two-man trainer underpowered and made of cloth and wood these old string bags were nicknamed crop dusters or even worse sewing machines due to the noise their tiny engines made but the women the planes i'm not i'm not that familiar with airplanes i'm getting into it i'm getting more and more interested and i've played some war thunder and i've you know played around with spitfires and so on but i'm not that familiar with their planes uh but they look kind of outdated for being world war ii sure the 588 ignored the taunts and despite the odds turned the plane's shortcomings to their advantage the planes at maximum speeds were far below the stall speeds of any of the german fighters giving them a tight turning circle they were almost impossible to hit they were susceptible to small arms fire and anti-aircraft guns so their strategy was to attack in freeze with a navigator in each plane at her signal the pilot would cut the engines and swap him slowly silently dropping their bombs dealing death from above unexpected undetected stealth perfected if necessary the other two i know that war is stupid but it gives me chills when he mentioned that they cut off their engines and then i dropped their bombs he's like this is so cool we would draw fire from the fighters or from the ground they slept during the day and rose at dusk to take their vengeance on the invaders this unnatural bravery and their stealth tactics earned them their title the night witches the german ace johannes steinhoff said we simply couldn't grasp that the soviet airmen that caused us the greatest trouble were in fact women these women feared nothing [Music] is oh i completely forgot right i should have subtitles i'm geeking out a bit i'm a huge subzone fan i've listened to a lot of their songs not that many videos so i'm not familiar with this but i as soon as the pandemic is over i'll hit one of their concerts in sweden [Music] it's so damn awesome tabitha can really tell a story when you think like it makes you feel like you want to go to war i know it's stupid you shouldn't you shouldn't fight but it builds that sort of heroism inside you and like that pride and you want to fight for something i wonder if our troops our military listens to sabaton [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we have a bit of a guitar solo but let me know is like the name night witches is it was that supposed to be a name to ridicule them or because i think that's a really cool name it sort of strikes fear into you i mean it's something to be respected it's really cool but it might have been the opposite like you call someone a witch that's a negative thing obviously but when you come when you combine them night witches it's uh damn that's a cool name [Music] as they is on the horizon [Music] the wind will whisper when the great witches come [Music] is [Music] 32 women both pilots and navigators never came up i was just about to ask how many women perished how many were there if you know anything about this please educate me so that i can spread the knowledge uh to my students this is this is really cool i want to know more i should show more sabotage songs in my classes to be honest make history cool again home the 588th became highly decorated and respected flying more than 23 000 sorties dropping over 3 000 tons of bombs 23 night witches were awarded the hero of the soviet union although they were disbanded just six months after the war and not allowed to fly in the victory parade given their planes were so slow from 1956 after she retired from active service their commissary of tokyo took it upon herself to find the sight of every single one of her girls that was downed to mark the place and to pay her respects to each one of the incredibly brave knight witches [Music] okay that gave me chills i love these animated story videos they're so entertaining and well they give you some information that's useful they do and they're so well put together the video is over and i've already forgotten but what were the airplanes that they were flying i'm gonna google some of this and i understand that sabaran has a history channel i might actually get some more background information but i'd rather just first watch this video get the first impressions get impressed and then i'll look into it as i said if you have any information anything that or you want to correct me please down in the comments down below because i want to re-tell these stories to my students and i want to make them as good as possible all right that was night witches by sabaton animated story by what they're called yarn hub thank you so much yarn hub for not copy striking my videos and actually allowing me to upload them all right i'm looking for recommendations so if you have any recommendations please down below i'm making a list right now i've gotten some recommendations and i'm in the process of making those videos all right that's it i hope you're doing well good bye and take care bye bye
Channel: Simple Mike
Views: 29,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sabaton reaction, sabaton history reaction, sabaton history teacher reaction, history teacher reacts, history teacher reacts sabaton, history teacher reaction sabaton, teacher reacts to sabaton, sabaton animated reaction, reaction sabaton, Sabaton night witches, reaction night witches, night witches reaction, reaction night witches history, teacher reacts to night witches, sabaton night witches reaction, night witches sabaton reaction, night witches teacher reaction
Id: 3lRnJg8tC3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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