Sabaton - Night Witches Animated Story Reaction

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hey y'all what's up Kamikaze here Lobster here Chrissy how y'all doing out there uh we're gonna do some Sabaton night witches uh it's the animated story video uh it's requested by uh one of y'all a bunch of y'all hello Bunch yeah yeah anyway uh let's see uh this is uh did you it is time for our history lesson boys and girls okay are you ready for this you will be greater than this night witches love some Sabaton oh yeah screen's all big and anyway yeah can't wait to see some animated storytellings yeah so you've got some room in our kamikaze [Music] it's more of a history lesson without further Ado let's get this party started the Germans are resting behind the lines of the Eastern Front their tents in neat rows all is in order in the quiet and still of the night it's cold and the winter snow crunches under the Jack boot of a guard looking up into the sky the snow starts to drift down peaceful here was that a noise from the sky no it's just the wind suddenly piercing is Still of the Night there's an otherworldly scream and a whoosh as a dark form speeds by and was that I want a water in the distance there are no engine sounds and the suddenly fearful German Soldier loses his footing and Whispers under his breath [Music] all at once a bloom of fire and Ash and two more dark forms pass without a Sound hearing the whooping and celebration of these supernatural creatures the guard shakes himself from his fear and calls out dinner the night witches in the sky above three planes of the soon-to-be famous 588th night bomber regiment their engines now running turn East for home time to rearm and refuel for another mission coming into land they're greeted by their commissar yftokya rashkevich the young girls that form the pilots and Navigators are between the ages of 17 and 26. they are desperate to take the fight to the Germans and have all over Russia to join the all women regiments the 588th is where the least skilled of all the women are placed but that didn't stop them from carving their name in history in the early days they were largely ridiculed by the Soviet men given men's uniforms that were too big and choose all of the same size the women did the best they could with the clothes making them fit with belts or fitting the large men's shoes with stuffing the equipment they were given was woefully out of date polycarpov po2 was a two-man trainer underpowered and made of cloth and wood these old string bags were nicknamed crop dusters or even worse sewing machines due to the noise their tiny engines made but the women of the 588 ignored the taunts and despite the odds turned the plane's shortcomings to their advantage the planes at maximum speeds were far below the store speeds of any of the German Fighters giving them a tight turning Circle they were almost impossible to hit they were susceptible to Small Arms fire and anti-aircraft guns so their strategy was to attack him freeze with a navigator in each plane and her signal the pilot would cut the engines and swamp him slowly silently dropping their bombs dealing Death from Above unexpected undetected a stealth perfected if necessary the other two would draw fire from the fighters or from the ground they slept during the day and Rose at dusk to take their Vengeance on the Invaders this unnatural bravery and their stealth tactics earned them their title the night witches the German Ace Johannes steinhoff said he simply couldn't grasp that the Soviet Airmen that caused us the greatest trouble were in fact women these women feared nothing [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] effective treatment [Music] [Music] [Music] some detectives [Music] on the Road please [Music] perfect [Music] 32 women both pilots and Navigators never came home the 588th became highly decorated and respected flying more than 23 000 sorties dropping over 3 000 tons of bombs 23 night witches were awarded the hero of the Soviet Union although they were disbanded just six months after the war and not allowed to fly in the Victory Parade given their planes were so slow from 1956 after she retired from active service their commissary took it upon herself to find the site of every single one of her girls that was downed to Mark the place and to pay her respects to each one of the incredibly brave knight witches [Music] wow what a story what a story this is one I have never heard of yeah great song the song Moves so quickly the lyrics man I'm glad the closed caption works because really nice I wouldn't have understood it otherwise uh crazy good guitar lockdown to trying to hear the lyrics too but kind of put you in the mood for something by Mom's doing doesn't it oh man wow incredible mind blown 10 on the Digger meter story everything just uh it's amazing watching Sabaton until the history of some of the stuff that we've never heard of yeah right none of this stuff is in the history books over here none of it is not documented right or at least they don't tell us that it is right we don't know good enough maybe is a American history class you know it's not sure right it doesn't cover anything on uh world events bro but uh anyway what a good song many years ago I don't remember oh man what a song What A song What A song yeah broke the bigger meter a little bit I always loved Sabaton you love me um when they were animated in the band sorry the the band part where they're animated it looked pretty cool airplane was flying through him yeah yeah it was pretty cool yeah nice visual effects yes uh throwing that guitar solo uh well one of them I did this diminished thing and with the sweet picked arpeggios and um very tasteful and loved and anyway what do y'all think gel like that song uh like subscribe share we go to each other behave yourselves lips there's two thumbs up and I I think it gets a 550 or 588 on the deal meters yes 588 night witches yeah wow love that song another new favorite from them God bless y'all yeah God bless y'all and be excellent to each other and stay safe and later
Channel: 2ndhandsouls music
Views: 15,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2nd Hand Souls, Reaction, Sabaton, Night Withches, Animated Story, Metal, Historical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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