Teacher Beatboxes in Class - Maxmantv

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[Music] [Music] hi folks welcome back to continue the training of subject today material about basics of sound you're gonna share a couple of relating things about sound firstly we're gonna look what sound is exactly is the word sound is a noun refers vibration to this and another medium can be heard to reach a person's ear guys I think this is not working out you guys are not learning anything so why don't I explain to you in a drum form so basically had a drum we have the kick will produces the low sound sound something like and then we have the snare then produce the sound at the meet sound and then we have the higher and produce the high sound how many of you guys want to hear it together oh I see a lot of heads too many okay so it goes something like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys hope you enjoy that video we had so much fun filming it special thanks to Eddie nation check out these extra videos on their channel also remember to subscribe to max man TV for more cool videos like this [Music]
Channel: maxman.tv
Views: 37,421,824
Rating: 4.9107203 out of 5
Keywords: maxmantv, maxman.tv, maxman, tv, malaysia, Shawn, Lee, Beatbox, Beatboxing (Musical Genre), Pentatonix (Musical Group), prank, class, BAC, Brickfields, Asia, College, students, University, Teacher (Profession), School, Student, Education, Campus, Lesson, Physics, sound, waves
Id: 0649Hc8kJ5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2015
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