TDW 1577 - Dumb and Dumber : Filming Locations

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the fog is rolling in Sun is rising Salt Lake City look at very creepy this morning according to the weather it's gonna rain all day from morning till night now I could take heat of this forecast and sit around in my hotel room all day I'm not gonna do that because where there is coffee and a purpose there is adventure welcome everyone Adam Dahl whoo here it's my second channel daily vlog Channel it's that daily whoo we got a heck of a lot of ground to cover today before this public transportation train system was put in the opening shot of one of my favorite comedies was filmed right here 22 years ago Jim Carrey drove his limousine right down this road in a 1994 classic Dumb and Dumber they placed a sign saying Hope Street right there the camera panned down and the beautiful girl was standing right here on this corner and he pulled up similar to how that car is approaching us now we're standing in front of a brick building that has been demolished and they have replaced it with this but there is one way to tell that this is the exact spot directly across the street where the limo pulled up this building is the same this electrical box is the same that's the shot right there Lloyd Christmas that's a lovely accent New Jersey and right up here we have the introduction of our second character Oh Harry old buddy old pal yep that's totally yes is where he drops the dogs off I crimp them and i groomed him myself right there's where he's talking to her that's the shot that's the angle that's awesome because people back there did not like that I was filming I should probably throw a little disclaimer in right here some of these locations will be filmed out of sequence because it was filmed all around Utah and only about half to 3/4 of the movie was filmed in this state and that's what we're concentrating on in this wall but it's just simply way too good of a subject matter to pass this one up honestly my mind is completely blown that I am visiting two dumb and dumber spots I want you to look across the street because something amazing is about to be bestowed upon your eyes gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk God Harry and Lloyds apartment is this really happening right now that's where the shaggin wagon was parked it looks identical as it did in the film even the little overhangs from the apartments the drainage coming from the roof that little weird planter in the middle you watch the movie closely when they are escaping around this corner when they come running around there is a guy urinating on the wall I got to get the Billy in 4c shot right here pretty bird pretty bird Polly want a cracker I seriously can't believe this is happening right now and right down here on the right is where he got robbed by a sweet little old lady on a motorized cart and he didn't even see it coming there's really no way of matching this shot up because the building has been completely redone but Jim Carrey would have been walking right there with his paddle ball and he stopped to get that adult newspaper with his red rod and out of that Union Pacific Railroad that's cool and just across the street from that is the Devereux mansion home of the exteriors from the owl events it's hard to get the image of the two of them in their colorful tuxedos walking right into that door not much has changed over the years and really the only set dressing they put on this was a sign right there saying Aspen the only interiors that were inside there's right when they walk in the foyer and Jeff Daniels smashes the back of Jim Carrey's calf with his cave right inside there next to that stairwell the camera would have been facing towards us and all the rest of the interiors were across the street holy cow this is it this is it I can't believe the doors were open to this place but the bar that Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels stood out was basically right where those two guys are walking past and then right here they put a red drape over that door this is incredible this is the truth what are you gonna do I'm gonna hang by the bar put out the vibe oh shoot I almost didn't see that truck there must have been a complete nightmare to record audio in that room was the echo was insane they must have had huge boom mics or made me voice it over in the studio crazy echo in that place about 20 or so miles to the next destination look at that sky this is definitely some beautiful countryside especially with the leaves changing those clouds festooning themselves on the mountains not a hundred percent sure if this is a sidewalk or a driveway I'm gonna chance it and just go through here okay we're doing it ah yes this spot looks awfully familiar this is the spot from the dream sequence where he walks up and knocks on the door she opens it and all the doves flutter behind her now haven't you the opening here a few things have changed they have added a fireplace but the rockwork and the door and the roof all pretty much looked similar and that's where it fades into his dream even the planners are still the same the tile on the ground is now concrete check that out he was knocking on that exact door yeah even have the fire going just like in the movie so they hung a drape right here like a hung a drape over there that was awesome I can't believe they let me up there to look at that huge thanks to the ladies who were in the office upstairs oh let me get a shot of that fireplace where Jim Carrey we like telling the jokes everyone was laughing he threw that like the peanuts up in the air he was like munching on them so far they kindly asked for me not to go on this property but if you look all the way down at the end of this pathway it says private residence that's where he pulls the limo up and first meets Mary still looks the same this is as close as we can get but I factor they let me up on that upstairs to get that fireplace shot really can't complain 36 miles to the next spot look at the water flooding into the pathway is that it goose over there are you a goose no but that's a real nice ski mask looks like sometimes it gets so snowy they have these gates that close right there is Nicolas Andres house up here at the top of this mountain he was the villain bad guy in the movie and that's this place right there tucked away up here that was definitely a long way to get one shot 20 miles to the next location looks like I'm heading right into the darkness I think I am literally the same elevation as the clouds there's the hotel still looks to say what happened Harry some little Philly break your heart now I was a girl this was the sign itself the second time is the best and that drycleaner sign used to be a florist the phone booth was right here as we're mental punched the guy who was kind of giving him a lip and the shaggin wagon would have been parked right there in that spot there are no hot tubs in these rooms at least not ones that are shaped like a heart 48 miles to the next location this is quite the undertaking to accomplish in one day all these miles filming editing getting the vlog uploaded all in a day's time I love a good challenge lured drivin whistling never heard anyone at the Salt Lake City International Airport happened this is where Loyd dropped Mary off looks a little bit different because they have built this structure but you can see the crossover walkway in the movie and that's where he had his tearful departure I hate goodbyes how about a hug and this is a spot where he wrecked the limo right there goodbye my love I was a little bit rushed on those airport shots because I went inside before I got the exterior shots tried finding the escalator where he said move it or lose it sister and I was kind of like in there too long and the employees on security were looking at me weird so the outdoor shots I got really hurriedly so if they don't line up perfectly that's why two spots remaining total distance from here to there about 35 miles in a little traffic sunlight is burning away oh man the building is still here in case you don't remember what this is wanna cheat up and I'll tell you this was Dante's Inferno probably one of the funniest scenes in the film well it's hard to pick the funniest scenes but nothing beats Jim Carrey when he smashes the ketchup and mustard on the table now I don't know for certain but I am pretty sure that the scene was filmed inside this actual building and if it was filmed inside here the counter they would have been eating at would be right there and remember the blinds that Jim Carrey tangulls his feet up in they would have been right here hanging on the other side of the door and right on the ground right inside there is where they fed the guy the rat poison pills are good check please and just to clarify the exterior is 100% definitely were filmed at this spot when I mentioned the interiors sometimes when they film a movie they film it on a soundstage in case you were confused about that but I think they filmed inside there I really do that's a cool mural big cowboy there my side of the wall the last spot has been a subject of debate for years about where the actual location is there are three different places in question and I think where I'm heading is the accurate one cross your fingers could it be could it be right here I think this is it the elusive big gulp scene this used to be a 7-eleven even the address is the same 3 0 8 7 that's it Jim Carrey walks out of there with some supplies the thing that really gives it away though is this shot over the hood of the shaggin wagon look on the far left Kissel sales and service that building doesn't lie this is the spot big gulps huh well see you later
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 340,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumb and dumber, dumb, and, dumber, filming, locations, salt, lake, city, utah, ogden, apartment, shaggin, wagon, best, scene, dunkin, donuts, jim, carrey, jeff, daniels, union, pacific, aspen, devereux, mansion, dream, sequence, motel, airport, limo, dantes, inferno, big, gulps, 7-11, adamthewoo, thedailywoo, adam, the, woo, daily
Id: F0EuFSuiBA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2016
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