TCS Selected Student | Offer letter on 7th October 2021 | TR, MR and HR Interview

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hello everyone and i welcome all of you to on and study for you a complete placement solution friends this is pratik shivasva here and today i am going to share something interesting with you so one of our student prince raj he has got selected in tcs and his exam date was on 17th of september tr plus mr round was on 4th of october hr round was on 5th of october and offer later was released on 7th of october that means yesterday and the branch was electronics and communication so friends each and everything like what happened uh in tier plus m around what happened ditch around y h around happened on the next day so all those things we will be discussing so we have to discuss a few slides here okay so please watch the video till the end so before we proceed further i wanted to congratulate prince raj so congratulations for getting selected in tcs and friends the one more important thing if we have not subscribed to our channel yet please do subscribe because you can see we will be giving you updates uh regarding the job notification or job preparation so many of the student will comment that sir because of your videos i got placed in infosys tcs or some other examination okay so friends if you have not subscribed click on subscribe and do not forget to click on bell icon also if your interview has not happened it get this tcs enquiry comprehensive interview material because all the questions are getting asked from here itself okay now so prince as i said so the candidate the student name is prince raj and his exam date was 17th of september 2021 for him the tier plus mr round happened on 4th of october and his hr round happened on 5th of october 2021 and offer later was released just after one day so friends based on the requirement tcs will be sending the offer later suppose tcs need someone who knows machine learning so tcs will be sending the operator for the candidate those who has a idea of that this is just one example so based on the requirement okay they will be picking up the students okay and his branch was electronics and communication engineering okay now so we will move uh forward move ahead with the next slide so i had my tr plus mr interview on 4th of october at 12 30 pm it went for 15 to 20 minutes friends if you don't know the platform of the interview then it is nothing but microsoft team okay so it is nothing but microsoft team so the interview is happening on microsoft team okay so this is a zoom h yeah it is not happening it is happening on microsoft team okay so many of the student we are asking about the platform so platform does not matter okay your preparation matters and that is where we are helping you out right okay so friends uh for prince raj uh his tier plus mr interview was on 4th of october 2021 at 12 30 pm it went for 15 to 20 minutes the first question definitely the interviewer is asking so that you will feel relaxed you will not feel nervous so this is the first question which in any interview actually you can say 99 of the interviews the interviewer will start with this introduce yourself and show me your id card so that you feel relaxed then and they asked me which coding language you are familiar with i said c c plus plus and database okay see even uh though he's from electronics and communication background he has a sound knowledge of c c plus plus and database that is what he has mentioned okay now so definitely if they are asking you uh you know which coding language you are familiar with and if you are saying c c plus plus and database that means you are telling interviewer please ask me question for from whatever i said please do not ask me question from java please do not me ask do not ask me question from python so i have said okay i have clearly said it you to ask question from c c plus plus and database so what is the difference between c and c plus plus this very common question so even we have discussed so c is a procedure procedure language and c plus plus is object oriented programming language right so there are certain differences are there which we have covered in many of our videos then what is the difference between primary key and foreign key so this question is coming from database right so this is also we have made one video so if you have missed to watch i will show you so samyam had done the video so that's what if you have subscribed you won't miss anything right so tcs interview dbms rdbms questions okay so you can see the 9000 people have also watched so we are covering each and every kind of questions okay top five mistakes to avoid in interview so 20 000 people have watched okay so why are you missing all those things right so difference between primary key and foreign key that will be in your database then explain variable in c again he moved to c okay so explain variables in c okay so they may ask you static variable global variable all those things they they may ask okay explain oops concept because you mentioned c plus plus so definitely your object oriented programming concepts will also come in picture then what is sql and its type okay so now sql and its type is ddl dql dml dcl and definitely i know you will be knowing this program for swapping without variable friends i will tell you one thing so if you will check our youtube channel okay the interview experience videos whichever we have put okay so you can see uh the tcs and qt interview question 110 2021 okay and then again our tcs interview 110 2021 so friends the question has been asked same question okay the same question has been asked and these are the very basic question which you will be encountering in your interview so the questions are very basic level and this kind of questions only you are going to expect this you already know because these are very very basic questions like what is uh variables in c what is difference between c and c plus plus primary key and foreign key oops concept sql and types and this is a very favorite programming a question which interviewer will generally ask in all these interviews program for swapping numbers without using any variable okay now then they passed me to hr so basically uh sorry mr so after this is emma round was there why it being from ece background ec department why do you want to come to information technology why do you want to join tcs okay what is your strength and weakness okay so what is your strength and what is your weakness the third question is you are from electronics and communication department you know only basic knowledge in coding right see whatever they have they have asked here all this basic question so you're from ece department you know only basic knowledge in coding but company expects more so what will be your steps for that so definitely your answer should be yes sir i'm a very good learner and i will learn whatever is required for my particular project whichever project i will be assigned so you have to give a positive response so mr question they will give you scenario based questions and definitely your answer should be very very perfect okay now so friends many of the students will think uh sir uh my uh i will see the comment also sir for me tr and emma round happened what about hr round okay sir if my hrm did not happen will i get selected or not say friends see there are many cases where they will conduct only two rounds there are many cases where they will conduct all the three rounds there are many cases where they will conduct tr and m around and they will conduct the hr round on different dates okay see if only two rounds is conducted to you or if h around is conducted after few days it does not mean you are getting selected or you are going to get rejected no there is nothing to do with all those things okay now so friends for prince raj the hr interview was conducted on 5th of october and the time was 3 30 pm okay now again they asked the same question please introduce yourself okay so that you feel comfortable and you answer properly okay so basically to remove your fear to remove your nervousness they ask this kind of question next is why should i hire you so what is the capability in you okay so what is the unique feature of yourself that let tcs hire you so you have to tell about yourself how will you describe yourself in one word okay see friends so tell me about yourself basically that is in one word or how will you describe yourself in one word so you can tell about maybe your achievements mind you know so you can tell about your achievements whichever you think is impressive okay two uh situation based questions okay so generally these questions will be asked by mr but hr also can ask so situation based scenario based question and what do you know about tcs so friends this question definitely you should know you should know about the headquarter you should know about the ceo president okay you should know about the revenue i mean you should know about the details of our tcs okay so all those things are very much required when tcs was founded okay so all those things you should definitely know before you are going for the interview any company interview these are the basic information you should know if you are going for any company's interview and at last hr explained me about package bond etc so speaking about this okay we can expect chances will be high on getting selected okay see friends when hr discuss with you about the relocation about the package about the bond etc then the chances of getting selected is high but we cannot say if hr asks you all these questions like package the bonds and everything then the chances of getting you selected is hundred percent no this is just a a junction or sometimes it is true so if hr is asking about the package the bond etc then your chances are higher but not 100 okay so thank you i got my offer letter on 7th of october and i thank you online study for you okay so friends online study for you is very happy to producing a candidate like this okay to helping student to get job in the india's top mncs tcs in forces okay so we have also given results in flipkart okay we have also given result in hexaware so almost all the companies now we have given the results and the only reason is our uh the videos which we are uploading okay so you can also visit our youtube channel and you can see that a lot of contents we are uploading and that is completely free okay and definitely the people are you can see uh this the candidate has got selected in capgemini as senior analyst for a package of seven lakhs per annum right so you can see lot of interview experiences where we are capturing the interview expenses of our student and definitely they are making us proud by getting selected in the india's top mncs okay and we will be keep doing it so you can see uh there is again uh one girl is selected in uh equality and landmark with a package of seven lakhs per annum okay so friends we have lot of plenty of results we have given and we will be keep doing it the only thing your support is required okay so please do subscribe and we will be keep working for you day and night okay so the link will be given in the description of the interview material get it today and start your preparation and the remaining things we will take care for you thank you
Channel: OnlineStudy4u
Views: 9,181
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: tcs nqt, tcs nqt interview, tcs nqt 2021, tcs interview, tcs nqt interview questions, tcs, tcs nqt 2020, tcs interview questions, tcs nqt exam, tcs interview experience, tcs nqt interview questions and answers, tcs nqt recent interview, tcs nqt result date, tcs nqt exam updates, tcs nqt update, tcs nqt results, tcs interview questions and answers, tcs nqt interview experience, tcs interview for freshers, how to crack tcs nqt interview, tcs ninja
Id: XP27j7marRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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