How I make $10,000/Month with my SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)

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so in this video i want to share how i build my sas my software as a service into a 10 000 mrr business now before we start it will most likely take some time to get to this point as you can see in this graph over here when i was building my sas business upvote it took some time before the revenue took off as well so this is not your typical overnight success story sorry however once you have built your product the right way it can be a very lucrative and sustainable business in the long term because subscription oriented businesses have a lot of advantages so that's the goal here right to build a successful software business let's go [Music] so let's take a look at the framework i used in building and scaling my sas start above 40. so the first step should always be a proper research of your audience and their problems one of the best ways to discover opportunities is to look at your own problems and needs in life that's exactly what i did when i came up with the idea for my business uploading i was looking for a feedback tool for my other business and i couldn't really find an affordable ones that fitted my needs so i started building one on my own if you don't have any ideas for your sas yet i would recommend to for example look at your own workflow is there anything you could potentially automate or are you using tools you love but you are missing things or maybe they are too expensive and you can create something to replace them also talk to friends family and colleagues what are their pain points or research potential ideas on for example quora or facebook groups can you find any potential ideas based on the feedback of others now the next step which is an important one would be validating your idea to avoid building a product that nobody will use validating your idea can be done very simple without spending too much time and money on it for example we validated our software by putting up just a landing page with an explainer video and a sign up form we asked people to sign up if they were interested only after we saw a spike in signups we started building our first prototype with only just a couple of core features that cured some of our customers main pain points you can build whatever you want but if nobody knows about it it will not put revenue into your pockets right so the next step would be to go out there and share the word one of the best ways without spending any money on promoting it is to share your progress i started talking about my product early on on twitter and instagram this immediately resulted in friends and followers sharing it as well by publicly sharing your progress people will advocate for you this can help you reach your target audience early on you can even launch before you are live as we did there are platforms such as battle list where you can launch and attract potential users up front the thing is marketing for your product doesn't have to be hard with all these tools and resources we have nowadays so use your twitter and social media channels ask your network to share your software launch on platforms like battlelist butterfly etc and when you are ready launch it publicly like we did we launched on product hunt and indie hackers and it immediately attracted the first few paying customers within six months we were already at one thousand dollars mrr without doing zero outreach and zero sales the key here find the channels where your target audience is active that's why step one researching your audience is so important and even crucial because you're just launching your new business you need to look at your budget this is where growth hacking comes in there is however no way to really hack your way to success right but growth hacking is more like a creative way to get in front of your target audience by spending as less as possible research where your target and desired audience are active for example join facebook groups relevant to your business create an account on forums where you can connect and talk to them or join communities and start building relationships the goal is to get yourself and your company known to those relevant in your market another great growth hacking tip is to leverage on the name of your biggest competitors launch an alternative ad on google and write alternative and comparison blog posts so people that are thinking about switching from your competitor will get to know you content marketing is also a great growth hack to attract new customers research the biggest questions and pain points of your target audience and start writing articles or producing content for it so probably the thing that have helped us grown the most is listening to user feedback and talking to our users here's what i would encourage you to do right away from the start install a chat tool like crisp to start having conversations with customers you will learn so much from just talking to them and you can give excellent support on the go when customers are trying out your software also put up a knowledge base so your users can find information real easily you can use crisp for this as well one big tip analyze what your users are looking for on a monthly basis by looking at the knowledge base analytics and start writing articles for those questions and finally start collecting user feedback which you can do without voting because listening to user feedback will make sure you're building features that are actually improving your product and it will make sure you keep heading in the right direction so there you have it this is how i build my sas startup avodi into ten thousand dollars mrr and i hope these tips can help you build a successful product yourself for now thanks for watching make sure to subscribe and to follow me on instagram and twitter also comment below if you have any questions or if you have any ideas on what videos to create next so again thanks for watching i hope this video was useful to you and i'll see you again next time take care for now bye [Music] you
Channel: Mike Slaats
Views: 59,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: productivity, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, start-up, startup business, founder, founders, startup hacks, startup tips, techpreneur, tech startup, software-as-a-service, saas, MRR, ARR, SaaS MRR, SaaS ARR, Monthly Recurring Revenue, Passive income
Id: BKWO-MyrmyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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