TCP Video: Jeffy The Squishmallow

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[Music] ah I just can't wait to sit down and relax Marvin where's Jeffy I don't know but don't bring him up hey daddy have you seen that bug somewhere what a bug no I haven't seen bugs oh well can you please help me find one I'm trying to make it a pet what no books are disgusting Jeffy oh well very well then I'm just gonna keep finding bugs by myself oh I found one right here oh wait that's not my daddy that's just a big fat piece of [ __ ] that's a Jeffy you're grappling for what back for hitting me with some Nets and for cussing at me well that is not my [ __ ] father you were born like a conqueror oh that's a Jeffy you know what [ __ ] this [ __ ] Daddy I quit [ __ ] cut and suck on these nuts Daddy oh [Music] that's it if he comes over here and I see him again I'll grab him again I swear to God so guys what are we gonna do today you guys want to see my recent invention check this out behold Junior whoa what is this Cody well it was a mini fridge but after some adjustments I made it into a smooshy smushing machine this mushy's mushy machine well what does it do dude what is it called Mushi Mushi it's called smushy Mushi because you can put stuff in there and the Machine will smoosh them together and create something new ooh like a dog mix breeding yeah and it works with anything anything not just dogs well uh have you tested the machine uh no that's why I came here guys to see if you guys would like to check it out oh hold on Cody I have something that we can smush together okay hold on all right Cody I brought this baby Thomas and this big Thomas and I thought if we smooshed these guys together I could create some new brand I wonder what I'm gonna call it wooden uh wouldn't uh well in that case go on put in the machine okay Cody okay and and that way well we just have to wait and see cover your eyes what the ew uh uh Cody I think your machine has a problem well it's not a problem Junior it's just how the machine decided to make it um that is kind of ugly well dude what are you gonna name your brand I think I'm gonna name it ugly minis that's what I'm gonna name it well now that we saw that it can mix trains can they make something else oh I know something that I want to make fun I want to smoosh the squish mellow um okay sure what are you gonna smoosh it with I I don't know that's why I came up to you guys to see if you guys would like to help me find something to smoosh the squish mellow okay dude oh man I'm thinking about so many things that I could grab in the house wait wait for me I might as well just go on and put this [Applause] in the machine there we go oh stupid Daddy won't let me do anything for fun everything in this house is stupid stupid Daddy [ __ ] [ __ ] Mr doggy what are you doing in that box what's that you need help Mr Dougie don't worry Mr Dougie super jeffy's on the rescue [Music] man Mr doggy you're really complicated to get out all right guys ready to turn this squish fell into a squish pool oh yes dude let's do it okay let's do this [Music] um Cody there's smoke coming on every machine wait what what the I overheated but how we didn't even turn it off and wait just a second where's the squish mellow but I put it in the machine wait you put it in the machine without us knowing god damn it Cody that's probably probably overheated wait what the why what's wrong uh-huh guys I don't feel too good dude dear God I'm gonna oh what's going on why is everyone throwing up what what hey I I can't walk I'm round in my in my squishmouth yeah Jeffy you're a squishmallow Jeffy why would you get in the machine well I saw a doggy trap in there so I had to say oh no this is really really bad well Cody can can you like uh put him put him back together well yes I could bring him back but because of jeffy's eyes he burned out the machine so now I have to buy a new overdrive so I could continue and turn back to normal but a new overdrive and how long will that take well luckily for you I have an all PC that I don't use anymore and that [ __ ] has a good overdrive so I'm gonna take that piece from that machine but I wanted to watch Jeffy over here I don't want him to go anywhere okay okay Cody you do that get that piece oh Jeffy we're so sorry it's not your follow Junior it's my fault and I accept this I deserve that anyway it's okay Jeffy but listen uh I'm just gonna sit down here you're gonna stay here and you're not gonna move okay I can't even move I'm too thick my legs are too tiny well good that way you don't have to go anywhere oh vagina foreign [Music] this is stupid we'll deal with it Jeffy just wait until Cody arrives he'll turn you back to normal okay oh I do really need a pee I need a pee uh Jeffy you can't move right yeah [Music] I can't move from too thick okay that means that I can go take my pee I really need a pee okay Junior go take a pee Super Junior you know I cannot walk but I can roll I'm gonna show my daddy [Music] I still cannot stop thinking about Jeffy cussing I feel like I feel like scream at him more Marvin take a chill pill and sit down okay fine hmm hey Daddy what doing oh my gosh Jeffy I told you if I would see you out of your room I'll work around you you're so proud oh you're thick what happened oh nothing much Daddy I just entered to a machine I got mixed with the squish mellow and I turned into one oh my God this is scary this is scary I don't know I have to wake up early wake up oh oh hold on Jeffy stay right here I'm gonna call doctor later just just hold on um hello hey Marvin it's the end of the month and you know what that means oh no I I forgot my house payment uh Goodman right now is not a good time okay one more it's always a good time for me let me in hey hey will Marvin sip those pants off right now what step by step why because I'm gonna draw your dick off that way I could take you through my money uh can you please just put the drill down okay Goodman listen I I I don't have your house payment but look I'll try to convince Braxton to give me some of his money okay Jesus Marvin you always have to go out there and ask for money um yeah just give me a couple minutes I'll be right back Marvin Marvin Marvin hey Mommy you think I'm gonna be like the rich guy one there oh yes Jeffy you will I I doubt it who is that son Jeffy this oh it smells like oop um the texture though oh it's really good oh man what the hell mommy mommy help I'm being sexually harassed by this dude um excuse me sir that's that's my son ma'am leave us alone oh you know what I smell I smell so many chances I smell money um Goodman what are you doing to my son Marvin this is my son now what no good man this is this is my son what are you doing well you see Marvin I own the company squishmallows and I'm looking at this on my wall this is really really well made Marvin out if you just let me take your son forever and ever and you'll never have to see him again I will pay off your house payment pay off my house payment daddy don't do it this guy's be Mr Winkle Marvin no we have to find a solution to turn Jeffy back to normal I want my old Jeffy back I mean I do want my old boy back sorry good man no deal what Marvin just imagine the amounts of money that I'm gonna make from this no no no no no good man no we're not making this deal you're not taking Jeffy look I'm gonna I'm gonna go get the house payment okay yeah I'm gonna go check on my laundry screw you Marvin screw you thank you um sir why are you staring at me tell me Jeffy do you want everyone in the world to know you and love you um yeah that sounds cool I guess well have you seen yourself Jiffy you're a marketable plushie you're gonna make me Millions so what do you say join me Jeffy oh no I don't want to be with you I want to be with Mommy and Daddy and I'm gonna wait until this thing is over screw this house payment sir what are you doing [Music] Jeffy Jeffy [Music] hey come back here stop right there that's my friend that you're taking well your friend is it gonna be my money stack I'm about to get [ __ ] paid me away from me [Music] oh sorry good man but Braxton wants to talk to you all right where is this rich boy that you're talking about jeffy's Dad Goodman took Jeffy away he he what you heard me right and you know what we have to get Jeffy back yeah you know what for the first time I'm not gonna let that man make a profit out of myself you know what guys we are gonna do something about it We're Not Gonna Leave This like this who's with me I'm in I'm in two yeah well in that case I'm in [Music] oh wait yeah guys I'm out [Music] oh no there's cars how are we gonna get in look we'll have to use someone as a bite but oh [Music] fine I'll go thanks Marvin hey mate are you awake I'm awake I'm awake come on man don't fall asleep we gotta be watching out for tonight we're gonna see if there's some danger out there uh Simmons what's the point we get paid like 25 just to watch an empty Street outside of a warehouse where they make like squishmallows like who's gonna Rob this place there's someone that wants to rob the place and he he went that way he went that way I tried to stop it but it was too late go get him please well sir we we can't do anything about it anymore I mean he's he's completely gone he ran away like he said wait hold on now mate what was the skin color he's a he he's black OH police officers stay here and keep an eye on those guys get Marvin they're gonna go in no no shut the [ __ ] up doctor getting here all right doctor what am I digging into today I want you to cut this wish mellow I want you to cut and find what he's made of find the materials and once you have all those materials running right down you're gonna give me those materials and we're gonna start manufacturing these guys no good man please don't make me into a marketable plushie please oh well if you excuse me I'm gonna go get my tools all right you do that but hurry up okay now if you excuse me I'm gonna go talk to your copyright owner Logan says you do have a register attack on you so I'm gonna convince him to manufacture these either way Logan likes money why no no don't cut me open come on Jeffrey you gotta get out of here it wouldn't be a [ __ ] problem if I wasn't so flat I can't believe we fell for a Simmons there's no blackmail running around here yeah mate the boss is gonna be mad wait Simmons look that stupid bastard's still in there let's get his ass come on here they come hey you you lied to us there's no blackmail running around the neighborhood yeah I did lie because blackmail running around the neighborhood trying to steal this place take this come on oh my God I have to let the boss [Music] so Logan do you agree with me having the rights to Jeffy the puppet so I can manufacture him on the squish metal size huh you know what Goodman I actually like that idea hell yeah let's make some money very well then we'll shake on this we are under attack chives I'm in the middle of best this year get the [ __ ] out thank you now where were we oh yeah let's check on them what the hell what oh hell no I'm uploading six videos a week now let me get my camera screw all those SML parody channels this is what you can forget that be my friends okay say goodbye to Jeffy Jeffy no [Music] daddy did you just hit a woman yeah and it felt good come on let's get out of here [Music] [Music] oh well what could do whack a day Jeffy is back oh Jeffy thank God you're back I thought we were gonna lose you forever I'm also happy to be back to normal man I hate being a squish fellow I don't want to be a squish Miller ever again yep that's why I'm gonna make sure to destroy this machine after this yeah but what it matters is that jeffy's back to normal and nothing bad will ever happen again yeah you're right oh well I'm gonna go see Rose oh well I'm getting back to work no more into trouble kid okay Chevy B we won't get any more trouble hey Cody can you you put me in the machine so I can mix with Thomas why I just really want to see how would it looked like if I was a train [Music] yeah that's an ugly ass train right there [Music]
Views: 92,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef puppet, Sml, SML, sml, Chef peepee
Id: HT9hieLDy2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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