TBR Clue Rules ~ 2024

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hello everyone and welcome to's bookshelf welcome to my rules for TBR clue for 2024 I am changing up the game a little um nothing too chaotic I have been playing TBR clue for a long time if you're wondering what TBR clue is it is my way of picking books for my monthly TBR or my Tob R list and I'm a goal oriented person so I like having a list of books to pull from I also am a mood reader which is very counteractive sometimes which means I like to have the ability to pick whatever I want now this comes into conflict in a few ways because I like having a list but I also like to switch those lists up now when it comes to the game of TBR clue I have been doing it very consistently the same way I have a room that I pull two prompts for and then I get to reveal the cards that I've assigned to that room um now if I I have assigned like two random cards let me just pull two cards off of the pile here if I had assigned these two here the lead pipe and the dining room by reading whatever prompt this was whether that be I don't know a long title or um I don't know set in another country whatever else it could be I would be revealing these two cards and I would know that those are not in the envelope like the normal game of Clue or cluto wherever you're from I'm going to change this because because those prompts have been restrictive in a way that's not helpful um I might change this down the line but I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with this at least for the first year for the first year being this upcoming year we'll see what happens and I might go back we'll we'll see so what we're going to do now for the upcoming year is I'm getting rid of the prompt mug I have been struggling like I said um so I will be using the cards as my prompts um there is a website I can link for you that has character history and basically when I pull a a prompt out of my mug that says Colonel brand uh why am I saying Colonel Brandon Colonel Mustard um I look into Colonel Mustard in that page and I think he was in India so I could read a book from in India I could read a book about the military I reading a book that has yellow on the cover I have so much Freedom that it allows me to do whatever I want while accomplish ing a goal and that's what I need so what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to get rid of the envelope for 2024 I'm going to take those out and I'm starting fresh so we'll just reveal what it was in case anyone was curious uh so that was the conservatory the Candlestick and Miss Scarlet so in 2024 I will have a pile here I will just shuffle them up and I will pull one for each room I will still have nine rooms I will will still have nine pulls but this gives me the flexibility to really do whatever I need as long as it fits the category and if I can justify it it counts um also I don't have to stick to TBR rule so when you see my TBR videos I will say I am going to be reading this book and I'm going to read that book I don't have to I can change it so basically what's going to happen in January's TBR video I will have out the TBR board I will and normally I will also say if I've read everything because I will still get a reward but when I pull out the board and I'm pulling out the first prompts it will be the first card and in this case it' be the study so like I can have said before about the study I can do something I'm learning about it can be something that um intrigues me it can be something that is difficult to comprehend it could be a hard book to read because you're studying it example so that could be for the haul the next one would be the knife or the the dagger and that could be I don't know it could be um a book that's straight to the point it could be short it could be a knife or a dagger is a weapon involved because I do read a lot of mysteries it can be many things and I can manipulate this as I want it could have a knife on the cover um yeah so that's it room number three would have the ballroom see what I'm getting at these will be my prompts and I feel like this gives me a lot more flexibility throughout the upcoming months so I can pull books and I can say you know what the ballroom is the prompt for this book but I really want to read this book instead and this book is about a musician and there's a piano in the ballroom I can go that route instead you know what I'm saying like that's my goal here so there's going to be a bit of flexibility there so the way I will do my TBR videos will be to tell you what I've read and if I've accomplished it if I have accomplished it I'm not doing a spinner wheel anymore I feel like sometimes the spinner Wheels the reward wheel has been more of a punishment wheel than a reward wheel um so what I will be doing is I will give myself the permission to double up two rooms like one time so if I have the dagger and the study I could read a book A True Crime book and that could be like a non-fiction and a weapon book so those could be one double up nothing else can double up you will know as well as I will if I get a double up or not and this will give me the ability to read eight book books for the upcoming month um and if I fail I fail and I have to read nine to get the double up but basically it gives me the motivation to keep going um and to switch things up if needed that's my hope I have one other thing that I would like to check off with you um I could and I have been making this good reads or not good reads a story graph challenge for myself so I can remember what prompts I have to fill and I can make this a public challenge if you are interested let me know in the comments if you would be interested in playing TBR clue with me every month I try to get it up a few days before the first and these prompts are so flexible that you could do whatever you want with them um you could read a book that has a smidgen of white on the cover for Mrs White you'll be okay um like it it's just so flexible and you can change it throughout the month like I do so I can make that uh challenge public for you to use sign up if you would like to if not that's totally fine I understand there's lots of reading challenges going on I'm taking part in several myself but that's just a something I'm throwing out there if you are interested please let me know I can definitely do that for you and Link it in my description box every month if that's something that you're interested in so I think that's how I'll will be running TBR clue for the months of or for the year of 2024 I'm hopeful that it will work out well and if not we might change it halfway way through we might change at the end I am going to be just up for flexibility this year that is my goal flexibility so I uh I hope it will be an interesting ride I hope you'll join me for it so if you'd like to do that please subscribe and hit not uh hit the notification Bell if you're interested in doing that you can also give this video a like if you enjoyed it and leave me a comment in the comment section about the TBR game if you have a TBR game I'd love to know what TBR games you play or you love watching always fun stuff and it's always good to be exposed to new Chan channels that have TBR games I love them so yes please leave me a comment if you do one or if you know of some favorites of yours um I'd love to chat about that in the comments and otherwise I will see you next time bye for [Music] now house that I don't know
Channel: Naomi’s Bookshelf
Views: 127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SaN2i8buqd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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