How am I doing with my goals? ~ Goals Check In

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hello everyone welcome to's bookshelf welcome to my goal update checkin how's it going what I'm changing kind of video um I was going to do a quarterly update of like how my goals are doing and then I realized it's the end of April practically so clearly timing is off for me I did not prioritize it at the end beginning of April or end of March I just I dropped the ball so we're going to go into it now like a third of the year is done what are we going to do view um it seems a little r ridiculous but that's okay uh let's get into it so the first goal that I had um I failed miserably at so far well maybe not miserably I I said I wanted to do the twoin one out no two out one in kind of buying system so I read two books I own then get rid of one or then I can buy one um I I think I follow that actually I have not tracked it but I think I've bought like seven eight books in this year so far um so so that's pretty good sorry got something in my eye um that's pretty good considering I have read a good amount more than that of my own shelves I think I have uh and either way I've still only bought like less than 10 books which is huge for me so I'm pretty happy with that part of that goal was though to read 50% of the books I had not read on my shelves and that's not going to happen this year I can tell you that now um yeah that's not going to happen I will not not be finishing this s many books on my shelves I am currently as of right now filming I think I've read 44 books in like three months and for some people that's an amazing number for me that's really low so um I've had to just kind of re-evaluate my goals kind of and be like well what am I actually wanting to accomplish this year um and honestly I'm enjoying just relaxing and watching TV and spending time with people um just not so engrossed in books all the time which is weird as a booktuber to say but I read a lot so I feel like a lot of my life has been put in books and it's nice to have some time that's not solely invested in I have to finish this book or I'm going to be in really in trouble for my goals That's not healthy and I don't think I should be reacting that way to reading time which is how it sometimes feels part part of my goals were to reread books and I wanted to reread some old favorites some books I've saved on my shelves for rereading purposes um and then also reread some B books when I was a kid that I loved then I have done really well with rereading books on my shelves I have wanted to reread not limiting myself to reading only new books but I have not done well with rereading children's books that I enjoyed when I was a kid so that's something I do want to kind of prioritize going forward Maybe in the next couple months maybe just have some fun reading some of those younger books that I en Remember Loving um but I have I feel like done pretty well considering what I have been picking up and the fact that every month I do have a reread that's not and I get the Christie because that was a very key part of that reread goal um in terms of egi Christie I did I don't remember if this was in my goals video or not but um I did want to read them in order and I have been doing a good job of that so far far but I took a little bit of a break um and I'm starting death on the Nile instead of continuing with the big four currently I will be going back to that one and continuing on however I am kind of taking a little detour just for the sake of I don't know reading some favorites that are going to get me a really good egg chrisy High because some of those have been a bit lower in my estimation another goal that I have done really well at surprisingly is Book Club books I have actually read every book club book book club book so far I have pushed it to the wire every single time I have read it the day of I have finished it an hour before or even 15 minutes before book club but I have done it for four months do you know how hard that is for me I don't think I read one last year I've read four in the last four months um I'm just so proud of myself really am that that was a challenge there were some of those that were really difficult really hard for me to push through but I really loved it one of them was Mporn which I thoroughly enjoyed rereading so that was a reread and a book club book but um a couple were just really heavy content and I was glad that I push through and actually finished them in regards to the author jar I have not yet made one I think I've been pretty good about picking out Classics on my shelves but I have not been good about reading the classics that I've been picking out so win fail I mean I failed at the author jar but the goal was to read more Classics but I picked them out I haven't read them we're just going to call it a fail I guess in terms of watching YouTube I have not been watching that much YouTube so um in general anything so I've been watching some but not much and I still have not been commenting which is unfortunate I really wanted to do better at that I started off well in January and I needed to be reminded of that goal again in terms of my audiobook goal where I wanted to just listen to more audio books I um have done that but not because of the reasons I thought I would um I have I had a accident with my car early January like January 2nd and since then I've been taking the bus and it works really well in my town like my city has a really good bus system compared to others um and I know people here will say oh it's not that great it's not Vancouver but it's it's not that bad okay um and we I mean I mean I pretty direct from work to home work to wherever wherever I want to go it's pretty direct so I am just listening to ath Christie as I take the bus that has changed because I paused on listening to EG Christie um but I have I think listened to like six books on audio so far this year which is pretty good and I'm pretty happy with that now Timeless Toms that has not happened at all um so I need to re-evaluate that goal I think I think I need to just sit in that goal and see what I can come up with what um that would look like for me one of the things that I'm struggling with Timeless TOS is what do I read for that too I have strug I'm struggling to find motivation to read um certain kind of Classics so if you have any recommendations of books that you think I would really enjoy or things that you would um you would want my opinion on please leave the the recommendations in the comments that would really help me out at least as a starting point to try and attempt something um and then I can I don't know see how that would impact my trajectory with this goal because I do think I need a bit of direction and I don't know how that looks but I know I'm floundering essentially right now so the next one was non-fiction and I wanted to read 50% of my books this year as non-fiction now I haven't done terribly at this um I've actually done pretty well but I am trying to think of the fact that my reading is so different this year um where I am reading like seven books a month as opposed to 15 or even 20 um I am reading so much less than I used usually do that I was like oh I'll set my goal at like 100 I didn't say that but that was kind of my mental goal of 100 non-fiction books and that's at this point going to be all of my reading I think I'm going to have if I keep this trajectory going I think I'll probably hit like 135 books so I am very much off my normal goal uh so my goal for this has changed a little I want to read 60 non-fiction books this year 60 I feel like is a fair number I feel like that is a reasonable number it's still 50% or close to 50% of what my goal um of or what my I guess estimated goal will be or estimated amount will be but at the same time I think 60 is an achievable number that I can look at and say oh I'm 10 away or I'm 15 away so it's not going to be a NeverEnding oh I read fiction book so I have to read another non-fiction book like that kind of tug of-war um so I think I'm going to now change my goal to 60 which is still a lot still a massive amount but I think that is much more achievable for this year for me in regards to arcs I have not done well I have read some still have not reposed reviews I need to just sit down and write a bunch of reviews um if my mental capacity can handle it if I have enough spoons to do that on top of other life things aside from that I didn't have well I think I might have had a numbers goal for my good reads and all that and I haven't changed I think it's still at like 250 or something now I'm not sure if I'm going to change it or not I'm just going to kind of let it go I think and just read what I want to read and if if it's off it's off whatever uh but I do want to do one other thing that I hadn't thought of before and basically on story graph you can track how many days you've read in a row so I actually have been reading I've read every single day for this whole year and I really want to do that for the whole year and that is literally 15 minutes of reading on the bus or like 5 minutes of listening to an Audi book it's really not much I have not accomplished many books but I've been reading every day and that I think is more important to me this year than having a lot accomplished so if I can have read something every single day for this year I think that it would make me just feel really accomplished um and then I can even just you know challenge myself like before I go to bed it's like wait did I read one chapter and if I didn't then what can I do like if I pick up a quick short story I can get that done and it's been really interesting because now I have this like routine of reading every day and even though I read a lot on a normal year I don't read every day so when in years past I have read like seven books in a week it's mostly on the weekends like Friday to Saturday night and those midday weeks I don't pick up a book typically so this year I've been really intentional first of all by busting it's helpful by listening to an audio book every day but it's also been really great to just be like make sure I'm read I've read like a little bit um and not so much worrying about the page count or the amount of books but actually just making sure that I have read something and and it's been working out so that's kind of one of my uh new goals that I want to put into this year um and my other goal is to not worry about the page count or about the amount of books I'm just I'm going to take it easy and we'll see what happens um I mean I might go into a very different attitude come spring but right now I just I'm kind of like enjoying my time there are some books now that I'm prioritizing because of watching um the show quiet on the set which was about Nickelodeon and the Dark Side of children's TV crazy stuff um but now that's prioritizing some of those non-fiction books for me um and so that's kind of interesting that's what I want I want to have an experience whether that be watching something on TV spending time with someone and being like you know what I want to do that more I want to learn more about that I want to invest that more um and just kind of let my reading go that way however way it takes me so that's kind of my goal I don't know if that makes sense my goals have been up and down I've had some good ones and some bad ones or success rates I should say some failures some successes but I I feel like for the most part I'm content with what I'm doing right now I just need to uh maybe work a little harder in certain areas um but like I said some of those goals have changed and some of them are are doing just fine please let me know in the comments how your goals are going also if you have any of those Timeless tone books or any Classics that you think I should read or even modern day books that you might want a review video from uh please let me know I would I'd love some inspiration is what I'm going for I would love some inspiration thank you so much in advance I would also love it if you gave this video a like if you enjoy it and subscribe if you are new here and I will see you next time bye for now [Music] in a house that I don't know
Channel: Naomi’s Bookshelf
Views: 77
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Id: 2TkchjSIawc
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Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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