Tay Savage “I Been Through A Lot, Shot, Stabbed, Bit By Dog, Locked Up For Murders, Beat Murders”
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: DGB Media
Views: 157,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dirtyglovebastard, dirty glove bastard, dgb, dgb interview, dgb off the porch, dgb off the porch interview, dirty glove bastard off the porch, dirty glove bastard interview, off the porch, off the porch interview, interview, Tay Savage, Tay Savage interview, tay savage off the porch, Tay Savage dirty glove bastard, Tay Savage DGB interview, Tay Savage Lil Reese, Tay Savage Chicago, Tay Savage Bully Flow, Tay Savage video, King Von, Tay Savage King Von, Tay Savage Gang Party
Id: hTqahXw3oRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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