Lil Jojo Story - The BDK Anthem ,Derrick Rose Paying for His Funeral ,How He Changed Chicago + More

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yo I'm back I'm back man can y'all hear me can y'all hear me let me know if y'all can hear me before I start talking y'all know I always gotta ask man because I don't be knowing I'll just be able to make sure my audio correct you know before I start jumping into what I'm gonna talk about man so y'all could comment and let me know that I sound decent I'm gonna keep going man let me know if the vocals is up okay I'm here they can hear me all right man so yeah man uh I'm back uh with another hit today today we're gonna talk about little JoJo Joseph Coleman you feel me uh we're gonna talk about him I think I'ma start putting playlists on my channels I think I'm gonna call this you know to opposition story times you know I'm gonna have all the people I talked about from the ophoods in them playlists and other things I'm saying um said let him be a mod okay there you go bro but um yeah you know just want to you know give y'all uh some insight on you know what what how he affected everything that was going on in Chicago at the time and uh just like how he was and you know how I was living through that time when he was dropping the music he was dropping and uh you know doing the little stunts and things that he was doing you know this is just coming from somebody who was there at the time who experienced these things being from the from that other side you know I'm saying so just wanted to let y'all know you know you know I try to be biased so I try to like get out of these stories like I'm not one of the BDS like I'm just a guy who's a fan of both sides or watch both sides and just you know gave her opinion about it that's what I try to do um Yeah man so what's so crazy is y'all believe it or not I never met Jojo never I never met him you might say why you look smaller folk I mean yeah I'm happy to talk and tell that I've gotten more healthy you know uh yeah I'm trying to be unbiased my bad if I said bias y'all try to be unbiased um yeah hey make sure y'all hit that like button and subscribe share all that stuff I always forget to say that but uh yeah make sure y'all hit that um hit that like button and share man um they say when you gonna do the story on Dirk I was actually I ain't want to get all that story right out the gate I'm gonna build my channel back up I know I've been gone for a while my view is a little skirt you feel me so um yeah um what the [ __ ] what I was about to say oh yeah so yeah I'm giving y'all these stories man I never met him I never met JoJo bro I never met the dude like and I know that probably sound crazy to y'all because it's like um y'all think like I know everybody I've seen and everybody but like let me explain to y'all how like uh I who has worked at First you know I know it's a lot of people a lot of fans that uh that um look that look um up like the how city is made and you know all that type of stuff so nah uh you know if you if you're familiar with that you know blocks 600 600 uh either black gate and uh uh other little um Hood that's from my side that the Beady hoods Front Street all that we all basically on one side we all we all basically on one side of the e-way except lemron like it's King Drive which is where we from then you got Calumet Prairie Indiana Wabash I know Indiana Michigan Wabash state Wentworth that's where the e-way that's where the e-way started after you get to Wentworth that's the e-way that's the damn ride then on the other side of the damn round it's it's and I can't even remember the hood the blocks but it's like two three blocks before you get to normal and Stuart which is what lemon run that you know I'm saying they on 64th and all that so as far as beefs goes we not worn with the same people that lemron is growing with at the time like you feel like we're not like they Ops is really like [ __ ] we don't even know for real like you know I'm saying like don't get me wrong there's some guys that know that they're going to land a lot and they know what's up over there but it's like to a lot of us at the time like if Brit Squad I mean if if the land one beefing with the guys that we were beefing with oh yeah we oh yeah hey hey that Miami Story coming it's coming I ain't gonna lie I had a good time too man I ain't gonna lie I'ma definitely uh let y'all hear about that too man um but uh shout out to bro2 for the uh donation um max so now Bang uh can y'all hear me now can y'all hear me can y'all hear me now damn fool all right bang so now cool back to the story so nah like I said it was hard to um it was hard to know like who was who and what was what and all that type as far as like Jojo and them go and what like Ops was coming from and all that it was hard for the rest of the guys from um uh from my way to really like um no what was really going on I'm saying so nah it get to the point where it's like he getting on the radar I'm saying he getting on the radar he getting on our radar with like all this look back and forth he doing with folks now and all that but we've still like we don't know what's really like what's to the little [ __ ] you know I'm saying like we don't know what's to him he actually he's so far like I ain't gonna lie like them blocks I just named he's so like that beef was so far like all that Brick Squad what the world stuff like that wasn't that wasn't odd that wasn't that wasn't like a main op to us like I I've always been who they was m-o-b gyro you know I'm saying Young Money after a while like but all them blocks is right there by us I'm saying so it's like like we didn't know no other hoods that we was beefing with outside of them you know I'm saying like we didn't know so when JoJo come up on the scene you know like we we hear what's going on and like okay all right but it's a lot of [ __ ] dissing us we got phone them going crazy they blowing up so you know it's a little Ops coming from out the blue so you know the guys who was just on on that side on our side of King Drive we just thought it was another [ __ ] trying to clout Chase off us because we was doing our thing at the time so then this [ __ ] made his whole Hood get to coming out nice like who is this who is this who is that like nag is from look it's from JoJo Naz P Rico nice little miss the nice like nice like all right well you little [ __ ] playing with man like now it's like all right okay now y'all want to come out like y'all a little band or something like like y'all a little band or something like y'all just a group of up rappers that just finna go take off and tweak off us why hold on now we now not not [ __ ] is tuned in like you know like because y'all just y'all y'all x-rated on bro like y'all y'all y'all really going crazy like y'all just really think like it's it's chicken like that like we just sweet of some because we've been we've been uh rapping like nah it's too many [ __ ] from the hood not to pay attention you know what I'm saying like it's too many it's too many [ __ ] from they block not to pay attention so they're like now we looking at it like okay who is these [ __ ] because I told you we still don't like not lemron but the other BD blocks like we don't who is the who was from them you feel like so now he beefing back and forth with recent dark now you know I'm saying like I said at first me and phone them thinking like okay this phone number this some that phone number uh got going on some little clout chasing little shorties from from from from from over there by them trying to clout Chase off them man so that's what we thinking so whole time it wasn't that it was something way more than that bro it was some way more than that way more than that he dropping his little music right so it's like all right okay but we we got the streets right now like it's hard to pay attention to [ __ ] and they music when you turning up how we doing like what folding was doing it was like it was it was it was getting it was getting wild I'm saying I was getting it was it was getting crazy so now [ __ ] is jumping out from everywhere trying to rock with us and bi Ops it's like okay then you know he dropping this little music or whatever then the BDK song come out now [ __ ] is standing up we we standing up like height like little meerkats Folk we [ __ ] here that [ __ ] get the standing up like what's going on like what he said who like magic bro it's different when you dissing guys and you dissing hoods and then when you diss a whole game like you dream like y'all don't this and the whole gang is like it's like it's like this in a religion like it's like saying [ __ ] [ __ ] oh look the Christians like what every Christian gonna get up and get on that like what the [ __ ] you well we Christ over here stop playing every Christian from over the world gonna get on your top you know I'm saying like they gonna be on your top so when a [ __ ] come out and just diss all the guys like this [ __ ] dissed the BDS from Kankakee Milwaukee ultimately it just wasn't no discrimination and you know like that had an effect like hit you also a Tippy straight through cash hey bro I support hey I appreciate you fans solo bro I appreciate the love at all times gang um yeah so like he this the whole nation bro appreciate the donations I don't know how to pronounce your name bro I don't want to get it wrong I'm sorry but uh damn fool I'm I'm sorry but I appreciate the donation fool so yeah nambane he dissed the whole BD Nation for like y'all gotta remember like the whole bitty like I said like this in a religion not all of us are forced to sit up and be like like what I'll now if I know that said the link went for it looked it like you had a cake next to it like it was some type of foreign like word that can't make delinquent look like a foreign word it'll make it look like some European word or a word from another language I thought that word was like oh oh some type of goddamn other language man my bad Brody I ain't gonna lie I'm not illiterate for I could I could read and spell very well I just was like you know damn I appreciate you came real for the love gang Ardo man so he dissed everybody like it was like it it wasn't no discrimination it wasn't no I okay day lemron Ops or they they uh they just over there like it wasn't none of that no more he forced every BD in Chicago and around the world to pay attention to him like you know what all you [ __ ] think y'all tough y'all think y'all turn [ __ ] [ __ ] everybody damn that [ __ ] went out after every BD that was doing a thing folks that [ __ ] went out to every BD that was doing their thing after every single one of them fool hold on but yeah he went out to every BD so I was like all right now this [ __ ] think he crazy he ain't crazy though like he was he was like that though he was crazy for even doing that he definitely was crazy because [ __ ] weren't doing that I ain't gonna lie [ __ ] one [ __ ] weren't playing like that with us for I ain't gonna lie like even Lil Jayden I'm like they were saying little songs but JoJo gave him an Anthem and then what was so crazy y'all is this this is what I this is what was like this is what blew all of it is because JoJo gave a lot of a lot of [ __ ] that was like BDK low-key or that was like that was like BDK was scared to see it he gave them a leg to stand on like he made BDS that I I mean GDs or [ __ ] that I didn't even know was with that type of movement come out and be like yeah BDK BDK like [ __ ] start finding out who was really BDK after he after he came out with that like [ __ ] like you feel like we real live like we real live we don't we don't we they had a whole yes Max No Cap they had a whole BDK Friday movement they start creating their own lingo like he gave them [ __ ] like hope bro like this is why one thing I say I think if JoJo was alive he would have been he would have been Sosa for the Ops he might be social for the op steel right now I'm saying as far as like what he meant in the effect that he had on what's going on I'm saying like he like he might be Chief Keef of the Ops you know I'm saying because he gave him that spark he gave him that hope he gave him every little piece of energy that they needed to really compete with us he was giving it to him he was giving it to the Ops like [ __ ] we don't gotta click we don't gotta be scared to beef with these [ __ ] we don't gotta be scared to walk songs of these [ __ ] we could make hotter songs than these [ __ ] we could do bigger [ __ ] than these [ __ ] like he gave the Ops hope cause we were sitting on them I ain't gonna lie even little Jay and thought that [ __ ] was like mouth sauce ass and they was cracking cars and [ __ ] to getting money they weren't really making no noise off music they was it looked like they was but that was it was just like they was in tour they was blowing up off beefing with us I don't know if they was blowing up off music they was blowing up like off beefing with us you know what I'm saying so it's like him he blew up all beefing with us but like the people that was listening to him was like really stands to him and this was why I think like people get a lot of things confused you got fans you got stands you know there's a lot of people out here that got a lot of clout and it looked like they lit but then when it's time for them to push out some their views low when it's time for them to sell something they streams low they this low that low him he has stands like he had because it was like game beef so all his stands was like [ __ ] whose stands of the nation like stands of GD stands of anything you know I'm saying so it's like he has stands he had people that was really getting be given behind him and galvanizing behind like protect him at all costs he actually standing up to them [ __ ] because I'm gonna tell y'all bro being from Chicago bro we haven't always been predominantly like BD like the Chicago have really never been predominantly Beaty or had like I ain't gonna say not have big BD following because BD was made here so of course we got a big BD following but it's like if you know what you know you know the rack was always been predominantly GD and then it was a lot like a finball [ __ ] like like a lot of stones a lot of ice Lords a lot of MCS a lot of this a lot of that but a lot of the rack especially the majority of the South side at one time what's GD so prior to sourcing them we didn't really have our own movement you know I'm saying like we we had our own gang and what we was doing but prior to Falling getting on we didn't really have we was we wasn't the bigger gang we wasn't the more known gang out of the two we wasn't the more like popular gang you know I'm saying like we was just we was we was low-key like they tried to make us like the little brother gang like we was like they tried to make us the uh they tried to make us like the little brother the little brothers you know what I'm saying like they tried to they really did you know I'm not even gonna cap about that like before phone them came on if we put our staff on up they tried the little the gd's was little brother in the BDS because it was just too many of them I'm saying we wasn't but when Photon came out they made that they made us they made they did for us what JoJo did for the GDs again him saying like so it was like this is our time to say this is our time after all the years of being under the Genies and the GDs being more popular than us and them doing all having all the back up and having all the connections it was our turn to finally show us who show the world who he was and this [ __ ] as soon as phonon start doing their thing this [ __ ] try to take it away he was doing a good job bro like so we doing all the fizzle here come this little [ __ ] man trying to knock us back down to what we was just at man I'm throwing themselves like damn bro like you really think you about to send us back to the block and we ain't gonna beat nah bro yo the last gotta get the [ __ ] on up out of here folk like it was just BD blocks you know Calumet building all that type of stuff but it went like you know you had the BDS On The Low End 45th things like that but it just wasn't a lot of like places where BDS can congregate and Galvanize with each other for outside of certain spots bro no cap so now we blowing up we doing our thing he beefing with us so now it's like I have to hit the BDK song that forces every Hood that's involved in the biddies to pay attention but it also gave so many GDs that was like watching us and dick riding us and you know acting like they Rock without movement all them [ __ ] started getting like they was that's just like when ruca song came out I swear to God I never seen since Jojo I had never seen as many low pgds come out like I actually I I actually spoke on that before like come on bro like who Damn when you become GD like when that happened real life like it was [ __ ] coming out of the woodwork when JoJo dropped that song like oh damn you you BDK well you become BDK bro I've been going I mean you were going to school together for we shake up every day at 7 p.m for you being you BDK me and phone number would have been Snapchat head in bro what the [ __ ] man you man when it happened so nah all right okay now that happened he get an OP something to stand on and it was also it was a bad time for the BDS bro I ain't even gonna lie it was it was a good time for us but it was a bad time for us as well because now we got we blowing up but we got hand in hand smoke with a [ __ ] who just dropped a [ __ ] Anthem about us bro and now we got [ __ ] bro y'all know me I said this many of times I got I'm one of the only BDS in my whole family bro and I actually started that [ __ ] like all the [ __ ] who beat it in my family now they younger than me and that's because they look up to me and what I'm doing and they they they want to be with what I am and they got who's like a lot of the stuff coming from like Where I Come From A lot of people like copied us and they hoods flipped BD and all that so it's a lot of shorties growing up that's BD now that probably would have been GD 12 13 years ago so now I'm I'm at this time when he dropping this I'm hearing BDK from both sides of my family until my bro I can't go to no family reunion I can't talk to too many of my brick ass or GD cuz I can't talk to too many of y'all because y'all think it's funny and y'all hey yeah all that lame ass lame [ __ ] they was doing bro No Cap so now it's like can't see my family can't go can't talk to my cousins they it's just like damn bro like it's like when he came out I didn't even have a family no more damn that's like damn but we gotta talk to Susan meaning them now bro because JoJo got all my cousins on that BDK [ __ ] oh I can't eat but they won't even pick the phone up for me at certain days no more you feel me like how man bro we can't talk you steady thinking that BDK sit funny I ain't playing with you bro I'm about to whack one of my cousins over this [ __ ] like real talk like some of my cousins even really like became Ops after that like it was like damn oh I remember one of my dike cousins supposed to see a diaper or like if anybody a part of that Community watching if y'all don't like that word I apologize but she like she like a dude like you know what I'm saying bro why this why this little freak goof-ass little girl gonna go after after all that time she gonna all of a sudden that she not she is one of the Ops she hoppy I mean she yeah JoJo whoa whoa he going crazy she started actually claiming uh Saint Lawrence though she started hanging with duck now this lady all the way over there from No Love City or something like when he used what she used to be with [ __ ] from the lamb like [ __ ] you from the lamb used to be because they no little city in the lamb kind of was right there they all about Halsted she used to be able to round BDS all the time well now you slide over I see [ __ ] playing around shake up with him but she was a GD this one of my favorite cousins folks like no cap grew up they got a same age type [ __ ] like always been around each folk went straight up on me folks went straight up on me on game like went straight smoking your dead homies type [ __ ] oh whoa um yeah this [ __ ] gotta end this [ __ ] got me from the kill my favorite cousin folk I can't do this no more I can't do this Dumbo Folk yeah man and he said he went to bar and I went to Barton too you talking about over there in kilowatt yeah I mean uh I ain't go I'm tweaking my sisters win my family went to Boston I used to live over there but yeah man I'm hurting like damn my cousin I gotta smoke my cousin bro like that's what this coming to so nah uh you know he putting himself on the radar he he he dissing the guys after BDK you know it's like now it's like it went from JoJo now we it's JoJo he leading the pack but he got lil' Jay and duck tweaking he got little messed up and and and and and and and and and uh what the what the other little [ __ ] named P Rico they tweaking you know what I'm saying Billionaire Black tweaking and I'm saying famous Dex was with that [ __ ] he yeah he was with that [ __ ] too Reggie baby all these little [ __ ] they coming out the woodwork tweaking that like it's like this [ __ ] leading a whole BDK Entourage to the promised land Folk I swear to God for like that that man that man that man that man that man leading the whole Fleet of BDK rappers to the promised land Folk nah it's like a roster of BDK [ __ ] that's coming out the woodwork tweaking Rico Reckless too y'all all these [ __ ] coming out now now it's like yeah they like the op Justice League around this [ __ ] they just coming out just yeah BDK oh damn YouTube what the [ __ ] is going on you got [ __ ] from out west coming out yeah BD cable oh yeah folk come on folk stop it please stop it we don't know who to shoot at now it's 18 000 different hoods saying this [ __ ] [ __ ] just we ride it's been scared damn [ __ ] that's attitude they went there today well the what to do for The Avengers around this [ __ ] foreigners Justice up League I don't know what we should well we could have called from there back then but there was a whole bunch of they ass bro like so we like okay you [ __ ] Gotta start getting smoke man I ain't even gonna lie y'all a little ass coming around here got the whole Chicago back BDK we we can't allow this [ __ ] we got four of them blowing up we work too hard for this [ __ ] we go to block dirty stinking snatch your iPhones we trying to we trying to change our circumstance y'all around it's been trying to keep trying to try to hey man hey bro no then he going around he pulling up on reaching them like he really got he really like trying to pull [ __ ] cars he's not even fake beefing like in just in the studio JoJo want to ride through your hood he wanna he wanna call your phone he wanna like really let you know like boy this [ __ ] ain't no game on BDK for real like I'm really on that like I ain't just I ain't just caught chasing or none of that like okay now let me tell y'all how lame this [ __ ] was right so now he get killed he get he he swear to get killed him nah this was probably the worst thing I could probably ever like like not even gonna lie like this is when it got right it got way like y'all heard everything I just said but it got way worse after he got killed bro I ain't even gonna even lie like whatever whatever was going on at the time that he he that he was alive boy look for he died it was like hey like bro because let me tell you what happened when he died right bro the [ __ ] when he died it it made [ __ ] really be like damn our leader gone like bro it was it was almost like killing some Godly figure in his rack bro like I told you how many [ __ ] he got he got he got like um out in the open BDK so it's like bro oh it's like when he died after their leader was gone like like you it's like it was a real version of cutting the head off the snake and watching everything else fall I ain't gonna be a lot like when they killed him bro [ __ ] just the GD hoods that was saying BD cash with a guy bro this [ __ ] man when he went when he died Vice Lords MC's Stones I'm talking about any hood that wasn't like any hood that was on that BDK [ __ ] or it was riding which I'm talking about every hood that wasn't BD was BDK when he died I ain't gonna lie every Hood we couldn't [ __ ] with no other [ __ ] after he got killed bro it was like the BDS versus everybody it was like the BDS versus everybody bro like I ain't gonna even lie like we couldn't trust the soul out the shorty got killed bro it was like the whole wreck went up in Flames like what little Toto did food it was so weird folk we had Legends coming out Derrick Rose pays for little JoJo infernal what what the what bro oh come on yo you dumbass my [ __ ] [ __ ] been watching D Rose who going we going to Simeon [ __ ] we watching your games [ __ ] and live [ __ ] we for you before you got on [ __ ] the BD supported you you gonna pay you're gonna get in our business like that I'll get you GD bro I understand all that but you just gonna you know we beefing you know this war you know all that's going on you gonna make all the BDS look at you like an OP you gonna pay for this [ __ ] funeral just like oh yeah them [ __ ] man don't worry tell this mama I got everything that was like a big homie move so we just looked it's a it changed her [ __ ] was looking at all leaders like we looked at D Rose like a like he was one like bro come on bro we was hurt the [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] to pay for it blue that was so blue [ __ ] one [ __ ] ain't supporting D Rose in the league or nothing after that [ __ ] stop buying his shoes on Dick [ __ ] look D Rose for my hood he was the first [ __ ] I seen in D Roses for like he had him when Adida first came out with the D Roses so he put them in the zone well when they when D Rose did that when Derrick Rose did that D Rose that was the last time D Rose gave a [ __ ] about Derrick Rose I ain't even gonna lie fool e boy you sound with Calvin Hicks you sound crazy as hell if you think D Rose ain't GD boy oh I don't even want to hear that boy I ain't gonna lie I don't even want to hear don't throw them like we know for a fact he said that Rose try to be a tour of crazy about warming up in a change room yeah I thought like come on guys come on bro you hear me like come on gang like [ __ ] look at that D Rose you one of the real [ __ ] from our city you didn't got on change your life got a hundred M's you from the hood you everything a [ __ ] inspiring to be out here you gonna do that to us bro we was hurt we was alert because that was when our leaders all founders we thought he was like it was like he said BDK I ain't even gonna leave a lot that was the ultimate BDK move like let me pay for the top BDK [ __ ] funeral like now you the top BDK [ __ ] man man you [ __ ] ain't nobody else did no [ __ ] like that you big bdk9 you took that mantle right from folks after you paid boys from he was just that was like you said damn that's my dog y'all killed my little [ __ ] man like yo that was like that bro like you know what I'm saying like wait damn I'm hurt we all hurt in the hood everybody hurt about that folks you know that we was we felt some type of way so now it's like after that you know we had to deal with his name even long like you know we never like we experienced guys dying but they bro his name stayed around his face his voice stayed around long after his death bro I'm talking about his mom and his brother they turned to celebrities and [ __ ] you had famous rappers that was actually on reaching out to his parents and reaching out to swagged narrow and they on TV they doing interviews like they someone just big up out this bit like it was just like damn what do we do to make them [ __ ] that mad like oh it was like damn bro like why come on bro come on bro come on folk y'all really on TV doing interviews for y'all son and up and set the city on fire around this [ __ ] y'all on this big like this on BT we thought BT was BDK we um okay the net Worth's BDK like what that man come on Folk y'all ain't even getting these [ __ ] why they alive but soon [ __ ] died not everything everything come on Folk come on Folk I ain't even gonna lie that that that part was even more because you know bro as a shorty coming up we thinking like all right not to say like you don't but like after sorted that it was like all right okay that's a problem out the way or something you know what I'm saying like shorty little ass his name was living alone his name was living long Folk his name was out here type like his name was steal that like wait damn they still talking about him still preaching about him still Maddie he gone his brother finna be the new JoJo we thought damn we think a little swag for to come out and beat Jojo we damn we thought we thought we got rid of him [ __ ] whole time we never really got rid of him for him to this day like [ __ ] and not even saying like we did I'm just saying like after he died we thought one of our problems that we had was gone whole time when he died this [ __ ] name was just ringing Folk like come on Folk like even like come on Folk that just hurts like I ain't gonna that was crazy I ain't gonna lie like it was the first instance I seen to that bro like and even to this day his name is like like it was like crazy for like like it was just it was it was it was it was crazy but what's so funny is like um little JoJo was low-key trying to be bringing BDK merch to the look triangle that was next you couldn't tell me he wanted to have no BDK merge next I ain't gonna lie bro if Shorty would have stayed alive it was gonna be BDK merch it was already BDK lingo all that all right all that dad and all that hey that BDS had the BDK [ __ ] had their own little lingo in here like like what what oh he would have had everything he would have had BDK bill Boys interact floating through this boy like what come on for y'all know that man was trying to be he was feeling he was gonna be him I ain't gonna I want him he was gonna be him man you know I'm saying so we thought you know he was he was gone he was out our hairs that [ __ ] was not out of our ears bro I ain't even gonna lie and then what's so crazy bro to this day to this day that man changed the city bro still to this day like it's still his effect what he did is still affecting Chicago right now like I know y'all think the BDS run [ __ ] which we Mo we really do you know what I'm saying but not as much as we should because of [ __ ] like him and that's no shade he actually did what he had to do in the time frame that he was here and and rapping and him saying like he actually did good things I'm saying for his for his side you know what I'm saying I'm saying he's definitely a legend from from Iraq I'm saying he's uh he uh yeah he had [ __ ] merging it on insane like come on he invented insane all that insane [ __ ] bro that [ __ ] wasn't real like an insane BD didn't exist he had [ __ ] that was Beaty like you know like I don't know if you from the rap you ever heard of renegade GD like we didn't have those as BDS we didn't have a renegade beating we didn't have a there was [ __ ] that was acting like they was blue blue fan BDS but that that [ __ ] wasn't even respected we didn't even know we didn't even acknowledge no blue fan BD I'm saying like insane BD that [ __ ] was real like coming out acting like they was insane BDS like come on Folk [ __ ] coming out saying they insane whatever like that was they were [ __ ] insane nothing bro like it was a renegade you know what I'm saying but they want no insane that was some real live folding them lingo they did that so it was like and [ __ ] still claiming it like this nigga's out here exclaiming that like I ain't gonna lie like that's crazy bro you know what I'm saying like it was crazy bro like I ain't gonna lie like so [ __ ] still using his lingo [ __ ] still using his way of thinking his how he moved what he said like all that still affect the rack and how we divided and how we move all the time I'm saying like no cap so yeah man like you know that's the story man that was story time on uh JoJo man you feel me I tried to get to y'all the best way I could man um but uh appreciate y'all for coming through man hit that like button subscribe share all that stuff man I'm gonna come back I might come back to mob man I might come back to Mom man I ain't gonna lie bro I love all my fans all my mods I appreciate y'all I'm I'm I'm I'm back man I'm back oh I have a two-year-old daughter can you speak on having a raise a young boy as a former game remember okay I'll elaborate on this very quickly uh bro make sure you never let nothing in this life over over like Shadow your kid bro like make sure any decisions you make or any like part of your life you go through you always put your daughter first always think about your daughter when you finna do something irrational or I always think about her when you finna like when you down or when you think you don't got nobody I always remember especially with daughters daughters that you a father so your daughter and your relationship is very unconditional she gonna be there for you and she gonna be your biggest supporter and your biggest fan bro like my son is like when I'm going through anything I always remember that I always try to be around him and see him and you know like he he just you know like innocence like innocence your daughter she innocent like your daughter is very innocent Bros and these are the times this is the last time she'll ever be innocent so make sure you cherish that and you and you and you and you and you acknowledge that you never you and you uh you know take advantage of what's going on right now while she's innocent I'm saying because my son innocent in this world is not and one day they're gonna come up out of that little bubble that you didn't create it for them and they gonna be in the real world and they're gonna have like a lot of real [ __ ] going on and they not gonna be innocent so just make sure you you know you value this time you gather her you hear me and you know just stand on your business game and that's all I say hit that like button um appreciate all my fans my mind we back tomorrow
Channel: Tay Capone
Views: 98,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XuWZZYvzg48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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