Tasty Sardine Recipes + How to use canned sardines in 3 easy recipes

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hey everyone it's Jordan and welcome back to a new recipe video today I'm having fun with sardines we're making them three ways you guys know I like my Mediterranean meals and sardines are a fantastic omega-3 and protein packed budget-friendly option and I think many people are intimidated by them I find them really delicious and wanted to share how I make a Mediterranean sardine salad in avocado a sardine Nicoise salad and starting patties that are super friendly for picky eaters these are the brand of sardines that I'm going to be using in each of the recipes and here's what they look like in the can not super appealing but I promise you they're gonna look a lot better in all these recipes so to start I'm just going to flake up the sardines into a bowl just like you would when you're making tuna salad I'm going to add one stock of chopped celery a tablespoon of capers that I rinsed and drained a tablespoon or so of sun-dried tomatoes and a little bit of the oil from the sun-dried tomato jar some parsley and half of a lemon juiced feel free to add your own favorite veggies and herbs to this it's so versatile a little crack of black pepper and some salt now we're just going to flake it all together so that the sardines and all the veggies herbs and flavors are together and that's our salad now I decided to enjoy this sardine salad inside some avocado shells but you could put it on bread on top of greens whatever you like but I thought it was really fun to put it inside some avocado and try to stuff it in there [Music] this is such a filling lunch with lots of healthy fats keeps you really full for a long time and it tastes amazing our next recipe we are going to be roasting some potatoes I just chopped up a russet potato you can do it any size you like and added some salt and pepper didn't even add oil and I just baked them in my convection toaster oven and then while that was going I boiled some eggs I like more of a soft boil on my eggs these are the eggs that I'm using and get them from a local farm so I just add two eggs to some boiling water I'm only used one egg in this recipe but I always boil a couple oh I actually made three I always boil a couple just so I can keep them in the fridge and I do them for about eight minutes that's what I like an eight minute egg and then I pulled out my potatoes cuz they were nice and roasted and then for the salad I just have a bed of some mixed greens and some arugula it was just honestly what I had in the fridge I also had some leftover roasted green beans and artichoke hearts so I just warmed them up and added them to the salads you could add any other leftover veggies I just like warm veggies on top of a salad especially in the winter time and then I added my soft-boiled egg some sun-dried tomatoes the sardines I just added them whole I added a dollop of pesto so you can see there's a ton of flavor going on here so you honestly don't even need to add dressing but you can if you like I had a bottle of dressing in the fridge this Green Goddess dressing I just added a tiny drizzle just to kind of bring everything together but you could just use simple olive oil or some lemon juice or whatever you have on hand or like I said without the dressing and this is kind of like a play on a Tuna Nicoise salad like that French tuna salad with the potatoes and the egg and the veggies going on in there but I think it's fun to use the sardines and get a ton of good protein and yummy flavors in there [Music] so here I just wanted to show you what it looks like when you open up the can of sardines and here again I flaked them into a bowl doesn't look like much here but it is going to look delicious here in a minute I promise so I added to the flaked sardines some mustard I like Dijon mustard I also added a big dollop like a little over a tablespoon of mayonnaise I like the primal Kitchen mayonnaise right now added about a half a teaspoon of dill dried dill and then some fresh parsley about 1/4 of a cup of fresh parsley I added some lemon zest it's about zest from one lemon and then the juice of probably like a quarter of a lemon just needed a little lemon juice I just love lemon and then one egg that has been lightly beaten and then to bring this together to make our sardine patties we need some coconut flour or something to kind of dry it out cuz it would be too wet so I used 1 tablespoon of coconut flour you can experiment with different flours if you like you could even try maybe flaxseed but I find that coconut flour actually works really well and it doesn't taste like coconut so we are just going to add those patties right to a hot skillet this is a nonstick skillet but I used a little bit of avocado oil just to help you know make it easier to flip and you'll see they stay together really really well and nicely and I do about two to three minutes aside so again I've got a bed of greens that are just lightly dressed but you could put these you know on bread or in a wrap or however you want to eat them eat them by themselves if you like and I just added that right on top of the greens and I have both of these so this I think for me is like one serving but you could have one per person or make obviously like double triple the batch or dinners for a bigger family and then I felt it needed a little something extra I didn't have like a tartar sauce or anything to add so I chopped up or kind of broke up some goat milk feta cheese a local feta cheese that I have I thought that would kind of taste good on it another Mediterranean flavor to add on in there and there's me trying to get the perfect bite with everything in it I kind of failed but it was delicious I promise thank you all so much for watching check the description for notes and product links and don't forget to like this video and subscribe for more if you have a fun way you like to make sardines or if you have a favorite of these three recipes make sure you let me know in the comments below I will see you soon for another one I
Channel: Jordan Waddell
Views: 138,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan waddell, sardines, canned sardines, how to eat sardines, sardine recipes, sardine salad, sardine recipes that taste good, tasty sardine recipes, easy, simple, delicious, sardine recipe ideas, sardine recipe canned, sardine nutrition, mediterranean diet, how to eat sardines in a can, healthy, gluten free, paleo, grain free
Id: msCDJg7JTXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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