Roasted Sardines | Jamie Oliver

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So I'm gonna do the most beautiful roasted sardines with chilli, herbs fennel seeds Absolutely gorgeous! My ovens getting real hot! It's had a little time to preheat I've got a nice big roasting tray here I'm gonna dump my fish into I'm gonna dump my fish into here Good olive oil, just to coat the fish and stop them sticking Then I got some fennel seeds here. Heaped teaspoon, just sprinkle that in on top as well That'll kind of fall off but it will flavour things - don't you worry about that! So first of all, I'll go chilli - slice it up and I'm gonna use about one chilli Obviously depending on how hot your chilies are that you've got. Have a little taste Throw that in so I want to get four nice cloves of garlic, squash in the garlic! And then I got me lemons. Half a lemon in here So squeeze the lemon juice over here like that. Then I need some parsley instead of throwing away the stalks, put them all together like this and try and finely slice the stalks up, right, and they're sweet and they're kind of grassy and fresh and just a little heat tablespoon of those will be brilliant so I'm gonna get that lovely chopped parsley Put them onto here and then give it a right good tossing up. So I move it all around Salt and pepper. Really make a point of getting that parsley and shoving it in the little cavity and it's gonna make it taste so good Cooked when it's crispy and golden looking and lovely They are only little fish so by the time they look good they're ready to be eaten you know. So that oven is pretty much on full whack! Cook that for about 10 minutes and we should be in a good place And another little trick to sort you out Get your pittas, right they've kind of been pre done, this is probably what most people buy Just get some water, fan it out like a pack of cards and then just splash them That little tiny bit of moisture will help them actually puff up and become sort of crisp on the outside and fluffy in the middle so these go So these go straight under the grill here The next thing I'm going to do is a beautiful salad I've got a pan on here, on a medium heat, just gonna put some flaked almonds in here Couple of tablespoons; beautiful! Okay so look I got a regular bag of pre-washed salad here water cress and rocket Really really nice Got some alfalfa sprouts. I love them. I think they're beautiful. They're nutritionally incredible I'm just going to sprinkle those over the top. I'm gonna use pomegranates Two things I'm gonna do with this. First part cut it in half grab the pomegranate like that. I'm going to separate my fingers so there's gaps in between them I'm gonna get a spoon and spank it nice and hard right And this saves you the job of having to peel all those individual capsules but also it sort of splatters! It splatters the platter and it kind of puts juice everywhere Just grab any of these bitter yellow bits because you don't want to eat those; they are not good I'm just going to put this away for a second. Next thing I'm gonna do, I want to make the most beautiful refreshing dressing We're gonna go first of all pomegranate. I'm just literally gonna crush it in my hands and try and catch any bits in my fingers okay. Really simple So there, give it a really good squeeze like that and then just throw that away Add visually; three parts more oil than that pomegranate juice. Little bit of red white wine vinegar, cider vinegar - just about a tablespoon Then I'm gonna add a nice pinch of salt and a little pinch of pepper I'm just gonna mix that up And then you're in a good place. So then look I've got my dressing here I've got my salad here. I've got some nice mint here actually pick some leaves. And then if I just get my nuts just get a little saucer or something These are really hot now so I won't put them on, but basically at the table we'll put these nuts on and they'll add another dimension to it Really gorgeous salad So there you go. Really really nice! That can go at the table now. My lovely sardines they're ready for sure look at them sizzling away! Absolutely gorgeous! Get me Pittas. Loads of people get Pittas at home and they're just like so dry and horrible Just by that little sprinkle of water, it just means you'll be able to get in there See all that steam coming out and it. And it means you've got nice pitta with a nice pocket. You know I mean? Otherwise sometimes they stick together and they're just a bit dry and miserable Look at that I mean this is a great dinner! Look sardines grilled. Ah so good!
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 536,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, Fish, sardines, Pitta, salad, pomegranate, roasted, roast, 30 minute meals, quick, simple, parsley, pitta, almonds, watercress
Id: Jo1dzlgZ318
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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