Tasty Friends Swap Their Favorite Snacks • Alix & Zoya

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- Is it gonna explode? Oh, (beep). Zoya! Hi, I'm Alex, and today I'm joined by a very special guest, my girlfriend. - Hi, I'm Zoya. - And today we're gonna be swapping some of our favorite snacks. I actually brought some of my favorite snacks from my childhood. - I also brought snacks from my childhood but they kind of carried over into adulthood as well. - After each round, we'll decide if we wanna keep our snacks or swap them. Well, let's get snacking. Here we are with snack number one. Are you ready? - Are you ready? - I guess. - All right. - Tada! - This is called an It's-it and it is a legend of San Francisco. I'm from Northern California. It was made in 1928 and it's just a staple of San Francisco history. What did you bring? - Mine was probably around before 1928 because it's dried mulberries. Persians are huge fans of dried fruit, but nothing is as common as dried mulberries and we call them toot. - Toot! - That's so cute. Let's start with mine since it's ice cream so it might melt. I think you're really gonna like this because it's actually two oatmeal cookies. - I do like oatmeal cookies. - Sandwiched with ice cream in the middle and then dipped in chocolate. - Okay, cheers. - Cheers. - It's a little hard. - It's-it! - Is it it? It's something. I don't know. - It's okay. I feel like I remember them being better than this. Back in the 1928s! Probably was it in 1928. (Alex laughs) - But as a kid, this was so delicious. - It was it. - Now it's, is it? - Very cute, good job San Francisco, 1928. - Time for the toot. - But we usually eat them with tea. Cheers to toot. - Toot. - It's kind of like a raisin. I don't love raisins. - It's not really like a raisin. Maybe you could put the mulberries in your sandwich. That would help it be edible. - It's good, they're good. Would I keep my snack or swap it for yours? It's-it was okay but I think I'd rather have the mulberries just 'cause these would just take up freezer space in my house. - I would keep my own just because there's very limited freezer space, so if it's gonna be an ice cream, it's gotta be the best. - On to the next round. Let's see what we're snacking on next. Woo, both drinks! - Is that Capri Sun? - Of course it's Capri Sun. What flavor? - The beverage of our childhood. Look at this pouch. Strawberry-kiwi is the one we have. These were so iconic. Had them after every soccer game. Before every soccer, what kind of parenting style is that? [Producer] Do you think it'd be a good mixer? Wow, I have not thought about that. - Maybe punch a hole, empty some of it out, pour in some happy juice, seal it back up. - Happy juice. This would be a great mixer. - I brought something that I don't wanna mix with alcohol at all. This is called doogh, it's a Persian yogurt soda. Usually you drink it with meals or sometimes by itself. as I say this out loud, I realize maybe it sounds a little different, but it is liquified yogurt, and this one in particular is a mint flavor as well. And then it's carbonated. - I'm down, that sounds kind of good, interesting. Way different than a Capri Sun. All right, let's swap. - Sometimes at the very bottom, the yogurt will collect, so you wanna give it like a good shake before you open it? - It's carbonated. Is it gonna explode? Oh, (beep). Zoya! It smells like yogurt. Really salty. I could see it being really refreshing yogurt, a little bit sweet and I even like the mint but it is so salty that it's a little hard. - Yeah, this one's pretty salty. - Salty. I actually don't know when last time I had Capri Sun was. - There you go, look at that. - Oh my God. That is exactly like I remember it, is so sweet. - Oh my God. Maybe we should mix the two. - No. - It's clear. It is clear. - Look at that. - It's bubbling up. Maybe this is like a reaction like Mentos and Coke. No. - It seemed like a terrible idea, but I wanted you to go through with it so I could see how. - Well, I did. Are you gonna try it? - Absolutely not. - Actually, I don't want either of these snacks. I'm gonna swap 'em both. - If I had to pick one, I'd keep the dough because at least it's interesting but maybe just a different flavor. - Well, let's see what's next as I clean this up. It's time for snack number three. Ready? - I'm ready. - Set, go. Woo! I'm assuming you've had Swedish Fish before. - I think once. - Once? - Yeah. - I love Swedish Fish. They're just sweet, fruity, sourish candy. Red is the best flavor so they sell them in pack of red. - I brought a small piece of lavashak, which is Persian fruit leather. This one is pomegranate flavor. I did you a favor and brought you a bite size piece. Traditionally it comes on this long sheet, basically, wedged between plastic and you have to peel the plastic - Like a fruit roll-up. - Yes, but those are designed for the plastic to come off, whereas lavashack plastic, just doesn't come off so you'll inevitably eat some of the plastic. - Oh, my God. - I remember Swedish Fish has multiple colors. - [Producer] I don't remember them being- - Are you serious? - [Producer] Yeah. - Guys, I swear. Please let me know. Comment below if you guys remember that Swedish Fish were multicolored. Smells like soap. - Oh, my God. - Mm, they're so good. I love the texture of them. Not as hard as a gummy bear. - You like these? - Yeah. - Oh. - You don't like 'em? - No, it kind of has a licorice taste - I'm not getting that. Let's try yours because I have a feeling you're complaining about this getting stuck in your teeth, I have a feeling that this is going to get stuck in my teeth. - It will get stuck in your teeth. - Why is everything so salty? Very sour. I don't hate it. I like it. I would say it tastes more natural than this. Now, trying this, it tastes a little bit chemically. Honestly, it might be good to combine them. - Do it. I'm gonna try it too. - Mm, that is good. - That's delicious. - It's really good. We've completely changed the frame of this video into just combining snacks together and see if they work. All you have to do is take your little Swedish Fish put some lavashack on there. You got yourself a great snack. I guess this means we'll take both. We'll keep and we'll swap. We are ready for our final snack. Are you ready? - I think so. Woo! Zoya, have you had these before? York peppermint patties. - I don't think I've ever had. - These are like a love-hate for me. Definitely a ton of nostalgia. I feel like I would eat these at my grandparents' house. They hold a lot of memories. - I brought gaz. - So you brought a toot and a gaz. - Gaz has been around for a long time and it's a very traditional Persian snack. It's a nougat with pistachios inside. - That sounds good to me. - I think you're gonna like this one a lot. Let me break this puppy open. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Oh. - It's like toothpaste. - Literally tastes like toothpaste and chocolate, my favorite combination. This is odd. - I do like mint and I like mint chocolate, but this ain't it. This ain't it. - This ain't it. - Let me try yours. I'm excited for this one. My mouth is overpowered by mint flavor. It looks like a marshmallow. Mmm, that's yummy. Chewy, soft, not too sweet. The nuts are a nice touch. Am I getting a little bit of rosewater? - You might. - It's a classic Persian thing, huh? - Rosewater in everything. Gaz. - You had me at gaz. - I'm definitely swapping my York for the gaz. - I'm gonna keep my gaz as much as I loved the York. - And there you have it. Zoya, thank you so much for bringing some really delicious snacks. - You're welcome. Thank you for bringing snacks. - Maybe we'll do this again. - Maybe not. - Until next time. If you want a real snack, follow me on Instagram, majortraeger. - And if you want an even better snack, you can follow me @zoyaroya. - Bye. (upbeat jazzy music)
Channel: Tasty
Views: 476,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isfahan, K_fe, Persian Nougat, american, buzzfeed, candy, capri sun, carbonated, chocolate, dried fruit, fruit leather, gaz, ice cream, its it, lavashak, middle eastern food, mint, mulberry, nougat, oatmeal cookies, persian, pistachio, pomegranate, san francisco, snack swap, snack swap buzzfeed, snack swap tasty, snacks, sour, strawberry kiwi, swedish fish, tasty, yogurt, yogurt drink, york peppermint patty
Id: uUXbEdZqwIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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