Tasting the World's Most "Popular" Mead

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today we're gonna try arguably the most most popular need in probably the entire world [Music] [Music] hey this is man-made Mead today I have in front of me a say special mean it's a very very common Mead if you have been in the world of Mead for any time you might have tried this before if not it's definitely worth a try this is trousers Mead and I say it's probably the most common or most popular because pretty much any liquor store you go to that has Mead probably has a bottle of this and it's just I think it's because of the distribution of Mead Chaucer's the company you know they just didn't really have a probably a good connection to all the places so they get their meat out there now I will go go ahead and give you a spoiler I have tried this meat before and so this is not a new tasting for me necessarily I am gonna add some new varieties because there are some things about it but I do want to give you my opinion on Chaucer's and again this is my opinion so please don't say it's fact please don't assume that I am I'm you know saying that this is it he'll be all of this meat so a couple things about it first of all on this you can drink it in a couple different ways like every Mead you can drink it cold you can drink it room temp you can also drink it hot and there are different options for this trousers Mead for each one it is a very interesting meeting that it comes with a little spice pack it has this informational packet I should say it's got a couple things in it it tells about Chaucer's when they started in California I bought well blow up some pairing suggestions served with grilled served with grilled meats and vegetables dried fruits and cheeses stuff like that it's got this the accolades for each one and then it has the recipe for a bracket now the that's why I have this beer here's we're gonna make ourselves a bracket today with part of this and test it too so there's there's one option we can make a bracket take a beer and in a Mead mix them together it's a bracket they also within this informational packet send you some spices now this is where the hot cold side of things comes into play a lot of we drink a mead either room-temp or cold in this case you can use these spice packs to you know add some extra flavor for example you can do a cold spiced meat and so what you do is this is it says place one to two spice bags in a pitcher of chilled Mead for half an hour or longer depending on the little blog remove spice bag is enjoyed so that's the spices are cinnamon orange peel cloves and natural flavor which you're basically making you chose ancient orange Mead ish kind of thing or you can do the hot spiced Mead which is basically like making a tea a boil to boil some Mead yeah and then just put them in it's pretty pretty simple I'm not doing those options today mainly I mean I know I could I'm not going to so anyways let's uh let's get just a raw tasting of it before we go too crazy with adding the beer mixture like I said this is not a new meat tasting for me so I apologize that this is not the first time I've ever tasted this I do have a general idea what it tastes like but it has been probably six months since I've tried it so well we're gonna try it it is very clear they've done a great job of clarifying it of course I think they have their own process they're a big-time neat company so I would not doubt that there there's process is streamlined looks pretty good not carbonated I will add and yeah let's go ahead and smell so they've got a good honey character I will say that great honey character it is basically just a straight-up traditional Mead so this is nothing no extra flavors added I think that's why that spice pack would help ultimately yeah I get a good um good honey flavor how's it smell I should say I don't know what percent it is it's a ten and a half percent Mead so I do get a little bit of that heat on it I don't think it's aged for very long you know I don't there's no aging there's no time when it was aged anyways let's test it it's very very sweet it tastes like um ooh man that's a lot of honey so I they definitely got it up there for the ten and a half percent and got the honey and you know all the the stuff for the yeast to ferment honey in this case up to two and a half percent stabilized sulfite in if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure they did yep contains sulfites and then back sweet and they back sweetened a ton on this one yeah it's very very sweet not necessarily just like a sack Mead I don't think that it's like - I mean it's too sweet for me in my opinion I don't think it's too sweet for a sack meat and the sacrament if you don't know it's like a really sweet mean the honey character really pops out because they added more honey on top of what they did it's really not about traditional mean if it were more dry I think I'd really like it but the problem is it's just so in-your-face sweet and I think that's part of why people really like it is the sweetness the sweetness also in some form or fashion drowns out the the alcohol volume so you know when you think you make a mixed drink Dr Pepper and a jack if you make it heavy dr. pepper you're still getting that alcohol content but you're not tasting as much I think that's kind of what happens here why it's really popular it's because you're you can drink it easier so to speak without having the burn if you are not a person like me who likes whiskey with the burn or maybe even Mead who you like the heat of that alcohol then they most people like sweetness in that case the big motto that I think wineries sometimes go by and lots of me Therese is sweetness sells and I've noticed that a lot of commercial means yeah it's really truly it's not bad it is just so sweet that I couldn't I could not drink it a lot of it and feel comfortable now you know maybe they're perks to that you don't need to be drinking go too crazy and drink the whole bottle by yourself but I do want I don't think I could do a whole glass that's what I'm saying like if I fill this bad boy up it'd be hard for me to do that just because it's so in my face great traditional flavor though I think that if dryer that'd be good now let's investigate the dragnet side of things the bracket recipe it has on here and I'm going to follow it to a tea is a one quarter portion of Chaucer's Mead which is we have here and then third quarter portion of India Pale Ale style beer now it just so happens that I just bought some Lagunitas today and I'm gonna need that yeah I almost said that wrong and so we're gonna use it I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna sacrifice this right here let's say that's my quarter portion open up a beer now bragging is what we said make sure a beer and Mead and it is really interesting you can do brackets in lots of different ways I think that's about it right there you can do it you can make a bracket by making a Mead first and then adding a beer on top of it similar to what we did here you can also make a beer and then add lots of honey and I think that in order for a bracket to exist you know actually it's a certain it has to be 51% honey coming from you know your your main fermentable sugar so that's the most important thing now this is technically a bracket but I don't know if the ratio of sugars may be so with with how sweet this is the sugars are 51 to 49 or whatever so I've always made my brackets by making a beer adding honey I have never made a bracket the other way around making a mead and then adding a beer later I'll have to try it at some point I think I got my ratios correct it's hard to know exactly but let's go ahead and tie this now the mixture that's not bad um I mean I already like the Lagunitas it's it's good I think that it this just adds some sweetness to it I'm I'm not a huge IP so Lagunitas are good there's our coop f5 beer that I really like but I don't know generally I don't like really hoppy things which was interesting so I think this tampers our tempers down some of that sweetness there are some of that hoppiness yeah the mixture of those is great you know I I think mainly because it's mostly beer the mead side of things adds to it it's very very unique that chaucer's has this information and one reason or one thing the trousers says well is they give you lots of options for trying me this is a great is it's a decent intro starter mead for people the problem with it is when we investigate other Meads commercial needs lots of times they're not this sweet so if you buy this and you buy a bunch of bottles and you drink it you go this is Mead and then you go off and buy something else that is not sweet and you try it you go oh that's wait this is not me when you compare to other things and it's fine to like sweetness please don't assume that I'm saying liking sweetness is bad it is totally fine to like a sweet drink it's not my cup of tea necessarily I don't really like it that much just because it's it's too too heavy to in my face so I wouldn't necessarily prefer to drink a lot of it it's a good starting point for people yeah if you want to get someone into Mead and you know they're like sweet things behind bottled trusters it's pretty cheap I want to say this thing's like 12 bucks 13 bucks maybe for this whole bottle which is arguably cheaper than in most means so it's not bad it's not the best one in the world I would not come I would not say it's the best commercial mean is it the most popular possibly it's up there but I would love to know your opinions I think that obviously get in my opinion is my opinion and you know you might have a different opinion you might love trousers and that's great I have not investigated every single avenue of cha of chaucer's I should say we did the whole bracket thing we've done the we haven't done the spice side of things so that would be the next thing for to do which I again I'm not gonna do that today I just wanted to try in this former fashion I think the spices could help take some some heaviness off of that sweetness but again I'm not gonna try that I would love to know what you think about this meat I'd also love to know what means you want me to try my biggest issue is that here in Oklahoma we have a terrible importing system for meat and I mean I can get three things I can get chaucer's which they have two different flavors of chaucer's and the other ones a raspberry you think it's something like that anyways two different flavors of chaucer's then redstone is good I like redstone a lot we get a couple different ones of them and then there's one called moonlight meatery that we get a few bottles of so if you want me to try something I'll take suggestions of course and know how to probably go and find it somehow if you want to send me a bottle of something like a commercial need to try I will absolutely do that let me know in of course if it's if you send me something and I'll try and pay and help you you know send it to me and do those things because I want to be able to try other meats when I went to Minneapolis I had to stock up and I just bought a million of them and then got him back to my my place and one more piece so I'd love to do that again I'm out of those meats so I'm kind of looking for other ones to try but I appreciate you know any support you guys give whether it be liking or commenting which those things help me out big time and then of course subscribing because that lets me know hey we want to continue to grow I believe by the time this is posted we will have passed 8,000 subscribers and I would love to get 10,000 I was if we got to there by July that'd be incredible now I don't know if that's gonna happen or not I think it's just I don't know but if you want to help with that make sure you tell your friends about me making it and man-made meat that would really help me out a lot and I would appreciate it greatly you can also check out the other links down below I've got a patreon where you can support me you get access to early content and all that thing stuff you get or there's a Facebook excuse me Facebook page where we talk about mead making then there's a subgroup of that Facebook page that's man-made mean makers of the group and you actually have to join that answer some questions and then I approve it if you answer the questions and do those things and there we talked about being making even more there's also other things like a society6 for buying merchandise there's my website if you want to know or if you want to buy anything through Amazon for brewing I highly suggest and hope that you'll go over to my website and click on the Amazon links I have some affiliate codes to to certain things and if you buy things that cost you know more money it just sends a couple pennies my way basically and so that helps the channel to but again most important thing liking subscribing and sharing your own meat experiences and hopefully if you want my Charrington mine I'd appreciate that but let me know what you think about all this of course any other Meads tell me what you want to see in the future for other need reviews and I will gladly try and do that so thank you guys for watching I'll see you guys in another video very soon so with that Cheers [Music]
Channel: Man Made Mead
Views: 46,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mead, Man, Made, Honey, Water, Monthly, Month, Blueberry, Cinnamon, Process, Stage, Fermentation, Primary, Secondary, Gallon, Gallons, Making, How, To, Starting, Beginning, Racking, Rack, Taste, Test, Meadery, Education, Steps, Melomel, Ask, Beginner, Intermediate, Bochet, Bottling, Carboy, Glass, Fermenting, Fun, Home, Brew, Brewing, Time, Series, Testing, Tasting, Giveaway, Viking, Drink, Lalvin, Maker, Horn, Mistakes, Common, Questions, Beer, Brewery, Wine, Pairing, Hydromel, Acerglyn, Person, Why, When, Famous, Chaucers, Braggots, Tastings, Sweet, Semi-Sweet
Id: EmNfNH6a_VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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