How To Backsweeten Your Mead - A Simple Step Toward Sweeter Honey Wine

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welcome to craft AB Brew today we're going to do a quick lesson on how to backsweeten your [Music] [Music] meat here today we're starting with a finished Mead this meat has been all the way through primary fermentation and as you can see it's starting to settle there at the bottom and clarify to do this we're going to be using the craft to brew back sweetening kit and this includes the honey that you're going to need to sweeten your meat up as well as the stabilizers that prevent refermentation so simply we have the honey and our packet of stabilizers we've got all of our gear and Equipment sanitized using the no rent sanitizer that came with our Mead kit so we're going to transfer our finished Mead from its primary vessel into secondary and add our stabilizers then 24 hours later we'll be able to sweeten it up with some honey just like in our standard Mead making practice we're going to start the siphon by filling it with some water and we're just going to fill the entire tubing with water and use that to pull the vacuum that will get gravity started on our siphon once your tube is full of that sterile water go ahead and pinch off your hose clamp and then put your sanitized racking cane on the other end then we're going to remove our air lock we're going to place our racking cane connected to our tubing in the primary fermentation vessel and open the hose clamp as soon as the Mead starts flowing out we'll clamp that hose and move it over into our secondary vessel where we'll finish transferring the Mead here we [Music] go and our goal is to transfer this with as little oxygen contact as possible so we're trying to keep the hose as close to the bottom of the container as we can until the Mead has passed the bottom of our hose and as we get near the end we'll want to tip that back keeping the cap at the end of our racking cane below the liquid surface so we can make sure to transfer off just as much as possible before we start sucking up the leaves at the bottom of our primary fermentation [Music] vessel and now we're going to add the entire contents of our stabilizer packet directly to the carboy [Music] and then we'll place our airlock back on top and we'll revisit this in 24 hours when we'll come back and sweeten it to taste 24 hours have gone by and it's time to back sweeten our meat the stabilizers have done their work the yeast should not be able to referment and so we can add fermentable sugar in the form of this honey to sweeten it up I like a me kind of in the semi- sweet range and for this about 6 oz of honey should do the job so I'm adding half of this 12 oz container of Honey to 6 oz of hot water this is water that just came out of my tea kettle we're going to mix that thoroughly and then pour that in here to back sweeten mixing our honey with hot water helps to loosen it up makes it easier to pour and mix into our finished meat so we're just going to open up this honey and again to my taste about half the jar is going to need to go [Music] in the great thing about making your own meat is you can sweeten it however you want so maybe you start with a couple ounces of honey and then add a little bit more day after day until the sweetness is where you like it but personally I feel like the sweetness level for a beginner first time meat maker is somewhere in the semi range now if you have a real sweet tooth you could add the entire container of honey if you wanted to so we're just going to get this stirred to [Music] combine and once all the honey is dissolved we're ready to add this directly into our car booy so we will just gently remove the airlock and pour it in [Music] you might want to give it a gentle stir with a racking cane or you can just gently swirl the Mead to get the Liquid moving but because we dissolved the honey in that hot water it should mix throughout pretty easily on its [Music] own [Music] and as easy as that we have nine bottles of back sweetened Mead it's got a nice sweetness now that really amplifies the floral flavors in the honey really completing this traditional meat in a way that makes it drinkable relatively young this is nice and it'll be even nicer after it's aged 6 months to a year as you've seen here back sweetening is not an incredibly intimidating process especially if you're using craftter Brew's back sweetening kit properly back sweetened meat should be shelf stable for years to come a me like this is generally going to Peak around 2 to 3 years time so make sure put a few bottles back to enjoy at a later date if you found this video content helpful please consider subscribing to our Channel and until next time happy [Music] Brewing
Channel: CraftaBrew
Views: 18,620
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Id: Y7SnAIo8vYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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