Tartaglia/Childe Explained | Genshin Impact Lore

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[Music] today we'll be looking into the law of tartalia also known as child so who is tartalia is the 11th and youngest of the fatoui harbingers despite his age he is one of the most dangerous of their group due to his mastery of weapons unmatched combat experience and forbidden powers as their vanguard he heads into enemy states alone and strikes their vulnerable underbellies with surgical precision just as conflict is about to erupt despite his position he doesn't seem to fit in well with the other harbingers as he finds their deceitful methods distasteful whereas they find his quarrelsome personality tends to invite unwanted trouble as we see in his character story the other harbingers constantly try to get him sent on missions to places as far from schnezener as possible so that they can avoid the fallout the man is incomprehensibly ever in the eye of the storm and these unusual experiences have also made him quite the show-off who revels in the praise of others unlike other members of the harbingers who prefer to keep a low profile tartalia will often go to watch public performances occasionally even becoming part of the show himself what do we know of his past tartalia was born as ajax named by his father after a hero's tale he would be inspired by the tales of his father's adventures as they were ice fishing upon the frozen lake these were stories of his father's adventures from when he was young and they became the future the tartalia secretly envisioned for himself so he would pay close attention putting himself in the shoes of the protagonist of those tales immersing himself fully in them even as they waited for the fish to buy it by the age of 14 he had become bored of his monotonous life at home and so with only a short sword and a bag of bread in hand he made his way into the snowy wilderness of his homeland to search for adventure unfortunately he wasn't sure of his destination and got lost in a snowy forest along the way pursued by bears and wolf packs he lost his footing and fell into the bottomless crack in the earth's surface there he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world there he would meet a mysterious swordswoman she would introduce herself as skirk and he became her student for three months down in the abyss away from the eyes of the gods in those three months the swordsman taught tortalia how to pass through the abyss unhindered and more importantly nurtured the ability to stare up endless havoc from within ajax's trouble-mongering nature no one knew what happened within the darkness during those three months nor would ajax ever speak of this to anyone when his worried mother and sisters finally found him in the forest only three days passed in this world thus did ajax's first adventure end and has now rusty short sword in hand this would mark the end of his youth and the beginning of his days as a warrior his time in the abyss had changed the once frightened and hesitant boy he had become confident and acted as though the world revolved around him staring up trouble wherever he went his revelry in this chaos culminated in a huge brawl with some near fatal misses giving his father no choice but to hand over his beloved son for conscription into the future but instead of the strict military training that could hone his son's temper he wound up watching fully armed troops getting stuffing beating out of them by a mere child this was a great disappointment to his father but it also caught the attention of pulsinella the fifth harbinger shocked by ajax's great strength and curious about how he had invariably became the eye of a vortex of discord pulsinella inducted ajax into the fatoui under the pretax of meeting our punishment ordering him to stop from the bottom and take up the duty of serving the saritsa tartalia's insatiable desire for conquest would have him rise through the ranks quite quickly he would gorge upon the elation of vanquishing mighty foes until he was chosen to be one of the harbingers donning the mantle child this was not his end goal he sought to conquer the world and this was but a tiny step on his journey his electro delusion is an old badge of honor given to him by the saritsa after ascending to the rank of harbinger and the proof of his strength as he stood before the cold stern syriza pedrolino the very first of the fatoui personally pinned this insignia onto him it was his reward for slaying many terrible beasts and a memento of countless battles but it was not this that brought to italia joy for honor is the natural reward of the warrior nor did he pay any mind to the odd looks his new fellow colleagues gave him for the opinions and bellyaches of others meant nothing to him the sight of the saritsa on her lofty throne alone stared the young man's heart with respect and admiration not merely because she opened the way for him to find an abundance of looming battles but also because of the way she looked upon him her gaze was cold but pure arrogant yet sharp she was not only the sacrosanct cryo archon but a true warrior also thusted child having received his delusion swear an oath of fealty to the one and only suritsa of schnezler what are his abilities he possesses a hydro vision and manifests a variety of weapons made of pure water with daggers and pole arms being his preferred choice though he is able to summon a large whale made from water to crush the traveler during the battle of golden house showing that he is not limited to just manifesting weapons he also holds an electro delusion that greatly improves his speed and allows him to use the electro element though it seems to require him to wear his mask for reasons that are yet to be explained but it is his teachings from his master skirk that are the most powerful in his arsenal named foul legacy likely in relation to the heretical teachings he had learned from her he is able to combine both his vision and his delusion as he takes on a new form with armor covering his body the celestial purple cape and his mask forming a singular crystalline eye in its center he grows in size and takes on a more monstrous appearance his weapon now seems to have a solid form and looks to be something exotic perhaps a weapon created or twisted by the abyss in a similar way that the festering desire sword became corrupted by the venom of during the shadowfell legacy description states it is stained with a profound colour that is not of this world no doubt due to the land of darkness that the young boy saw with his own two eyes perhaps it has nothing to do with the power of delusion but as they say the weapon reflects its user during the battle of golden house and also in his story quest we see that this transformation although powerful takes a great toll upon his body and could potentially kill him if used for extended periods of time the name of this transformation also has an extended title which is foul legacy the devouring deep perhaps tapping into the abyss for power also drains the life from its user and only those strong in spirits are able to resist turning into a mindless monster danes leaf says some say few are chosen and the rest are drugs but i say we humans have our humanity we will defy this world with the power from beyond and we can see that danes leaf's arm is like that of a monster this could be a hint towards the power from beyond potentially trying to take over the one harnessing its power and corrupting them as we hear happen to the people of cainri that perhaps those with exceptional willpower or occult knowledge are able to resist this power from completely devouring divine what are his views on the world as we see in the description of tatalya's tusk of monacera's cali it is said that the shape of one's constellation determines one's character the image of a whale cruising across the celestial heights represents a solipsism that seeks to crush and devour all on its path solipsism is a philosophical idea that only one's mind can be proven to exist to use an analogy his view of the world could be like that of a waking dream to him the world is there for his enjoyment and not to be taken seriously this is likely due to the teachings he received from skirk her foul legacy seems to have instilled not just martial prowess and power upon tartalia but a view of the world that falls in line with the few who would challenge the rule of the gods as he says one day you will see how i conquer the world and crush the thrones of gods beneath my heel i believe that skirk imparted some knowledge of what truly happened during camry's destruction and possibly even examples of older kingdoms that had suffered the same fate it could have something to do with the constellations being a part of a false sky and the gods deciding one's destiny for them we see that people's destinies are written by the gods in the lore text of prayers for destiny circlet a hundred years of bounty were written in the stars and none could change this divine law so to go against the destiny chosen for you will be viewed as going against divine law a heretical action we also see the travelers twins say until the abyss has engulfed the thrones my war with destiny will see no end this brings the argument of free will into the equation if the inhabitants of tevat are unable to control their own destinies and thus do not have any free will they are prisoners and playthings of the gods and it is no wonder that those who have learned of this have chosen to go to war with the gods even at the cost of their own humanity in harnessing the powers from beyond tartalia's shadow of the warrior says it is the product of a will to fight that has been honed over countless slaughters if humans do indeed have destinies then his muscularly have been twisted by such deeds why else then would he always be at the heart of every conflict this war with destiny could be the sin that triggered the sustainer of heavenly principles to appear and destroy cainery at 500 years ago and could also explain why our travelers were attacked by hair being viewed as not of this world and therefore a threat to its stability much like the power from beyond danesleep spoke of what is next for tartalia he's chosen to stay in leeway for a little while but is expected to return back to snozenaya and report to suritsa soon he has also formed a bombard traveler and even states that with them combining their power they could take down the ten of the harbingers and win though he clearly states his dislike for the other harbingers it is hard to tell whether his loyalty waivers towards the sarita leaving us guessing as to his intentions as always that's everything i could find on top talia and the lord surrounding him if you've made it this far thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video or want more lore videos like this in the future let me know by liking or subscribing and if you have any other suggestions or law subjects you'd like me to make a video on let me know in the comments have a great day
Channel: The Laughing Man
Views: 81,711
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Keywords: Genshin Impact Childe Explained, Genshin Impact Tartaglia Explained, Genshin Impact Childe Backstory, genshin impact tartaglia lore, childe backstory, childe lore, childes backstory, childe story, tartaglia lore, tartaglia backstory, tartaglia story, genshin impact childe story, childe story genshin, genshin impact childe lore, genshin impact childe backstory, childe genshin impact story, foul legacy transformation, genshin impact tartaglia story, skirk genshin impact
Id: GGT1Xwrg3VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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