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[Music] from a distance the forest seems calm but within its confines is an unending struggle for survival this peaceful Protoceratops is struck down by a ferocious meat-eater it is the Tarbosaurus the last king in the age of the dinosaurs 80 million years ago the land would become the Korean Peninsula was the dinosaur's last paradise thanks to a moderate climate in lush forests there was a wide range of coniferous and herbivorous dinosaurs these included the Boog jung-woo Saurus the therizinosaurus and clever velociraptors [Music] although patch the turbo surahs was destined to become prince of his pre me ville kingdom he hasn't led an easy life one sibling was devoured by a velociraptor when his mother was off hunting and his other sibling died of starvation during a period of heat and famine in the wild of nature only the strong and fitter able to survive and those that survive may live to rule their domain after a childhood filled with hardship patches first hunt is a success [Music] but that momentous occasion means it is time to leave the protection of his mother it is time for Pat's to stand on his own two feet and face the destiny that nature is laid out for him [Music] [Music] the time is 80 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous period this is the lake in the southern reaches of the land that would eventually become Korea [Music] a herd of towering dinosaurs gathers around the lake even their mundane activities are a spectacle to behold these colossal creatures are sinteres horas these 10 meter long creatures spend most of their day eating to maintain their 5 ton mass they are the most prolific of all the dinosaurs in this era [Music] the key to their prevalence is a dietary habit peculiar to these dinosaurs before the Cretaceous period herbivorous dinosaurs simply swaddled leaves Hall for the center asaurus has developed hundreds of motors inside their mouth which is shaped like a duck's peak this evolutionary improvement enables them to chew the vegetation allowing them to absorb more nutrients and must be more successful at survival and breeding but less they overpopulate the land Nature has its own way of reining in the center asuras its predators [Music] the fearsome-looking Tarbosaurus is patch the king of this forest he is now 15 years old and has grown up to be a formidable predator he homes in on his usual target the careless one that has wandered off from the rest of the group [Music] when on the prowl patch never rushes his opponents usually post lookouts in this vicinity if patches spotted the lookout will alert the others to Bruce will noise produced by the 40 centimeter protuberance on its head fortunately for patch the lookout hasn't noticed him yet patches target doesn't sense the danger nearby and instead focuses on drinking of the water it's a golden opportunity for patch to snatch up his next meal a hapless phrase struggles in vain once caught no creature could escape the 7 tons of pressure from the drawers of the Chava Soros his 60 strong teeth are like hooks boring into flesh [Music] eighty million years ago in preemie valachia this violent display represented the majesty of the tarbosaurus one of the most dreadful carnivores to walk the earth the others into asaurus where of the sight of their friend's death but their plaintive cries are nothing more than background noise to patch he is starving and needs all the nutrition he can muster now so that he can survive the harsh dry season that will soon be upon them [Music] pache kaneen hundreds of kilograms of meat at a time he can rip off Moreland 20 kilograms in one bite by now the smell of blood has wafted through the forest the hungry velociraptors won't miss this opportunity the velociraptors live in hunting packs they never pass up an opportunity to invite themselves to a feast but even these unwelcome gasp respects patches royal position they know they must wait for this king of the dinosaurs to finish his meal before they start theirs having consumed a whopping 200 kilograms of flesh patch will be able to go for more than a week without hunting pache has been having a lucky day likewise for velociraptors who can now devour this bounty [Music] patches Tarbosaurus ancestors have lived in this place for more than ten million years and patches descendants will follow in their footsteps for 10 million more carrying on the mighty role of king of the Premio forest [Music] these master dinosaurs choose a spot with the best view of the lake and a few hundred square kilometres that surround it it's a privileged position for the ultimate rulers of this ancient kingdom [Music] [Music] ah Hema macness takes advantage of the air blowing across the lake with a wingspan of 12 meters no bird in history was ever this large yet it weighs only 70 kilograms his bones are hollowed out allowing him to easily take flight [Music] he is able to snatch up fish with his beak and the flexible movement of his wings allows him to gracefully apply to any point in the world [Music] their flight may be graceful but one by one they come in for an awkward landing [Applause] they typically live on worms and clams found in these mud flats they have a unique way of moving on land they may appear to be walking on their two webbed feet but they're also crawling along using their fore feet located in the middle of their wings the unique Quadra beetles dance is found only with these species discovered near southern koreans haenam county that's why their scientific name actually sounds more Korean than Latin the forest is getting greener in greener amongst this emerald hue however a revolutionary biological event is taking place it is the advent of flowers [Music] flowers ended up playing a crucial role in the spread of broadleaf plants and grass into environments once dominated by conifers [Music] as the flowers bloom it is a sign that love is also in the air [Music] when it's time to mate the male Protoceratops tries to attract females by showing off the large fill and its head [Music] for patch this season signals a long and lonely journey [Music] since he alone dominates such a wide swath of territory he must travel quite some distance to find a female with whom to make [Music] since male santaro sources outnumber females the male's must go through a fierce competition in order to win the affections of a female they roared each other and even packed with their duck like bill the more vicious ones might even lash their competitors with their tail all the while the females quietly wait for the winner to see who will be their partner [Music] [Music] in the end the young impatient male walks away after being defeated by the more experienced and skillful elder [Music] [Applause] it is already been a week Patch's walked many miles searching for a mate he is suffering from an oppressive combination of hunger thirst and heat a flock of hay na macness is resting they have briefly halted their flight in order to quench their thirst once they have had their fill they resumed their long journey when breeding season approaches they know by instinct that it is time to leave they return to a place thousands of kilometres to the south to the beach where they were born but the world they Passover seems neither peaceful nor safe already they are indications of geological change a prescient sign of the dinosaurs pending extinction indeed their demise is like a ticking time bomb [Music] [Music] [Music] they've reached their destination they don't mind this long and difficult Odyssey for it has brought them to where they can easily find a mate at a safe place to breed those who will manage to occupy favourable spots have already laid their eggs and are waiting for them to hatch this is a sad state of affairs most of the eggs have gone bad because of volcanic gases sweeping over the area but thousands of kilometers away the land of Korea still remains safe pache has spent 15 days looking for a mate but his quest so far is a failure the long trek and lack of sustenance has made him weak he can barely move and just waits as time passes but then at that moment he detects the sound of a female on the opposite end of the forest the roar is music to his ears after searching hundreds of kilometers of forest he had become desperate but now he is found to mate throughout the mating season the Tarbosaurus has been agitated and aggressive but with his future mate he is turned into a gentle giant they display their interest by sniffing each other and rubbing their faces for this is budding romance is shattered by a dramatic turn of events another male has heard the roar of the female he too rushes in to claim his mate a duel is inevitable each is aware of the deadly Arsenal the other possesses so they hesitate to attack instead they first study each other carefully [Music] it is obvious from his cars that patches opponent is a veteran of quite a few fights they are the mark of the one who survived many a fierce battle [Music] but his experience works against him he gets cocky underestimates patch when this would-be suitor gets distracted by the female patch jumps at his chance to attack [Music] in the end batches youthfulness wins over his veterans upon and skill the female approaches patch to offer her congratulations this is her way of showing she approves of patches a mate [Music] after a long and arduous journey patch and his new wife come back to his nest [Music] she will soon lay eggs that with love and nurturing will hatch into baby dinosaurs in about two months [Music] but somewhere far from this land a tragedy unfolds that will seal the fate of the dinosaurs there are signs of massive explosions that are changing the shape of the Earth's surface the collision of the Indian subcontinent with the Asian mainland is leading to formation of the Himalayas this uprooting of the crust has caused many peaks to explode into mountains of fire the dinosaurs are helpless in the face of natural disasters like these many perish when they are buried in ash and volcanic debris those that survive struggle to hold on to their nests [Music] [Music] [Music] the number of eggs also drops dramatically the Velociraptor is committed to making sure her offspring survive after two months of care and patience she notices a little movement [Music] [Music] despite the difficulties going on around her the Velociraptor is managed to bring a valuable new life into the world in patches forest signs of natural disasters are beginning to show up here as well this peaceful area and its surroundings have been devastated patch and his wife produced only two offspring [Music] these hatchlings like any other newborn dinosaur focus entirely on playing and having fun [Music] but as they grow up they will face more hardship than their predecessors ever imagine for starters they will have to endure a dry season that is becoming more severe as the climate changes [Music] it is the Tsingtao Saurez that first notices the beginning of the dry season the past six months they've been fat from the bounty around them by instinct they follow the scent of the rain which will take them on a northward journey of thousands of kilometres their old home is quickly deteriorating as volcanic activities accelerate the destruction of the forest is becoming more and more difficult to hunt outside the forest but inside the forest there are still plenty of trees seemingly less affected by the volcanic activity they come across a Vera's ena Saurus pache recalls several encounters with this creature in the past and right now he doesn't want to start any trouble by picking a fight while the parents are away on a hunt the youngsters have become completely engrossed in chasing down a dragonfly their play may seem random and pointless but actually it is through this process that they hone their predatory instincts and skills patch and his wife have found their prime as a team patch and his mate will demonstrate a different hunting pattern from what they would do if they were attacking solo the Protoceratops seemed not to have noticed the Predators at all [Music] it is at this moment that patch launches his attack all the speed he can manage the Protoceratops tries to flee but he never imagined he would be galloping into an ambush but back at home patches to hatchlings have drifted away from their nest while chasing that elusive dragonfly and in doing so they have wandered into the territory of the vicious velociraptors full of fear they cry out to their mother Pacha dismayed hear the cries of their young but these same cries expose them to the Rena maze [Music] in one fell swoop the velociraptors snuffs out the life of one of these hatchlings the other is shocked but runs away as fast as he can [Music] but he runs into another predator that is waiting for him the cause of the therizinosaurus pierced the youngsters body no longer hearing the cries of their young patch in his mates split up to search for their children [Music] patches too late his child is already being devoured by the therizinosaurus pache threatens his enemy with a loud roar but the Berezina Soros has swallowed his quarry he seems proud of his violent act and he's ready to fight patch trembles with rage patches inpatient which causes him to lose control he falls to the ground after one blow his ribs and legs which support his seven tonne weight may be broken nevertheless he must use his strength to get up again and face his nemesis this is an inevitable showdown between the two strongest dinosaurs in the forest [Music] [Music] [Music] in the end patch was victorious over the Verrazano soros that killed his baby but his victory comes at a painful cost broken bonds and wounds that run deep into his flash [Music] pache knows how dangerous it is to have such injuries in the forest [Music] [Music] in an act of evolutionary pragmatism his mate leaves him to find a healthier man and the scent of blood from his wounds has begun to attract the velociraptors [Music] he was once king of the forest but now patch must accept the sorrowful fate laid out before him painfully and slowly he drags his shattered body to the lake he sips the water as if he is kissing the same Mother Nature that nurtured him all these years with Nair any energy lamp he collapses onto the ground with just a short-time laughs this proud dinosaur that once commanded the forest bids his final farewell to the land this is how patch mat is M [Music] patche walk the earth 80 million years ago [Music] the night sky he saw for the last time still remains today [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Views: 14,050,346
Rating: 4.5393386 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, Earth, TARBOSAURUS THE MIGHTIEST EVER, life of dinosaurs, park, Earth Planet, online, Planet, dino world, T-rex, EARTH PLANET, family movie, Jurassic, part 2, full movie, channel, dino, tarbosaur, dinosaurs documentary, dinosaur, the mightiest ever, land of dinosaurs, earth planet, ever, ice Age, Spotty, tarbosaurus, TARBOSAURUS II, MIGHTIEST
Id: 2oG_n1zggOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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