Tarbosaurs - The Mightiest Ever | Part 1 | Dinosaurs Movie | Jurassic World | Free Documentary

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in the vastness of space floats a small blue planet on which human beings have resided for about two million years but compared to the planets long history two million years is a mere drop in the bucket right now we shall travel far far into the past to a time when human beings did not yet exist this is the Asian continent as it looked eighty million here is the call the dizzying peaks of the Himalayas had not yet been formed it is a much simpler land with Japan Korea and China forming a single indistinct mass in the southern part of what will become the Korean Peninsula small lakes fan out from one big lake and here we find the dinosaurs [Music] [Applause] thanks to its temperate climate and vast lakes filled with clear blue water Korea was the last paradise of the dinosaurs before they vanished during a period of mass extinctions when dramatic geological changes swept the planet [Music] a light mist swirls over the lake and gradually scatters through the forest as the Sun creeps into the forest the arborio paradise begins to reveal its secrets the lush forest is filled with old-growth conifers ferns and evolutionary recent broadleaf trees out from his hiding place pumps this little guy with a spotted face he's just 2 months old and 70 centimeters in length his name is patch and he's going to lead us around his world of 80 million years ago to tell us the story of dinosaurs in the land that would become Korea here is an offspring of Tarbosaurus one of the most vicious carnivores of the nine essaouira age but patch is still a youngster all this fuss wakes up the Microraptor the sleeping beauty of this preniva forest [Music] there was skilful flier this colorful creature is actually a dinosaur with feathers on her body she can glide long distances with poise and grace the pilot princess is adamant about protecting her territory someone has invaded her territory and she flaps her wings to frighten him off [Music] a couple of growling Protoceratops ventures out into the open to quench their thirst [Music] this is a risky moment for them leaving the safety of their territory for the Shore of the stream sudden movement in the water startles Thurmond but it's just a tiny I'm phibian they let their guard down forgetting the danger lies all around them they have forgotten that this is a cruel forest they cannot afford even a moment of relief the jaw muscles of this ferocious creature give its strength equal to seven tons of pressure the dreadful tarbosaurus is the undisputed ruler of this domain the mightiest predator to roam this land [Music] [Music] though he has the blood of Tarbosaurus the young patch shows no signs of it [Music] he's still a mischievous and playful youngster but this is not his lucky day [Music] [Music] pache finds himself facing down a velociraptor an agile predator two meters tall with sharp sickle shaped claws [Music] once she catches you there's little hope of escape her eggs have been stolen many times before and this time she was ready to pound some of a patch knows he can't run away so he tries to find shelter in the narrow space under his stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] one slice from the velociraptors ten centimeter long claws will mean the end of Patchi short life [Music] [Applause] [Music] but his savior is not far away patches mother is coming to the restaurant as soon as he hears his mother approaching patch makes his escape of the back of the tree stone [Music] [Applause] but patches escape route takes him right into the den of the velociraptors it's only a matter of time before he is caught [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] pache literally runs into his mother a tarbosaurus for the body 13 meters in length the massive dreadful mother Tarbosaurus has no nemesis within this forest but that doesn't mean the velociraptors will give up their prey so easily the noisy and persistent velociraptors are like the hyenas of the forest they try to separate patch from his mother the velociraptors are furious having lost their prey when they were all all so close to catching it eighty million years ago on the Asian continent many kinds of amazing dinosaurs coexisted the herbivore twenty metres in length was named pooyan go soros after the Pug Young University in Busan Korea another residence was therizinosaurus whose name means large sickle lizard the Protoceratops was also found in wide numbers [Music] banaz to the Tarbosaurus the master of the dinosaur kingdom is located in a spot with a commanding view of the lake two months earlier patch and two siblings hatched from eggs their mother had been tending the mother feeds them by regurgitating the meat of Protoceratops she has just killed she can regurgitate up to 40 kilograms of meat at a time not all the siblings are invited to eat this bounty at the same time there is a strict hierarchy that must be followed the smallest can't even come close he is prevented from even approaching by his two older brothers if the youngest can't overcome this harsh treatment he will slowly die of starvation [Music] [Music] all day long the young dinosaurs entertain themselves with play-fighting it's true this kind of practice that they will acquire the hunting skills that they need for their own survival [Music] whose great maternal care the mother dinosaur must nurture and teach her youngsters until they are able to hunt on their own and live independently [Music] but not all of them will grow up to be ferocious beasts like their mother except for those who are strong and lucky most will starve to death or end up as prey for other carnivores [Music] the mother has gone out in search of another meal she sponsor therizinosaurus this dinosaur spends most of the day picking up leaves from trees he must consume about 400 kilograms of leaves a day in order to maintain his enormous size he may be a herbivore but he is by no means an easy target [Music] though he spends most of his day peacefully munching on leaves he can turn into a ruthless warrior if his territory is invaded his seven ton weight and his 370 centimeter long claws given the power to take down even a tarbosaurus they each try to intimidate the other with their roars but in the end they choose not to fight these strong bees don't recklessly pick fights unless there is a good reason the air around the lake is refreshing with just the right amount of humidity [Music] the wind carries with it warm air mixed with the balmy smell of leaves it is rejuvenating [Music] one of the creatures enjoying the warm breeze and the lift of the air stream is pterosaur is's flying reptiles called Cana macness [Music] the age of the dinosaurs saw many flying creatures but unlike the Charis horas this one was unique for its web feet it was discovered near the town of youngmee haenam county korea it is from this location that the latest addition to the pantheon of chair asuras gets its name [Music] with all the velociraptors around mealtime will be anything but peaceful [Music] in the end they don't need to worry the earthbound predators start to come the pterosaur has simply flapped their long wings and take flight the dinosaurs ruled the earth for about 165 million years during that reign the pterosaurs were the Emperors of the sky meanwhile at this very moment danger lurks around patch and his two siblings a roving male table asuras is approaching their home [Music] the hungry Tarbosaurus is overcome by instinct and won't hesitate to devour the young through its own species if there are not his own offspring in fact such cannibalism helps him gain an upper hand in the competition for food and most of all it's a chance to eliminate future rivals fortunately for patch in his siblings this would-be attacker is old and sick and his sense of smell has become dull he turns away looking for a warm place in the Sun to sleep away his exhaustion though he has given up the hunt this is a tense moment for patch and his siblings but the tension doesn't last long their young mother hurries back to her nest after hearing the cry for her kids and smelling the predatory outsider a fierce confrontation erupts between these two Titans it quickly becomes clear who the winner would be the tired old hungry dinosaur that wandered here is no match for the young and healthy mother Tarbosaurus it's over for now but this predator will likely return now that he knows where this nests can be found the mother Tarbosaurus has no choice she must find a safe new home for her offspring [Music] pache must now leave his forest hall the place of memories and excitement where he encountered the Sleeping Beauty Microraptor and was chased by the predatory velociraptor this is how he came to find himself in a wild and harsh world [Music] [Music] pache begins to see that this is a new and dangerous world very different from the relatively safe environments for [Music] [Music] as the dry season begins the forest begins to wither as the temperature climbs to 50 degrees Celsius it is a difficult time patch and his siblings have grown to 1.5 meters in length despite their increase in size they haven't eaten anything for the past week during this period of growth starvation is a more serious matter than the oppressive heat the mother musters what she can and heads off for a hunt the home of the Protoceratops is located on the outskirts of the forest they live in groups and eat tree roots or insects found on the ground to scrounge for food the Protoceratops around 2 meters tall is sometimes known as the pig of the dinosaur era even when prey seems easy pickings a predator on the prowl must focus its attention on the hunt the mother Tarbosaurus has chosen her target he's the one off by itself trying to take a mud bath and avoid the annoying flies for the mother to be successful she must be extremely cautious at this moment danger is approaching patch and his siblings who are anxiously awaiting the meal their mother will bring it is the return of the vicious Velociraptor always making trouble for patch patch and one of his younger siblings quickly hide behind some bushes but the youngest sibling has caught up with chasing a dragonfly he has no idea what's going on after waiting patiently the mother Tamra Soros makes a move her heavy frame shakes the ground as she rushes towards her prey but the Protoceratops are not an easy target what they lack in size they make up for in speed and agility [Music] exhausted from the heat the 7-ton tarbosaurus can't run for very long owing to her massive size her bones could break or her heart explode back at home an even bigger problem is waiting for her [Music] the youngest one is in trouble and it's too weak to fend for itself in the end it is sacrifice to the velociraptor the dry season has left the land parched and the mother has become too weak to look after her remaining young all they can do now is wait and hope for the best [Music] but even at a desperate moment like this mother nature sometimes sends a sign of hope after six long months the seemingly endless dry season has come to a close the thirsty forest is once again damp and vivacious [Music] Marriot waterfalls rejuvenate every inch of the forest as they steadily flow downward wind carries the fragrance of the forests to faraway places [Music] even in this desert land the profound vitality of nature brings new wonders to bear [Music] these creatures have traveled over a thousand kilometers across bleak terrain to the north led by a biological compass in their brains instinct tests led them to this land and that is now softened by the rain Tsingtao Sora's herbivorous dinosaurs that travel in herds like today's wildebeests are ten meters in length and weigh over four tonnes [Music] moving in large numbers in search of substantial quantities of food can make them easy targets for predators the Molotov asaurus knows from decades of experience that this is the best area for hunting unfortunately her youngsters have gone with little or no food for so long they are having difficulty keeping up with their mother even before they arrive their competitors are already on the move by today's hyenas the velociraptors are quite good at group hunting the Tarbosaurus family must hurry if they don't want to lose out in this competition for food but there's something wrong with patches sibling who is falling behind finally he collapses from thirst hunger and exhaustion just a few miles from food after 10 days of starvation in the bitter heat this young dinosaur has collapsed patch turns around to go check on his brother but his mother cold-heartedly urges him to keep on moving [Music] being king of the dinosaurs means cruel decisions like this the brother left behind will die along from thirst and starvation if not killed by other predators on such long journeys at least one will fall behind they become easy targets where the Predators found all around them these velociraptors have been waiting for just the right moment these highly organized and skillful hunters brandishing deadly sharp claws directed by their leader like a military operation velociraptors shock troops rushed toward the target these patient careful planners definitely know where to go from their attack positions and they never rush to judgment [Music] [Music] after figuring out their condition of the target the frontline velociraptors block any escape route this causes their prey to slow down after this a few other velociraptors surround it and cut off any chance of retreat they're helpless target is now trapped he may be bigger but it will be difficult to escape this sea [Music] the Tsingtao surahs turns back to avoid confrontation with the vicious phallus of Raptors but this was part of their plan that bravest have set up an ambush and are waiting their chance to pounce [Music] now that they smell blood the vicious velociraptors become even more tenacious and excited the velociraptors know how hard it is to take down such a colossal creature but if they keep taking shots their persistence will pay off and it will collapse on its own that's our beyond [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the end their leader is the one who gives the final blow but the Cintas RS is thousand kilometres search for preys all for naught with this new turn of events their victory proves short-lived the mother Torosaurus rushes towards the quarry as if it had belonged to her all along [Music] he has already lost her second child is starvation and she's not afraid of anything watching from a distance patches experienced in the wild shows him one thing the law of nature is clear that only the strongest will survive [Music] the Sun the sky the clouds the wind the trees Mother Nature gave birth to life and nurtured it here in the station [Music] [Applause] [Music] dinosaurs lived in this place for 165 million years they never truly ruled nature but merely lived as one part of it [Music] five years of past and patches body as grande of five meters in length is in the prime of his life a fact easy to see by his fast growth rate two point five kilograms a day his curiosity as a youngster has been replaced by his instinct as a predatory hunter back to the heina macness patch is still a novice hunter a green one who must prove himself in the days to come before he becomes an adult but there are plenty of opportunities [Music] the Protoceratops attention is focused on digging around the ground for food in his mother's stead patch dares to take on the challenge of the hunk today these creatures are small but they're not easy to take down patch will likely fail unless he finds their weak point and quickly overpowers one [Music] this is his first successful hunt [Applause] [Music] Patchen his mother have been roaring like this for more than an hour batches mother is beginning to realize that it is time for her son to leave and make his own way [Music] [Music] he keeps clinging to his mother but his mother is adamant and clear about what he must do [Music] [Applause] [Music] as his mother once did patch must submit to the law of survival that rules this cruel premie ville forest it is an inevitable destiny for the future king of the dinosaurs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 11,897,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tarbosaurus, dino, dinosaur movie, Jurassic, EARTH PLANET, dinosaur, park, dino world, Spotty, dinosaurs, Planet, for free, tarbosaur, ever, Earth, documentary, T-rex, earth planet, TARBOSAURUS THE MIGHTIEST EVER, TREX, part 1, ice Age, the mightiest, family movie, land of dinosaurs, adventures, full movie, million years ago, TARBOSAURUS I
Id: 9ro-Qyatyhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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